Radoye Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 (edited) 27 minutes ago, DASUBO said: A ako će Grožan da bude u Ferariju, krajnje je vreme da šaljem CV u Maranelo... Pa koga jos imaju po tim svojim B-timovima? GRO i KMag koji su prakticno isti, Djovinaci koji je za mene razocarenje ove sezone i Kimeta da vracaju po treci put nakon sto su ga oterali sto nema smisla. Ili da potegnu neko totalno ludilo i probaju da cimnu Rosija iz Indikara (kome inace istice ugovor na kraju sezone), ali Ferari nije bas poznat po sklonostima za takve rizike. Edited May 28, 2019 by Radoye
Radoye Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 2 minutes ago, alberto.ascari said: Nema te kinte koju Ferdža ne može da plati. Jbg nije mogucnost pod znagom pitanja nego volja - koliko je Ferari spreman da odresi kesu za njega. Ono, ako i imam para ne znaci da cu da ih bacam. Jer koliko god da je Ferdza u mogucnosti da plati toliko je i Rendza u mogucnosti da zaceni.
alberto.ascari Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 29 minutes ago, Radoye said: Jbg nije mogucnost pod znagom pitanja nego volja - koliko je Ferari spreman da odresi kesu za njega. Ono, ako i imam para ne znaci da cu da ih bacam. Jer koliko god da je Ferdza u mogucnosti da plati toliko je i Rendza u mogucnosti da zaceni. Jebote Radoje, pa mi smo jedini tim koji plaća pilota da NE vozi. Ima se, može se...😁 1
Radoye Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 Pa dobro, onda je Rendza resio budzet za narednih 10 godina, samo trazi $3 milijarde za RICa 😛 2
DASUBO Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 Obrni okreni, izgleda da sam im ja najbolja opcija. Fuck, opet dijeta 😂 1 3
Hertzog Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 Ne pomaze njima ni dete dobijeno spajanjem gena schumachera i senne
MetalHead Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 Grozan ili Magnusen u Ferrariju - pa vi mora da se zaj... salite! 🙂 Jedan kojem je potreban psihijatar da bi se iole vratio u normalu i drugi koji je sa ostalim vozacima u fazonu "napu... mi se k...". (ko nije gledao onaj Netflix dokumentarac verovatno bi me report-ovao za ovo pisanje ali ovo je ziva istina, sami vozaci sve rekli). Rikjardo svakako najbolja opcija, mozda ima cak i neku opcija izlaska iz Renoovog ugovora. Mislim da bi dobro isao uz Leklera. Ali dzaba sve to, pa i Dasubo da bude u najboljem svom izdanju 🙂 kad na pitwall-u sede ljudi koji sve sto mogu zabrljaju.
Dzoni_m Posted May 29, 2019 Posted May 29, 2019 Ja bih voleo da vidim Magnusena na mestu Vetela ako je uopste istina da se ovaj povlaci. Bas zbog tog sto naduva k. majmune na prvu. Eto imamo “veliko talenta” Leklera pa neka on nosi tim. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Borko Posted May 29, 2019 Author Posted May 29, 2019 Radoje, za tebe pretpostavljam nema dileme, Fetel ostaje 7. na listi greatest of all time? 😄 1
Radoye Posted May 29, 2019 Posted May 29, 2019 (edited) 40 minutes ago, 4_Webber said: Radoje, za tebe pretpostavljam nema dileme, Fetel ostaje 7. na listi greatest of all time? 😄 Pa ono, s obzirom da su samo 5 vozaca ukljucujuci i njega uzeli 4 ili vise titula svetskog prvaka sto se ne moze ignorisati na jednu stranu, cinjenica da Fetel nije u top 5 na mojoj listi na drugu stranu govori dovoljno sama za sebe, zar ne mislis tako? Naravno ta lista je bila samo na osnovu ucinka u F1 trkama za svetski sampionat - ako gledamo sve trke za svetski sampionat onda tu treba ukljuciti i Askarija (cije su titule bile u F2 bolidima) pa mozda cak i Vukovica (2 pobede i 1 pol u 5 pokusaja - odnos pobeda / startova 40%, jedino Fandjo sa 46% bolji od njega), a ako gledamo sve Granpri trke onda treba gledati i predratne likove poput Nuvolarija, Karacole (42% odnos pobeda / startova), Rozemajera, Varcija plus sto bi se i statistika posleratnih vozaca znacajno promenila ako krenemo brojati trke van sampionata sveta (nacionalne sampionate, Tasman seriju, revijalne trke itd). Tako da brzo to postane komplikovano. No u svakom slucaju voleli mi Fetela ili ne (a licno ga ne mirisem bas previse, kao ni trofejnijeg mu zemljaka) sampionske titule ipak govore same za sebe i bilo kakva top 10 lista bez cetvorostrukog prvaka sveta bila bi nekompletna. Edited May 29, 2019 by Radoye 5
alpiner Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Lepa vest... Quote Porsche built engine for possible F1 2021 entry Porsche has built and tested an engine that would have been Formula 1 compatible and formed the basis of a 2021 entry had it committed to joining the world championship. The German manufacturer was known to be considering an F1 programme, its first for almost three decades, as it joined the process establishing new engine rules for 2021 and beyond. However, Porsche's F1 prospects ended when the parent Volkswagen Audi Group opted to cancel its World Endurance Championship/LMP1 project in favour of a Formula E entry, and the prospect of simplified and cheaper F1 engines stalled. Porsche's head of motorsport Fritz Enzinger told Motorsport.com that prior to its exit from LMP1 – which it had dominated with a two-litre, four-cylinder engine – Porsche had started work on a six-cylinder engine that was F1 compatible. "In 2017 there were signals from Formula 1 that the regulations were to be changed and that energy recovery from the exhaust gases [the MGU-H] was no longer required," he said. "As of 2017, Porsche was a member of the FIA Manufacturers Commission and was involved in the discussions about the future drive strategy in Formula 1 from 2021 and represented at the meetings. "On the one hand we took part in these working groups. On the other hand the guys developed a six-cylinder for the WEC in parallel. Of course, we thought about what would have to change if the engine were to be used in Formula 1. Such things can be done in two ways." Porsche had a 40-person team from its LMP1 project to develop the six-cylinder engine. In 2017 it became clear this would not be used for a WEC programme because Porsche committed to leaving that championship once the rules shifted and the series failed to find a replacement for Porsche's sister brand Audi. Though a move to FE, where Audi was also present, was an "obvious idea", Enzinger said the six-cylinder engine concept was still pursued because an F1 engine without the MGU-H would "also be interesting for a super sports car". "At the end of 2017, we received a concrete order from our parent company to further develop a highly efficient six-cylinder engine, despite its LMP1 withdrawal," he said. "Not only on paper, but actually as hardware and with the idea that this engine will be put to the test in 2019. That was the order from the board to us." Porsche has not competed in F1 since its failed engine programme in 1991 with the Footwork team. Enzinger said its six-cylinder engine "is complete and running on the test bench" as a team of "20 to 25 technicians" use it "for analyses and further orders with regard to series relevance". "The possible use for this six-cylinder engine was completely open," he said. "If it had been decided to send Porsche 2021 to Formula 1, we would have made it the way we did in 2018." https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/porsche-tested-compatible-engine-2021/4414564/ 1
Borko Posted May 31, 2019 Author Posted May 31, 2019 Ajde vi iz Renoa lepo da ugasite svoj tim i udruzite se sa nama, postanemo Meklaren-Reno i ugrozimo ove azdaje 😄 🙂
Radoye Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Kako stvari sada stoje verovatnije je da bi se Reno udruzio sa Alfom u F1 nego sa Meklarenom...
Dzoni_m Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Vi kanda ne pratite auto-industriju. Reno se merdzuje sa FCA. Sto znaci da Ferrari, Alfa i Reno idu pod istu kapu.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Radoye Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 (edited) Ferari nije deo FCA. Zato valjda i povlaci svoje ljude iz Alfe. Edited May 31, 2019 by Radoye
Dzoni_m Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Javni deo je 67%. Ostatak je Exor sto ce reci FCA/Anjeli zovi kako hoces, sa 22% i Piero sa 10%. Nesto nisam siguran da je ovaj javni deo kupio neko u kompletu. Tako da se zna ko tu kosi a ko vodu nosi. Formalno si u pravu. Ferrari je javna kompanija i nezavisna od FCA. Ali, u realnosti, Ferrari je uvek bio samostalan i FCA se nije mesao u odluke. Zato je tranzicija prosla bez problema jer su oni i funkcionisali kao sto sada rade. Sa druge strane, oni koji su se pitali, pitace se opet. Ovi sto su pokupovali akcije mogu samo da spekulisu sa njima.Tako da ako dodje do neke “saradnje” sugurno ce to biti izmedju Ferrarija i Renoa. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Radoye Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Jeste FCA delimicno vlasnik u Ferariju ali Ferari brend nije u sastavu FCA (u smislu u kome su to Fiat, Alfa, Maserati, Krajsler, Dodz i ostalo). Ostaje da se vidi hoce li biti kakve saradnje izmedju buduceg Reno-Nisan-Fijat-Krajslera i Ferarija, ali je fakat da bi u toj situaciji Reno i Alfa postali jedna firma pa je logicno za ocekivati i da saradjuju, a takodje je fakat da Ferari vec sada povlaci svoje ljude iz Alfe gde ih je poslao tek pre par meseci, pred pocetak ove sezone.
Dzoni_m Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Ferrari TM je van FCA to je sada 100% formalizovano. Mozda neko uspe da iskopa, ali mislim da Ferrari brend nikada i nije bio formalno FCA tj Fiat. Ovi su imali vlasnicki udeo, ali daj drugi deo je bio nesto komplikovan. Ona Yugoslovenska varijanta taj OUR nije deo SOUR-a i te fore. Nesto su tu zakomplikovali ili sam samo ja pogresno razumeo. U principu nije toliko ni bitno. Mene vise plasi taj konglomerat Reno-Nisan-Fiat-jebelmliga-koji-sve-USA-brendovi, koji mi uzasno lici na BLMC pokusaj.Toliko jakih individualnih brendova pod istim krovom je recept za katastrofu. Kada to nije uspelo BLMC a svi su bili u istoj drzavi, mogu da zamislim tog monstruma od organizacije. To ce biti sve samo ne efikasno.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Radoye Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 Ferari je izdvojen iz FCA 2015, do tada je (kao deo Fiata) bio u njihovom sastavu kao i svi drugi brendovi. Fiat je posedovao 90%, Encovi naslednici 10%. Do Encove smrti bilo je 50-50 izmedju njega i Ferarija, nakon sto je on umro familija je prepustila kontrolu Fiatu sve do sada kad su ga odvojili iz FCA.
Radoye Posted June 4, 2019 Posted June 4, 2019 I ovo je reseno: Quote Sebastian Vettel has denied rumours he is considering retirement from Formula 1. The four-times world champion has endured a disappointing start to the 2019 F1 season. His Ferrari team is yet to win a race and Vettel is under greater pressure from new team mate Charles Leclerc than he was from Kimi Raikkonen last year. Vettel has also previously hinted at his dissatisfaction with the state of the sport. In an interview earlier this year he said F1 is “now more a show and a business than a sport” and that he wouldn’t stay “just for the sake of being in Formula 1.” Although Vettel is contracted to Ferrari until the end of the 2020 F1 season, rumours indicated he was considering an early exit at the end of this season. But Vettel told Auto Bild he is not thinking about calling time on his F1 career. “I have no plans to stop,” he said. “I still have lots of fun, and I still have something to do at Ferrari.” “We want to try everything again this season to bring about the turnaround and the Canadian Grand Prix should be the beginning,” Vettel added. Vettel won from pole position at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve 12 months ago. His most recent race victory came in last year’s Belgian Grand Prix.
alpiner Posted June 12, 2019 Posted June 12, 2019 F1 teams are split over talks on budget reform delay A split has emerged between Formula 1 teams as talks over the future of the sport reach a critical stage. Half the teams object to plans to postpone the finalisation of a budget cap for 2021 from June until October. Alfa Romeo, McLaren, Racing Point, Renault and Williams believe it is a back-door attempt by big teams to water down cost restrictions. But Mercedes and Ferrari reject the claim and say the proposed 2021 rules are "immature" and need more work. The stance of the five teams puts governing body the FIA and Formula 1 in a difficult position because regulations dictate that the 2021 rules have to be finalised by the end of this month, unless they can secure support from all the teams for a delay. And all agree that the sporting and technical rules are not ready for publication. A meeting is planned between the various parties on Thursday, before a meeting of the FIA World Council, F1's legislative body, on Friday, which has to decide what to do about publication of the rules. McLaren chief executive officer Zak Brown, speaking exclusively to BBC Sport, said: "We want what will bring the best balance to the sport. "As a sport we spend way more money than we need to go racing and put on a good show for the fans. We're one of the few industries that hasn't adjusted to today's economic realities and as a major sport we have more financial imbalance among competitors than any other. "We need to push forward so that every team has a reasonable opportunity to be competitive. We need to lock down the future of the sport before it's too late." What are the five worried about? Enforcing an effective budget cap, as well as creating a more equitable split in revenues among the teams, is a matter of critical importance for the smaller outfits because F1 has turned into a two-tier championship. Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull have budgets in the region of $300m-400m (£236m-315m) a year. The other teams' budgets range from about $120m-210m (£94m-165m) and as a result they cannot hope to compete. This locks in a situation where the smaller teams can never hope to win a race - and can only manage a podium finish in races where there are lots of incidents. Renault, McLaren, Racing Point, Alfa Romeo and Williams feel that the current arrangements for the budget cap in 2021 are acceptable and do not want to open the door to any further changes. The original plan was for the cap to be set at $150m a year, but after more than a year of talks that number has gone up to $175m, in addition to several exclusions. Drivers, the salaries of the three highest paid executives, engine bills, marketing and hospitality, and race weekend travel and accommodation are not included in the cap. That could amount to as much as $75m extra, depending on the team. The five would have preferred to have the figure set at $150m, but have agreed to the compromise number of $175m with the concession that it is introduced in 2021. Previously, a glide path down to the ultimate cap over three years from 2021 to 2023 had been planned. But the teams will not sign off on a delay to the sporting and technical regulations without the budget cap being secured this month. Their position effectively means the FIA has to either give in to their demands and fix the financial regulations now, or be forced to publish the entire set of 2021 rules at a time when the sporting and technical sides are not ready. That is a significant problem for F1 and the FIA because major changes are being planned to the cars for 2021 to enable them to follow each other more closely and create better racing. If these are not thoroughly researched, the risk of problems when the cars emerge is significantly greater. Renault F1 managing director Cyril Abiteboul said he had been "surprised" a delay was now being proposed. He said: "The more time passes, the better it looks to be for the established teams taking advantage of their current power. "I understand everyone accepts the principle of the financial regulations, budget cap, plus the figures and exclusions that have been come up with. So for me there is no reason to not set that in stone unless people are not acting in good faith and are willing indeed to get something different from what has been, we believe, agreed." Abiteboul added that confirming the financial regulations was "paramount". "We don't want to be confrontational or force the system to adopt a set of regulations if they are not ready," Abiteboul said, "so we are prepared to give more time to the various stakeholders without killing the momentum. Because I think there is a good momentum right now because of the emergency. When you remove the emergency there is always a risk of losing the momentum. "But putting that aside, one thing that is really paramount for us is the financial regulations, for a couple of reasons. "The main one is that we need to have some certainty now about the commercial set-up of F1 because we are still in the process of building our team, of finding what is the right operating level, and the figures we have now are very different from the ones that were floated by [commercial rights holder] Liberty and the FIA a bit more than a year ago. "So who knows what will be the situation in six months' time? So at some point it is good to take stock and draw a line in the sand and say: 'This is what will happen.' And we will be able to make our plans." What about the big teams? Mercedes and Ferrari say they simply want to ensure the rules, when they are published, are effective and do the job they were intended to do. Ferrari team boss Mattia Binotto said: "On the principle of the objectives, we are all on the same page and have been since the first time. But time is running out and we are late and the regulations have just been published and are not mature enough to be voted [on] so I think postponing was the proper decision." World champions Mercedes say they support the budget cap and think $175m is a sensible figure. And they point out that in recent seasons they have proved on several occasions that they were open to changes of rules even though these could have jeopardised their advantage. Mercedes F1 boss Toto Wolff said changing the rules might not have the outcome some would like. "The default reaction in the past when big teams were running away was to change the [regulations] in the hope people will catch up," he said. "The opposite is the case. If you leave regulations alone, eventually performance will converge." Changes were made to the front wing rules and tyre construction for this season with the intention of making the racing better, but the effect has been the opposite because Mercedes have adapted better and dominated the season. Wolff said: "As in the past, teams lobby for change because they believe rolling the dice can be an advantage for them. In 2019, none of that has happened. So we are back to square one. "We are making that mistake over and over again but it is very difficult from our position to be credible and be heard because people believe we want to maintain the rules as they are to maintain our advantage." https://www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/48600136
Alen13ASC Posted June 14, 2019 Posted June 14, 2019 Ovo će biti interesantno, novo motorsport takmičenje slično Olimpijadi! https://www.autosport.com/other/news/144102/olympicsstyle-motorsport-games-launched-by-fia Ovo ja godinama želim videti u akciji.
zoran59 Posted June 15, 2019 Posted June 15, 2019 4 hours ago, Alen13ASC said: Ovo će biti interesantno, novo motorsport takmičenje slično Olimpijadi! ....... Ovo ja godinama želim videti u akciji. Eh, Alene, a ja bas ne zelim. Citat iz clanka: ... Drivers will represent their countries ... Sta qrtz "countries"? Ovo je individualni sport, neka pobedi najbolji a navijacu za najsimpaticnijeg. Uopste me ne zanima nacija/drzava/nacionalnost i takve gluposti. Mislim, je l' treba da vicem da je stojadin bolji od mercedesa zato sto je proizveden blize mestu gde sam se rodio (a ni to mesto nisam birao nego mi se desilo, sudbina)? U sportu postoje pravila zato da se uslovi izjednace za sve pa da pobedi najbolji. A taj je najsposobniji zato jer se je izabrao taj sport pa se najvise potrudio. Mi navijamo jer postoji neki stepen identifikacije, nesto zajednicko sto imamo sa takmicarem. Ako je to stil voznje, ili nesto drugo, to je sve OK. Zato jer je u modernom individualistickom svetu to stvar sopstvenog izbora. Mesto rodjenja nije, a ni drzavljanstvo - to su stvari koje nas zadese bez nase volje. U mojem sistemu vrednosti, cenim individualno a ne kolektivno, a kriterijum ocigledno subjektivni - je ono sta me zanima. Hebe mi se za odbojku i naciju, nemam pojma kako tamo stoje reprezentacije ili kada se igra. Navijam, kad pogledam, za Borkovica. Ali to nije zbog nacije. To je zato sto je imao teze pocetne uslove i morao da ulozi veci napor da postigne isto kao neko kome naprosto palo sa zvezda. I mora da se bakce sa konstitucijom... A ja cenim ulozeni trud jer sam i sam morao da se izborim za nesto sto se drugima "desilo" samo od sebe. Zato se nadam da ovaj "nacionalni" sampionat nece zaziveti ili biti bitan. 1
Radoye Posted June 15, 2019 Posted June 15, 2019 Probali su sa tim nacionalnim sampionatom u A1GP pa nisu daleko dogurali.
Dzoni_m Posted June 15, 2019 Posted June 15, 2019 (edited) 10 hours ago, zoran59 said: Sta qrtz "countries"? Ovo je individualni sport, neka pobedi najbolji a navijacu za najsimpaticnijeg. Uopste me ne zanima nacija/drzava/nacionalnost i takve gluposti. Mislim, je l' treba da vicem da je stojadin bolji od mercedesa zato sto je proizveden blize mestu gde sam se rodio (a ni to mesto nisam birao nego mi se desilo, sudbina)? U sportu postoje pravila zato da se uslovi izjednace za sve pa da pobedi najbolji. A taj je najsposobniji zato jer se je izabrao taj sport pa se najvise potrudio. Mi navijamo jer postoji neki stepen identifikacije, nesto zajednicko sto imamo sa takmicarem. Ako je to stil voznje, ili nesto drugo, to je sve OK. Zato jer je u modernom individualistickom svetu to stvar sopstvenog izbora. Mesto rodjenja nije, a ni drzavljanstvo - to su stvari koje nas zadese bez nase volje. U mojem sistemu vrednosti, cenim individualno a ne kolektivno, a kriterijum ocigledno subjektivni - je ono sta me zanima. Hebe mi se za odbojku i naciju, nemam pojma kako tamo stoje reprezentacije ili kada se igra. Navijam, kad pogledam, za Borkovica. Ali to nije zbog nacije. To je zato sto je imao teze pocetne uslove i morao da ulozi veci napor da postigne isto kao neko kome naprosto palo sa zvezda. I mora da se bakce sa konstitucijom... A ja cenim ulozeni trud jer sam i sam morao da se izborim za nesto sto se drugima "desilo" samo od sebe. Zato se nadam da ovaj "nacionalni" sampionat nece zaziveti ili biti bitan. Bravo Zoki!!!!! Care!! NIsam usamljen u svom razmiljanju. Ja kada ovo boldovano izjavim, hoce da me lincuju. Jedino sto u nasem zivotu ne biramo je da postanemo. Apsolutno me zastava (krpa) ne zanima, ni ona koja mi je u pasosu ni ona gde zivim. Postujem pravila i zakone svake drzave gde sam ziveo/zivim, platim sta dugujem, glasam gde to ima smisla i to je od mene. NIsta vise od toga. Zivim tamo i uzimam pasos one zemlje koja mi najvise da za moj rad i postuje moj individualizam. To je sve. Tako da si u pravu, nacionalni sampionati nikakavog smisla nemaju. Edited June 15, 2019 by Dzoni_m 2
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