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Posted (edited)


20 hours ago, alcesta said:

Ovo je s jedne strane lepo, a s druge jako tužno :classic_sad:

Svaka čast tim trenerima koji daju sve od sebe.

Kad vidim radost i osmehe na njihovim licima nista mi ovde nije tuzno 😇 

Ovo mi je trenutno najtuznije




Edited by Milica
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I am always excited when I train with the Top 10 because they have so many strengths to draw from and they are great guys who love tennis like me. I know there is still a lot to improve but I don't feel so far from their level of play, training with Djokovic I realized that he is a fantastic person even off the pitch: he is the most complete player I have ever seen, so yes explains why in the circuit few manage to beat him. I wrote down some things I will have to work on, he showed me what it takes to become world number one: there is a lot of work to do, it's not just a question of passion or good tennis.


Posted (edited)



a malo je trenirao i s familijom:


ovo se spremaju za mec s Fedom i Mirkom 😜 :classic_biggrin: a Stefan za Lea i Lenija (bese to imena decaka?).



Edited by wwww

Imate to na smešnoj temi, gde i pripada :classic_biggrin:

Iskreno rečeno ja sam došla do stadijuma gde mi i ne smeta kad se blamira, samo da je bezopasno. Bolje o kalendaru nego o vakcinama i piramidama.

  • Ha-ha 3
Posted (edited)

Kad smo već hiljadu puta čuli o fijasku Adrija tura u zadnjih godinu dana, ne smeta da se malo ponavlja i ovo, što ti isti kritičari spolja nekako uvek previde, onako slučajno.


Edit: kad sam već tu...



Edited by alcesta
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  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)

Zapravo u Mentonu, mestu blizu italijanske granice (poznatom po mimozama).

Edited by wwww
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