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Novak Djokovic


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18 minutes ago, aloviti said:

to za njegovo dobro, da mu ne nabiju pritisak i ne izbaksuziraju ga :cigar:

a Novak bi ih kao citao i to bi mu dodavalo pritisak? :wink2:

zna on i sam sta mu predstoji, nisu "morali" bas ovako da mu "olaksavaju" i da se na ovaj nacin "brinu" za njegovo mentalno zdravlje. :classic_dry:

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“It has been painful to watch at times and I remember being at the US Open in 2015 when Novak was playing Federer and the entire crowd seemed to be again him,” recalls Croft, ahead of Djokovic’s bid to complete a calendar Grand Slan at next week’s US Open.

“There was silence when he hit a winner and cheers when he missed and the courage he showed to win that match was remarkable.

“I was court-side and couldn’t believe that there were 20,000 people baying for his blood and hoping he would lose. It was cruel in many ways.

“This was like watching a gladiator out there getting torn to shreds by the crowd. It sends shivers down my spine recalling what it felt like and he didn’t flinch. He was so well prepared emotionally to deal with that, it was so impressive.



Croft went on to suggest Djokovic, Federer and Nadal have all been fascinating to interview over the course of her extended broadcasting career in tennis, with the world No 1 always keen to drain every last ounce out of his game.

“All three are incredible individuals, but when I interview Djokovic, I find him so interesting,” she added.

“He is so intellectual, his command of the English language is so impressive and he has a thirst for information.

“He goes the extra mile to find out information about his heart, his lungs, his food intake, his sleep patters…. he is the ultimate professional athlete. I can’t say enough about him and it saddens me that he does not get the support he deserves.

“Nobody is going to abandon their love of Federer and Nadal, but maybe when they hang up their rackets, people will appreciate what he has done in the sport.”


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Digla sam ruke od nerviranja, očigledno je rešio da ignoriše koronu maksimalno, pa ako bude problema, sam pao sam se ubio. Evo vidimo i na primeru Kenin da ni vakcina ne garantuje apsolutnu zaštitu ako se čovek ne pazi.

U svakom slučaju volela bih da se vakcinisao sopstvenog zdravlja radi, ali i tako bi mogao da bude pozitivan na testu i da mu se tu završi turnir. Lutrija, kao i u Tokiju.


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Ovo je prvi normalan Bodov tekst o Novaku koji sam ja pročitala 

Jel to jinksuje...?





a pa, morace sad novinari da se slihtaju preostalom musketaru.

pisace knjige i o novaku, valjda-verovatno .zalog za buducnost :classic_cool:


Edited by vanjabarsa
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41 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Imao je nekoliko odličnih, samo treba dooooobro probrati :lol_2:

Na kraju krajeva on ga je praktično prvi i otkrio, još onomad kad je napisao tekst o savršenom igraču, uvek sam se pitala kako se nije više hvalio time :classic_smile:


Jel na ovaj misliš? 

Dobro, to je bila luda godina, lako se bilo zaneti...

Bodo je vatreni Fedov fan i sve što sam čitala sam čitala na ESPN-u...

(Jednom je čak napisao nešto "sexy" ali aj sad šta...)


E kad su stvari postale ozbiljne, više nije ovako pisao...


@Barsa, neće mu se šlihtati, a ako ne uspe, kuvaće ga na tihoj vatri:classic_mellow:



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Možda će neki masters još da ubace umesto Šangaja, inače će morati da opet prave akrobacije sa listom i bodovima. Ali to je za onu temu o renkingu.

IW jeste u jako nezgodno vreme za neameričke igrače, niti da igrači idu kući posle USO pa da se vraćaju, niti da sede u Americi sve vreme...

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