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Posted (edited)

Pa jbt, jel' PEsp gluv na desno uvo?! 

2x greši u 2 krivine, nije mogao Zarco ništa da učini..  (popio kaznu u međuvremenu :ajme:


KTM  :Hail:

Edited by Lesa

Kakva trka! Kao da sam upao u neki paraleni univerzum: Repsol Honda najgori motickl, KTM  najbolji, svi vozaci sa reputacijom i stazom (Dovi, Vinjales, J. Miller) bore se za mrvice, tj poslednje poene, na celu Zarko na proslogodisnjem Dukatiju, ruki Binder i do juce najsporija Jamaha Morbideli...bilo je uzbidljivo ali meni ovako nagla smena snaga nimalo nije prijala. Ovo je bilo kaao da umesto NBA lige gledam mec razvojne NBDL lige 😞

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Honda i jeste poslednjih nekoliko sezona najgori motocikl,to sto je Markez za ostale uvek bio klasu iznad je neka druga stvar.

MGP sampionatu mogu da pozavide mnoga druga sportska takmicenja po neizvesnosti, pogotovu nakon promene pravila 2016 godine,ali valjda je u tome i car sporta,meni je na primer sjajno da gledam najmladju fabriku u sampionatu kako pobedjuje i satelitske ekipe na podijumu.

Veliki korak unapred u odnosu na recimo 2012tu godinu kada se sve svodilo maltene na Lorenca i Stonera.

Verujem da bi ova sezona u regularnim okolnostima sa dvadeset trka u kalendaru iznedrila i vise do devet razlicitih pobednika koliko smo imali 2017te.


Posted (edited)

Petrucci je popizdeo! AEsp dobio mae-geri,

a svi ostali srednji prst.. 🤪  (Q1) 


Ali stvarno, kako mu je kreten uleteo.. :ajme:

Edited by Lesa

Nakon 8 sezona na kraju godine se rastaju Dovi i Dukati. Nisu hteli da plate Dovija koliko je trazio tako da mu sad ostaje ili Aprilija ili pauza.

Sto se Dukatija tice prvi pik je Lorenco.


Kvalifikacije opste ludilo, razlike su premale te je tumbanje poretka redovno iz trke u trku, ali Vinjales na polu jeste bas poprilicno iznenadjenje, no sutra verovatno nece biti ni blizu podijumu, bar se nadam tome.


Proslonedeljni pobednik Binder ubedljivo najsporiji KTM celog vikenda i pri samom dnu, jos jedan lep prizor.

Posted (edited)

Kakav udes! Crvena zastava. Morbidelli i Zarco ucestvovali. Morbi iznet na nosilima, al se nadam da nije nista kriticno.


Oba motora proletela pored Rossija. I dalje je u soku. Nisam siguran dal ce nastaviti trku.

Edited by Xpert

Kakva trka, kakva staza, kakav udes?! 

Stvarno mi nije dobro..  😨


Prelep Red Bull ring, za trku dušu dalo.. ja da se pitam, terao bih ođe stalno trke, a Yamahe i Honde nek' se češu..  :whistling:


Bravo Dovi, bravo Suzuki, žao mi je Pol-a jer je imao dobar ritam pre novog rođendana fabričkih Yamaha!  


Neka padne i neka kiša sl weekend, pa da bude opšta ludnica & Miller ponovo na podijumu npr.. :classic_ninja:


22 hours ago, Duh sa sekirom said:



Imam strasne antipatije prema doticnom, a sad digao se takav hajp nakon pobede u Brnu kao da je pobedio u normalnoj trci, a ne na stazi sa velikim nedostatkom prijanjanja i bez Markeza.


Danas iako nije imao brzinu odvezao je bas Binderovski, kontrolisano, i na kraju ugrabio vrlo dobro  cetvrto mesto, da mi dodatno skace po zivcima.

8 hours ago, Duh sa sekirom said:

To sam shvatio, ali ne razumem zašto. Nešto određeno i konkretno ili se jednostavno tako formiralo mišljenje i utisak?


Premekan vozac za moj ukus, isto kao Pedrosa. Plus decko nema tu kvalifikacionu brzinu koju sam ja uvek cenio, volim te ludake koji mogu da u jednom krugu izvuku mnogo vise od svog uobicajenog ritma, a on nije taj. I dalje sam ubedjen da nikad nece biti sampion kraljevske klase, cak ni ozbiljan konkurent za titulu. Dakle nista konkretno.


Proslo dva dana, a ja jos uvek u soku.


Imao sam neke "bog te ne heb'o, kako sam preziveo" situacije. Visegodisnji forumasi se mozda secaju mog pisanja,  kako sam sa zenom vozio po recnom ledu na Aljasci kad smo umalo propali.

Nama je trebao citav dan i noc da nam uopste puls opadne na normalu i da jedva popricamo o iskustvu.


A Rossi i Vinales za par desetaka minuta nastave da voze, i to na takmicarskom/konkurentnom nivou. Jbt, ja se usr'o samo sto sam gledao na ekranu, a ovi doziveli i nastave.


To su stvarno nadljudi i heroji, ja im zavidim na kontroli emocija  i racionalnosti jer za tako nesto nisam sposoban.

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Posted (edited)

Ima nešto u ovoj prvoj krivini Red Bull Ringa. I danas je ono Vinjalesovo spasavanje skokom sa pokvarene Yamahe na preko 200km/h i njeno zakucavanje u zid sa požarom prodrmalo nerve.

Liči malo na Oruž, uzbrdo pa nadesno, brzo, ali mora da se koči. Kvartararo je tu danas više puta napravio kontrolisani prošireni izlaz. Očigledno je komplikovana i za vozače i mašine.

Edited by autsajder
  • 1 month later...

Moja dva omiljena autora su Peter Egan i Kevin Cameron. Svaki test ili reportaza koju napise Egan izgledaju kao vrhunska proza, nesto sto bi pisao nobelovac Gabriel Garcia Marquez da se bavio motociklima.

Cameron je pak vrhunski analiticar i inzenjer koji ume da pojednostavi i predstavi masi citalaca tehnicke detalje. A poceo je kao mehanicar i tuner, "nabrijavajuci" dvotaktne motocikle pocetkom '70-ih.


Evo njegove odlicne analize, sta se desilo u poslednjoj treci:


Fabio Quartararo Wins GP Monster Energy Of Catalunya

Cool track temps in Spain shakes up the MotoGP championship again.

Surprise rather than routine has been the rule this season. At freshly repaved Misano, last week and the week before, grip had been very high—ideal for Ducati—yet Maverick Viñales had won in masterful style on Yamaha. At Barcelona there was no grip and race day temperature was unseasonably cool. Franco Morbidelli had set pole, and after a first lap chain reaction crash, Johann Zarco and Andrea Dovizioso were out—and Dovi’s championship point lead destroyed. It was Fabio Quartararo, winner of the first two races at Jerez (and discouragingly little since), who took the race lead from fast-starting Morbidelli on lap 9. Tremendous emotion was generated as Valentino Rossi, too, came past Morbidelli to be second—and in striking distance of the lead and a 200th podium in his lifetime total of 350 MotoGP starts.


All the riders agreed that grip was very low and that the workhorse medium rear tire would be difficult to get to working temperature and keep there. At the same time, everyone also recognized through practice that tire drop would be a major issue. Low grip sometimes has this effect—by making wheelspin and rubber fatigue so hard to avoid. Not only that, the ideal strategy of getting away first and then breaking clear was made risky by the tires seemingly “remembering all insults.”

Jack Miller put it this way: “A problem with the Michelins is that if you push too hard in the first four or five laps and overheat them, you make their durability much worse, especially on the rear. And in Barcelona it’s easy to do that because there are fast accelerations when the bike is bending.”


“The grip level is very low. So you have to ride the bike in a different way compared to Misano, and manage the sliding and spinning rear as much as possible—which is difficult,” Rossi said.


Francesco Bagnaia said, “I have little confidence… With 10 precent throttle the bike is already sliding. It seems at this moment that the tires are not warming up.”


Former 500 rider Randy Mamola described Barcelona as “much faster and flowing” as compared with Misano. Its numerous straights look as though they would offer advantage to the fast-accelerating Ducatis, but the low grip nixed that. Qualifying was a front row lockout for Yamahas, being 1-2-3: Morbi, Quartararo, Rossi. This, with knowledge of Yamaha’s low position on the engine performance scale (Viñales was most direct on this point), shows that it was the Yamahas' ability to remain stable while turning that was their advantage. Yamaha team manager Lin Jarvis was forthright: “Has this problem (early season engine failures) affected our performance? Yes. This problem comes from a batch of valves.”


How can valve condition be affected by unusually high temperature, as appeared to happen at Jerez? The valves are either titanium or the intermetallic titanium aluminide, and must have their sealing surfaces and stems coated with a wear-resistant material. Should anything damage the sealing surface of an exhaust valve (such as a poorly adhering coating), leakage could result, with a steep and possibly damaging rise in valve head temperature. Too many disagreeable possibilities!


Viñales, having to deal with whatever programmed limits on the engine the above has made necessary, said, “Like always, in fourth, fifth gear we have no power so I lost a lot of places on the start. Not in the initial part, but in the second part of the start (once the field came to speed).”

Michelin, in the person of Piero Taramasso, rejected the theory that the tires brought to Barcelona for this 24-lap September event were too hard to warm up properly because they were chosen for a race normally held in warmer weather.

"The truth is that on the rear we went one step softer for the soft, medium, and hard, so the allocation is softer for this time of the year.


“We did the right thing to make it one step softer…and the lap times show this; we were faster in FP1 and FP2 than last year.”

This leaves us with the cooler “long sleeves” weather itself—air temperature 63 degrees Fahrenheit, track temperature 68 on race day—as the major factor in the medium rear’s slow warm-up, putting the top 10 finishers on soft/soft.


If at any time you find yourself losing interest in a sea of techy talk about tire choice, track condition, and rider style, take heart. Although we may want the riders to be heroes who win by just being that good, they actually rise or fall with how well they perceive and respond to these variables. Why, for example, did Rossi lose the front at turn 2 on lap 16? This is a right-hand course, making the left sides of the tires the cool sides. Turn 2 is a left. In his words:

“I was pushing because I wanted to stay close to Fabio (Quartararo) but today the temperature was very low and turn 2 is always dangerous because on the left you have less temperature on the front tire.”


Our heroes process all these things constantly. MotoGP is a high-speed intelligence test, not a lottery for compulsive gamblers.

Who is more disappointed? Rossi, for missing a clear chance to win at age 41? Or Dovizioso, for fate’s having wiped his name off the top of championship points?


Dovi continues to try to change his long-established riding style to work with the higher grip of the new, softer-carcass Michelin rears. In the past, he used the ability of Ducati power to slide the rear Michelin to begin turning as the bike rolled into the turn. Because the new tire has too much grip for this to work, he must find another way. Bagnaia’s successful way has been to brake hard, but not down to the lower apex speed of Dovi’s point-and-shoot style. Instead, Bagnaia enters the turn faster, on a bigger and more circular line, requiring less acceleration to recover speed on exit. In effect, Dovi must retrain himself as completely as a bicyclist facing the task of learning to ride a bike whose steering works backward. All his carefully honed reflexes from his years at Ducati are now working against him. They must be unlearned and replaced.


The winner, Quartararo, suffered sudden tire degradation just as the two Suzukis closed in, saying, "I dropped from (one-minute-41) to 42, and then to 43 in the last three laps.

“Two more laps and I would have been doing the lap time of the Moto3 guys. Lap 25 I think these guys (Joan Mir and Álex Rins, on Suzuki) would have overtaken me.”


At lap 16 the two Suzuki men had found themselves able to lap quickly enough to challenge the leader’s advantage. It seems the Suzukis go out of balance when new tires are put on, compromising the early laps for riders Mir and Rins.

Mir said, “Our bike suffers when we put on new tires. Normally with tires that aren’t worn the bike’s problems are masked. In our case it’s the opposite.”

Rins and Mir qualified 8th and 13th, respectively—a real handicap which these riders have learned to offset in later laps when their half-used tires bring their bikes to their best lap times. This is what enabled them to catch up to and challenge Quartararo in the last third of the race, breaking into the “Yamaha zone” and demoting Morbidelli to fourth.


Why would a bike suffer a loss of performance on new tires? One obvious way would be that when the grippy rear tire is new, it overpowers or simply lifts the front, limiting full use of acceleration. Years ago, in 2002, Yamaha had a similar condition—the use of a qualifying tire gave the team no advantage. The Yamaha men acted as if this were a great mystery, but to the Michelin techs this was a ho-hum matter—the bike clearly needed some weight shifted to the front. This leads me to suspect that disagreement and conflict between the trackside crew, facing the raw data, and the manufacturer’s certainty of what ought to work may be more general than we think. In the past there have been many cases of factories that tried to win races by “remote control.”


Be that as it may, when the Suzuki men become able to deploy the full ability of their well-balanced bike in qualifying and in the opening laps of races, they are going to achieve great things—and the others know it.


It’s tempting to decide at this point that Yamaha and Quartararo have it knocked. Not likely! Tracks to come won’t favor them as Barcelona has, and the horsepower of the Ducatis and KTMs will again become usable. There were the Ducatis of Miller and Bagnaia in fifth and sixth, awaiting their opportunities.


Onward to twisty Le Mans, as the weather grows steadily colder. There are surprises aplenty yet to come.


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Koliko Dovija nece u Barseloni to je nestvarno, ovo je treca godina zaredom na ovoj stazi (i ubedljivo najskuplja jer ga je prakticno kostala titule) da ga izbacuje iz trke greska drugog vozaca (prosle godine Lorenco, pre dve Pedrosa).

  • 2 weeks later...

Ma teška luzercina i sisica Dovi, navijam za njega ali kadgod dobije neku veliku šansu onda ga nema nigde, vozi celu trku na nekoj sedmoj, osmoj poziciji, iki kao danas izredjaju se svi na njemu u jednom krugu i umesto da se bori za pobedu bori se za peto mesto

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Zaista sramno izdanje Dovija. Danas mu se apsolutno sve namestilo (ja sam se istinski jedino plasio MIlera i kad je on odustao imao je otvoren put), ali ne, on nije uspeo ni do podijuma. Ispravna odluka Dukatija sto mu nisu ponudii produzenje ugovora, vreme je za penziju!


Vrhunsko izdanje mladjeg Markeza, zaista onakav tempo tokom cele trke, gomila obilazenja i sve krunisano podijumom, valjda sad malo utisa kriticare.

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Ne pratim cesto MotoGP (i nize kategorije), uglavnom mi je izvor informacija @Romantik ali juce sam gledao (zakasnio na start).


Ovako bezmudasku voznju nekog pretedenta za titulu nisam nikada video... Razumem ja da je njima "glava u torbi", ja nikada ne bih vozio trke motora (dok sam 4 tocka imao prilike da vozim takmicarski), ali bas zato sto si birao taj put, to takmicenje, moras da vozis na pobedu u ovoj situaciji. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

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