wwww Posted December 9, 2020 Author Posted December 9, 2020 https://www.stern.de/lifestyle/rueckzug-boris-becker-will-nicht-ewig-oeffentliche-person-sein-9524528.html Quote He's been in the spotlight for decades. Boris Becker can also imagine a life entirely in private. The three-time Wimbledon winner Boris Becker does not want to be in public all his life. The 53-year-old former tennis star said in an Amazon podcast: "At some point I will get into the situation (...) where I will pull the plug and where the public figure Boris Becker will no longer exist." He wanted to stay human and not get cold, as if he wouldn't care about anything. "I was far too open, far too naive, far too nice because I had nothing to hide," admitted Becker and complained that he had been instrumentalized over the decades. He had only understood that in the past five or six years, Becker explained in the first part of the podcast entitled “Boris Becker - The fifth set”. Due to time constraints, Becker will give up his position as men's tennis boss in the German Tennis Association at the end of the year. His appearance in a London court recently caused a stir. There, the former world number one defended himself against the allegations of the British bankruptcy authorities to have withheld information on bank accounts and real estate. A British court declared Becker insolvent in 2017, and in October he pleaded “not guilty” on all counts. kad ga neko slusa reklo bi se da ga je neko bio po usima da se pojavljuje u javnosti (kometarise itd.).
wwww Posted December 9, 2020 Author Posted December 9, 2020 (edited) evo malo za koleginice: Herr Direktor Spoiler a posto znam da ima obozavateljki evo i ova: Edited December 9, 2020 by wwww 3
double fault Posted December 9, 2020 Posted December 9, 2020 Quote La imagen de @delpotrojuan en la clínica de Porto Alegre donde fue a realizar un tratamiento con células madres en su rodilla derecha. Lo acompañaron dos uruguayos: el ex futbolista @DiegoLugano y el atleta @EmiLasaUY. Sigue haciendo todo lo posible para volver a jugar. #Tenis
double fault Posted December 10, 2020 Posted December 10, 2020 (edited) Quote Alex Zverev outside a different type of court today - London’s High Court - the legal case with his former management group having been settled. https://t.co/9joD3544ur?amp=1 Quote Albert Costa 20 años despues me sigo emocionando recordando ese momento!! Que gran equipo!! Edited December 10, 2020 by vanjabarsa
Boxy Posted December 11, 2020 Posted December 11, 2020 Znaci mi koji navijamo za Feda ili Nadala smo ovce?Veoma lepo, doduse od idiota sa krokodilom u nicku, nista bolje ni ne ocekujem...
Милица Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 (edited) https://www.ubitennis.com/blog/2020/12/11/unazienda-di-nome-roger-anche-senza-tennis-federer-prepara-il-futuro/ Svajcarski izvor https://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/sport/roger-federer-baut-sein-marken-imperium-aus-und-laesst-ein-neues-logo-schuetzen-140189162 Njemu tenis u 2020 bio zadnja rupa na svirali Neko se jos uvek nada da ce ga videti na AO? Svajcarac da izadje iz covid free bunkera i provede 2 nedelje u karantinskom hotelu medju obicnim smrtnicima 😅 Ja ne verujem ni u Rafin, a ni u Novakov odlazak. Ali zato Italijani s nestrpljenjem ocekuju pocetak sezone zbog Sinera, bas su velika ocekivanja, samo da ga ne preopterete sa njima.. https://www.vanityfair.it/sport/altri-sport/2020/12/13/jannik-sinner-il-ritorno-del-campione Edited December 14, 2020 by Milica 1
Boxy Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 Do..ovaj milice, znaci ti mislis da je glavni razlog taj sto Fed nece sa obicnim smrtnicima da se mesa, a ne operacija kolena? A sta ce onda Djokovic i Nadal da smisle?
Милица Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 Okani me se zeno! Ne smes spomenuti Federera, a da se ti ne javis. Nisam pisala na njegovoj fan temi, ni ne ulazim tamo da ti ne zguzvam heklanje Rafa ce smisliti vec nesto kao i za USO, a Novak direktan i bez petljanja kao u Becu, pa kom se svidi kom ne. Ja da sam na njihovom mestu sigurno ga ne bih igrala. Ove godine samo slemovi u Evropi, a dogodine ce valjda biti bolja situacija.
Boxy Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 Do...ovaj Milice, ja sam te fino pitala, ne znam zasto takav ton?
Drug Crni Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 Da malo presecem ove rasprave..kao recimo sto se dobrim burbonom presece tamno pivo..(ne osudjujte ovu kombinaciju) ..evo jedan intervju Naomi Osake za casopis "Vogue" u kojem prica o rasizmu u SAD,tome kako japanska kultura ocekuje da bude stidljiva i cutljiva i prica samo o onome sto je tema vezana za Japan itd. Dugacak je intervju,pa koga ne smara neka baci pogled. Quote https://www.vogue.com/article/naomi-osaka-cover-january-2021 1 1
Boxy Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 Ma to se nesto izgubilo u prevodu, znas kakav je taj svjacarski nemacki cudan
Geronimo Posted December 14, 2020 Posted December 14, 2020 1 hour ago, Crni Bombarder said: ... Crni bombarder, tamno pivo, Naomi Osaka i rasizam 🙂 2
wwww Posted December 14, 2020 Author Posted December 14, 2020 (edited) Edited December 14, 2020 by wwww 3
Drug Crni Posted December 15, 2020 Posted December 15, 2020 Uvek je pozitivno videti osobu koja ne odustaje lako od svojih ciljeva,ali se treba biti i realan. Pisali (pisao sam) smo jos na starom forumu da je DelPova karijera zavrsena i da nepotrebno pravi sebi negu agoniju od pokusaja da se vrati..on treba da oporavi i ozdravi svoje telo da moze normalno da funkcionise do kraja zivota..sa tenisom je gotovo. 1
Милица Posted December 16, 2020 Posted December 16, 2020 (edited) Sto se DelPa tice, nada poslednja umire mislim da nije lako pomiriti se sa tim da je gotovo.. Ja se cudim Nadalu kako je celu karijeru igrao pod bolovima. Kad mu vidim ona stopala koja kao da se smanjuju ili su mu patike dva broja vece, lose mi bude ali ne odustaje.. Bavljenje vrhunskim sportom i zdravo telo ne idu ruku pod ruku.. Strasno mi je bilo i kad je onomad Andrea Petkovic preterala na treningu i slomila prsljen Edited December 16, 2020 by Milica
Borko Posted December 16, 2020 Posted December 16, 2020 Orakl, a sa njim i Leri Elison, odlaze iz liberalne utopije zvana Kalifornija i sele se u Ostin, tj u Teksas. Pitam se da li ce to uticati na Indian Vels.
Drug Crni Posted December 17, 2020 Posted December 17, 2020 Monika Seles dala itervju za Lureus na proslavi 15-godisnjice otkako je postala clanica zirija za dodelu ove prestizne nagrade. Izdvajam par meni najemotivnijih i najzanimljivijih delova O tome koja su tri najvaznija momenta u njenoj karijeri Quote “Now that I've been retired for quite a long time, a moment that will forever stand out is my 1990 French Open win, because that was the first Grand Slam tournament that I won as a 16-year-old. Until that moment, when you enter the pro tour, there are a lot of expectations, but deep inside you're essentially still a teenager and you're just trying to figure out ‘OK, am I really good at this’? “The other defining moment would definitely have to be the 1993 Australian Open, because up to that point, as a teenager, I was going through personal stuff, just figuring out what I wanted to do, being so young what you do is magnified, yet from your sponsors, everybody, you know, there's pressure to always perform, play tournaments, and I think that by January of ‘93 I had found the balance. “That’s why for me it was even more difficult in ‘93, when I got stabbed, and my whole world collapsed. I had worked so hard internally and externally to find the balance, so it really threw me into what I call a vortex, at that moment. “And then coming out of it about two and a half years later, really the victory that I think will probably be the most special would have to be the Australian Open in 1996, because it was my first Grand Slam coming back after my stabbing, and it was the last Grand Slam that my dad really got to watch me in a way, being healthy and not going through treatment.” O Fedu,Rafi i Novaku i tome za koga smatra da ce biti najuspesniji teniser od trojice kada zavrse karijere Quote “It’s absolutely amazing, they’re all going for who's going to be potentially the greatest male tennis player in the history. It’s hard to believe that this moment could ever be replicated, and all these amazing champions, that they have achieved already so much, but they still have that drive and willpower to go out there. “I always thought, between Federer, Djokovic and Nadal, [being the greatest] was anybody's game. I think it’s whoever is going to be able to stay healthier longer. They each three play such different styles of game, the way they approach the game. I think it's just great for young players to see that there's not one way to get to be a champion. “The greatest of them all? I don't think any of us know. I mean, you can't say it's a coin toss up because all of them are working so hard for each Grand Slam title, and just trying to stay injury free. And, obviously what has been going on in the world it has not been easy in terms of training schedules, tournament schedules, preparations and mentally to handle it. “Truly they're all three the greatest, because will it be one or two Grand Slams differentiating them. As a fellow player, to me, it won't make a difference, because I will view all three as the greatest, and Rod Laver and obviously Pete Sampras in there, as the greatest of the game.” Ceo intervju Quote https://www.laureus.com/news/the-day-monica-met-nelson-mandela 3 1
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