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Rat u Ukrajini

Doc Holiday
Message added by Lobotomija,

Ovim disclaimerom označavamo temu o Ukrajini kao "ozbiljnu". Sve što se od forumaša traži je da joj tako pristupaju. Zabranjeno je:


- Kačenje lažnih informacija.

- Relativizacije.

- Negiranje ukrajinske nacije.

- Izvrtanje činjenica.

- Floodovanje linkovima i tvitovima.

- Zabranjeno je kačenje uznemirujućih fotografija i videa.


Moderacija će zauzeti neutralni stav, što znači da su sva pisanja dozvoljena ako su u skladu sa tačkama iznad. Stavovi moderatora koji učestvuju u diskusijama se smatraju kao "lični" i nemaju veze sa obavljanjem moderatorskog posla. Potrudite se da vesti budu istinite i iz relevantnih izvora. Ako se desi da nešto imate neprovereno, samo naglasite to u postu. Zadržaćemo mogućnost nekih izmena ako bude bilo neophodno.


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Nova verzija bljatmobila :



Nečiji krov od trapezastog lima je ukraden 🙂


Časiv Jar u kom još uvek borbe nisu počele :




Već sada je prilično uništen, verovatno ga Rusi već mesecima sistematski uništavaju.


Nestašica ratne tehnike kod Rusa :




Već neko vreme rusi koriste kamione sa anti dron mrežama na samom frontu što do sada nismo nikad videli. Ovaj je uništen u Rabotinu. Praktično nikakva zaštita ovde ne postoji, čak i ako dron eksplodira u žici geleri će se probiti u unutrašnost kamiona.

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50 minutes ago, Constantin said:

Niko više da ne proziva Kronosa da je "neutralac"...maskirovka


Šta je sledeće, novi ruski VRB ili oklopno vozilo fancy? :classic_ohmy:


6 hours ago, 033zero330 said:

Imamo i moto brigadu.


Ta braća sa slike su mali pas na onom meme-u, a ovi šefovi su veliki:



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44 minutes ago, Darko said:



Po BBC-u, 50,000 ruskih vojnika je izgubilo život u ratu do sada. Ne uključuje brojke DNR paravojnih jedinica. 

Zanimljiv grafikon, najmanje poginulih u obe godine je tokom avgusta meseca. Period najvecih borbi oko Bahmuta je vreme najvecih gubitaka. Zanimljivo da broj poginulih aktivnih vojnika konstantno pada od prvog dana invazije, a raste broj ovih 'unknown' vojnika.


U medjuvremenu, Zelenski opet apeluje za pvo pomoc




A lack of air defenses meant Ukraine was powerless to prevent a Russian airstrike last week that destroyed the biggest power plant in Kyiv region, President Volodomyr Zelensky said.


Russia fired 11 missiles towards the Trypilska power plant, Zelensky said. Ukrainian air defenses downed the first seven missiles, but the next four completely destroyed the plant.

“Why? Because we had zero missiles. We ran out of all missiles,” Zelensky told PBS NewsHour in an interview that aired Monday.

Zelensky has repeatedly warned allies that Ukraine’s air defenses are running perilously thin, as Russia has recently renewed its assault on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.


Zelenksy said Iran’s thwarted attack on Israel demonstrated that Western countries were able to protect the skies of their allies. Iran fired more than 300 projectiles at Israel in an unprecedented attack over the weekend, but the attack was stymied with the help of US, UK, French and Jordanian air defenses.

“Israel, by itself, wouldn’t be able to protect against such a numerous, powerful strike. And here, definitely, they used air defense and aviation, many things that, frankly speaking, Ukraine is lacking,” he said.

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Događaj u bazi džankoj je toliki, da su putalji odmah raketirali kuće, administrativne zgrade i bolnicu u černihivu. Desetak ljudi poginulo, ruševine tek treba da se vide, nadajmo se da neće biti double tap.


Slike iz džankoja, municija je sasvim sigurno, sve je gorelo kao blesavo.




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Predlog zakona o pomoći Ukrajini, nadajmo se da će proći. Glasanje u subotu.




Neke ključne stvari iz zakona :


The bill obliges the US president to hand over long-range ATACMS (type unspecified) to Ukraine as soon as possible after it enters into force. The president is able to postpone the handover if the transfer of ATACMS, in his opinion, will harm the national security interests of the US.


In total $61 billion will be allocated, of which $23.2 billion dollars will be used to replenish defense goods and services provided to Ukraine.

$11.3 billion for current US military operations in the region

$13.8 billion dollars for the purchase of the latest weapons systems, goods and services for defense purposes

$26 million for continued oversight and accountability for assistance and equipment provided to Ukraine

$7.8 billion dollars of direct financial assistance in credit to Ukraine. After November 15, 2024, the president will be able to write off up to half of the debt amount after submitting the appropriate rationale to Congress

The bill requires The Pentagon / State Department to provide a clear US strategy for Ukraine within 45 days.


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Izgleda da je nekima doslo iz dupeta u glavu i nadam se da ce to biti dovoljno za izglasavanje zakona...Ako to ne sprijeci Tramp, koji kao sto vidimo nije Putinova marioneta - wink, wink, you know what I mean....

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Trump je koliko prosle nedelje izjavio da Johnson, po njemu, radi dobar posao. Da li je to mislio na onog starog Johnsona koji mesecima blokira pomoc Ukrajni, Ili ovog koji bi da salje lethal aid, nisam siguran. Republikanci okupljeni oko Marjorie Taylor Greene i dalje su protivnici slanja bilo kakve pomoci Ukrajni i spremni su da smene Johnsona. Glasanje ce biti izuzetno tesno i neizvesno do samog izjasnjavanja.

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Two alleged spies suspected of planning to sabotage German military aid for Ukraine have been arrested in the southern German state of Bavaria. They cite preparing explosive and arson attacks, especially on military and industrial infrastructure. Dieter S is said to have scouted potential targets including US military facilities, taking photos and videos and handing the information to the Russian contact.

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Srušen Tu-22m3. Pao je nekih 450km od linije fronta tako da nije jasno ko ga je oborio. Ukrajinci tvrde da su ga pogodili modifikovanom S-200 raketom, Rusi tvrde da je pao usled kvara. Ne bih ja otpisao ni da su ga Rusi oborili ali ih je verovatno već sramota da to priznaju pa idu na "kvar". Ovo je vrlo vredan avion, košta oko 200 miliona $ 


Posle par dana od zločina u Černihivu danas je gađan Dnipro, za sada među poginulim i dvoje dece.




Rusi su značajnije napredovali u pravcu Očeretina i Keramika. Ovo je vrlo opasno ako se ne zaustavi. Doduše opasno je i za Ruse jer je taj klin širok tek par kilometara tako da se golim okom vidi svaki pokret Rusa. 

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The Netherlands on Wednesday has handed over another three F-16 fighter jets to a training facility in Romania, where Ukrainian pilots and ground staff are being taught to fly and maintain the planes in battle.

The Netherlands has been one of the driving forces behind an international coalition to supply Ukraine with F-16s to strengthen its air defense against the Russian invasion.

Denmark, the Netherlands and the United States expect to deliver the first of dozens of F-16s to Ukraine within a few months after establishing the pilot training programme and donating aircraft.

The Dutch had already delivered eight of the promised total of 18 F-16s to the training facility since November.

They have also promised to deliver a total of 24 F-16s for use in Ukraine, with the first ones expected to arrive in the second half of the year, adding to earlier deliveries of the aircraft by the Danish armed forces.

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