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Everything posted by Angelia

  1. U zadnje vreme, napravio si jedan komentar koji je mogao da ponudi neko dublje misljenje, nasuprot uobicajenog one-liner komentara koji ne znaci nista, napisao si da si napravio logicne zakljucke na osnovu Trampove istorije iz 80tih i na osnovu nekih "bazicnih nazora" republikanaca. Kad sam ti postavila pitanje na osnovu kojih bazicnih nazora republikanaca formiras svoje misljenje, otisao si u ilegalu.... Da li bi mogao da odgovoris na to pitanje, a da nije one liner? Koje misljenje imas o republikancima, i na cemu se bazira. Posto je meni delovalo kao misljenje na osnovu BS, da u stvari nemas pojma sta republikanska partija zastupa. Nego to zasnivas na BS medija.
  2. Zar nije dobio otkaz? Mislim ne bas iz prvog puta, ali na kraju je dobio otkaz, nevoljno, i mnogi su tvrdili da nema veze sta je pricao - jer je oppressed (ako si manjina, mozes da lupetas daleko vise)
  3. Od politicara? Svi lazu. Medjutim postoji razlika kad ti familija izadje u medije u toku tvog izbora i kaze auuuu bre al ga pretera u laganju. Sto se desilo za obe ove, Harrison bese otac, a AOC brat. Ljudi jednostavno nisu mogli da trpe sramotu. Posto ces verovatno da uporedis sa Trampovom necakom - nije to isto kad neko iz familije napise knjigu da zaradi pare na konekciji, i kada nema nikakve koristi od toga.
  4. Broj mrtvih na dnevnoj bazi u US se nije drasticno promenio (barem ne jos uvek). Broj testiranja sad ide otprilike izmedju 800k-1mill dnevno. Broj mrtvih i broj obolelih se drasticno povecao u drzavama koje su tokom prva 3 meseca imale u stvari iznenadjujuce mali broj obolelih i umrlih u odnosu na broj stanovnika, tipa Kalifornija, Texas, Florida... Uz dodatak mozda tri jos drzave ove cine 50% svih dnevno otkrivenih obolelih
  5. Mali je odlucio da im svima naplati: The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American elder. Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for. “On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote. “Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued. It’s the teen’s second win in a whopping $800 million defamation battle against a number of news outlets including the Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS, The Guardian, The Hill and NBC. CNN agreed to settle with Sandmann in January this year as part of a separate $275 million claim. Sandmann and a group of his Covington classmates were vilified on social media after they were filmed wearing “Make America Great Again” hats after an anti-abortion rally while being yelled at by demonstrators. Sandmann, then 16, was singled out after footage of his confrontation with Native American activist Nathan Phillips was picked up by CNN and other outlets who claimed the incident was racially motivated. Footage released later showed it was the Covington students who were being harassed. In a subsequent tweet Friday, Sandmann fired a warning shot at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. “We have settled with WAPO and CNN. The fight isn’t over. 2 down. 6 to go. Don’t hold your breath @jack,” he wrote. Zivo me interesuje koliko je uspeo da im uzme. Nadam se da im je drago sto su ga obezbedili za ceo zivot.
  6. Pola godine za sada bukvalno skoro da izbrisem, nadam se da nece cela. Kad je bal nek je maskenbal: Pennsylvania Reports First Human Case of West Nile Virus in 2020 Harrisburg, PA – Pennsylvania’s first probable human case of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection in 2020 has been detected in a Potter County resident. Samples are being sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmatory testing. The departments of Health and Environmental Protection strongly recommend that all residents minimize their exposure to mosquitoes.
  7. Prvo Tramp nema sta da priznaje, on moze samo da izabere da ne izazove rezultate. But whether this kind of re-do is allowed for presidential elections is a more complicated matter. Some legal scholars maintain that the language in Article II of the Constitution prevents holding a presidential election again, thus putting it beyond the power of the courts to order a re-vote, as they have occasionally done for other offices. Others suggest that there is legal precedent for a presidential re-vote if there were flaws in the process. One instance in which this question arose was the “butterfly ballot” from the 2000 election, which may have caused some voters to choose Pat Buchanan when they meant to vote for Al Gore in Palm Beach County, Florida.2 If the 2000 election had taken some different twists and turns, the re-vote question might have come up in a serious way, and it’s not clear what the courts would have decided. At least one federal court has suggested that the courts could order a new election. In 1976, a District Court in New York heard a case alleging voter fraud in several urban locations. The court’s opinion maintained that federal courts had a role to play in ensuring free and fair presidential elections, arguing: “It is difficult to imagine a more damaging blow to public confidence in the electoral process than the election of a President whose margin of victory was provided by fraudulent registration or voting, ballot-stuffing or other illegal means.” This assertion challenged the idea that presidential elections occupy a special category beyond such court remedies. However, in this case, the court didn’t find sufficient evidence that voter fraud had altered the outcome, or even occurred at all. As a result, its claims about presidential elections were not evaluated by higher courts and have never really been tested. .... Znaci to bi resavali na sudu. A to da li moze da se desi: ..... It’s worth noting that the U.S. has been through a number of challenging presidential elections. The 1800 election ended in an Electoral College tie, and some politicians mulled over the possibility of holding a new election. Critics alleged that the 1824 election was decided through a “corrupt bargain” among elites, allowing John Quincy Adams to become president even though he won neither the popular vote nor the electoral vote. The election of 1876 had irregularities (including alleged vote suppression) in several Southern states, and an imbalanced commission ended up handing the Electoral College vote to Rutherford B. Hayes even though he had lost the popular vote. People are still debating John F. Kennedy’s razor-thin margin in 1960, the honesty of the votes in Texas and Illinois that year, and even Richard Nixon’s decision not to challenge the results. And, of course, the 2000 election presented lots of problems — confusing ballots, hanging chads, questions about recounts.
  8. Ne ide to tako. Mislim u principu si napisao gluposti, nije to Srbija. I policija nema veze s time. Samo sto sad nemam vremena da pisem celo objasnjenje. Problem je u mail in glasackim listicima koje Dems guraju jer znaju da ce da bude mnogo muljanja (dokazano vec bilo)
  9. Ne znam da li si video ovo: Scholar forced to resign over study that found police shootings not biased against blacks .... But the main thrust to oust Hsu came because the professor touted Michigan State research that found police are not more likely to shoot African-Americans. “The victory of the Twitter mob will likely have a chilling effect on academic freedom on campus,” Hsu told The College Fix via email. The union had taken advantage of a Black Lives Matter-linked #ShutDownStem day on June 10 to help oust him. Hsu stepped down from his vice president role on June 19 after pressure from the union and the president of the university, Samuel Stanley. Hsu will stay on as a physics professor at Michigan State, however. .... “We found that the race of the officer doesn’t matter when it comes to predicting whether black or white citizens are shot,” according to the Michigan State-based research Hsu had quoted that drew the ire of many. Hsu said that the attacks against him are baseless. “The GEU alleged that I am a racist because I interviewed MSU Psychology professor Joe Cesario, who studies police shootings,” he wrote in an email to The College Fix. “But Cesario’s work (along with similar work by others, such as Roland Fryer at Harvard) is essential to understanding deadly force and how to improve policing.” Cesario is the Michigan State psychology professor who co-authored the study published July 2019 that debunked the notion that police are more likely to shoot African-Americans. Hsu wrote on his blog that the paper concluded “there is no widespread racial bias in police shooting.” Professor Cesario received a small amount of funding for his research under Hsu’s leadership. Cesario pointed out to The Wall Street Journal “we had no idea what the data was going to be, what the outcome was going to be, before we did this study.” Cesario’s research had been cited in a widely shared Wall Street Journal op-ed headlined “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism” that was published June 3 amid racially charged protests against the death of George Floyd in police custody. ..... The graduate union told The Fix that administrators should not share research that runs counter to public statements by the university. “It is the union’s position that an administrator sharing such views is in opposition to MSU’s statements released supporting the protests and their root cause and aim,” Ackles wrote in an e-mail to The College Fix. Znaci nemoj slucajno da se bavis temom oko koje smo se dogovorili sta je prica, cak i kad podaci ne podrzavaju nasu retoriku.
  10. Ne znam sta su planirali da kazu, ali znam sta su rekli, a to nije nimalo flattering za AA zajednicu (i sve one non-white). Kako god okrenes, poster kao da je pisao KKK.
  11. Nacionalni Muzej AA istorije je bio postavio ovo: Pa su ljudi morali da im ukazu da je ovo izuzetno rasisticki poster....onda su ga uklonili.
  12. Nisam proveravala kako izgleda exchange rate kod WU u odnosu na banku, racunala sam da su tu negde. Osim ako ne saljes na dolarski racun. E sad imala sam jos jedan razlog - moji su se zalili da im je teze da menjaju dolare nego evre. Tako da ja gubitak na exchange rate racunam kao svejedno cu ga imati.
  13. Ah super, saobracajci ce da se bore protiv kriminala, nakon sto su rasformirali jedinicu koja je specijalizovala borbu protiv nasilnog kriminala. Odlicna ideja: The NYPD has cut traffic and homeless units to focus on rising gun violence following mayor Bill DeBlasio's move to defund police, according to reports. Senior police leadership transferred 114 members of the traffic congestion mitigation and 85 members of the homeless outreach units, according to official documents seen by The New York Post. The 199 officers were reassigned to precincts to combat a recent spike in shootings across the city, an NYPD spokesperson told the Post. Ali barem su ocistili BLM protest.
  14. Mene vise nista ne iznenadjuje kad ljudi gutaju retoriku medija. Ako pitas Dems, no way, Tramp jedva ceka.... U svakom slucaju ako se dogovore, ima da bude najbolji show na TVu ikad napravljen.
  15. To su pokusali da zatvore policiju unutra i zapale zgradu sa policajcima unutra. Mirni demonstranti.
  16. Gubis vreme, uzroci i posledice nisu bitni kad je u pitanju agenda. Dok krenes da objasnis zasto HLS ne nosi oznake, osim da su policija, pa da se pokusava zastita ljudi i vlasnistva od huligana, a ne mirnih protestanata itd, postaces Don Kihot. Meni svakako ne bi palo na pamet da trazim smisao i paralele sa civilizovanom raspravom u lupetanju mentalno problematicne osobe, koja je pocinila zlocin. I jos se i ubila. Ali nista, izvini na mesanju, samo nastavi
  17. Pa nista, ajde da raspravljamo J. Hinckley i uticaj J. Foster na njegov napad na drzavu.....mentalno nestabilna osoba. To ti je isti nivo "problema". Posto si lenja, onda ne mogu da te pitam gde si videla na ovom forumu da neko smatra da su mu agresivne feministkinje sudije, Latino porekla unistile zivot i karijeru...nemam pojma kako ti je uspelo da prepoznas "terminologiju" ludaka u pisanju forumasa.
  18. Niko ne definise sta treba da raspravljamo, samo mi besmisleno. Nemam pojma kakav "problem" ti tu vidis, covek sa mentalnim problemom ubio nekog, pa ubio sebe. Cuj, napad na drzavu, jos ces ga svrstati u teroriste. Nista, ako ti je gust da guras neku retoriku i uporedjujes rasprave ovde sa mentalno labilnom osobom, necu ti se ja mesati.
  19. Virus je ili anti-srpski orijentisan, ili ima agendu, u US niko se nije razboleo na BLM protestima, cak su protesti umanjili broj obolelih. Anti-lockdown protesti su naravno pomorili nase stare.
  20. Pa dobijaju mnogo paznje, isto kao sto mu ti dajes ovde. Prodaje medije. Covek se fixirao na ko mu je kriv u zivotu, kazu da je planirao da ubije jos jednu zenu sudiju, ali se ubio pre toga. Sta dalje da pricamo? Ili mislis da je mizogenija na tom nivou, normalna pojava? Da li treba da raspravljamo svakog utripovanog ludaka koji pocini zlocin kao da je to nesto specijalno? Mozda da ti ponudim onog sto je ubijao beskucnike.
  21. Covek je imao mentalnih problema. I izvrsio samoubistvo, cemu dalja rasprava? Ima svaki dan dosta kriminala.
  22. Nije bas ovde dobro mesto, ali stvarno ne znam gde da stvaim ovo. Mislim da je svet odlepio nacisto: There was clear desire and reason to capitalize Black. Most notably, people who are Black have strong historical and cultural commonalities, even if they are from different parts of the world and even if they now live in different parts of the world. That includes the shared experience of discrimination due solely to the color of one’s skin. There is, at this time, less support for capitalizing white. White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color. In addition, we are a global news organization and in much of the world there is considerable disagreement, ambiguity and confusion about whom the term includes. I to od: https://blog.ap.org/announcements/why-we-will-lowercase-white?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP_CorpComm Mislim da trenutno mnogo mozdanih celija odumire u medijima...
  23. Jako ih je tesko uslikati, kod mene dolaze u dvoriste upravo ovih dana ali uslikati ih je jako tesko. Davno sam uhvatila jednog na zici kako stoji potrazicu.
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