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Nije ni steta.


Prvo, staza i nije nesto, drugo trke su bile zanimljive zato sto je pocetak sezone pa smo avi napaljeni da gledamo ali realno staza je shit.


Trece, zbog samog stava oko pandemije, treba ih pustiti bez trke. Nekoliko godina. Mozda i zauvek.



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Adelaida vise ne postoji, ne vozi se ni V8 Superkar tamo, ono sto je bilo od pratece infrastrukture (pitovi, garaze itd) je sve poruseno.


Inace su radili na modifikacijama Albert Parka, trebalo je biti spremno za ovogodisnju trku na jesen...


Previse optimisticno je delovala mogucnost odrzavanje australije ove godine. Prvo, celu godinu su u totalnom lock downu, bas su stroge mere za ulazak u zenlju, tako da nikome nije odgovaralo da dolazi 1000 dana ranije. Samo odgadjanje za jesen je takodje problematicna odluka jer je sezona kada je broj infekcija u porastu, narucito kada se pogleda stanje u susednim zemljama. Rusija Kina i Indija imaju porast zarazenih, pa je pitanje ko bi uopste mogao uci u zemlju 


Ceo kalendar koji je originalno objavljen je prakticno spisak lepih zelja pre nego realistican kalendar. Imali smo dosta srece pa je vecina upala ali bice tu jos tumbanja do kraja.


Round five of the 2021 FIA World Endurance Championship at the Fuji Speedway in Japan has been cancelled, and replaced by a six-hour race at the Bahrain International Circuit in late October.


Verovatno isto sledi i za VN Japana.


U pravu je matori. Naročito nakon trke u Silverstonu i Hamilton-Verstapen slučaja vozači će rezonovati da se isplati napraviti prekršaj, naročito u prvom delu trke. Alonso kaže da se za ono krivudanje na pravcima u Sprintu odlučio na osnovu prethodnih trka gde je video da se drugima isplati kršiti pravila.


Hamiltonu su ili morali dati strožiju kaznu (stop and go mimo zamene guma) ili ga nisu trebali kazniti uopšte i reći da je običan trkački incident. Ovako su poručili da će za udese vozači koji su ga skrivili dobiti dečije "no nooooo".


Ovo sa kalendarom i pravilima postaje besmisleno i haoticno. Sve je od danas do sutra, sto je najgore situacija sa koronom se ne smiruje, pa ce F1 moci da se odrzava samo u bogatim arapskim zemljama gde seike boli briga za publikom i merama u vezi korone. 

Malo sam se smorio od konstantnog menjanja kalendara u toku sezone


Jbg ja sam jos pre pocetka sezone rekao da se ne treba loziti i da je kalendar takav kakav je originalno objavljen potpuno neizvodljiv. To je pre svega bio spisak lepih zelja plus malo mazanja ociju sponzorima koji su ispizdeli prosle godine zbog sezone kakva je vec bila, skracena i s puno ponavljanja staza, s preskocenim nekim njima bitnim eventima i trzistima. Dok se ovo s koronom ne resi (ili dok vlasti ne odluce da je reseno, jerbo ekonomija) pa se ne pootvaraju granice i skinu sva ogranicenja na putovanja i okupljanja sve ce da ide ovako od danas do sutra. Liberti / FOM ce pokusavati da ugura sto vise trka na fiktivni "kalendar" a onda izzonglira sve to i gleda da izgura sto vise moguce od toga nakon sto se originalne zamisli raspadnu pri prvom dodiru s realnostima.


Jos o tumbanju kalendara, Katar moguce umesto Australije, Holandija moguce otkazana, Ostin i Brazil moguce da rotiraju mesta:




The word in the Middle East is that a deal has been struck for a Formula 1 race in the final part of this season at the Losail International Circuit in Qatar. The news is yet to be officially confirmed.


The race would be an addition to the calendar to replace Australia, for financial reasons rather than to help F1 get around quarantine problems. At the moment Qatar and the UAE (Abu Dhabi) are both on Britain’s red list. Saudi Arabia is not.


This means that the best course of action would be to have the Jeddah race as the last event, so that the majority of the 10 days after leaving a red list country would be spent in Saudi Arabia, which is on the amber list.


This would not be important if the World Championship is settled before the last race, but Abu Dhabi is believed to pay a premium to host the final event. Having the three races back to back on Nov 28/Dec 5/Dec 12 would guarantee three high-paying races, without quarantine problems if F1 people stayed on for a couple of extra days after the last event.


F1 must wait to see if the British shift some countries from red to amber next week when revisions are due. This is also important with regard to the Brazilian and Turkish GPs, as both are still on the red list. However if both have a race in a non-red list country a week afterwards, the quarantine requirement can be largely avoided. At the moment Japan is scheduled after Turkey but we don’t yet have any event that fits the bill for Brazil.


With Qatar, however, F1 would get the 23 races it wants.


Qatar has long had ambitions to host a Grand Prix, but Bahrain and Abu Dhabi have monopolised the Middle Eastern dates on the F1 calendar. The arrival this year of regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia seems to have changed the landscape somewhat, and the inclusion of Qatar is particularly interesting given the problems in recent years between the country and its Gulf neighbours, which led to diplomatic relations being severed in 2017. A settlement was reached to normalise the situation only in January this year.


Qatar has been hosting MotoGP races since 2004 and held the first MotoGP night race in 2008, but its biggest sporting coup was winning the FIFA World Cup soccer competition back in 2010. The World Cup will take place at the end of 2022 despite claims that the process was conducted in a corrupt fashion. These claims and legal actions pertaining to them continue, but it looks like the tournament will go ahead as planned. Qatar will be the first Arab nation to host the World Cup.


It is not unusual for countries to turn to F1 after other big events such as the Olympics and the World Cup, in order to maintain their international profile, with Barcelona and Sochi being good examples of this concept. Thus it is quite likely that a 2021 race could be a precursor for a bid for a permanent place on the F1 calendar, which might explain Qatar’s sudden willingness to join the party.


This would suit F1 as it seeks to boost the number of World Championship races each year – and the annual revenues of the sport. It could also help other Middle Eastern races as it might boost interest in F1 in the region and generate more spectators at each event, although none of them currently requires ticket sales to pay the race fees.




The Dutch government has decided to ban large-scale festivals in August because of an increase in case numbers a result of the COVID pandemic and specifically of the Delta variant, which is causing trouble across much of Europe. The government says a decision about the Dutch Grand Prix in Zandvoort, scheduled for September, will be made on August 13. If the track is not allowed a full crowd the race will be cancelled as it cannot have a financially viable event.



The calendar at the end of the F1 season is still to be finalised, but there is an interesting announcement coming out of Texas in the recent hours with the confirmation that the Rolling Stones will be playing at the Circuit of the Americas on November 20, the weekend that was going to host the Australian Grand Prix.


At the moment the United States Grand Prix is scheduled for October 24, but there has been talk of the date being moved and of a second race being added. COTA boss Bobby Epstein told me a while ago that he had a big music act booked but could not announce it until the details were finalised with the band.


Could it be that Brazil will move forward and be twinned with Mexico (to get around the red zone status in the UK – the home of most of the F1 teams) and that Austin would be pushed back to November 21. One can imagine that Brazil would move forward to October 24, going back-to-back with Mexico (on October 31), which would solve the red zone problem, and then a two-week break before a race in Austin on November 14, followed by a second on November 21, with The Stones playing on the Saturday evening. This would also allow for two different kinds of race weekend at COTA, with the normal format one weekend and the Sprint format on the second.


It could just be that there is a stand-alone Rolling Stones concert, but the twin races would greatly help F1 in its efforts to grow the sport in the United States, which is what F1 wants to do, more than anything.


It’s not definite but this scenario makes a lot of sense.




Four drivers received medical attention following a crash at Raidillon in the early stages yesterday’s Spa 24 Hours. Kevin Estre and Franck Perera, were taken to the medical centre and released while two others, Jack Aitken and Davide Rigon were taken to hospital for further checks, though their injuries are said not to be life-threatening.


Ilott, Rigon’s Iron Lynx team mate, also participated in the 2019 Formula 2 race at the circuit in which Anthoine Hubert lost his life following a collision at the same corner. Following yesterday’s crash Ilott said he believes the corner should be changed for safety.


“There needs to be a change at this corner and I’m very surprised nothing has changed yet,” wrote Ilott on social media. “Enough is enough.”


He pointed out several of his friends have now suffered major crashes at the corner. “If I’m wrong for chasing for better safety after seeing four of my friends involved in massive accidents then I may as well not be human,” Ilott added.


“I’ve come back to Spa after 2019 and I will come back again after this. But that doesn’t mean if something isn’t good enough it shouldn’t be fixed.”




"The British Automobile Racing Club is saddened to confirm that as a result of an accident that occurred during a race meeting at Brands Hatch circuit today (Saturday 31 July), a volunteer marshal tragically lost their life. The rest of the day’s racing activity was cancelled."


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