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Drugar prosio djevojku, pa pitali bivseg gazdu da mu ustupi "prostor", inace gajbu kupio od UCLA, iza gajbachice ova basta:

Nije mnogo $12.5M 



In September 2015, UCLA announced that it had reached a settlement with the Caldwell family of Hannah Carter (children of Hannah Carter), which will allow the university to sell the historic Hannah Carter Japanese Garden on the condition that the new owner agree to preserve the garden for at least thirty years.




Completed in 1961, the garden (then called Shikyeon) emphasizes water, stones, and evergreen plants in a naturalistic setting. It is sculpted into the hillside and employs natural cobbles and quarried stone to help shape features like waterfalls, ponds, and winding pathways. Bridges, a teahouse, an entry gate, a hokura (family shrine) and a pagoda dot the skillfully shaped landscape; some of the structures were actually built in Japan, dismantled, and then reassembled on site.



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Edited by Squabbit
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  On 3/14/2020 at 6:36 AM, Kronostime said:


Zabaciti udicu ovde je sevap.


Verovatno. Nisam neki fan pecanja, sa ili bez toga, kostalo bi doci do tamo. Mislim da ni domacima nije bas lagani piknik. Ali da, Yukon reka, cenim da se nadjem tamo,  mesto za pecanje mi ne bi bilo prioritet. Za dozvolu pecanja lososa cenim da solidno treba platiti, a ne verujem da je gratis i neki drugi ribolov. Spustanje rekom bi mi bilo broj jedan...

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