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Ako mogu da vas zamolim nesto, a to je da tvitove stavljate u spojlere. Ja licno imam problem sa otvaranjem strana na kojoj je milion tvitova postavljeno. Seta mi slika gore dole, ne mogu da izbrisem tvitove da bi replicirala....


Elem @wwww, znamo ko gine za Alaha, niko nije rekao da ne znamo. 

Ja licno ne mogu da gledam tvitove preplavljene mrtvom decom, jer ih ima na obe strane i mrtve dece i tvitova. Licno mi je zlo od svega toga, od svake nevine zrtve koja nije trebala da plati glavom u borbi za svetu zemlju. 


Nisam vernik, ne interesuje me nicija vera dok ne pocne da utice direktno na mene. Mislim da su vere licna stvar. Da li se grozim (onih) muslimanskih drzava i ljudskih prava koje sprovode nad svojim gradjanima, mahom gradjankama - da. Ali to nije nikakav reper da bih ja zauzela neku apriori poziciju u ratu koji su zapoceli u veoma komplikovanim i slozenim visevekovnim odnosima, ne. Ne mislim da su nevine obe strane predvodjene politikom, a zao mi je zrtava sa obe strane. Sa druge strane sam preplasena bas iz ovih razloga histerije u koju jako veliki broj ljudi upada i koji ne moze da donese nista dobro sirom planete. 


Kakav bi ja ignorant bila da sednem i kazem kako su muslimani zlo, pa izes njihovu decu. Izvini, ja licno to ne mogu. 


Sa druge strane, nije mi cak palo na pamet da pomenem, ali evo, isprovocirana sam, juce je covek ubio sestogodisnjeg palestinca u gradu Cikagu. Da branim to Hamasom? 


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9 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said:

Ako mogu da vas zamolim nesto, a to je da tvitove stavljate u spojlere. Ja licno imam problem sa otvaranjem strana na kojoj je milion tvitova postavljeno. Seta mi slika gore dole, ne mogu da izbrisem tvitove da bi replicirala....

Podrzavam, stvarno je preterano. Ne zbog samog sadrzaja nego prosto tehnicki - ubija stranicu toliko tvitova, a nije ni pregledno za diskusiju. 

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Ljudi koji žive u Gazi su velikom većinom, prosti, neobrazovani, siromašni i žive u groznim uslovima.


Nema potrebe da ih dodatno dehumanizujemo ovom pričom kako eto "nisu dostojanstveni" jer su pokazali svoju mrtvu decu.


Kakvo dostojanstvo očekujete ovde? Dostojanstvo je odavno bačeno u kanal.

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1 hour ago, HAMMER said:

zaista jezive scene. divljastvo koje je bilo karakteristicno za neke periode od pre nekih 500+ godina. sam cin je zavio ceo palestinski narod u crno i bukvalno osudio na najstrozu kaznu. onako gledano sa strane palestinci imaju dva puta. da se suprostave hamasu sad i odmah ili da svi zajedno izginu. jednostavno ovakve scene zahtevaju odlucan odgovor i ako vole svoju decu i svoje porodice morace da se late oruzja protiv hamasa.

hamas kao i sve sisice ce da se kriju iza civila dok civili ne povade maceve ili dok ih izraelci sve ne poslazu ko drva. jednostavno nema prostora za manevar niti sa neka polovicna resenja.

pa ima Palestinaca i u drugim delovima, nisu samo u Gazi. Evo ovi u West Bank mogu da izvuku pouku iz idiotluka koje rade njihova braca u Gazi (i onako se mne vole medjusobno, ako sam ja dobro shvatila), budu mudriji i prezive i jos prosperiraju (ako dobro odigraju svoje karte i ne postanu radikalne budale ko njihova braca u Gazi.


Pre nekih 7-8 godina sam od jednog bivseg kolega cula jedan prilicno cudan komentar. On je poreklom Palestinac iz Jordana (bas je naglasio da on nema veze s ovima "Arfatovima"). Rekao je manje-vise ovo sto je odaj Emiratski sheik rekao (na prethodnoj stranici): da mi ovde u Evropi uopste namamo pojma o Bliskom istoku. Da se tmo ne mogu raditi stvari kao ovde, da tamo mora da postoji cvrsta ruka koja ce da drzi masu pod kontrolom, da ne divlja, da su oni vekovima od toga da budu u stanu da postanu demokratija zapadnog tipa.  Ja sam samo razrogacila oci na ovo i reko : ooookkkkkeeeejjjj, bolje da promenim temu. Kad ono medjutim. Izgleda da je covek znao o cemu prica.



Elem, evo ga jedan clanak jedne afrikanke, bivse muslimanke i bivse antisemitkinje. Vredno je procitati, vrlo pojednostvljeno, a efektno objasnjene neke stvari (mislim da sam videla da je izdala i neku knjigu)





The former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi — a one-time leader of the Muslim Brotherhood — declared that Muslims should 'nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred' of Jews. His organisation has done just that — and the despicable sentiment is the underlying context to Hamas's most recent attacks.

The truth, however, is that Hamas is no more a friend of the Palestinians than it is a friend of Israel.

Those who see the conflict as a simple territorial dispute between a colonial state and a dispossessed minority fail to recognise Hamas for what it really is: a gang of genocidal Islamist thugs backed by a theocratic, anti-Semitic regime in Iran.

Useful idiots on the far-Left in Western countries, who blindly support Hamas because they see it as a freedom-fighting group, harm the very people they claim to defend.





Ordinary Palestinians want to build a prosperous, functioning society. Hamas, in its obsession with annihilating Israel, doesn't care about that. It wishes only to bring about a genocidal Islamist dystopia.

It is Hamas, after all, that holds Palestinians hostage in Gaza, setting up military installations in — and launching rockets from — civilian areas in the full knowledge that counterstrikes will kill innocent people.

It is Hamas that impoverishes Palestinians by stealing humanitarian aid to fund its terror. This is what 'by any means necessary' truly signifies: supreme callousness towards Palestinian life.





If you genuinely want to see peace between Israelis and Palestinians, or more generally between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, then Hamas should be your enemy.

And even if — like many in the West, as we can now see — you don't care at all about Israeli or Jewish lives, even if you care only about the lives of Palestinians, Hamas is still your enemy. After all, Hamas ruthlessly persecutes any Palestinians who disagree with it: a 2022 U.S. State Department report found that, among other abuses, Hamas detained and assaulted critical journalists.

It is especially hostile to public figures associated with its rival Fatah, the Palestinian party voted out of office in Gaza in 2006, but which still runs the West Bank.





As a Dutch MP in 2004 and 2005, I travelled to the West Bank and met Palestinians.

In public, they spouted all the usual lines about Israel being their 'oppressor'. But once the cameras were switched off, they spoke more truthfully.

They complained bitterly about their treatment by Hamas and other radical groups, and told me how money meant to feed the people was being taken to fund those organisations' activities and their leaders' luxurious lifestyles. Arabs and Palestinians alike told me how fed up they were with conflict, and how ready they were for peace.

Hamas, like other Islamist groups, has done its best over the course of decades to stomp all over those wishes.

And it has been successful. The shocking rise in anti-Semitism in the West owes much to the entrenched Islamist networks that have spent years stirring up this ancient hatred.

Europe must now wake up to these fifth columnists who shamelessly celebrate violence and bigotry, promoting hatred of the Jewish minority in Europe.

The West must also wake up to the moral corruption of its own Hamas supporters, from Left-wing university students to flag-waving street thugs.

Meanwhile, elite human-rights organisations need to do far more to name terrorism when they see it.





It is horrifying to see Amnesty International claiming that one of the 'root causes' of the crisis is 'Israel's system of apartheid imposed on Palestinians'.

Human Rights Watch, meanwhile, should do more than merely equivocating in its insistence that no injustice can justify another.

This is not to argue that Israel should be immune from criticism. My point is that much of the criticism is at best misguided and at worst thinly veiled anti-Semitism.

Hamas, like Lebanon's Hezbollah, Isis in Syria and Iraq, Nigeria's Boko Haram, Somalia's Al-Shabaab and several other groups, are fighting not for the liberty and prosperity of Muslims but, ultimately, for the annihilation of Israel and the imposition of an Islamic state.

If Palestinians and other Muslims have to suffer for that aim, then so be it.



Hamas is another Isis. They are the enemies of Israel; they are the enemies of all Jews; they are the enemies of Palestinians; they are the enemies of peace and freedom. They are the enemies of Western civilisation itself.

It is about time they were recognised as such.




Edited by wwww
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47 minutes ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said:

Ako mogu da vas zamolim nesto, a to je da tvitove stavljate u spojlere. Ja licno imam problem sa otvaranjem strana na kojoj je milion tvitova postavljeno. Seta mi slika gore dole, ne mogu da izbrisem tvitove da bi replicirala....



36 minutes ago, Kooineeperk said:

Podrzavam, stvarno je preterano. Ne zbog samog sadrzaja nego prosto tehnicki - ubija stranicu toliko tvitova, a nije ni pregledno za diskusiju. 

izvinjavam se na ubacivanju previse tvitova, htela sam da nadjem jednu specificnu sliku, a onda su poceli da iskacu raznorzni twitovi s raznom decom. posle sam imala problema da ih stavim u spojlere. vodicu racuna ubuduce.

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1 hour ago, wwww said:

evo nas, optuzba da su Izraelci namerno dopustili da im ljudi budu masakrirani!

'ta će Jevrej drugo nego da smišlja zavere i "vuče konce". Pa palestinski vođa, Abaz dr. Mahmut, je "doktorirao" u Sovjetskom savezu tezom da su "cionisti" organizovali Holokaust - u kojem je poginulo samo 890k ljudi, a da su Ajhmana skembali zato što je hteo da razotrkije njihovu zaveru:




"Teza" je, inače, rađena i odbranjena na novoosonovanom sovjetskom Institutu za orijentalne studije, čiji je eksplicitni mandat bio "borba protiv anti-sovjetskih i anti-komunističkih aktivnosti međunarodnog cionizma", te promocija "naučnog" (kakav bi drugi bio u SSSR-u?) "anti-cionizma, ateizma i komunizma". Ovaj institut više ne postoji u ovoj formi, ali su njegovi "intelektualni" proizvodi/abortusi i dalje vrlo živi i živahni, kako na Bliskom istoku tako bogami i na Zapadu, kako na levici tako i među neonacistima. Dovoljno je baciti pogled samo na salatu opštih mesta koja se koriste na samom početku doktorovog "autoreferata", da bi se videlo da bi "teza" dan-danas komotno mogla biti odbranjena na svakom postmodernom departmanu na nekom zapadnom univerzitetu (koji ovih dana zdušno kliču kasapljenju Jevreja), jer kao da je generisana PoMo pseudorandom generatorom:


"With the deepening of the crisis of capitalism in our time, the crisis of the ideology of Zionism and the inadequacy of its ideological concepts become increasingly obvious...however...Zionism remains a “shrewd and dangerous enemy of socialism and the national liberation movemen...global imperialism, with the United States of America at its helm, increasingly bets on Zionism...The reactionary, aggressive essence of international Zionism and, first and foremost, its crucial component—Israel’s ruling Zionist regime—appears today in its most crude, expansionist and racist form. Violence, terror and extremism are becoming Zionists’ main methods of action...unmasking of the reactionary ideology and politics of Zionism constitutes a pressing task of all progressive, anti-imperialist forces and is inextricably connected with the defense of peace,democracy and social progress...All honest people of the planet must fight “the hateful ideology and practice of racism … against racial and national discrimination, Zionism and antisemitism, which are fomented by capitalist reactionary forces.."

Edited by bohumilo
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1 hour ago, wwww said:

izvinjavam se na ubacivanju previse tvitova, htela sam da nadjem jednu specificnu sliku, a onda su poceli da iskacu raznorzni twitovi s raznom decom. posle sam imala problema da ih stavim u spojlere. vodicu racuna ubuduce.


Ti ces voditi racuna ali erwin nece.. covek ovu temu besomucno i bez pardona zatrpava twitovima vec nedelju dana, svaki dan okaci po 30-50 twitova 

i blokira razgovor da se jedva probijamo kroz sumu njegove twiter oglasne table. Pa ako je moderaciji to potaman (ne brane/ne opominju) pa navali i ti sta te briga.


Hocu reci s kojim pravom tebe ovde neko opominje sto si danas/juce zakacila nekoliko twitera a njega ne opominje niko evo nedelju dana sa 200+ okacenih twitera... 

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali je morala da se iseli iz Holandije u US jer su je muslimanski fanatici stavili na vrh liste za odstrel. 

Zena nije mogla nigde bez telohranitelja, tajne adrese i totalne kontrole gde god da se pojavi javno 

a da to ne bude prilika da je ubiju. Paradoksalno, u Holandiju, gde je po svim parametrima trebala da bude sigurna i bezbedna, je pobegla od fundamentalizma u svojoj zemlji - Somaliji. Da bi i nju morala da napusti zbog ugrozene bezbednosti. 

Edited by Jezebel
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Sto vise potencijalnih teroristickih napada u Evropi - to vise radikalizacije domicilnog stanovnistva i okretanje krajnjoj desnici koja samo ceka svoju priliku. Koliko sam se samo naslusala od savrseno normalnih i inace tolerantnih ljudi da kapiju treba zabraviti totalno za imigrante, posebno one iz treceg sveta. A one koji nece da se integrisu u drustvo poslati kartom u jednom pravcu odakle su i dosli. 


Dakle, njima ce ici na ruku svaki teroristicki napad. Ovde kod mene su ionako sve stranke levice marginalizovane vec skoro 2 decenije i nemaju sanse za povratak na scenu. (nije da pustam suzicu* za njima ali zbog balansa) 


*u mnogo cemu prirodno gravitiram ka strankama levice ali su po mnogim pitanjima tako budalasto prokockali svoje potencijale i sanse tj. pokazali se nevidjenim oportunistima i neprincipijelnim mediokritetima. Cime su stvorili mesto za uspon desnice, cak ne i desnog centra vec desno-desno plus par krajnje desnice koja ne presusuje.

Edited by Jezebel
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1 hour ago, Jezebel said:



Hocu reci s kojim pravom tebe ovde neko opominje sto si danas/juce zakacila nekoliko twitera a njega ne opominje niko evo nedelju dana sa 200+ okacenih twitera... 


Nisam ja nju opomenula nego napomenula za sve koji stavljaju previse tvitova. Jedino sto sam totalno zabagovala kada sam htela nju da citiram, pa je tako ispalo. 


Ne znam kako vama, ali kada neka strana ima previse tvitova, meni tiltuje gore dole. Taman nesto da kliknem, odluta mi, kliknem nesto drugo. Hocu da citiram tekst, ne mogu da pobrisem tvitove da ih ne bi ponavljala... Mozda je to samo do mog browsera ili interneta, ne znam... 

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1 hour ago, 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 said:

Ne znam kako vama, ali kada neka strana ima previse tvitova, meni tiltuje gore dole. Taman nesto da kliknem, odluta mi, kliknem nesto drugo. Hocu da citiram tekst, ne mogu da pobrisem tvitove da ih ne bi ponavljala... Mozda je to samo do mog browsera ili interneta, ne znam... 



I kod mene je isto tako a pretpostavljam i kod svih drugih. 


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Raz Segal, an Israeli expert in modern genocide, calls Israel’s assault on Gaza a textbook case of “intent to commit genocide” and its rationalization of its violence a “shameful use” of the lessons of the Holocaust. Israeli state exceptionalism and comparisons of its Palestinians victims to “Nazis” are used to “justify, rationalize, deny, distort, disavow mass violence against Palestinians,” says Segal.


Snimak intervjua:




AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman.

“A Textbook Case of Genocide: Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?” That’s the headline of a new piece in Jewish Currents by our next guest, Raz Segal. He’s an Israeli historian, associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, where he’s also an endowed professor in the study of modern genocide. Raz Segal joins us now from Philadelphia.

Professor Segal, welcome to Democracy Now! Lay out your case.

RAZ SEGAL: Thank you for having me.

I think that, indeed, what we’re seeing now in Gaza is a case of genocide. We have to understand that the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948 requires that we see special intent for genocide to happen. And to quote the convention, intent to destroy a group is defined as racial, ethnic, religious or national as such that is collectively, not just individuals. And this intent, as we just heard, is on full display by Israeli politicians and army officers since 7th of October. We heard Israel’s president. It’s well-known what the Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on 9th of October declaring a complete siege on Gaza, cutting off water, food, fuel, stating that “We’re fighting human animals,” and we will react “accordingly.” He also said that “We will eliminate everything.” We know that Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari, for example, acknowledged wanton destruction and said explicitly, “The emphasis on damage and not on accuracy.” So we’re seeing the special intent on full display. And really, I have to say, if this is not special intent to commit genocide, I really don’t know what is.

So, when we look at the actions taken, the dropping of thousands and thousands of bombs in a couple of days, including phosphorus bombs, as we heard, on one of the most densely populated areas around the world, together with these proclamations of intent, this indeed constitutes genocidal killing, which is the first act, according to the convention, of genocide. And Israel, I must say, is also perpetrating act number two and three — that is, causing serious bodily or mental harm, and creating condition designed to bring about the destruction of the group by cutting off water, food, supply of energy, bombing hospitals, ordering the fast evictions of hospitals, which the World Health Organization has declared to be, quote, “a death sentence.” So, we’re seeing the combination of genocidal acts with special intent. This is indeed a textbook case of genocide.

AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about the displacement? Israel is saying that the entire northern Gaza — now hundreds of thousands of people have complied — must move south. The northern part of Gaza is the most populated, with Gaza City.

RAZ SEGAL: Yeah, definitely. I mean, as is well known, this is an impossible order. It’s impossible for specific groups of people — people in hospitals, people defined as disabled, elderly people — many Palestinians who refuse to leave their homes because of their histories and their memories of the Nakba. This is an impossible order. It’s yet another indication of the intent to destroy, the intent to commit genocide.

It’s also worthwhile to emphasize Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, a new term that he coined, “complete siege.” It seems like a completely new term that really takes what was already a 17-year siege on Gaza, the longest in modern history, which was already a clear violation of international humanitarian law — it takes this siege and now turns it into a complete siege, which really signals the turn to this kind of genocidal destruction that we’re seeing, including with this eviction order.

It’s also worthwhile to try to explain, I think, why Israel is so explicit in its declaration. We’ve heard Israel’s president talk about evil. We’ve also heard about Biden’s use of the word “evil.” EU leaders describe the Hamas attack as “evil.” And it has to be said, the Hamas attack were clear war crimes, the mass murder of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians, a horrendous war crime that rightfully shocked many Israelis and many, many people around the world. But “evil” is not a term to describe them. “Evil” is a term to decontextualize. “Evil” is a term to demonize and to really enhance the widespread fantasies of Israelis today that they’re fighting Nazis. Actually, former Prime Minister Bennett, Naftali Bennett, said that directly in an interview yesterday: “We are fighting Nazis.” We see this and many, many other indications in Israeli society and politics today. And if we’re fighting Nazis, then everything is permissible.

AMY GOODMAN: Professor Segal — 

RAZ SEGAL: No law —

AMY GOODMAN: I actually wanted to go to the former prime minister, Naftali Bennett, who’s currently in the Israeli army. This is from a few days ago, where he exploded at the Sky News anchor Kamali Melbourne during an interview Thursday, when Melbourne pressed him on Israel’s attacks on Palestinian civilians. This is a part of what he said.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: What about those Palestinians in hospital who are on life support and babies in incubators, whose life support and incubator will have to be turned off because the Israelis have cut the power to Gaza?

NAFTALI BENNETT: Are you seriously keep on asking me about Palestinian civilians? What’s — what’s wrong with you? Have you not seen what happened? We’re fighting Nazis. We don’t target them. Now, the world can come and bring them anything they want, if you want to bring them electricity. I’m not going to feed electricity or water to my enemies. If anyone else wants, that’s fine. We’re not responsible for them.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: But this is the point —

NAFTALI BENNETT: But you keep on —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: This is the point —

NAFTALI BENNETT: You — I want to tell you —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: No, no, Mr. Bennett, this is the point.

NAFTALI BENNETT: No. No, listen.


NAFTALI BENNETT: You listen to me right now.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: No, you’re raising your voice. And we’re trying —

NAFTALI BENNETT: I’ve heard you enough.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: No, no, I understand. We’re trying to have a conversation here.

NAFTALI BENNETT: I’ve heard a lot of you.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: Listen, this is my program.

NAFTALI BENNETT: No, you’re not having a —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: This is my show.

NAFTALI BENNETT: And that’s exactly —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: And I am asking the questions. You’re raising your voice.

NAFTALI BENNETT: But it’s my country.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: And I’ve asked you. And we’ve already —

NAFTALI BENNETT: And when people — when people —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: We’ve already — stop, please.

NAFTALI BENNETT: When people —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: And let me finish. We’ve already distinguished —

NAFTALI BENNETT: Shame on you, Mister.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: — between Hamas —

NAFTALI BENNETT: I want to tell you, you — shame on you.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: You’re trying to speak over me.

NAFTALI BENNETT: Because we are not —


NAFTALI BENNETT: Shame on you.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: It’s nothing about shame.

NAFTALI BENNETT: I am the — I was the prime minister.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: We’re trying to have a conversation —

NAFTALI BENNETT: There is absolutely shame.

KAMALI MELBOURNE: — about a very serious situation here.

NAFTALI BENNETT: Because when you just jump —

KAMALI MELBOURNE: And you are refusing to address it.

AMY GOODMAN: So, that is the former Israeli prime minister, Naftali Bennett, exploding at the Sky News anchor Kamali Melbourne. Professor Segal, you’re an Israeli historian. This is what you’re talking about, when he uses the Nazi analogy and also when he says, “Are you seriously talking about Palestinian civilians?” Your response?

RAZ SEGAL: That’s exactly what we’re — it’s very important to understand this context, the idea of fighting Nazis, the idea of using Holocaust memory in this way. There is a broad context, a long history, of course, of this shameful use of Holocaust memory, which Israeli politicians have used to justify, rationalize, deny, distort, disavow mass violence against Palestinians. And it has allowed also a view to develop that sees Israel as somehow exceptional, providing it impunity. The truth, however, is that all perpetrators of genocide actually see their victims as dangerous, as vicious, as inhuman, right? That’s how the Nazis saw the Jews. And that’s how today Israelis see Palestinians.

And that’s why the lessons of the Holocaust, actually, which were never meant to provide cover and rationalize state violence and genocide, but, rather, protect groups, especially stateless and defenseless groups, groups under military occupation and siege, from violent states — the lessons of the Holocaust are now very, very urgent. We need to center the voices of those facing state violence and genocide, and we need to move to prevention as fast as possible. In order to do that, we need to recognize what’s going on around us, what’s unfolding in front of our eyes, which is really a textbook case of genocide, with the rhetoric, with the actions, with everything involved.

AMY GOODMAN: Raz Segal is associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University and the endowed professor in the study of modern genocide. He is an Israeli historian. His new article for Jewish Currents, we’ll link to, “A Textbook Case of Genocide.” The subtitle, “Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”


Edited by erwin
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7 hours ago, HAMMER said:

zaista jezive scene. divljastvo koje je bilo karakteristicno za neke periode od pre nekih 500+ godina. sam cin je zavio ceo palestinski narod u crno i bukvalno osudio na najstrozu kaznu. onako gledano sa strane palestinci imaju dva puta. da se suprostave hamasu sad i odmah ili da svi zajedno izginu. jednostavno ovakve scene zahtevaju odlucan odgovor i ako vole svoju decu i svoje porodice morace da se late oruzja protiv hamasa.

hamas kao i sve sisice ce da se kriju iza civila dok civili ne povade maceve ili dok ih izraelci sve ne poslazu ko drva. jednostavno nema prostora za manevar niti sa neka polovicna resenja.

Divljastvo nema periode za koje je bilo karakteristicno nego nije bilo drustvenih mreza da ga ucini vidljivim vecem auditorijumu.

Iz istih razloga se ubijaju i pre 500 godina i sada, samo je sada to banalizovano kao reality show zahvaljujuci twitteru, tik toku, youtubeu, telegramu.....

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posto se erwin trudi da nadje twitove koji prozivaju Izrael za genocid, evo da ja okacim jedan koji odgovara na sve te prozivke.


preporucujem da poslusate coveka. konzervativac je, znaci ima neke stavove s kojima se ne slazem, ali po ovom pitanju je potpuno u pravu. a kad analizirate ono sto govori sami se setite medijske manipulacije u kojoj ste (vi malo stariji) ziveli 90tih godina, kako su od strane rezima (na svim stranama) koriscene emocionalne manipulacije (dobro odabrane scene ubistava samo s "nase" strane, koja god je to bila strana, tj. u kojoj god bivsoj republici), a koliko pratim i sada se nastavlja (pri cemu je glavni av toliko los glumac kao ovi koje sam postavila na prethodnoj strani).

narocito obratite paznju na negde oko 30min kad analizira jedan video postavljen od strane Hamasa gde im je kamera pokazala vise nego sto treba (ono kao kad u latino sapunicama uskoci mikrofon u gornjem kadru snimka u neko doba). obratite paznju kako muskarci traze pogledom kamere koje ce uslikati te mrtve (ili zamotane lutke). kako glumi. (kao onaj jedan sto je na prethodnoj strani u jednom od one serije okacenih twitova o mrtvim bebama onako "nezno" maltene otrgao mrtvu bebu (koja je mozda i lutka) i onako mlatara njom okolo, a sve trci, ubi se saplicuci se po onom sutu od zgrada, kao da sto pre stigne do ambulantnih kola. Koja emocionalna manipulacija namenjana zapadnom trzistu (a pogadja dobro i Balkan)!

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"We're reaching a stage where people would rather die in combat than be humiliated and killed in their own home."
Ovaj poslednji quote, Izraelci su već stigli do te tačke... Zato ih se toliko i vraća iz dijaspore. Zato ih se toliko odaziva na mobilizaciju.

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11 hours ago, erwin said:



Jedan od hajlajta počinje na 6:46.





Reportazu radi amerikanka palestinskog porekla, i jasno je da je naklonjena jednoj strani...nek je pet procenata ovog iz reportaze zaista svakodnevnica palestinaca, jedino sto mi dolazi do glave je kako je svet ovo dozvolio u dvadesetprvom veku...


Ovo daleko prevazilazi izralesko palestinkse odnose...jer oni mrznju koja se natalozila vekovima nisu u stanju da kontrolisu... 






Odgedao sam do kraja , bio mi je interesantan lik bivseg izraelskog vojnika. Stvarno imaju neku organizaciju...neki mix zena u crnom i natase kandic u izraelskoj verziji...




‘I became more and more violent’: shocking testimonies of abuse from IDF veterans








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40 minutes ago, wwww said:

posto se erwin trudi da nadje twitove koji prozivaju Izrael za genocid, evo da ja okacim jedan koji odgovara na sve te prozivke.


preporucujem da poslusate coveka. konzervativac je, znaci ima neke stavove s kojima se ne slazem, ali po ovom pitanju je potpuno u pravu. a kad analizirate ono sto govori sami se setite medijske manipulacije u kojoj ste (vi malo stariji) ziveli 90tih godina, kako su od strane rezima (na svim stranama) koriscene emocionalne manipulacije (dobro odabrane scene ubistava samo s "nase" strane, koja god je to bila strana, tj. u kojoj god bivsoj republici), a koliko pratim i sada se nastavlja (pri cemu je glavni av toliko los glumac kao ovi koje sam postavila na prethodnoj strani).

narocito obratite paznju na negde oko 30min kad analizira jedan video postavljen od strane Hamasa gde im je kamera pokazala vise nego sto treba (ono kao kad u latino sapunicama uskoci mikrofon u gornjem kadru snimka u neko doba). obratite paznju kako muskarci traze pogledom kamere koje ce uslikati te mrtve (ili zamotane lutke). kako glumi. (kao onaj jedan sto je na prethodnoj strani u jednom od one serije okacenih twitova o mrtvim bebama onako "nezno" maltene otrgao mrtvu bebu (koja je mozda i lutka) i onako mlatara njom okolo, a sve trci, ubi se saplicuci se po onom sutu od zgrada, kao da sto pre stigne do ambulantnih kola. Koja emocionalna manipulacija namenjana zapadnom trzistu (a pogadja dobro i Balkan)!

hahaha bendzi shapiro


ajde makni ovog mentola, leba ti

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1 hour ago, wwww said:

posto se erwin trudi da nadje twitove koji prozivaju Izrael za genocid


Nažalost ne moram mnogo da se trudim.



A United Nations Commission of Inquiry said it has been “collecting and preserving evidence of war crimes committed by all sides” since the violence started last week. That evidence could be added to an investigation by the International Criminal Court into possible war crimes committed by Israel and Hamas in past conflicts.
“Intentional targeting of civilians and civilian objects without a military necessary reason to do so is a war crime, period,” said David Crane, an American international law expert and the founding chief prosecutor of the United Nations’ Special Court for Sierra Leone. “And that’s a standard that both sides are held to under international law.”
Even Israel’s staunchest ally has sounded a note of caution.
U.S. President Joe Biden, at a meeting with Jewish leaders Wednesday, said he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “that it is really important that Israel, with all the anger and frustration and just — I don’t know how to explain it — that exists is that they operate by the rules of war — the rules of war. And there are rules of war.”




- Israeli Air Forces continued to strike also in Khan Younis and other southern areas despite the directive for people in Gaza to move south
- Water remains a key issue as people will start dying without water


Edited by erwin
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6 hours ago, Jezebel said:

Hocu reci s kojim pravom tebe ovde neko opominje sto si danas/juce zakacila nekoliko twitera a njega ne opominje niko evo nedelju dana sa 200+ okacenih twitera... 

Ja nisam targetirao @wwww pojedinacno vec sam generalno rekao za sve, a to se najvise odnosi na one koji to najvise i rade. Valjda ce se prepoznati. Ali je ona jedina imala dostojanstva da odgovori i da se izvini, iako nije bilo potrebe za tim. 



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Sto vise potencijalnih teroristickih napada u Evropi - to vise radikalizacije domicilnog stanovnistva i okretanje krajnjoj desnici koja samo ceka svoju priliku. Koliko sam se samo naslusala od savrseno normalnih i inace tolerantnih ljudi da kapiju treba zabraviti totalno za imigrante, posebno one iz treceg sveta. A one koji nece da se integrisu u drustvo poslati kartom u jednom pravcu odakle su i dosli. 
Dakle, njima ce ici na ruku svaki teroristicki napad. Ovde kod mene su ionako sve stranke levice marginalizovane vec skoro 2 decenije i nemaju sanse za povratak na scenu. (nije da pustam suzicu* za njima ali zbog balansa) 
*u mnogo cemu prirodno gravitiram ka strankama levice ali su po mnogim pitanjima tako budalasto prokockali svoje potencijale i sanse tj. pokazali se nevidjenim oportunistima i neprincipijelnim mediokritetima. Cime su stvorili mesto za uspon desnice, cak ne i desnog centra vec desno-desno plus par krajnje desnice koja ne presusuje.
Samo mi reci kako vidiš rešenje odnosno deradikalizaciju imigranata iz muslimanskih zemalja? Namerno kažem muskimanskih jer najviše opasnosti donosi upravo ta imigracija. Nisam čuo da npr Poljaci ili Ukrajinci kolju, pucaju i uopšte napadaju random po ulicama zapadne i severne Evrope.

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Kako mi odavde možemo da znamo da li je nešto military Ili civilian target? Šta, rekao nam neko iz Gaze ili Izraela? Tvrdi neki radnik un-a, slučajno lokalac (jer su radnici un-a na nekom području 99% lokalci)? Eno juče lokalni kamerman cnn-a video 6 cisterni sa gorivom da je ušlo iz egipta u Gazu. Niko drugi, samo on.

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