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Čemu ovo? :thumbdown:


Ne znam ko ti je Murik, ali ako pretpostavim da je KSA Saudijska Arabija, odgovor je - ne, nikad mi neće biti kul ni jedna zemlja u kojoj vlada jebena religija koja ženama nameće model pokrivanja krpama, uskraćivanja obrazovanja i uopšte tretira ih kao bića 2. reda.


Opet, ovo nije "ženski" topik u kojem se isključivo bavi ženskim pitanjem nego topik o Bliskom Istoku i aktuelnim događanjima u tom delu sveta.  Slučaj je hteo da se u Iranu već mesecima događa pobuna naroda protiv opresivnog režima i povremeno se ovde šalju novosti o tome. 


Komentar ti je više nego jadan, gledaj da me ubuduće zaobićeš s ovim bednim podmetanjima.

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On 3/8/2023 at 10:26 AM, fancy said:



Čemu ovo? :thumbdown:


Ne znam ko ti je Murik, ali ako pretpostavim da je KSA Saudijska Arabija, odgovor je - ne, nikad mi neće biti kul ni jedna zemlja u kojoj vlada jebena religija koja ženama nameće model pokrivanja krpama, uskraćivanja obrazovanja i uopšte tretira ih kao bića 2. reda.


Opet, ovo nije "ženski" topik u kojem se isključivo bavi ženskim pitanjem nego topik o Bliskom Istoku i aktuelnim događanjima u tom delu sveta.  Slučaj je hteo da se u Iranu već mesecima događa pobuna naroda protiv opresivnog režima i povremeno se ovde šalju novosti o tome. 


Komentar ti je više nego jadan, gledaj da me ubuduće zaobićeš s ovim bednim podmetanjima.


Iskreno se izvinjavam, nisam neki apologeta Irana ali sam reagovao (pogresno) jer mi je stvarno muka od cele price o Iranu na tviteru i mas medijima pre svega zapadnim a niko ne pominje druge drzava regiona gde su problemi isti ili mozda i gori.


Opet izvinjenje za ucitavanje i podmetanje.

Edited by MeanMachine
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Report: Iran sent Israel images, maps of Israeli nuclear weapons stores

Iran has sent Israel "photos and maps of Israeli nuclear weapons stores" through a European mediator, an Iranian source said.

Al Jazeera quoted an unnamed source as saying: "Tehran had sent to Israel, through a European country, photos and maps of the Israeli nuclear weapons stores," adding that "most of the pictures are terrestrial and not satellite."

He pointed out that Tehran confirmed that it would target the stores and facilities if Israel decided to ignite a war with Iran, adding that Israel has previously changed the locations of its strategic warehouses, but the file sent by Tehran included the locations of the new stores.

On Monday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned that his country's armed forces would "firmly" confront any move by Israel targeting the Iranian Republic.

"The Zionist entity must know if it seeks to normalise relations with the countries of the region, because our armed forces monitor every movement by it and in the event of taking any action against our people, our armed forces will target the centre of the Zionist entity, and disturb them," he said.

Israeli media reported on Wednesday that while the negotiations aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear agreement between Tehran and international powers have stalled, Israel is seeking to urge the White House to refrain from removing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard from its terror list.


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  • 2 months later...

У току је напад на Јерусалим, Тел Авив и још неке градове у Израелу од стране Islamic Jihad. Напад је почео пре неколико дана. Израел већ неко време прича о томе да је могућ истовремени напад од стране Хезболаха, Хамаса и Џихада.

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Danas drugi krug predsedničkih izbora u Turskoj, odziv slabiji. Birališta zatvorena pre oko pola sata, očekuje se da će za najviše sat ukinuti zabranu izveštavanja o rezultatima.


TRT World strim na engleskom:



Strimovi gomile turskih kanala - Fox će po grafici imati oba brojanja (zvanično Anadolu i opoziciono Anka) na istom ekranu.


Linkovi ka brojanjima:




Edited by erwin
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Prvi rezultati sa tvitera od ljudi koji izgleda imaju pristup rezultatima pre ukidanja zabrane javnog objavljivanja, Anadolu brojanje (već na 11% kutija) po običaju pokazuje veliku prednost za Erdogana (pokazano je u prvom krugu da namerno prvo objavljuju njegove najbolje rezultate), a Ankino (na 2% kutija) malu za Kiličdaroglua.









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Poređenje rezultata po AA na istim mestima u 1. i 2. krugu na 36% prebrojanih kutija.




Erdoganov udeo je porastao za 5,67%, a Kiličdarogluov za 6,51%.

To znači da Erdogan očekivano opušteno dobija ako je ovo verodostojno.

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  • 1 month later...


Lik ladno ima neke Vucicevske crte u govoru, pogotovo kad se hvali, tj Vucic to ima kao on. 


Posto ne pratim njegovo politicko delovanje, ne mogu da ukapiram da li lik skrece u tu autokratiju zarad sticanja licnih materijalnih koristi i osecaja moci, ili zato sto na neki njegov nacin pokusava da ''sacuva'' Izrael.

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12 hours ago, 40Wins said:


Lik ladno ima neke Vucicevske crte u govoru, pogotovo kad se hvali, tj Vucic to ima kao on. 


Posto ne pratim njegovo politicko delovanje, ne mogu da ukapiram da li lik skrece u tu autokratiju zarad sticanja licnih materijalnih koristi i osecaja moci, ili zato sto na neki njegov nacin pokusava da ''sacuva'' Izrael.


Ista agencija im je radila izborne kampanje.




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Od atentata na Rabina levica je tamo devastirana a Izrael klizi bez kocnica sve radikalnije desno. 


Najveci populacioni prirast imaju ultra-ortodoksi (jedini oslobodjeni obaveze sluzenja vojnog roka i najveci korisnici drzavnih jasli, ultra desno orijentisani) koji sede u koaliciji sa Netanyahuovom (kabinet-Netanyahu VI:ajme:) partijom Likud, Shas, Zdruzeni Thora-Jevrejstvo, Religiozno-Cionisticka Partija, Otsma Jehudit i Noam. Paradoksalno (ali zaista), Likud je medju ovim nabrojanima jos najumerenija partija. 


Znaci, katastrofa, kako vecinom, osim ultra-ortodoksa i sl., vec duze vremena desavanja u Izraelu i Benjamina Netanyahua vide evropski Jevreji.



"Given the demographic trends that favor the right wing, is the Israeli public a lost cause? It’s a very important question. Within the Jewish population, young people are more right-wing. The religious communities are obviously growing much faster than the secular communities. Religious communities in Israel are invariably far more right-wing; I call it the iron law of Israeli public opinion. So all trends should be favoring more right-wing approaches.

People are busy; people are overworked, underpaid. Cost of living is prohibitive and suffocating, and most people just are distracted.


Several months ago, the most right-wing government in Israel’s history took power. Led by Benjamin Netanyahu, the coalition has put forward legislation that severely limits the powers of the judiciary. For several weeks, tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Tel Aviv and other cities to rally against what they view as a grave risk to their democratic institutions. At the same time, the government is overseeing—and encouraging—brutal attacks by settlers on Palestinians. (At least fourteen Israelis and more than sixty Palestinians have been killed since the fighting flared this year.) Even a pretense of pursuing peace seems to have evaporated; the new government has announced “guidelines” declaring its intent to “advance and develop settlement in all parts of the land of Israel.”


Netanyahu, despite being a paragon of the Israeli right, is now more moderate than most of his cabinet, which is full of extremists such as Itamar Ben-Gvir, the national-security minister, and Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister who has been given a role supervising settlement policy. I think of it as the culmination of long-term forces that have created deep weaknesses and flaws in Israeli democracy, to the point of them being structural flaws. The structure has never been strong, and has always been compromised. But, during the last decade, we saw an acceleration of very anti-democratic trends, both in legislation and in a deepening of the occupation. What we’re seeing now has completely burst the banks. The government is waging an all-systems assault on the judiciary first, but also numerous other areas of Israeli society.


The ideological agendas of his coalition partners are very clear. They want a more religious and theocratic society. They want complete and permanent control over as much of the West Bank as they can have, and they want Israel to retain effective control over the perimeters of Gaza. They don’t ever want there to be Palestinian self-determination. They believe in Biblically granted Jewish sovereignty. And they also believe that Jews should be the privileged class in Israel and have higher status. They’re simply not as committed to citizen equality, and they’re happy to weaken the already weak basis for citizen equality among Israelis. The three major ideological goals of the coalition partners are: annexations, theocracy, and inequality. Combine that with Netanyahu’s expedient need to legitimize corruption, which requires weakening the judiciary. It’s a perfect storm".

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On 7/21/2023 at 9:49 AM, 40Wins said:


Lik ladno ima neke Vucicevske crte u govoru, pogotovo kad se hvali, tj Vucic to ima kao on. 


Posto ne pratim njegovo politicko delovanje, ne mogu da ukapiram da li lik skrece u tu autokratiju zarad sticanja licnih materijalnih koristi i osecaja moci, ili zato sto na neki njegov nacin pokusava da ''sacuva'' Izrael.


Bibi ima mesijanski sindrom. Sto je stariji to se vise lozi da je mesija.

Ipak bez obzira na sve njegove mane, u ovoj politickoj situaciji i posle Benetovog samoubistva (plus se pokazao nedoraslim) Bibi ima moj glas, ili bolje reci podrsku jer sam vrlo nesiguran sto se tice samogbizlaska na izbore.


Bibi je na neki nacin spasio Izrael. Nivo nejednakosti medju sefardima (vecina stanovnistva) i askenazuma je do njegovog dolaska na vlast bio nepodnosljivo velik i pretilo je da eksplodira. Sad je to mnogo, mnogo drugacije. Kao sto rece Deri, jedina drzavna institucija gde su sefardi cinili vecinu bio je drzavni zatvor. To najbolje odslikava kakvi su bili unutrasnji odnosi u Izraelu. Bibi je prvi posle Begina krenuo da resava taj goruci problem. I moze se reci da se bas za vreme njegove vladavine u potpunosti kreirala izraelska nacija i da su sve strukture jevrejskog drustva pocele da osecaju Izrael kao svoju drzavu. 

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5 hours ago, A sad said:

I moze se reci da se bas za vreme njegove vladavine u potpunosti kreirala izraelska nacija i da su sve strukture jevrejskog drustva pocele da osecaju Izrael kao svoju drzavu. 

Ne vidim kako, imajući u vidu galopirajući rast ultraortodoksnog stanovništva koje smatra da odabranom narodu ne treba država.

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