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bbc After today's meeting, the US and Russia have agreed to appoint "high-level teams" to begin working on a path to end Russia's war in Ukraine, the US State Department says. The pair have also agreed to address "irritants" in the "bilateral relationship", spokesperson Tammy Bruce says in a statement on the agency's website. "One phone call followed by one meeting is not sufficient to establish enduring peace. We must take action, and today we took an important step forward," she adds.
bbc The meeting between Russia and the US has 'rejected' the logic of talks under the Biden administration, says Kirill Dmitriev, head of Russia’s sovereign wealth fund. Dmitriev, a key member of the Russian delegation in Riyadh, tells Russian state TV: “This was a very respectful, calm conversation... the logic that existed under President Biden has been rejected. A meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin next week is "unlikely", according to Putin's foreign policy advisor, Yuri Ushakov. “We have agreed that separate team of negotiators will establish contact in due course,” he says. Yuri Ushakov says on Russian state TV of the talks: "Not bad, not bad... it's hard to say if [Russia and the US] are getting closer, but that's what we discussed... it was a very serious discussion of all the issues we wanted to touch upon... we have agreed to take account of each other's interests and develop bilateral relations, since both Moscow and Washington are interested in this."
Slazem se, treba da ga popravimo da bude bolji. Prvi korak je da se ne mirimo, tek tako, sa njim.
bbc China says it hopes "all parties... can participate in peace talks in due course". A foreign ministry spokesman tells reporters he is "happy to see all efforts towards peace".
Ima ma(l)ko i do nas u kom svetu zivimo. Ako pristanemo na to da su trenutni interesi bitniji od slobode (sloboda) i da mi tu nista ne mozemo, onda i ne zasluzujemo vise od toga nego da ulazemo u rusko oruzje koje ce nastaviti da ubija sirom Evrope. Ne moze se ulagati u obrazovanje i medicinu dok je u pitanju goli zivot i osnovna sloboda.
Ne mene ne bi previse iznenadilo, ali je takav potez toliko kratkovid i nerazuman u smislu da svaki cent koji EU da Rusiji za gas je cent koji ulaze u rusku armiju i rusko oruzje kojim Kremlj planira da ubija i osvaja dalje po Evropi.
DW French President Emmanuel Macron said he spoke with US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after Monday's meeting of European leaders. Macron stressed that a peace agreement could only be sustainable if Russia ends its aggression and there are credible security guarantees for Ukraine. "We will work on this together with all Europeans, Americans, and Ukrainians. This is the key," he wrote on social media.
Ko je slusao juce ruskog ambasadora u UN, cuo je i da traze demilitarizaciju Ukrajne, potpunu zabranu isporuke naoruzanja od drugih zemalja i slicne stvari koje prakticno znace gubitak suvereniteta i slobode. Odnosno da se pri sledecem napadu na Ukrajnu ne uperi na rusku armiju nista vise od lovackog naoruzanja.
Najavljeno je jos jutros da nece biti saopstenja ni pressa posle sastanka.
cnn In the blue states, the percentage of repeat Tesla buyers fell, from 72% in the last quarter of 2023 to 65% in the last quarter of 2024. Meanwhile, repeat Tesla buyers in red states edged up very slightly from 47.6% at the end of 2023 to 48.2% during the last three months of last year. There’s some additional anecdotal evidence to suggest that some buyers may have been turned off by Musk’s political activism. Valdez Streaty points to polling of potential car buyers this month by Morning Consult that shows that nearly 32% of US buyers “would not consider” buying a Tesla. That’s up from 27% in a Morning Consult survey a year ago, and only 17% when it asked the question in in February 2021. Tesla sales in Germany in January fell 59% compared to a year ago, according to the German Federal Motor Transport Authority. And just as Musk has been a key supporter of Trump, he has become a high profile supporter of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. There is also significant new competition from Chinese automaker BYD, which has nearly caught Tesla in worldwide EV sales and actually topped it by a large margin in the fourth quarter of 2024. BYD is taking market share away from Tesla in China and Europe but it has yet to enter the US market.
Nije, u UAE je. Tamo se dogovara razmena zatvorenika. U sredu je u KSA, u Rijadu. Za sledecu nedelju je zakazano dosta toga, British PM ide Trumpu, a najvisi EU predstavnici idu u Kijev na obelezavanje godisnjice agresije.
Zadnja vest kaze da ce i Zelenski u sredu biti u Rijadu.
bbc Speaking to BBC Radio 4's Today programme, ex-MI6 boss Sir John Sawers explains that the border between Russia and Ukraine would be a “very substantial frontline to police”. And, in the event that troops are overrun, Sawers suggests that this “could cost British lives”, but also “our capacity to uphold the peace that we are there to keep”. “We have to be very clear what the mission is, what the rules of engagement are should the Russians attack," he adds. "Do we fight back or do we simply report it to some other body?"
Prime Minister Keir Starmer outlined the UK's position on Ukraine in the Daily Telegraph: • On defence spending, he wrote: "Europe must step up further to meet the demands of its own security... we have talked about it for too long – and President Trump is right to demand that we get on with it" • On putting British troops on the ground, he said the UK is "ready and willing to contribute to security guarantees to Ukraine by putting our own troops on the ground if necessary" • On Ukraine joining Nato, he said it "may take time [but] we should continue to support Ukraine’s irreversible path to joining the alliance" • And Starmer concluded: "As I will say in Paris, peace comes through strength. But the reverse is also true. Weakness leads to war" --- bbc "I think he [Putin] wants to stop fighting," Trump told reporters after a flight on Air Force One last night. "I think he wants to end it, and they want to end it fast. Both of them," he said, adding, "Zelensky wants to end it too". Asked whether he believes Putin wants to seize all of Ukraine, Trump said: "That was my question to him. "If he's going to go on... that would have caused me a big problem."
Da, ima u tom upitniku i jos nekih zanimljivih pitanja, kao sta vam je potrebno od USA da bi mogli da uradite to, i da li ste spremni i sposobni da poostrite primenu sankcija Rusiji. Reuters je dobio taj upitnik i nasiroko su pisali o njemu.
Daleko smo od zadovoljstva i optimizma, ali verujem Poljacima kad je rec o ratu Ukrajne i Rusije. Ako Poljski ministar kaze da mu je sastanak sa Kelloggom 'raise some hopes', meni je dovoljno da gajim neku, makar tanku, nadu.
@Beonegro Utorak izgleda, u Parizu https://www.bbc.com/news/live/crr0gngkjrvt Edit, prvo je bilo kao za utorak, ali izgleda da su ga prebacili za sutra, zbog hitnosti. I malo jedan optimisticniji pogled: Poland's foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, has said the US has shared with him their plans for Ukraine, describing the tactics as "unorthodox". Sikorski revealed that US envoy to Russia and Ukraine, Keith Kellogg, came up to him personally. "General Kellogg has presented to me personally and to the circle of European allies, the United States' negotiating tactics." Sikorski did not share any further details with reporters saying: "I will not reveal them here. They raise some hopes. They are unorthodox, but we wish them luck."
I UK ce biti na tom sastanku, izgleda da oni preuzimaju od USA vodecu ulogu u pomoci Ukrajni.
bbc The UK military is "so run down" it could not lead a future peacekeeping mission in Ukraine, the former head of the army has said. Lord Dannatt told the BBC that up to 40,000 UK troops would be needed for such a mission and "we just haven't got that number available". It comes after Sir Keir Starmer said the UK would "play its part" in guaranteeing Ukraine's security after the prime minister was asked this week if he was open to sending British troops as peacekeepers. A former Nato chief told the BBC that Britain and France should lead a force of up to 100,000 troops as part of a long-term peacekeeping effort should Russia's war with Ukraine end. Lord Dannatt - who was head of the Army from 2006 to 2009 - agreed that a force to keep the peace would require about 100,000 troops. However he said the UK would have to supply "quite a proportion of that and we really couldn't do it". "Our military is so run down at the present moment, numerically and as far as capability and equipment is concerned, it would potentially be quite embarrassing," he told BBC Radio 4's The Week in Westminster. "I mean, if we were to deploy 10,000 troops, each rotation for six months, that would effectively tie up 30,000 or 40,000 troops and we just haven't got that number available. "So there are some big issues here that today's politicians won't really have considered." It comes as Britain's foreign and defence secretaries called on the UK and Europe to "do more" to "share the burden" of regional security in a joint article for the Daily Telegraph on Saturday.
Iskustva iz WW1 i WW2 su i dovela do saveznistava koja su drzala mnoge sukobe po svetu vrlo izolovano, bezmalo ceo vek. Sta ce biti dalje, mozemo da naslucujemo. A ja sumnjam da Trumpovo rasturanje saveznistva moze da donese bilo sta dobro.
Moglo bi tako da se gleda, ako je cilj da se vracamo u davnu istoriju i ako iz nije nismo nista naucili. Onda je u redu da je ponavljamo. Saveznistva nastala prvenstveno posle WW2, i to na kostima miliona mrtvih bi trebalo da znace vise, i do izbora Trumpa prakticno nije bilo drugacijih, a ozbiljnih, ideja. Mada koliko je ponasanje Trumpa ozbiljno, najbolje govorio to sto hoce da se pridruzi Xiju i Putinu, da ga ovi tretiraju kao svoju kucku koja ce da laje na svet koji jos drzi do ljudskih prava i sloboda. A on ce da im (ako ga prime u drustvo) predlozi da smanje vojni budzet na pola, dok njegov sef Pentagona obilazi Evropu i ganja tamosnje vlade da dupliraju sopstvena izdavanja za vojsku.
To sto se u skladu sa trenutnim potrebama menja, to nikako nije saveznistvo. To je kratkorocan interes i nista vise od toga. Da ne kazem trange-frange, ti meni, ja tebi. Saveznik je neko s kim delis zajednicku proslost, ideale, svetonazore, sa kim mozes da planiras i delis zajednicku viziju buducnosti.
Drage bolje cu da ti navedem taj argument, ako on nije vec sasvim vidljiv, ali mi i dalje nisi nista rekao o tom dugorocnom interesu, a pitam te vec kroz 4-5 post. Ako ne zelis da mi kazes, kazi tako - necu da ti kazem (celavi ), pa da idemo dalje. --- cnn Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said a Russian drone struck the destroyed nuclear power plant at Chernobyl on Thursday night. Ukraine’s State Emergency Service later said that the radiation background limits remain within normal limits. “A Russian attack drone with a high-explosive warhead struck the shelter protecting the world from radiation at the destroyed 4th power unit” at the plant, Zelensky said on X. The concrete shelter that covers the unit was damaged, Zelensky added, and a fire was extinguished. “Radiation levels have not increased and are being constantly monitored. According to initial assessments, the damage to the shelter is significant,” Zelensky said. Altogether, on Thursday night, the Ukrainian military reported that Russia launched 133 drones at Ukraine, 73 of which were shot down and 58 of which did not reach their target. The numbers are broadly in line with the recent average of drone attacks. The military said drones were shot down in 11 regions, covering much of the country.
Naravno da se slazem sa ovim sto si napisao, ali i dalje mi nisi rekao sta je to taj dugorocni interes zbog kog USA zrtvuje Ukrajnu (i ne samo Ukrajnu). Meni to uopste nije jasno. Vise mi izgleda da se zbog kratkorocnog interesa i sitnog profita zrtvuje nesto mnogo vece i znacajnije i dugorocnije, i to sa nesagledivim posledicama, upravo dugorocno.