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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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1 minute ago, Eddard said:

U Nemačkoj se već čuju stidljivi predlozi tog tipa od strane zdravstvenih osiguranja, da nevakcinisani plate deo ili celo lečenje od covida... nekako sam rascepljen oko tog mišljenja.


Tako je odlucio Singapur. Neotesani neka placaju sami, tako  treba. 

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2 minutes ago, Eddard said:

U Nemačkoj se već čuju stidljivi predlozi tog tipa od strane zdravstvenih osiguranja, da nevakcinisani plate deo ili celo lečenje od covida... nekako sam rascepljen oko tog mišljenja.


Ne znam, nisam pametna....zamisli da ti/neko tvoj, koji ste odradili sve sto se od vas trazilo u pandemiji, morate da dobijete neki tretman/operaciju koja ce vam spasiti zivot, ali ne mozete, jer su ICU kreveti zauzeti nevakcinisanima obolelim od covida, zar se ne bi osecao izneverenim?

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Samo da uočim da pitanje "proboja" vakcine zbog novog soja virusa... mislim, nisam dovoljno načitan da konstruišem jasno razumljivu rečenicu u kojoj bih naveo da ne postoji opasnost od "proboja", jer da bi se "proboj" desio, mora da postoji, ta, nekakva vakcinalna "membrana", zid, nešto, imenica koja bi mogla da pređe u genitiv pa da bude proboj toga nečega.

Pošto to nešto ne postoji, jer nije dovoljno ljudi vakcinisano (osim u par zemalja, a i tamo gde su procenti vakcinacije takvi, da se može reći da je ona masovna, to nije odrađeno odjednom, nego natenane, pitanje je koliko vakcina stara 4-6 meseci više "radi"), onda ovaj novi soj, nu, i svi drugi novi sojevi nemaju ništa ispred sebe da "probijaju", svuda im je zeleno svetlo.


Da imamo vakcinaciju kako treba, a to je jedino masovna vakcinacija, onda se može diskutovati da l' će novi soj da "probije" ili neće.


Čak i da Fajzer i Moderna urade apdejt svojih vakcina, opet, ama baš nikako, u realnosti nećemo moći da utvrdimo da li novi sojevi probijaju vakcinalni "zid", sve dok se ne postigne masovna (čitaj obavezna) vakcina.


Potpuno se slažem da ćemo morati da sačekamo sve dok se bukvalno svi nevakcinisani ne zaraze, a usput će i ostali. Videćemo da li je dovoljno jednom, ili će to morati da bude i više puta.

Posted (edited)

U poslednjih 11 dana umrlo je 2749 ljudi u Nemackoj (ovaj vremenski interval jer sam u prosli ponedeljak "skinula" podatke "manuelno" s dijagrama koje mogu samo da vidim na dashboardu, a ne u nekoj drugoj formi u nekom izvestaju ili medju podacima koje mogu da skinem). Struktura preminulih po godistima (u zagradi je od prilike incidenca po godistima na milion ljudi u populaciji):



15-34g - 5 (0,5) - 3% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada

35-59g - 124 (8,6) - 3,7% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada

60-79g - 526 (61) - 2,7% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada

80+g - 885 (388) - 3% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada



15-34g - 8  - 8,5% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada

35-59g - 66 (4,6) - 4,6% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada

60-79g - 301 (31,5) - 2,9% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada

80+g - 834 (228) - 2,4% od ukupnog broja umrlih do sada


Po pokrajinama:




kazu da je u Sachsenu trenutno 37% svih testova pozitivno i da rezultati kasne i do 4 dana.


0,8% od novih infekcija zavrsi na intenzivnoj (kazu da postoji bas dobra korelacija izmedju ova dva parametra, bolje nego s hospitalizacijom gde cesto ima kasnjenja i administrativnog nekorektnog belezenja ovih podataka)

U nekim pokrajinama je cak 30% svih kreveta na intenzicnoj zauzeto covid pacijentima.

Edited by wwww
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Posted (edited)

Prof Ciesek u Coronapodcastu:



Paxlovid from the Pfizer & Molnupiravir from the pharmaceutical company Merck




Prof Ciesek: Both drugs are antiviral drugs, so to speak. Molnupiravir introduces errors into the genome as the virus replicates. This then leads to errors being built into the newly emerging virus. This means that the virus is no longer able to survive and can no longer multiply. That's roughly how this mechanism works. But it also shows exactly one of the problems, namely that these errors that are built in can not only arise exclusively with SARS-CoV-2, but the keyword is mutagenesis. That means it cannot be completely ruled out that this can also happen to humans.


Q: So could it cause mutations in human DNA?

Prof Ciesek: Exactly. This is one of the main problems. It is taken only five days, which is very short. This is not a problem with the average person, should not be a problem. But under no circumstances should this drug be used during pregnancy or in women of childbearing potential. They must use contraception at the time they are taking this medication and make sure they do not get pregnant for a few days after the treatment, as this can of course be fatal. And even if you are breastfeeding, you should not take this drug or interrupt breastfeeding for use for up to four days after treatment. And what you can see in it is that, as Mr. Mertens once said, they are not smarties, but are really drugs that can have side effects and which can also have undesirable effects in the body. You have to understand that now. As I said, this is probably not a problem for most patients. But, for example, with pregnant women or especially in early pregnancy, this can of course have enormous consequences if the wrong nucleotides are incorporated. So you have to be very careful there.




Q: And how is it with paxlovid?

Prof Ciesek: Paxlovid is, so to speak, a protease inhibitor. So the virus has proteases. This is an enzyme that is needed to bring the actual viral proteins into their final form. And this paxlovid inhibits that enzyme. What is interesting here is that this is not a single drug that is given in this Paxlovid, but rather a combination of this antiviral drug and the protease inhibitor and ritonavir. We know ritonavir from HIV therapy. It prevents enzymes in the liver that break down the protease inhibitor before it can work, this is prevented by the administration. This also shows that the protease inhibitor does not yet have the ideal, pharmacologically speaking, kinetics and does not act strong enough on its own. That's why you need a so-called booster. Ritonavir, which causes it to be broken down more slowly in the body. And this is caused by an enzyme induction in the liver. The problem here is: If you take other medication, for example one would like to give it to the elderly or people with previous illnesses, who often have not just one drug, but five or ten, then there can be very strong interactions. This means that these drugs, if they have a similar breakdown path, also break down much, much more slowly and then the drug levels of, for example, drugs for high blood pressure or for immunosuppression skyrocket. And that can also be dangerous, so you have to look carefully to see which patients you can give it and under which safety conditions.


ovo je podcast od utorka, te stoga i ovakav odgovor:




Q: How effective are these two remedies?

Prof Ciesek: The studies show that molnupiravir reduced the hospitalization rate by 50 percent. And with the paxlovid it was even 89 percent. What you have to distinguish is that you have to take the paxlovid within three days of the onset of symptoms. Molnupiravir, the study is five days. That already shows the problem we have if, as I said at the beginning, if we  wait four days for a PCR result and then have to get the drug, it can be too late. We have to find a way of getting this to the patient more quickly, so that it can then have an effect. That is one of the main problems at the moment, or one of the restrictions on how to actually give this drug and to whom, that you have to be very, very fast.






Q: Can they, if they are given early, also help against further transmission?

Prof. Ciesek: We don't know exactly yet. Studies are in progress. It is currently being investigated whether this can also be used as a so-called post-exposure prophylaxis. That means, for example, I have a positive person in a retirement home and want to protect the others and give them the drug as a prophylactic, so to speak, so that there are no secondary infections. Or, for example, in a household, if there is someone who is very sick and, for example, does not have enough antibodies due to a vaccination. That is possible, that is being investigated.

But it must also be said that this study was carried out on non-vaccinated people. Because of that, we don't even know what the effect is when someone is vaccinated, for example. So at the moment the indication is for non-vaccinated people who have a risk factor for a serious illness - for example, age also plays a role, but also other illnesses that can lead to a severe course.




Edited by wwww
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4 hours ago, Prijatelj Mitar said:


Ja kad vidim @Crni Bombarder slicicu uvek mislim da je to neka macka sa naocarima.


Cekaj, zar to nije macka sa naocarima?????

Uzjebala joj se sminka malkice.. 

3 hours ago, NMX said:

Well now

..ma,nek (ga) doovaju..

..ja sam se danac bocnuo i treci put..tri puta Fajzer pomaze..tri puta je po srpski i tako to..

  • Ha-ha 2
Posted (edited)



I am assuming that we will get approval for molnupiravir this year and that we will probably also have the first doses in Germany in December. But not unlimited. It will not be available for everyone or freely available in pharmacies or even freely available in pharmacies, but I think it will be limited to risk groups. Quite simply because, of course, there is great demand for such drugs worldwide and they should be distributed fairly, as far as possible. And that's why I assume that we will probably get it somehow this year, but only to a very limited extent. With the Paxlovid, it will be a bit delayed. That will probably come in January, I would now estimate, but also reduced.




Q: How likely is it that if a new variant should emerge now that these drugs will no longer work at all?

Prof Ciesek: That is an important difference to the monoclonal antibodies that theoretically both drugs should work against all at least known variants of the coronavirus, including the delta variant. You have to think again, the variants differ mainly through mutations in the spike protein, i.e. in this surface spike protein and other regions that are attacked by the immune system. The points of attack here with molnupiravir and paxlovid are completely different. So that's the protease or the polymerase. Therefore, one does not assume that the variants play a major role here. And even if, for example, an Immunescape variant is created in the future, which is then probably also characterized by mutations in the spike, one does not necessarily have to expect that this will have an influence on these drugs. That is a great benefit of these drugs. Also in comparison to monoclonal antibodies, a single mutation can mean that the antibody no longer works, no longer binds. That is not the case here.





Q: You have just talked about the possible side effects that the drug molnupiravir should not be given to pregnant women for this reason. What about possible other side effects?


Prof Ciesek: As I said, molnupiravir was also found to have toxicity in pregnant animals in animal experiments. That’s why it’s not given there. Otherwise, the side effects published in the studies were rather mild to moderate, i.e. dizziness, headache, nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes and hives. And with Paxlovid, there have not yet been any detailed reports on the nature of the side effects. However, it is stated that it is mostly mild and that the frequency is comparable to that of the placebo. With the side effects of ritonavir, i.e. this other combination, this is known from HIV therapy. What can still be read often, especially by critics: That this molnupiravir can lead to resistance, or that antiviral drugs can lead to resistance in general. We know this from other antiviral drugs for HIV and HCV. You just can't compare it one to one.

So with HIV and HCV you always give a combination therapy of two to three different drugs or even more. But these are drugs that you give for a very long time, for weeks or months or even for life. Here, however, both of them are only given a five-day administration, so that one simply has to investigate further. But that doesn't seem to be the main problem for me at the moment.




Edited by wwww


Q: Okay, so we can state these two new drugs can be taken at home. This is of course easier than with the monoclonal antibodies that have to be administered via the vein in the clinic. With them there was or still is the problem that they have to be taken very early. But you could also say that we give this to immunosuppressed people, for example, as a prophylactic measure every two months. In other words: Does it make sense to go to the doctor under such conditions and say: I would like that because I am not sure whether the vaccination will work for me?


Prof Ciesek: That is a very interesting question. So far this has not been done. Only after contact, corresponding contact, or if you have even tested positive. It's not cheap, of course. These monoclonal antibodies are very expensive. And the amount that we have is not available in unlimited quantities either. That is probably one of the main problems. It is also a foreign protein and can lead to allergic reactions. Nevertheless, I have read, there should be a monoclonal antibody, or rather a combination that is currently being developed by AstraZeneca with a significantly longer half-life. So according to the studies with more than 6000 participants that are planned and already running, this preparation has a half-life of six to twelve months. That would of course be ideal if one could give such an antibody to all those at risk who are not adequately protected by a vaccination, such as the immunosuppressed, in late summer and they are then protected for six to twelve months. That is still a long way off at the moment. But of course that would be very elegant. One must say that they have now combined two antibodies in order to reduce the risk of developing resistance. But that is of course always a thing with monoclonal antibodies, if wrong mutations occur or a new virus occurs, it can simply be that they no longer work at all. Still an interesting development that is emerging. It will also likely be very expensive and of course not available to everyone. But for certain patients this is definitely a blessing, as are these drugs. There are simply not a few people who get three vaccinations and still don't have enough answers. And for these people it is of course a great success if such drugs are approved.





Q: In general, i.e. for everyone, these drugs cannot be an alternative to vaccinations. Right? So to understand the thought that some people may have, there are now good drugs, then I don't have to get vaccinated anymore.


Prof Ciesek: No. First of all, the availability will not be there. That means, as a healthy layman, I don't get a chance because, of course, they will only come to Germany to a very limited extent. Then it will be prioritized very clearly: Who is at risk for a severe course? Then you have to take them very early. You often miss this phase, so I would never risk it. And of course you have to remember, I was trying to explain that these drugs are not smarties either. So they have proper side effects and interactions, so very strong interactions. The other has this problem that you can actually not use them so easily with women of childbearing potential. These drugs are really not aspirin or paracetamol, what you take, these drugs are certainly not that far. Of course, it is better to lower your risk of severe disease with a vaccination, which we have had enough of at the moment and which is available to everyone, than to rely on these drugs. You really shouldn't take these drugs away from the patients who need them, because simply vaccinating them doesn't give them enough protection. Therefore, this is certainly not suitable for everyone.



So it's great that we now have these drugs or will soon have them. But they are not a substitute for vaccination.



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Posted (edited)

Nije ni već omikron.




Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern

26 November 2021 
Reading time: 2 min (616 words)

The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) is an independent group of experts that periodically monitors and evaluates the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and assesses if specific mutations and combinations of mutations alter the behaviour of the virus. The TAG-VE was convened on 26 November 2021 to assess the SARS-CoV-2 variant: B.1.1.529.

The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021.

This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, as compared to other VOCs. The number of cases of this variant appears to be increasing in almost all provinces in South Africa. Current SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnostics continue to detect this variant. Several labs have indicated that for one widely used PCR test, one of the three target genes is not detected (called S gene dropout or S gene target failure) and this test can therefore be used as marker for this variant, pending sequencing confirmation. Using this approach, this variant has been detected at faster rates than previous surges in infection, suggesting that this variant may have a growth advantage.

There are a number of studies underway and the TAG-VE will continue to evaluate this variant. WHO will communicate new findings with Member States and to the public as needed.

Based on the evidence presented indicative of a detrimental change in COVID-19 epidemiology, the TAG-VE has advised WHO that this variant should be designated as a VOC, and the WHO has designated B.1.1.529 as a VOC, named Omicron.

As such, countries are asked to do the following:

  • enhance surveillance and sequencing efforts to better understand circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants.
  • submit complete genome sequences and associated metadata to a publicly available database, such as GISAID.
  • report initial cases/clusters associated with VOC infection to WHO through the IHR mechanism.
  • where capacity exists and in coordination with the international community, perform field investigations and laboratory assessments to improve understanding of the potential impacts of the VOC on COVID-19 epidemiology, severity, effectiveness of public health and social measures, diagnostic methods, immune responses, antibody neutralization, or other relevant characteristics.

Individuals are reminded to take measures to reduce their risk of COVID-19, including proven public health and social measures such as wearing well-fitting masks, hand hygiene, physical distancing, improving ventilation of indoor spaces, avoiding crowded spaces, and getting vaccinated.

For reference, WHO has working definitions for SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Interest (VOI) and Variant of Concern (VOC).

A SARS-CoV-2 VOI is a SARS-CoV-2 variant:

  • with genetic changes that are predicted or known to affect virus characteristics such as transmissibility, disease severity, immune escape, diagnostic or therapeutic escape; AND
  • that has been identified as causing significant community transmission or multiple COVID-19 clusters, in multiple countries with increasing relative prevalence alongside increasing number of cases over time, or other apparent epidemiological impacts to suggest an emerging risk to global public health. 

A SARS-CoV-2 VOC is a SARS-CoV-2 variant that meets the definition of a VOI (see above) and, through a comparative assessment, has been demonstrated to be associated with one or more of the following changes at a degree of global public health significance:

  • increase in transmissibility or detrimental change in COVID-19 epidemiology; OR
  • increase in virulence or change in clinical disease presentation; OR
  • decrease in effectiveness of public health and social measures or available diagnostics, vaccines, therapeutics


Edited by erwin
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o reakcijama posle buster vakcine:


that's what they looked at in the study. And they say that the reactions are similar to the first and second vaccinations. In the study, they had no cases of myocarditis or pericarditis. But there were only 10,000 participants. And they had a little more lymphadenopathy than after the second vaccination, that is, lymph node swelling and pain. Now from my experience I can say that you can already see everything from clear reactions, i.e. lying in bed for two days, fever, chills, pain in the upper arm, or nothing at all. The reaction seems to be just as individual as we humans are. Just to be on the safe side, I would say to everyone who knows I'm going to be boosted on Thursday: Maybe not planning an important exam or important event on Friday, so that if you fail out, you just pay attention to it a day or two in advance. That was the recommendation for the vaccination. But it is very different for every individual. So some don't notice anything, others clearly have a fever and chills.

o merenju antitela pred buster vakcinu:




Q: Does it make sense, especially for younger people, to have the antibody titer determined before a possible third vaccination? To see what is the amount of antibodies in my blood? How well am I protected without a third vaccination? So maybe I don't need the third vaccination at all.


Prof Ciesek: In short: no. We simply cannot make any clear recommendations as to when someone is immune. There's always that cut-of-a-thousand buzzing through the media. But I've seen people who had well over a thousand and got infected and had a Ct value of 19. This is not a safe protection. So we cannot certify in the laboratory that you will definitely not get infected, there are guidelines, but they don't really help. These antibody determinations are only a very, very small part of the immune response. And that's why I wouldn't do that. You often pay a lot of money yourself for this. And basically you can't really do anything with the value because it is also a snapshot. That means, in four weeks it can look completely different. This actually only makes sense for people under immunosuppression, to see whether they responded to the vaccination at all and have formed antibodies. This is of course also important when you think of monoclonal antibodies. But in a young, healthy person, this value just doesn't really say anything. I can neither say one is definitely not going to be infected and one is protected, nor do I know exactly what this value means. So it doesn't make much sense.



Moderator: Well, we can summarize: It is also important for younger people to be boosted. Experience has shown that these are those who tend to have more contacts. So you not only protect your own health very well with it, but you can also help and protect the elderly and also the children.



8 hours ago, Edward Louis Severson III said:

Nije flight ban besmislen, ako je vec tacno da vakcine ne pomazu kod tog soja.


Ako se ovo prosiri, prakticno cemo opet biti na pocetku, ne skroz naravno jer ipak postoji neka odbrana organizma a i dobar deo ugrozenih je nazalost vec umro, ali skoro pa na pocetku.


Koji je ovo soj po redu koji zaobilazi vakcinu? 100ti? Prelezao covid, 2x vakcinisan I sad da strepim od chunga munga varijanfe?! Pa normalno da se ljudima smucilo. 

Nikakve nove vakcine se nece razvijati, jer nece imati ko da ih primi. Ekonomski interes ne postoji. 

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Posted (edited)

Ali jos ne znamo ako sam ja dobro shvatila koliko je omikron opasan, znamo da se vrlo lako i brzo siri ali mozda bude na nivou gripa? budimo malo i optimisti.

Mada sumnjam da je tako bezopasan ne bi tolika frka bila, obustava letova i slicno :classic_blink: wait and see

Edited by ciao
1 minute ago, ciao said:

Ali jos ne znamo ako sam ja dobro shvatila koliko je omikron opasan, znamo da se vrlo lako i brzo siri ali mozda bude na nivou gripa? budimo malo i optimisti.

Mada sumnjam da je tako bezopasan ne bi tolika frka bila, obustava letova i slicno :classic_blink: wait and see

A, mozda je moguce da se i samounisti kao Delta soj u Japanu. Ipak je u Evropi vakcinisano mnogo vise nego u JA. 


I Kanada ukinula letove.


2 minutes ago, ciao said:

Ali jos ne znamo ako sam ja dobro shvatila koliko je omikron opasan


Ne znamo na živim ljudima, po mutacijama kažu da je pokupio sve najgore od postojećih varijanti i još neke za koje se smatralo da dodatno prave sranje.


15 minutes ago, ras kass said:

Nikakve nove vakcine se nece razvijati, jer nece imati ko da ih primi. Ekonomski interes ne postoji. 


A što su onda Modernine i Fajzerove akcije danas bile najveći dobitnici na berzi?



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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, erwin said:




A što su onda Modernine i Fajzerove akcije danas bile najveći dobitnici na berzi?



a, zoom video?

Edited by Tomiprunet
26 minutes ago, Tomiprunet said:

a, zoom video?

to sto je zoom video porastao na berzi je meni takodje los znak jer kao da predvidja da cemo jos dugo imati sastanke i slicno preko zooma a ne real tj predvidja lockdown i rad na distancu itd itd :smiley24::classic_sad:

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1 hour ago, ras kass said:

Nikakve nove vakcine se nece razvijati, jer nece imati ko da ih primi. Ekonomski interes ne postoji. 


New York (AFP) – Pfizer again lifted its 2021 profit and revenue outlook on Tuesday, bolstered by the latest surge in Covid-19 vaccinations, including regulatory approvals for boosters and shots for younger populations.

The drugmaker now expects 2.3 billion dosage deliveries of the Covid-19 vaccine in 2021 for the shots jointly produced with Germany's BioNTech, up 200 million from its previous forecast in July. That will bring total 2021 revenues for the vaccine to $36 billion, from $33.5 billion. >>>


I u ovdasnjim (svedskim) novinama se ranije pominjala zarada od 34 milijarde dolara u ovoj godini sto je preko 1000 dolara u sekundi, tj. 65000 dolara u minutu, tj. 93,5 miliona dolara po danu.


Astra koja nije htela da zaradjuje na vakcini dok pandemija ne prodje, je promenila odluku i ne prodaje vise vakcinu po proizvodnoj ceni. Njihov VD to motivise time da je pandemija postala ”epidemija sa lokalnim varijacijama”. Podsetimo se, istrazivanje i razvoj Astrine vakcine su finansirani iz javnih EU sredstava.

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