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Cadillac’s announcement it intends to enter Formula 1 as an engine manufacturer has not persuaded sceptical teams to accept a new rival on the grid.


...sto samo pokazuje da problem nikad nije bio na strani Andretija nego da F1 naprosto ne zeli nove timove bez obzira ko je u pitanju i da li ide u paketu sa proizvodjacem motora.

Poslednji put smo videli kompletno popunjen grid na VN Monaka 1995. Znaci vec skoro 30 godina placamo punu cenu za nekompletan proizvod.

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Za dogodine Pireli ne sprema nove smese, samo ce ukinuti C0:





Pirelli has confirmed that there will be no new tyre compounds in the 2024 Formula 1 season, as the C0 tyre is set to be axed.


Ahead of the 2023 season, Pirelli introduced a new specification C1 compound to reduce a difference in performance between the then hardest C1 and C2 tyres, with the C0 being the C1 compound from 2022.


However, despite being tested, the C0 tyre was never used during a Grand Prix weekend, with Pirelli opting for the C1 as its hardest tyre at high-energy tracks that places heavy loads on the tyres - such as Barcelona or Silverstone.


For 2024, the Pirelli range is set to revert back to five compounds with the C1 being the hardest and C5 the softest.


The colours will remain the same, with the softest tyre being red-marked, the medium being yellow and the hardest tyre carrying white-sidewall markings.



Nove promene sprint formata?





A meeting of the Formula 1 Commission has seen support for further changes to the sprint format to separate it from the rest of a grand prix weekend.

The current schedule sees qualifying for the main race take place on Friday night after one FP1 session, and then the sprint shootout and sprint on Saturday before the grand prix on Sunday. Drivers and teams feel that schedule locks them into parc ferme regulations too soon, and it has been agreed that the format needs revising.

While no firm changes were outlined, discussions are set to take place in January over potential ideas such as moving the sprint shootout to Friday evening and the sprint then taking place before the main qualifying session on a Saturday, although a reverse grid for the sprint could also be looked into following support from a number of drivers.


Posted (edited)

Glasno da razmišljamo:


Petak -> FP1 od sat i po, kvalifikacije za sprint


Subota -> kvalifikacije za trku, potom sprint trka


Nedelja -> glavna trka


Jedino je subota sporna, jer bolje je prvo kvalifikacije za trku, pa onda sprint, da bi svima omogućili zagarantovane kvalifikacije za trku. Ako bude prvo sprint, pa onda kvalifikacije za trku, i nešto se dogodi nekom bolidu tokom sprinta, tj. time neki bolid može biti sprečen da učestvuje u kvalifikacijama za trku.

Edited by 033zero330

Najbolje bez sprinta, ali ako mora onda bi trebalo da bude za svaku trku jer nije pravedno da neke staze donose vise bodova od ostalih (ne odgovaraju sve staze jednako svim timovima, mogucnost za mahinacije rezultatima). Format vikenda ovakav:

Petak - FP1 od sat vremena pre podne, popodne kvalifikacije; rezultat kvalifikacija se racuna i za sprint i za trku, s tim sto sprint startuju sa kompletno obrnutim poretkom. Nakon kvalifikacija bolidi idu u park ferme.


Subota - prepodne sprint na gumama sa kvalifikacija, obrnuti poredak sa kvalifikacija, bolidi koji nisu postavili reprezentativno vreme ili je radjeno na njima startuju sa pitlajna, bodovanje po nekadasnjem 9-6-4-3-2-1 za top 6; nakon sprinta izlaze iz park fermea, popodne FP2 od sat ipo, setap za trku.

Nedelja - trka, normalan poredak iz kvalifikacija, slobodan izbor guma; bodovanje po aktuelnom 25-18-15... sistemu za top 10 uz bonus poen za najbrzi krug, prenosi se najbrzi krug sa sprinta (ako niko ne nadmasi tokom glavne trke)...

  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/25/2023 at 3:03 PM, Maharaja said:

Ja sam svakako za ukidanje sprinta. Neka dovedu više kategorija trkanja u subotu da zabave publiku, i to je to.


Nažalost to izgleda nije izvedivo, lokalna prvenstva imaju par trka na određenim stazama. Ponekad trke vintažnih bolida se dese. I onda naravno klasika F2 i F3 uz ponekad Porše Superkup. Jednostavno logistika uz ovaj ogromni kalendar onemogućava neki šarenolik format na svakoj trci. Otud i tračevi za prvi ikad zajednički vikend F1 i MotoGP (nešto mi govori da će Kidija biti mesto za to).


A Sprint, to je neko idealno rešenje za inflaciju događaja pa se apriori dodaje veštačko generisana zabava u stilu FE. Gde imamo vozače koji u kvalifikacije idu bez neke pripreme a o trci i da ne govorim. Meni Sprint smeta u smislu da mahom to bude isprazni petit pri jer se vozači čuvaju za gran pri. I onda subota bude bukvalno beskorisni dan a imaš kvalifikacije i trku u istom danu, besmisleno je misliti da je dan beskoristan uz toliko događanja.


Moje neko rešenje:



- 60 minuta 1. slobodni trening

- 60 minuta 2. slobodni trening



- 60 minuta kvalifikacije (rezultat Kju1 se obrće i to je grid za Sprint trku)

- Sprint trka (100km dužine, DRS detekcija je 2 sekunde, poeni se dele za prvih 8 i to:12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1)



- Grand Pri trka


Za Sprint trku bi i uveo da restart nakon SC nebude klasični nego da bolidi u sporoj formaciji dođu do glavnog pravca pa da čekaju zeleno svetlo.

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15 hours ago, Alen13ASC said:

Za Sprint trku bi i uveo da restart nakon SC nebude klasični nego da bolidi u sporoj formaciji dođu do glavnog pravca pa da čekaju zeleno svetlo.


Da, vidis, nije losa ideja da cak i start za sprint bude rolling na Indikar fazon, da bude sto vise drugacije od glavne trke...

Ali bilo bi bitno da sprint ili bude svakog vikenda ili da ga ne bude nigde, zbog regularnosti takmicenja.

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On 12/11/2023 at 12:42 PM, Radoye said:


Da, vidis, nije losa ideja da cak i start za sprint bude rolling na Indikar fazon, da bude sto vise drugacije od glavne trke...

Ali bilo bi bitno da sprint ili bude svakog vikenda ili da ga ne bude nigde, zbog regularnosti takmicenja.


Mada Sprint kao Sprint uopšte nema mesta u F1. Totalno nemogu i dalje verovati da je ovo deo F1, a i da je deo MotoGP u celosti. Ja sam za to da ako se povećava kalendar da onda naprave da svaka trka ima trodnevni vikend u kome bi medija dan bio petak. 60-minutni trening i kvalifikacije u subotu a trka u nedelju. Nema sprinta i gluposti. Ovako timovi uz malo pripreme ulaze u kvalifikacije pa konačno u trku i to će poboljšati neizvesnost i trkanje ako se sve ono vrti oko spektakla kao takvog. Imaš skoro 30 trka gde nebi vikendi bili pretrpani. U ovom kalendaru F2, F3, F1 Akademija i Porše Superkup bi imali više prostora.


Sprint bi bilo zanimljivo gledati kad bi startni poredak bio obrnut regularnim kvalifikacijama. Pa barem da iz vikenda u vikend gledamo Njuiev bolid kako se probija kroz grid. A i manje ekipe da uzmu koji bod.





The FIA’s public statement about a potential investigation into a conflict of interest involving Toto and Susie Wolff was too hasty and “quite embarrassing for the whole sport,” according to Ferrari team principal Fred Vasseur.


The governing body issued a statement off the back of a single report in a monthly publication, saying it was looking into the matter of “the allegation of information of a confidential nature being passed to an F1 team principal from a member of FOM [Formula One Management] personnel.” That statement led to a robust response from Mercedes, the Wolffs and later the remaining nine teams on the grid, with a further FIA statement two days later backtracking after review of FOM’s F1 Code of Conduct and F1 Conflict of Interest Policy.






The FIA has confirmed the departure of two senior figures from its Formula 1 division, including a major hiring appointed less than a year ago.


Steve Nielsen joined the Federation from Formula 1 Management to serve as its sporting director. The FIA trumpeted his arrival in January last year, saying it completed the restructuring of its F1 operations.


The FIA has confirmed today Nielsen will stand down from his role at the end of the month. Tim Goss, technical director, who joined the FIA in 2021, is also leaving the governing body to take up a role elsewhere.






Open wheel juggernaut Carlin has been rebranded as Rodin Motorsport ahead of the upcoming season following the departure of founder Trevor Carlin late last year.


New Zealand-based track car manufacturer Rodin Cars invested in the outfit in 2023, purchasing a stake previously owned by Grahame Chilton, father of former F1 and IndyCar driver Max Chilton. That led to the team being renamed Rodin Carlin, before Rodin assumed full control at the turn of the year.



Navodno je pao jer nije bio dovoljno poslusan, upravljao timom kao da je on gazda ne zarezujuci nikog 2% dok trosi tudj novac pa je Dzin Has konacno popizdeo na njega. 

E sad, da li ce Komacu biti sposobniji (uz to sto ce po difoltu vec da bude poslusniji) pa ce rezultati biti bolji, ili ce Has postati manje interesantan sponzorima sad kad su "ubili" najpopularnijeg lika iz serije - ostaje da vidimo. Jer ovo ima kapaciteta da bude i jako dobro i jako lose za Tim Has.





Dzin Has o Stajnerovoj smeni:





Gene Haas says he no longer wants to be “humiliated every weekend” and wants to see further changes to his Formula 1 team’s aerodynamic department, following the departures of Guenther Steiner and Simone Resta.


Steiner was replaced as team principal on Wednesday, with Haas making the surprise move of promoted director of track engineering Ayao Komatsu into the role. Technical director Resta has also left — although RACER understands that decision had already been made prior to Steiner’s departure — and the team owner says there was a clear area where Haas needs to improve.


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