wwww Posted July 16, 2019 Posted July 16, 2019 (edited) Tennis teaches you that there’s no such thing as perfect. You want to be perfect. You hope to be perfect. Then you're out there and you're far less than perfect and you realize "I don't really have to be perfect today. I just have to be better than one person." Edited July 16, 2019 by wwww
alcesta Posted July 16, 2019 Posted July 16, 2019 Koliko je zapravo bitan taj Hall of Fame? Deluje mi da Amerikanci mnogo drže do toga, a da ostatak sveta nije posebno impresioniran. Naravno da je lepo kad se legendama odaje priznanje na bilo kakav način, ali mi kriterijumi za (ne)primanje prilično proizvoljno izgledaju.
Milutinov Tata Posted July 17, 2019 Author Posted July 17, 2019 Ovde se stalno potencira kada je neko "Hall of Famer", to valjda podrazumeva koliko je veliki igrac bio. Realno za tenis je izbor preveliki. Jedan igrac/igracica godinje bi bilo OK, ovako maltene svako ko je uzeo GS ce zavrsiti u Hall of Fame pa to onda i nije neko dostignuce.
alcesta Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 Ovih dana sam pročitala na dosta mesta da je kao sad Simona praktično obezbedila HoF. Nisam sigurna zna li ona to, sigurno se ne može meriti sa doživotnim članstvom u AEC
wwww Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 34 minutes ago, alcesta said: Ovih dana sam pročitala na dosta mesta da je kao sad Simona praktično obezbedila HoF. Nisam sigurna zna li ona to, sigurno se ne može meriti sa doživotnim članstvom u AEC Cini mi se prosle godine su konacno resili da osmisle neke konkretne kriterijume za clanstvo u HoF (jer su poceli da primaju svakog zivog, maltene, ko god je ikada lupao lopticu). Pa su kao smislili da taj neko mora da ima bar 2GS (nisam sigurna da su uvrstili i to da je bio #1). Sto znaci da se Simona ovim kvalifikovala. Mislim da je Rodik "clan" HoF iako ima samo jedan GS ("uclanili" ga na vreme a mislim da se clanstvo ne oduzima retroaktivno). Evo sad proveravam. Rodik jeste clan. A evo i kriterijuma: https://www.tennisfame.com/hall-of-famers/eligibility-voting-process Quote Amendments to Induction Policy (Effective for Class of 2018) The International Tennis Hall of Fame has made changes to the policies that govern Hall of Fame induction, effective for the Class of 2018. The modifications include the addition of automatic ballot inclusion in the first year of eligibility for players who have attained extraordinary levels of achievement, the elimination of the Master Player Category, and transitioning from annual induction to induction every four years for the Contributor and Wheelchair Tennis Categories. In addition, beginning with the Class of 2019, the Hall of Fame has plans to introduce a Fan Voting component to the process. Fan Voting will be in addition to a vote by existing Voting Groups, which are comprised of members of tennis media, experts on the sport and its history, and Hall of Famers. “Induction into the International Tennis Hall of Fame is an extraordinary honor reserved for our sport’s most accomplished athletes and transcendent leaders. The policies and procedures that were governing our induction process have served the organization well for many years. That said, it was time for a thorough review to ensure that the policies continue to appropriately direct the induction process and serve the sport of tennis in the best possible way,” stated Todd Martin, CEO. Quote INDUCTION CATEGORIES Player Active as competitors in the sport within the last 20 years prior to consideration Not a significant factor on the ATP, WTA, or Wheelchair Tennis tours within 5 years prior to induction Distinguished record of competitive achievement at the highest international level, with consideration given to integrity, sportsmanship, and character. Contributor Exceptional contributions that have furthered the growth, reputation, and character of the sport, in categories such as administration, media, coaching, and officiating. Contributor candidates do not need to be retired from their activities related to the sport to be considered. Hm, posto Novak nije voljen (tako pisu svi mediji, a oni ucestvuju u odlucivanju, pored fanova), nije nikad dobio (niti nominovan) za Edbergovu nagradu, izgleda da ne ispunjava uslove da jednog dana postane clan.
alcesta Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 Jao, nemoj da počinjemo sad i na ovoj temi... Ne vidim ništa ovde konkretno o kriterijumima tipa broja najvećih titula itd. Biće zanimljivo kako će se tretirati recimo slemovi u dublu za singl igrače/-ice, mislim da je ranije i oko toga bilo nesuglasica.
wwww Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 17 minutes ago, alcesta said: Jao, nemoj da počinjemo sad i na ovoj temi... Ne vidim ništa ovde konkretno o kriterijumima tipa broja najvećih titula itd. Biće zanimljivo kako će se tretirati recimo slemovi u dublu za singl igrače/-ice, mislim da je ranije i oko toga bilo nesuglasica. Necu (ali mi bilo interesanno koje su kriterijume ovde naveli). A ovo za dva slema se secam da sam procitala pre nekih mozda godinu dana. Sad na brzaka nisam nasla, ali se dobro secam da mi je odmah palo na pamet da je Rodik na vreme postao "clan" 😄 Bila je i neka frka s Kafeljnikovim (cini mi se), posto su ga izbacili sa liste kandidata jer se negde pohvalio da je kandidat za clanstvo pre nego sto su ga izabrali. (prevrcem ocima) To kao da je neko tajno drustvo pa ne smes da zucnes ni o cemu "unutra".
wwww Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 (edited) Evo: Quote Players can now be placed on the ballot either by automatic inclusion based on their records, or by nomination and subsequent review by the Enshrinee Nominating Committee. (Previously, everyone’s career was reviewed by the Enshrinee Nominating Committee.) Quote Criteria for automatic ballot inclusion on first eligible ballot will be: - Singles: Must have won 3 major singles titles and have been world No. 1 for a minimum of 13 weeks; Or, have won 5 major singles titles - Doubles: Must have won 12 major doubles titles and have been world No. 1 for a minimum of 52 weeks; Or, have won 15 major doubles titles https://www.tennisfame.com/blog/2017/5/international-tennis-hall-of-fame-to-amend-induction-policies-in-2-01-8 Quote Players who do not meet the criteria for automatic ballot inclusion will have their career history assessed by the Enshrinee Nominating Committee (as has been done previously), who will determine if they should be placed on the ballot for voting by the Voting Groups. Quote Any player candidate who is not voted in will remain on the ballot for a period of 3 years. This is a change in that, previously, candidates were reviewed and selected annually. If they are not voted in during those 3 years, they will be removed from the ballot for a period of 2 years, after which they will be eligible to be considered for ballot inclusion again. Znaci Endi je automatski na listi kandidata (5 godina posle penzionisanja) a Stan nije. Po ovome Simoni treba jos jedan GS da bi automatski upala, inace joj treba odluka Komisije. A Endzi bi trebalo da je automatski upala (moram da joj proverim sedmice na #1). - Upala i po sedmicama kao #1 Edited July 17, 2019 by wwww
wwww Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 (edited) Sad gledam za Zimonjica: ima 7 dubl i 10 mix GS titula (ne verujem da mu se to racuna) i bio je 50 sedmica #1. Tako da ne ispunjava kriterijum. Sad gledam spisak dubl GS osvajaca i evo ko ima sanse da sekvalifikuje (Open era): 18 - Majk Brajan 16 - Bob Brajan, Woodbridge 12 - Woodforde i to je to! Al su im smislili kriterijume! Nesor ima "samo" 8 GS titula, i sa 108 sedmica kao #1 nije se kvalifikovao! Leander Paes takodje ima "samo" 8 GS titula i 39 sedmica #1 - nije se kvalifikovao! Peter Fleming ima "samo" 7 GS titula i bio je "samo" 11 sedmicaa #1 - nije se kvalifikovao! Jarid ima "samo" 8 GS titula, i sa 107 sedmica kao #1 nije se kvalifikovao! Edited July 17, 2019 by wwww
wwww Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 Ne znam da li je 2 godine bas dovoljno dugo da se smatra istorijom ali posto ima veze s prethodnom temm evo da stavm ovde: Quote In a move sure to thrill tennis purists, the International Tennis Hall of Fame is now the permanent home of the Laver Cup. “Todd Martin, (ITHF CEO) recognized that his organisation shared many of the same values as the Laver Cup, and thus a collaboration was born,” the press release states. The trophy will be part of an exhibit this summer. Li Na, Yevgeny Kafelnikov and Mary Pierce will be inducted there Saturday. “It makes sense for it to be housed here in this place, which is steeped in so much history,” John Isner said. https://tennis.life/2019/07/17/hall-of-fame-home-for-laver-cup/ Hall of Fame home for Laver Cup
alcesta Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 Ali opet ako sam razumela svi ovi što se ne kvalifikuju automatski mogu da idu na glasanje pa tako da uđu. Ovima što su imali dovoljno uspeha da se kvalifikuju automatski ne verujem da bog zna šta i znači to, više u smislu uvek je lepo dobiti neko priznanje i to je to...
Milutinov Tata Posted July 17, 2019 Author Posted July 17, 2019 (edited) Evo spiska svih primljenih u HoF: https://www.tennisfame.com/hall-of-famers/inductees Edited July 17, 2019 by Milutinov Tata 1
wwww Posted July 17, 2019 Posted July 17, 2019 (edited) 2 hours ago, Milutinov Tata said: Evo spiska svih primljenih u HoF: https://www.tennisfame.com/hall-of-famers/inductees Sad sam malo prosla ovu listu pa gledam ko jos od GS (singl) osvajaca nije clan HoF (a da nije vise aktivan): Johan Kriek - 2 GS Sergi Bruguera - 2 GS Po jednu GS titulu: Panatta, Costa, Gimeno, Gomez, Teacher, Moya, Gaudio, Ivanisevic, JC Ferrero, Orantes, Edmondson, Cash, Kord, Krajicek, Tanner, Johansson, Muster, Gerulaitis plus bivsi #1 Rios Kod zena ostale samo one s 1 GS titulom: Ana, Myskina, Jordan, O'Neil, Conchita Martinez, Pennetta, Schiavone, Majoli, Reid, Bartoli, Jausovec, Richey, Sue Barker, Ruzici plus bivsa #1 Safina Svi ostali su jos uvek aktivni i prema propozicijama ne mogu da budu kandidati jos bar 5 godina. Bas me zanima koga li ce predlagati za kandidate narednih 5 godina (od zena jedino Ana ima i GS titulu i bila je #1 , kod muskaraca Muster i Moya) Edited July 17, 2019 by wwww
Milutinov Tata Posted July 18, 2019 Author Posted July 18, 2019 Himeno i Orantes su skorije primljeni kao bivsi teniseri, to mi je ostalo u secanju. Zavrsice skoro svi koje si navela, vidim i da su ove godine cak 3 ubacili. U narednih 5 godina niko od aktivnih ne moze da bude kandidat, a neko mora da bude promovisan.
alcesta Posted August 22, 2019 Posted August 22, 2019 http://www.tennis.com/pro-game/2019/08/25-years-later-remembering-lithuanian-lion-vitas-gerulaitis-anniversary-of-untimely-death/84289/
Odjosh Posted January 31, 2020 Posted January 31, 2020 Neka stoji ovde ova fantasticna knjiga 'On the Court and Off' Tony Wildinga cetvorostrukog pobednika W. Licno sam impresioniran njegovim stilom, ali on objasnjava da je ova knjiga plod cinjenice da veci deo zivota provodi u vozu...😶 Kad vidim kako ovaj majstor vidi taj sport tenis i kako ga prezentuje, voleo bih da vidim i neku modernu knjigu ovog kvaliteta. https://archive.org/details/onthecourtandoff005220mbp/page/n9/mode/2up 1
Milutinov Tata Posted August 30, 2020 Author Posted August 30, 2020 Nekada na parkingu, a danas... Quote The ATP World Tour as we know it was born in the unlikeliest place, a parking lot at Flushing Meadows. Mats Wilander, soon to be the World No.1 at the time, eight days after his 24th birthday, became the first and most vocal supporter of that new calendar. In a memorable press conference, he mentioned that he had only played three top 10 players thus far. “That’s no fun,” he said. “Playing No. 40 in the semifinals every week presents no sort of challenge. It’s difficult to find the motivation week after week unless we’re playing against players as good as ourselves” “It’s not about money,” John McEnroe said. “That’s what needs to be said straight off. What we’re trying to do is present a better image of tennis to the public, so they’ll see more big matches between the top players”. In the late 1980s, the four Grand Slam events ruled the game with much more disdain for the players. The Men's Tennis Council, split into a third each to the Grand Slams, tournament directors and players, arranged the annual schedule that led into the majors. The ATP, during the 1987 season, tried to change the make-up of the MTC, asking for four ATP player representatives, three tournament representatives and two independent businessmen. In a restructured council, the association would have a voting plurality and the federation, which runs the Grand Slams and Davis Cup and presides over Olympic tennis, would be eliminated. ''The I.T.F. will not relinquish its rights,'' David Markin, a federation representative on the council, said, as the New York Times wrote at the time. Predictably, the ITF rejected this plan and a further request from the ATP to share their television rights. "The main thing is that the top guys realize we want to do something to better the game for the players," Wilander said. "The top guys want to do something to help the lower-ranked guys. "The weapon we have is if we stick together and speak with one voice." "We should be in control of our own destiny," Edberg said. "The ATP was founded for the players by the players, but it has no control. We've been continually told where to go . . . now we want our say”. The CEO at the ATP was, Ryck Lyman wrote, “a self-proclaimed “political animal” and campaign whiz-kid who, at age 26, ran a successful campaign for governor and, at age 31, a successful presidential campaign for Jimmy Carter, eventually becoming the president’s chief of staff and top confidant”. William Hamilton McWhorter Jordan was soon joined by his aide, Brad Harris, who had previously helped him in 1986. “The ATP and its top players realised that the way the sport was run needed to change,” said Harris. “The conditions were not favourable at the time. Players were not being marketed right to grow the game. The basis for everything that happened was Hamilton’s recruitment.” Jordan had a vision, he aimed to create a separate ATP circuit, a tour that respected the 12 weeks of Grand Slam events and the Davis Cup ties, ensuring that players could have more money, work and power. ''Tennis has made a lot of progress in the last 20 years, but we see storm clouds on the horizon,' said Jordan, who detailed his project in a 15-page plan, “Tennis at crossroads”. ''There is too much fragmentation in the Council,'' he said. ''I think if we go ahead with this plan, we have a good chance of being successful. We have very significant support from the top players and the tournament directors are our natural allies. We have a good chance of being successful”. Jordan wanted to hold a press conference on site during the 1988 US Open. Organizers denied the request to use the conference room, so he transformed that into an opportunity. He took that press conference in the parking lot. “It took 15 minutes to set up the podium. We rented a portable PA system, paid off nearby police officers not to give us any trouble and invited the media at the last minute” Harris remembered for a long article on the ATP official website. It was one of his most decisive victories. "The Grand Slam {tournaments} want to run everything and they forced us outside this great facility," he said. "I don't know of any other sport where the players have less say in running it than in tennis". "The central issue is improving the game," said John McEnroe. "Money is not an issue whatsoever. I think all I want to see is the sport at its best”. Top players, added Wilander, “don't play each other anymore. Here it is already September and I haven't played Becker or Lendl in a tournament at all this year, and I've played nine tournaments and won four". "I think something has to be done now," said Stefan Edberg, seeded third here. "ATP has been a poor organization for some time now. We have to do something and what we'll do is let ATP take control of the game . . . There are a lot of problems with designation and you have people telling you where to go, instead of having ATP control things." In the space of 30 minutes, men’s professional tennis had changed forever. It was the defining moment in the evolution of the ATP, formed in 1972 under the leadership of Jack Kramer. At the end of 1988, the ATP was a $3 million-a-year organization that almost made bankrupt that year. Next January, a new 77-tournament tour to be run by the Association of Tennis Professionals was announced. The calendar, worth $38 million, included stops in Moscow, Beijing and Washington and looked skewed in favor of European events, with 43 on that continent, to 23 in North America. There were 15 tournaments offering at least $1 million, 11 were the so-called 11 “single-week championship events”, major tournaments that remained as the only event in the ATP calendar that week: they would become the Super 9, then the Masters Series, and now the Masters 1000. Twenty-two of the top 25 players in the world have signed contracts agreeing to play on the ATP tour, except Jimmy Connors, who supported a player-run tour anyway, Ivan Lendl and Andrei Chesnokov of the Soviet Union. But no exception could stop the revolution. 1
Drug Crni Posted September 11, 2020 Posted September 11, 2020 Toliko me kopkalo ono za sezonu 1988 Steffi Graf da sam morao da se uverim.. Da,Pam Shriver ju je pobedila u polufinalu zavrsnog turnira sezone. I na pocetku sezone dva puta Gabi Sabatini. Skor:72-3 Sezonu pre je imala skor 75-2. Igrala svih 13 finala od 13 ucesca na turnirima. Lu-di-lo. Ono zbog cega je 1988 (ipak) > 1987 je cinjenica da je u '87-oj oba poraza dozivela u finalima GS.
Milutinov Tata Posted September 11, 2020 Author Posted September 11, 2020 (edited) Sto nisi pitao, sta proveravas . '87 nije igrala AO, a jedina dva poraza su finala Vimbldona i USO od Navratilove. Na RG je dobila Navratilovu 8-6 u trecem setu. Nakon finala USO je Navratilova "porucila" da se na terenu videlo ko je pravi broj 1 (ona je izgubila i finale AO od Mandlikove te godine). Na tom USO je zavrsena fantasticna serija Martine, od RG 1985 je igrala finala na svakom GS (AO igran u decembru '85, pa u januaru '87). 11 finala, 6 titula. Ako hoces da proveris sta je ludilo idi na sezone Navratilove, 1983 i 1984. Beskonacni nizovi pobeda. Edit: Samo da dodam, pre tih 11 finala, Navrtilova je imala niz od 6 osvojenih GS titula, koji je prekinula Sukova u polufinalu AO. U 5 godina 17 GS finala (od 19 mogucih) i 12 titula. Edited September 11, 2020 by Milutinov Tata 2 1
Boxy Posted October 31, 2020 Posted October 31, 2020 Apsolutna preporuka za netflixov dokumentarac o Viljasu i o borbi da mu priznaju par nedelja kao no.1. 1
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