wwww Posted February 21, 2021 Author Posted February 21, 2021 (edited) Edited February 21, 2021 by wwww 2
Dracarys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 6 minutes ago, ciao said: Ma ne dolazi u obzir da preskoci RG, mora samom sebi da se osveti za finale poslednjeg RGa a mora i da odradi 4 u nizu, kad ce ako nece ove godine, a mora Ne samo to, nego i sama cinjenica da bi mogao da drmne Nadala u finalu RG. Novak jos uvek ima igru na sljaci i ne mora da je izbegava. Novak ionako tradicionalno ne igra nijedan turnir pre Vimbldona. 1
ras kass Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 45 minutes ago, wwww said: inace, nije se zahvaljivao Australijancima i publici (u pobednickom goovru) vec RL areni. Ne bih se ni ja zahvaljivao Australijancima. Docekali su tenisere kao kugu da su im doneli, ksenofobni, frustirarni zato sto moraju da sede u podrumima kada im diktator naredi. Stav da svi treba da ih sazaljevaju zato sto su imali tezak lockdown, svi treba da im se uvlace ala Vavrinka i Azarenka... 2 1
alcesta Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 6 minutes ago, wwww said: Treba veeeeliki kapacitet da se pije rakija iz ovolikog trofeja, vidi se da ovi ne znaju šta je to
wwww Posted February 21, 2021 Author Posted February 21, 2021 He needed this victory so badly. There is somebody upstairs who sees what everyone, the media is doing to him. They questioned even the injury. Doctors gave him a choice... Somebody can take more, somebody less pain. Key match for me was the one against Raonic. If Novak says something, it's not good. If he doesn't say antyhing, not good again. Not easy to deal with everything, but he has shown to the world how big he is. I know what kind of pain he went through and he wins the tournament. Amazing. Novak wasn't afraid of Daniil's backhand, not afraid to come in. He served amazingly throughout the whole tournament. It's a long time since I've seen Daniil not knowing what to do, Novak was there for everything. He came here with a lot of pressure and expectations, finals is not good enough for him. He wants to break the records. He executed today perfectly, number 18 and the chase begins, this gives him a lot of confidence after US Open and poorly played F at RG. He is going to take another MRI, see what it shows. Then as a team we're gonna decide what the next tournament will be. You can't just play Slams, he has to play something before. Frankly, now I don't care, he just won the tournament. Rafa is going to win one RG surely, maybe two. Novak is getting older, so he needed this one in terms of the chase. Especially after US Open, it wasn't easy to deal with the disappointment. So he was very motivated to do well here. Ivanisevic on after the 3R: Knowing him, I knew he has the mind to overcome the pain, but when I heard what was in question, it wasn't easy. I've never met someone as tough mentally as him. When you're a young player, 99,9% of kids want to win a major. I try to remind myself how important this is even though I've been fortunate to win many. I do enjoy the success every single time even more cause the longer the time passed, the harder it's going to get. I don't feel like I am old and tired, but I know things are different compared to ten years ago. I have to be smart with the schedule, historic no 1 gives me the relief and I will focus more on Slams now. I will adjust my calendar, as a father and a husband I look forward to it since it seems it's going to be impossible to bring them with me on the road. I haven't made any tournament commitments past #AusOpen. Novak on injury: It is a muscle tear, oblique abdominal muscle. I felt it right away, I felt the snap. I know there have been many speculations, people saying that it's impossible, but everyone has the right to criticize others. I felt it was a bit unfair at times... Djokovic confirming that the documentary should come out near the end of 2021. Novak: Roger, Rafa and myself have managed to play our best at Slams. That made it more difficult for the next generations. How long it's going to take for Tsitsipas, Medvedev and Zverev, I don't know, but they're awfully close. It took me a lot of mental energy to focus solely on what I need to in order to be able to compete. We tried not to talk about what someone says in the media. It does come to me, it's tough to avoid, but it's unnecessary for me. It seems unfair from some people to judge without checking first. But I have experienced it in the past, it probably isn't the last time. I didn't allow it to hinder my performance, winning the title is my answer. I am human, I can't say "I don't care", I do, but I have developed thick skin over the years and I am able to refocus on what matters to me the most. I agree with Goran, I needed this. Disqualification got to me emotionally and mentally, I was on a run. Since then it's been up and down, without the crowd felt strange, maybe I lacked motivation a bit. So I wanted to start 2021 in the best possible way. When I am away from home, I try to make that absence valuable. Of course I miss them, at times it rips my heart apart not being close to my family. But I can't complain, I was very happy in my life. It didn't look realistic that I could play. Two hours before the 4R match I stepped on the court and it looked OK. The pain was bearable and I accepted the fact that I would have to play with the pain. Roger and Rafa inspire me, I have said that before. As long as they go, I will go. It's a race of who plays more and who wins more. We do drive each other and push each other to the limit. 1 1 3
wwww Posted February 21, 2021 Author Posted February 21, 2021 i ATP twiter nalog promenio banner: stavili Novaka 2
Dracarys Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Sad kada se posmatra iz ovog ugla, prekretnica u karijeri Novaka Djokovica je bio Vimbldon 2014. i pobeda nad Rodzerom Federerom u veoma neizvesnom mecu od 5 setova. Tu je zaista probio psiholosku barijeru, do tada je imao GS skor finala od 6 pobeda i 7 poraza. Od tog Vimbldonskog meca u narednih 15 GS finala pobedjuje u 12.
CheshireCat Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 2 hours ago, NMX said: Bogami, ovi ne gase digitron Uz dužno poštovanje prošlogodišnji RG je pokazao da Nadal ima još 2 RGa, a za dalje ćemo da vidimo.
McLeod Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 I na tom Rolan Garosu kao sto smo takodje videli pre ce Tim da se pita nego Novak. I dobro je za njegovu karijeru i uspehe da Djokovic ovako tempira formu od 2016. na ovamo, ne verujem da iko moze da zali za necim sto nije osvojeno, apsolutni maksimum je postigao, mnogo vise nego sto je bilo ko realan mogao da ocekuje. Doduse, to vazi i za Nadala, dok treci iz tog drustva Marej vise maltene ne igra jer ga je stil igre samleo, a ova dvojica i dalje uspevaju da budu na slicnom nivou koji je potreban da se osvajaju slemovi.
alcesta Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Bilo bi zanimljivo da neko nađe brzinu podloge na svakom AO koji je dosad osvojio. Mislim da je retko koji slem poslednjih godina imao bržu podlogu nego ovaj AO. 1
Kosjan Willavić Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 (edited) 47 minutes ago, McLeod said: I na tom Rolan Garosu kao sto smo takodje videli pre ce Tim da se pita nego Novak. I dobro je za njegovu karijeru i uspehe da Djokovic ovako tempira formu od 2016. na ovamo, ne verujem da iko moze da zali za necim sto nije osvojeno, apsolutni maksimum je postigao, mnogo vise nego sto je bilo ko realan mogao da ocekuje. Doduse, to vazi i za Nadala, dok treci iz tog drustva Marej vise maltene ne igra jer ga je stil igre samleo, a ova dvojica i dalje uspevaju da budu na slicnom nivou koji je potreban da se osvajaju slemovi. Slazem se s tobom da je Tim jspred Novaka na RG sto se sansi tice. Moze da se zali za neodigranim Vimbldonom i onom diskvalifikacijom na USO. Sasvim je realno da bi imao slem vise. Neko ce reci i dva, ali zaustavicu se na jednom 🙂 Edited February 21, 2021 by Kosjan Willavić 1
Helmet Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Ostaje samo pitanje povrede, odnosno kakve će posledice imati. Svesno je išao da da sve od sebe, ne obraćajući pažnju na cenu. I da,kolika će pauza da bude. Madrid možda najranije da ga opet vidimo na terenu...Neka se fokusira na GS-ove, ovi manji turniri kao neka priprema ok, da se odrzava forma. Nema potrebe da se trosi vise na manjim turnirima, osvajanje Wimbldona mora da bude prioritet, US open ako moze jer mu je taj turnir bas malerozan. Na RG-u treba pokusati, mada imam utisak da ce Nadal to osvajati dok ne ode u penziju.Treba da smanji broj meceva na min i da produzi karijeru koliko moze, taj rekord po osvojenim GS treba da mu bude prioritet.Sent from my Mi 9T using Tapatalk
alcesta Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 5 minutes ago, Helmet said: Treba da smanji broj meceva na min i da produzi karijeru koliko moze, taj rekord po osvojenim GS treba da mu bude prioritet. To je i on rekao 3 hours ago, wwww said: I have to be smart with the schedule, historic no 1 gives me the relief and I will focus more on Slams now.
Helmet Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Dobro je da je tako. Sasvim razuman stav, sko moze da izvuce jos jedno dve godine tenisa na ovom nivou...Sent from my Mi 9T using Tapatalk
wwww Posted February 21, 2021 Author Posted February 21, 2021 (edited) evo i ova slicica, neko skupio sve trofeje: Edited February 21, 2021 by wwww 1 1 2
CheshireCat Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Polako s taj USO. Novak na USO nije favorit tipa AO/Wim. Mnogo je puta izgubio. Pandemijski USO, bez Federera i Nadala bi nedvosmisleno uzeo bez onog peha, ali regularan USO je već upitan. Prosto - dosadašnje iskustvo kaže tako. 1
alcesta Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Ja bih menjala jedan slem za zlato na OI. Sama ću da izađem... 4 5
Losmi17 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 4 hours ago, Crni Bombarder said: Tacno,treba to lepo sanirati i vratiti se spreman..sto se mene tice - neka bude potpuno fit za Vimbldon i letnju sezonu.. Nego,gde je @Losmi17? Ni da cestita Ni cvece da donese Ni da kaze da li sad mozemo da pobacamo digitrone Nisam bio na forumu. Gledao mec. Mislio sam da ne postoji savrsen mec, ali... Kapa dole za mentalnog 😂 Moram priznati da sam jako iznenadjen, pozitivno. Unistio je Medvedeva.
Old 666 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Like za izbor gif-a...ne za izrečenu tvrdnju
MilošVB Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 2 minutes ago, alcesta said: Ja bih menjala jedan slem za zlato na OI. Sama ću da izađem... On ni porez ne plaća a kamo li zlato za svoju zemlju da uzme. 2
McLeod Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 (edited) 4 minutes ago, alcesta said: Ja bih menjala jedan slem za zlato na OI. Sama ću da izađem... I ja bih. Uvek sam na OI navijao za njega. Mozda u tom grmu lezi zec. Edited February 21, 2021 by McLeod 1
ChrisJudd Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Kako sada stvari stoje, da bi osvojio RG moraće da dobije i Tima i Nadala jer će Meda prestići uskoro Rafu na listi.
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