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izgleda da radi rijaliti sou za amazon prime :lol_2:  (sta ce covek, nije imao novca da iznajmi kucu u NY, kaze previse skupo za njegov dzep :wink2: )


(pretpostavljam na ovo nije montaza)

evo zasto cela frka juce oko USO, Manarina itd...


(:wicked: )

(mislim, nemam pojma, ali posto je u USA predizborna groznica koja ne iskljucuje vrlo prljavu igru, ne bi me uopste iznenadilo da je drzava NY resila da malo trenira strogocu na teniserima zbog sveg ovog)


2 hours ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Pojma ja nisam imao ko joj je izabranik..znao sam samo da se udala i da ima curicu..

evo o muzu:



Alexis Kerry Ohanian (born April 24, 1983),[1] is an American Internet entrepreneur and investor. He is best known as the co-founder and executive chairman of the social news website Reddit along with Steve Huffman. He also co-founded the early-stage venture capital firm Initialized Capital, helped launch the travel search website Hipmunk, and started the social enterprise Breadpig. He was also a partner at Y Combinator. In 2012, Andy Greenberg of Forbes magazine dubbed him "Mayor of the Internet."[2]

majka Nemica, otac jermenskog porekla.



  • Thanks 1

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