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Tesla se covek prevrce u grobu "gledajuci" Novakovo "pametovanje".
evo jos ovo i necu vas vise gnjaviti (od 2.5.):
https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2104974?query=featured_home Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 Covid-19 Vaccine against the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 Variants
Share among unvaccinated people who would get a COVID-19 vaccine this week if it was available to them, Apr 27, 2021 https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-vaccine-willingness?time=latest Danska - 67,4% UK - 67,2% Norveska - 61,3% Holandija - 61,1% Nemacka - 60,8% Svedska - 59,5% Finska - 57,7% (31.1.) Italija - 57,3% Kanada - 56,4% Singapur - 54,1% Spanija - 53,7% Japan - 53,4% (31.3.) Juzna Koreja - 49,6% (31.3.) Australija - 48,5% Francuska - 38,6% USA - 36,1%
• More than half of people in the Seychelles are fully vaccinated. The rest are mostly unvaccinated (very few with just one dose) • But only one-third of active cases there have been vaccinated • So that means the unvaccinated are roughly twice as likely as the vaccinated to have been infected, which is completely in-line with the 50% efficacy reported for Sinovac (the main vaccine in use in the Seychelles) • Good news is, those same Sinovac trials found 84% efficacy at preventing cases that went on to require medical intervention, and for preventing severe Covid efficacy was even higher • So among the ~333 cases who’ve had both doses, the vaccine should keep most out of hospital All of which is to say: • Yes, the virus can still come back even where most have been vaxxed • But it comes back stronger among those who haven’t • High-efficacy vaccines work even better in this regard • But even Sinovac still offers good protection against severe disease *edit: Sinopharm, not Sinovac
ja nisam nikog drugog videla s ovakvom majicom, samo Anastaziju. Bas sam detaljno pogledala i videla krokodilcica na majici. Novak ce verovatno imati nesto slicno Medvedevu, crvena osnova s nekom prugom negde. Ne verujem da ce mu dati "tigrovske" majice.
pa ovako se dobija mnogo vise politickih poena.
Nemacka odobrava AZ za svakog ko hoce da se vakcinise njom, bez obzira na priorizaciju (znaci: sva godista, bez obzira na bolesti ili profesiju). Cak ne mora da se ceka 12 sedmica (kao sto su radili do sada), vec moze i ranije (bar 4 sedmice posle 1. doze, mada se u tom slucaju smanjuje efikasnost) da se revakcinise.
I Endi i Delpo bi trebalo da zavrse karijeru, nema sanse da su u stanju da se i dalje bave profesionalnim tenisom. Pa ako im se bas igra takmicarski mec onda na onom senorskom turu da s vremena na vreme izbambusaju/izmaltretiraju one seniore i to je to.