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Everything posted by wwww

  1. wwww


    da li ce Rafa da se buni i za ovaj OOP (protivnik mu jos uvek nije zavrsio mec)?
  2. wwww


    kakav raspad Shapovalova
  3. wwww


  4. posle druge ces moci golim rukama sibirskog medveda da ubijes...
  5. wwww


    pa kad je mogao onaj Osmanagic (ili kako se vec zove) da dobije doktorat, racuna moze i on da se bavi medecinom itd.
  6. wwww


    trazio Atlantidu u morskim dubinama oko Majorke? na kojem li je stadionu/mecu Toni? Felix se raspada (ja do sada ne videh nikakave koristi od Tonija)
  7. wwww


    ne pasuje mu OOP? IDI!
  8. wwww


  9. This important study from California proves what has long been suspected. Covid is much more of a vascular disease than a lung disease. This also explains the damage to the kidneys, brain and heart. The spike protein itself damages the blood vessels. Findings also explain why the function of the brain arteries in younger people is impaired even after a slight infection. For children, this means that infection should be avoided even without lung symptoms. Older people increase their risk of dementia.
  10. Schleswig-Holstein (pokrajina koja se granici s Danskom) preuzela od Danske njihove doze AZ jer su ovi resili da ih ne koriste, tj. pozvali ih i rekli: kad vi necete dajte nama, da ne stoje dzabe u skladistu dok ne propadnu.
  11. Moretton: "The stadium is finished after six years of work. Bigger, greener, more modern. Our stadium is full of history and represents the future. It allows France to shine in the whole world." Amélie Oudéa-Castera, director of the @FFTennis, announces that @rolandgarros will allow 5 388 spectators a day between May 30 and June 8, then 13 146 from June 9. The only night session with spectators @rolandgarros will be played on June 9, with a maximum of 5.000 people attending. All the others will be played behind closed doors, because of the curfew at 9:00pm. 5.000 spectators will be allowed in the Philippe-Chatrier stadium for the finals, on June 12 and June 13, and 5.000 others in the Suzanne-Lenglen to watch the matches on the big screens. Up to 118.611 tickets will on sale for @rolandgarros 2021 edition (vs 15.000 in 2020, and 500.000 during regular years). The protocols for players will remain strict during @rolandgarros, as Guy Forget, tournament director, explains: - Two hotels for players, no exception - PCR-test when they arrive, and then every four days - ...except for fully-vaccinated players - Presence on site if required Players from the main draw will be allowed to bring two people with credentials during the tournament. Prize-money will slightly decrease for @rolandgarros 2021 edition, around 34 million euros. "We are the Grand Slam tournament with the thinnest gap between the winner and the 1st-round loser", Forget says (x23). 60.000 euros for the players who will lose in the 1st round. Guy Forget : "Players are used to play without spectators. They did it at the usopen, the AustralianOpen... Pro players have to adapt. Last year RafaelNadal adjusted to the balls, the weather, a late match against Sinner. That will be one of the charms of the night sessions." Amélie Oudéa-Castera : "Spectators from other countries will be allowed in RG. Presenting documents (negative test, vaccine, remission certificate) will allow to let them in. Guy Forget : "I know @andy_murray is practicing. I'm gonna talk to him or his agent. We'll see who request for a wild-card. He sure deserves one. I hope he feels well. We have to take decision as a team. Decision next week." Gilles Moretton : "Wimbledon will probably have a big attendance. Same for the US Open. Good news for everyone."
  12. wwww


    imace, ide neka prica da bi Serena mogla da igra neki turnir sledece sedmice, sto bi onda znacilo Beograd ili Parma. Bas bi bila fora da Serena dodje u Beograd.
  13. wwww

    Izvan i iza turnira

  14. wwww


    zasto imam utisak da mu ona nece suditi meceve u skorije vreme?
  15. wwww


  16. wwww


    izgleda list:
  17. wwww


  18. wwww

    ATP & WTA lista

    pa, ako mu dodju Djere, Lajovic, Kecmanovic ili Krajinovic u 1. kolu - ima sanse
  19. wwww


    Simona izgleda izvrnula nogu
  20. wwww

    ATP & WTA lista

    pa pazi ovako: ako Novak ne osvoji nista vise od zagarantovanih poena u Rimu i RG (a 0 u BG), a Medveev ne ubaci ni jedan novi turnnir (ili ako ubaci - onda da nista ne osvoji) onda Medvedevu treba SF na RG da bi pretekao Novaka. Pa ti zakljuci kolika je verovatnoca Rafa definitivno nema sanse da ga pretekne odmah posle RG sve i da ubaci 2 250 turnira pred RG - to bi onda bila jos jedna sigurna sedmica.
  21. wwww

    Smesna strana tenisa

  22. wwww


    i ode Serena... sad da vidimo hoce li igrati jos koji turnir pred RG i uopste kakve su joj ambicije na RG: ide li na titulu ili ce da otalja (onda ne vidim koji je smisao ucestvovanja).
  23. Author: Paul Newman - acc to tennis_now nemaju nista pametnije da pitaju Tima
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