Radoye Posted September 22, 2023 Posted September 22, 2023 Quote Asian-based motorsport project LKYSUNZ, which announced its aim to enter a team in Formula 1 four months ago, says it has secured new financial backing. CEO Benjamin Durand, who was previously behind another planned F1 entry known as Panthera, said they are prepared to exceed the $200 million anti-dilution fee new entrants are required to pay. “LKYSUNZ are prepared to meet the teams’ request and pay a $600m anti-dilution payment despite this current cycle of the financial regulations stating $200m,” said Durand. “We look forward to continuing our positive discussions with the FIA and are thrilled by our partners’ financial backing.” The FIA is yet to announce the outcome of its application process for new teams it launched in February. LKYSUNZ is one of several knows potential entrants along with Andretti Global, Formula Equal and Hitech.
alberto.ascari Posted October 2, 2023 Posted October 2, 2023 Andretti odobren neodobren... https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/fia-approves-andretti-entry-as-11th-f1-team-from-2025-26/10527930/ 2
JPM Posted October 2, 2023 Posted October 2, 2023 Da, ocekivalo se ovo. Sad ide glavni deo. Pregovori sa timovima.
Radoye Posted October 10, 2023 Posted October 10, 2023 https://racer.com/2023/10/10/pirelli-extends-f1-tire-deal-until-2027/ Quote Pirelli has been confirmed as the tire partner supplying Formula 1, Formula 2 and Formula 3 until the end of 2027, following a recent tender process.
Radoye Posted October 11, 2023 Posted October 11, 2023 https://www.gpfans.com/en/f1-news/1003737/las-vegas-grand-prix-f1-stephen-paddock-shooting/ Quote The Las Vegas Grand Prix is making a change to a traditional aspect of F1 at its race weekend, as it ditches the name ‘paddock’. The term 'paddock' has been used in motorsport for decades, deriving from a paddock where racehorses would gather before lining up to race. But organisers of the Las Vegas race have decided that the name should not be used during the race weekend, with an alternative yet to be announced. In the interim, a spokesperson said the organisers will use the term ‘pit building’. 🤣 1
alberto.ascari Posted October 11, 2023 Posted October 11, 2023 4 hours ago, Radoye said: https://www.gpfans.com/en/f1-news/1003737/las-vegas-grand-prix-f1-stephen-paddock-shooting/ 🤣 Voleo bih da imam njihove probleme 😁
Radoye Posted October 12, 2023 Posted October 12, 2023 Osudilo Panteliju za prevaru i utaju poreza:https://racer.com/2023/10/12/ecclestone-to-pay-800m-after-pleading-guilty-to-tax-fraud/ Quote Former Formula 1 CEO Bernie Ecclestone has been ordered to pay $800 million after pleading guilty to tax fraud in court in the United Kingdom.
Radoye Posted October 20, 2023 Posted October 20, 2023 FIA drasticno povecala kazne, vozaci protestvuju: https://www.racefans.net/2023/10/19/fia-quadruples-maximum-fine-f1-stewards-may-issue-and-bans-flares-at-tracks/ Quote The maximum fine Formula 1 stewards may hand out at a grand prix has been quadrupled by the FIA. The previous upper limit of €250,000 has been increased to €1 million (£870,000). The maximum fines have also been increased for other FIA series. Stewards at other world championship events, such as Formula E, can now fine competitors up to €750,000. For other FIA championships the maximum fine is now €500,000. The FIA said the change was necessary because the upper limit for fines “has not been reviewed nor amended for at least the last 12 years and does not reflect the current needs of motor sport.” https://racer.com/2023/10/19/f1-drivers-angered-by-maximum-fine-increase-to-over-1m/ Quote Formula 1 drivers have voiced their anger at the FIA increasing the maximum fine it can hand out in the sport to over $1 million.
Radoye Posted October 20, 2023 Posted October 20, 2023 - kruze nepotvrdjene glasine da je Audi na putu da odustane od najavljenog F1 programa, nakon promene na celu kompanije...
Dzoni_m Posted October 21, 2023 Posted October 21, 2023 Hihihi lepo ja pricam. VW grupa (ukljucujuci i Porsche) NIKADA nece uci u F1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
fancy Posted October 23, 2023 Posted October 23, 2023 Loše: Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc disqualified from US Grand Prix Explained: Why Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc were disqualified from US Grand Prix Dobro: Podijum za Carlosa
Radoye Posted October 24, 2023 Posted October 24, 2023 https://www.the-race.com/formula-1/andretti-already-has-a-2023-f1-car-already-in-a-windtunnel/ Quote Michael Andretti says his prospective Formula 1 team is testing a 2023-spec F1 car in its windtunnel next week and has labelled the opposition to his team’s bid “a mystery”. Andretti Global earned the FIA’s approval earlier this month but now faces a tricky test to strike a commercial deal with F1’s promoter which will have the final say over whether Andretti can become F1’s 11th team.
alberto.ascari Posted October 25, 2023 Posted October 25, 2023 Dobar text https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/wed-whats-the-real-prize-money-impact-for-f1-teams-if-andretti-joins-the-grid/10537405/ 1
Radoye Posted October 25, 2023 Posted October 25, 2023 Masa i dalje trazi da se trka u Singapuru iz 2008. ponisti i da mu se dodeli titula, jer je "odvratno biti na prevaru porazen" i "ceo svet sporta zasluzuje da nepravda bude ispravljena". Intervju: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/felipe-massa-formula-one-f1-brazilian-grand-prix Hajlajt: Quote The trick that actually — and not the result at Interlagos — took away that 2008 title from me. It was supposed to be a historic milestone in F1: the 800th grand prix in the category, the first in Singapore, and the first to be held at night, with artificial lighting. It ended up becoming a stain, a shame. I’ll try to summarize what happened. Renault’s team leader, Flavio Briatore, orchestrated a deliberate crash of Nelson Piquet Jr. to benefit their other driver, Fernando Alonso. With the fake accident, the yellow light came on, the safety car entered the track, and I, who had taken the pole and was leading the race at the time, went to the pits. I received the OK to return to the track before the refueling hose had been removed. I ended up losing a lot of positions and finished the race without scoring. We found it all very strange at the time. But we actually learned the truth about the manipulation a year later, and early this year, Bernie Ecclestone, who was the head of F1 in 2008, confessed in an interview that he knew everything and did nothing because he wanted to ‘protect the sport and save it from a huge scandal.’ The only question I must ask, and that my lawyers are asking right now, is: If the Singapore GP was manipulated, shouldn’t it be annulled? Being defeated fraudulently is revolting. And sweeping the dirt under the rug is vile. The world of sport needs an answer and deserves reparation. For my part, I can say that I still live with a tremendous feeling of injustice.
alberto.ascari Posted October 25, 2023 Posted October 25, 2023 (edited) 22 minutes ago, Radoye said: Masa i dalje trazi da se trka u Singapuru iz 2008. ponisti i da mu se dodeli titula, jer je "odvratno biti na prevaru porazen" i "ceo svet sporta zasluzuje da nepravda bude ispravljena". Intervju: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/posts/felipe-massa-formula-one-f1-brazilian-grand-prix Hajlajt: Mislim, ima to sve smisla i mogao bi i da uspe u nekom civilnom sudu, ali pitanje je jurisdikcije i da li nije zastareo predmet. U principu, u skoro svim pravnim sistemima, samo ubistvo nikad nije zastarelo, ovo je ipak nešto sasvim drugo, manje više beznačajno. Tako da, iako moralno svakako ima pravo, a ja sam tu sezonu oplakao, ne verujem da će nešto biti od toga. Osim toga, hoćemo li otvoriti Pandorinu kutiju pa ići nazad u 1930. godinu kad je redar vratio loptu u igru iza gola plus milion sličnih primera. Osim toga, kao što sam rekao mnogo puta, te godine je trebalo da dodje u Brazil kao prvak sveta i da vozi revijalnu trku za navijače. Titulu je izgubio mnogo pre i Singapura i Brazila. Edited October 25, 2023 by alberto.ascari
Radoye Posted November 2, 2023 Posted November 2, 2023 On 10/20/2023 at 1:16 PM, Radoye said: - kruze nepotvrdjene glasine da je Audi na putu da odustane od najavljenog F1 programa, nakon promene na celu kompanije...
Radoye Posted November 2, 2023 Posted November 2, 2023 - Glasine da se Audi povlaci iz F1 pre nego sto su i pokusali sada dobijaju novi spin, navodno Tojota je zainteresovana da preuzme Audijev program sa Zauberom a motore bi isporucivali i Meklarenu. Licno, tesko mi je da poverujem ali videli smo i ludje stvari...https://motorsport.nextgen-auto.com/en/formula-1/new-f1-rumour-links-toyota-with-sauber,186419.html - Takodje kruze glasine da bi VN Abudabija mogla da se otkaze (pa bi tako ovogodisnje finale sezone bilo u Vegasu) ako situacija na Bliskom Istoku nastavi da eskalira. I u ovo mi je tesko da poverujem jer smo vec u dva navrata imali trke prakticno u ratnoj zoni - onomad u Bahreinu kad su clanovi Vijijamsovog i Fors Indijinog tima popasli molotovljeve koktele i nedavno u Saudi Arabiji kad je raketom pogodjena rafinerija neposredno pored staze. A i FOM demantuje: https://www.racefans.net/2023/11/02/abu-dhabi-grand-prix-not-at-risk-amid-speculation-over-gaza-conflict-f1/
Radoye Posted November 6, 2023 Posted November 6, 2023 Has protestvuje rezultate VN SAD, navodno zbog neravnopravnog kaznjavanja oko napustanja staze, traze da se Albonu dodeli jos jedna kazna od 5 sekundi kao sto pravila nalazu (Magnusen bi se popeo za jednu poziciju). FIA pokrenula istragu, pored Vilijamsa pregledaju i Red Bul i Aston Martin. Vec smo imali diskvalifikacije, hoce li biti jos? https://www.racefans.net/2023/11/06/fia-summons-red-bull-aston-martin-and-williams-over-haas-bid-for-us-gp-review/ Quote The FIA has summoned three teams in response to a request by Haas for the results of the United States Grand Prix to be reviewed. Red Bull, Aston Martin and Williams, as well as the complainants Haas, have been requested to attended a hearing via video conference on Wednesday at 3pm Central European Time.
Radoye Posted November 8, 2023 Posted November 8, 2023 https://www.racefans.net/2023/11/08/decision-on-haas-request-for-review-of-us-gp-result-delayed-to-tomorrow/ Quote The FIA hearing into whether to review the results of the 2023 United States Grand Prix has been adjourned until tomorrow with no decision made yet. Bice i ovo poj'o vuk magarca... https://www.racefans.net/2023/11/07/analysis-who-are-haas-trying-to-get-penalised-with-their-us-gp-review-bid/
Radoye Posted November 9, 2023 Posted November 9, 2023 ...i poj'o vuk magarca: https://racer.com/2023/11/09/haas-usgp-review-request-dismissed-by-stewards/ Quote The Haas request for a right to review the results of the United States Grand Prix due to track limits violations has been dismissed by the stewards. Otprilike - dokazi koje je Has prikazao o prekrsajima Albona, Sardzenta, Pereza i Strola su validni ali nece biti uzeti u obzir zato sto nisu novi - bili su poznati stjuardima i u toku trke ali su oni tada odlucili da ih ignorisu. No iako je Has u pravu ovde bice ponovo ignorisani jer nemaju nove dokaze. 1
Radoye Posted November 10, 2023 Posted November 10, 2023 https://www.racefans.net/2023/11/09/general-motors-says-it-will-not-enter-formula-1-without-andretti/ Quote American car manufacturing giant General Motors has said it will only enter Formula 1 if it can do so with Andretti Global.
Radoye Posted November 12, 2023 Posted November 12, 2023 https://racer.com/2023/11/11/kyle-leduc-1981-2023/ Quote Off-road racing legend Kyle LeDuc has passed away after a battle with cancer. He was 41. 1
alberto.ascari Posted November 14, 2023 Posted November 14, 2023 https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/general-motors-registers-to-join-f1-as-engine-manufacturer-from-2028/10546407/?utm_source=push-notification&utm_medium=android&utm_campaign=push-notification&utm_content=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.autosport.com%2Fall%2Fnews%2Fgeneral-motors-formally-registers-to-join-f1-as-power-unit-manufacturer%2F10546407%2F
Radoye Posted November 14, 2023 Posted November 14, 2023 1 hour ago, alberto.ascari said: https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/general-motors-registers-to-join-f1-as-engine-manufacturer-from-2028/10546407/?utm_source=push-notification&utm_medium=android&utm_campaign=push-notification&utm_content=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.autosport.com%2Fall%2Fnews%2Fgeneral-motors-formally-registers-to-join-f1-as-power-unit-manufacturer%2F10546407%2F Posto su izjavili da ulaze samo u paketu s Andretijem, da vidim kakav ce sada izgovor da nadju timovi i FOM da nastave da ih blokiraju...
Radoye Posted November 15, 2023 Posted November 15, 2023 Quote The earliest Michael Andretti’s planned team can make it onto the grid is 2025, one year before a major change in F1’s technical regulations. Andretti previously announced it would enter in conjunction with General Motors brand Cadillac, but has not yet agreed commercial terms for joining the world championship with its owner Liberty Media. Cadillac announced yesterday it plans to enter as an engine manufacturer in 2028. Despite that, Andretti remains committed to entering sooner. “This [announcement] does not mean that Andretti is deferring its planned entry,” an Andretti spokesperson told RaceFans. “Andretti Cadillac will still enter F1 as soon as possible. The team would then compete under GM power starting in 2028.”
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