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ATP turniri 250&500

zoe Bg

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On je u oktobru 2020 imao coronu, pa se (cini mi se) oporavljanje nesto bilo oduzilo. Potom je u Halleu prosle godine povredio clanak i od tad nikako da se vrati.


He said he was suffering from a micro-dislocation in his ankle, coupled with a ligament strain.


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Ja sam jednom izvrnula članak i ligamenti su mi se nešto umrsili i nikako da se to sredi skoro godinu dana, otok je spao ali sam imala problema s čučnjevima i naglim pokretima. Na kraju sam otišla kod kostolomca, zavrnuo mi nogu i posle kao nova. Uvek me je nerviralo što takve povrede kod nas ne možeš da središ kod regularnih lekara, ali čovek bi pomislio da top sportisti imaju pristup najboljim uslovima...

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:twak::twak: od kad je to zabranjeno nositi kacket tokom prezentacije trofeja?  :classic_blink:








(doduse, ovo nije ATP)



par komentara:

- there are endless business opportunities to make money 👏

- I can’t 😂😂😂 tennis court = church 😂

- Seriously…they best tell Ash Barty then she never takes her hat off. Bloody ridiculous.

- Sounds like a warning to " do what we say" or else.

- The ATP has many important issues that need to be addressed but yet they went out of their way to find the time to issue a Fine/Code Violation to Reilly Opelka for wearing his hat during his Trophy Presentation👎 You just can't make this stuff up, WTF!

- That infraction could cost you a visa to Australia next year, you may be perceived as someone who encourage kids to use hats in ceremonies. Bad influence! 😂

-  They rip off players' money at any chance but they are silent when players need them to stand up.

- And moreover, you were not wearing trousers. You got off lightly

- Did Agassi ever take his hat off? :wicked:

- damn you're a danger to society reilly...

- You should be going to prison, Opelka

- Next time please put some suit on, okay? You just look ugly when receiving the prize.

Edited by wwww
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