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Inace,preko svega mogu da predjem - i zabrane Evroprajda i dogovora sa Kosovom..ali da Milica Milsa dobije glumacku nagradu u Nisu - e,to je istinska blasfemija :cigar:

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40 minutes ago, Drug Crni said:

Inace,preko svega mogu da predjem - i zabrane Evroprajda i dogovora sa Kosovom..ali da Milica Milsa dobije glumacku nagradu u Nisu - e,to je istinska blasfemija :cigar:


Posted (edited)
On 9/8/2022 at 7:06 AM, Drug Crni said:

Da li je ovo najpoznatiji upad u kadar?



Sad naidjem na ovo i setim se tvog posta




Svarci im je uplovio u sliku sve na bajsu 😄 









Edited by Baby
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Posted (edited)

Meni je bio OK, ali možda i zato što me vampiri neviđeno smaraju i ne volim te filmove. Hoću reći, bio mi je OK za taj tip filma, izdržala sam do kraja a i moji omiljeni glumci :classic_smile:

Edited by alcesta
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Meni je film do neke polovine vrlo dobar.
Drakulin origin story,sama konstrukcija price..scenografija,kostimi,maska..sve na nivou..ali nakon njegovog dolaska u London,kvalitet pada do samog kraja..tako ga se nekako secam. Nisam ga bas dugo gledao. Gary Oldman mi je bio jeziv kao ostareli vampir..

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Od 1972. godine, Alan Rikman je sa sobom nosio "džepni dnevnik" u kom je zapisivao trenutke, misli i događaje. Počevši od 1992. godine vodio je još obimniji dnevnik, što je nakon njegove smrti pretvoreno u memoare koji su objavljeni u vidu knjige. Na sajtu Guardian-a možete pročitati odlomak, evo linka: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/sep/24/alan-rickmans-secret-showbiz-diaries-harry-potter 


Izdvojeno se mahom odnosi na njegove zapise o desetogodišnjem tumačenju lika Severusa Snejpa u serijalu Hari Poter. Ja ću hajlajtovati neke delove koji su meni lično bili interesantni:



2 May 2003
8.40am pick-up Corridor with Dan Radcliffe. He’s so concentrated now. Serious and focused – but with a sense of fun. I still don’t think he’s really an actor but he will undoubtedly direct/produce. And he has such quiet, dignified support from his parents. Nothing is pushed.



30 July 2003
7am pick-up Snape/Lupin Classroom.

The day got off to a fabulous start with the screen guillotining on to my head, a sudden, swift blackout followed by day-long melancholy. Alfonso [Cuarón, director] was quietly ballistic with me. I love him too much to let it last too long so I wailed offset and we sorted it out. He’s under the usual HP pressure and even he starts rehearsing cameras before actors, and these kids need directing. They don’t know their lines and Emma [Watson]’s diction is this side of Albania at times. Plus my so-called rehearsal is with a stand-in who is French.



23 May 2004
4pm Harry Potter 3. World Premiere.

Arriving at Radio City was like being a Beatle. Thousands of fans screamed as we got out of cars. Mostly for Daniel Radcliffe but a rush for everyone. Not to mention walking out on to the stage to 6,000.

Alfonso has done an extraordinary job. It is a very grown-up movie, so full of daring that it made me smile and smile. Every frame of it is the work of an artist and storyteller. Stunning effects that are somehow part of the life of the film, not show-off stunts. Later back to the hotel w. Ariel Dorfman, who takes egomania to utterly charming heights. He just loves being him.


Divno je znati da je Alan voleo Kuaronov artistični pristup 3. delu jednako kao i publika. 🖤 Do danas smatram da je to najbolje urađen HP film, odgledala sam ga možda i 10 puta...



13 December 2004
7am pick-up Last scene with Pedja who I rudely described as [like] working with a sideboard on wheels. Nothing to do with him as a (complex, delightful) person but more to do with the way he manages to bang into you at any opportunity.


I feel so shafted on this film with all Mike’s [director Mike Newell] best motives. He’s under pressure (like Alfonso) and everything is about the shot. We only talk about the scene on about take four. Plus ça change.


Inače, ko nije znao, ovde referira na našeg glumca - Predrag Bjelac - koji u 4. delu HP igra Igora Karkarofa. Relativno skoro sam skapirala da ga on igra a film sam gledala nekoliko puta 😄 



12 April 2006
6.45am pick-up


I realise as soon as that [Snape’s] ring and costume go on – something happens. It becomes alien to be chatty, smiley, open. The character narrows me down, tightens me up. Not good qualities on a film set. I have never been less communicative with a crew. Fortunately, Dan [Radcliffe] fills that role with ease and charm. And youth.



27 July 2007
… I have finished reading the last Harry Potter book. Snape dies heroically, Potter describes him to his children as one of the bravest men he ever knew and calls his son Albus Severus. This was a genuine rite of passage. One small piece of information from Jo Rowling seven years ago – Snape loved Lily – gave me a cliff edge to hang on to.



9 July 2009
Party at the Natural History Museum. The desire to eat and even more get a drink is matched only by the need to bang the three Davids’ heads [Harry Potter producers David Heyman and David Barron, and director David Yates] against the nearest wall. I get the character development and the spiffing effects (dazzling), but where is the story????


Ahhh, i mi mrzimo 6. deo (filma) 😂



25 November 2009
HP [7].
6.15am pick-up To the Flight Shed …

Cold, wet, draughty but the crew seem miles away so Ralph and I can just get on with inching our way towards the scene. David Y stubborn as ever about V[oldemort] killing me with a spell. (Impossible to comprehend, not least the resultant wrath of the readers.) Great working with Ralph, though. Direct and true and inventive and free.

Back home and Rima (narrative brainbox) says, “He can’t kill you with a spell – the only one that would do that is Avada Kedavra and it kills instantly – you wouldn’t be able to finish the scene.”



26 November 2009
6.15am pick-up
The Death of Snape. Nearly 10 years later. At least it’s just down to two actors … David is vulnerable and endearing when he’s excited. And he is by this scene. It’s the absolute example of what can happen when a couple of actors pick up a scene off the page and work with the story, the space and each other. Stuart Craig’s boathouse [set] gave it something ironic and everlasting. As I said at one point to David – it’s all a bit epic and Japanese.



14 January 2010
6.30am pick-up After a night of not sleeping at all. Scene 305. Or – The Last Breath of Severus Snape.

Here I am with Dan, Emma and Rupert 10 (?) years on (Emma is here on a break from Brown University), blood all over my throat from an imagined Nagini [Voldemort’s pet snake], the three of them still with furrowed brows and panting a bit. Finding it hard to remember any particular scenes over the years mainly because all the decisions are taken in committee rooms and not on the floor. We listen as DY [director David Yates] tells us what we are thinking and why (and in some cases recounts the story … ) and a small piece of something creative caves in.



29 March 2010
6.15am pick-up
All a bit hard to believe. I think even Daniel was shocked by the finality. Cameras were everywhere, it seemed (docu ones). [I am asked] “So how does it feel?” Before you’ve felt it, before the feeling has a name. “It’s private,” I managed, “and I’m not sharing it with that” pointing at his lens.

Something is in those cans and it is finished. Thanks, Jo.



7 July 2011
To Trafalgar Square – which takes an hour. Once there, red carpets everywhere. A screen, a platform, an interviewer and thousands screaming and singing, “Snape, Snape, Severus Snape … ” The carpet snakes into Leicester Square for the film at 8pm.

I found it unsettling to watch – it has to change horses midstream to tell the Snape story and the camera loses concentration. Audience, however, very happy.


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Auh..ovo je bas heavy..gledao sam bukvalno pre mozda 3-4 godine jedan skec sa njima dvojicom..bili su gosti nekog vecernjeg show programa..izgledao je,da kazem,normalno..bas mu je bolest uznapredovala.


Jos malo o Michael J Foxu.
Neverovatan covek,hrabar i uporan. Boluje od "Parkinsa" vec 30.godina,osnovao je fondaciju koja je prikupila blizu milijardu dolara za sada. Jednom prilikom se pred US Senatom pojavio bez da je koristio neophodnu terapiju da bi senatori mogli da se uvere kako to izgleda. Pravi borac.

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On 10/10/2022 at 1:00 PM, Drug Crni said:

Auh..ovo je bas heavy..gledao sam bukvalno pre mozda 3-4 godine jedan skec sa njima dvojicom..bili su gosti nekog vecernjeg show programa..izgledao je,da kazem,normalno..bas mu je bolest uznapredovala.


U oktobru 2015., na dan kad su u filmu stigli u budućnost, šou Džimi Kimela.



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jeste tesko videti ga ovakvog, svi koji smo odrasli uz btf ga dozivljamo maltene kao nekog rodjaka




60 doors were harmed in the making of The Shining


Before he was an actor, it’s well-known that Jack Nicholson was actually a firefighter, meaning he was more than used to breaking down doors. In fact, he was a little too good at breaking through those doors with an axe, meaning that in that iconic scene where he gets to Duvall, Kubrick ended up replacing the fake door with a real one so it wouldn’t break as easily.


In a Tweet by the official Stanley Kubrick Twitter account, it’s revealed that no less than 60 doors were destroyed creating the “Here’s Johnny” scene. Even then, getting that perfect “Here’s Johnny” shot took some time, with the scene taking three days to film, during which Nicholson broke down a total of sixty doors.


  • Ha-ha 1

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