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kod nas pre neki dan bio prilog o jednoj 99-godisnjoj gospodji koja jos uvek svake sedmice pola sata igra tenis. U januaru slavi stotku (drzim joj pesnice da je ne stigne corona).



Sredina '80 je bila bas zlatno doba svedskog tenisa, krajem te decenije pocinje vec pad. Svedski navijaci sa vikinskim kacigama su bili dekor svakog veceg turnira.


Lista pre 35 godina, trojica u Top10, cak 8 u Top50.



3 Mats Wilander

5 Stefan Edberg

8 Anders Jarryd

11 Joakim Nystrom

22 Henrik Sundstrom

26 Jan Gunnarsson

28 Peter Lundgren

47 Kent Carlsson


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Mats Vilander i Henrik Sundstrem, Rim 1985.


Sundstrem ce ostati upamcen pre svega po igrama u DC, u kome je 1984 dobio Lendla u polufinalu i to nakon sto je okrenuo 0-2, a zatim i Mekinroa u finalu sa cak 3-0 i time "gurnuo" Svedsku ka titulu protiv americkog drim tima (u sastavu bio i Konors). Specijalista za sljaku, upravo je '84 dogurao do 1/4 fianla na RG gde je izgubio od Konorsa, a nesto ranije je osvojio i Monte Karlo nakon sto je dobio Vilandera u finalu. U jesen te godine stigao je do 6. mesta na ATP listi. Na zalost nastavak njegove karijere su obelezile povrede, pa se vec sa 25 godina "penzionisao".

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ex Russian president Boris Yeltsin congratulates tennis player Mikhail Youzhny after his victory over Paul-Henri Mathieu of France during the Davis Cup Final at Paris Bercy on Dec. 1, 2002.



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5 hours ago, nlavrnja said:

... skor na atp 2000. godine, 36-30... Jel igra danas neko toliko turnira godisnje?


naravno da igra. tj igralo se do ove pandemije


teniseri srednjeg esalona (oko #50atp) manje skloni povredama a koji se obicno ne zadrze dugo na turniru, tipa Ramos, Sousa i sl, cesto su vijali po 30+ eventa godisnje.


za razliku od velikog rivala, Nole i Rafa nisu prebacivali preko 21-22 turnira kad su se probijali..

nije bilo potrebe


Most entries in 2017 ATP season

32     Paolo Lorenzi
31     Benoit Paire
31     Mischa Zverev
30     Albert Ramos
30     Joao Sousa
29     Robin Haase
28     Jan Lennard Struff
28     Viktor Troicki

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pa Borg je poznat po tome sto se "nije ponasao uopste" na terenu (The Ice Man). Za razliku od temperamentnih Mekinroa, Konorsa i ostalih.

Posted (edited)

evo ga jos jedna koji je osvojio GS s povredom:




On 9 July 2000, Sampras beat Australia's Pat Rafter in a classic SW19 final to win his 13th Grand Slam and surpass Roy Emerson's 33-year men's record.


There was relief from the mental pressure endured during two weeks where he could barely walk between matches. There was pride at achieving his ultimate goal in front of his parents, witnesses at a major title for the first time.

"Whatever happened in my career or my tennis or mentally, it happened for a reason," Sampras said. "In a lot of ways, I felt like I was born to win Wimbledon."




In the second round, he faced Slovakia's Karol Kucera, a talented player who had reached three Grand Slam quarter-finals in the previous two seasons.

The reigning champion came through a first-set tie-break, lost the second set and then looked in serious discomfort as he took a long injury timeout when leading 5-2 in the third. Eventually he came through in four.

"We couldn't figure out what happened," remembers Sampras' coach Paul Annacone. "He was in a lot of pain after the match.

"We got MRI scans and X-rays and apparently he had damaged an area to his shin. Every time he went onto the ball of his foot, the tendon in his shin would get grabbed like you were putting a pencil in a door jamb, trying to shut the door.

"He really couldn't walk so we didn't know if and how he could play. The doctor said 'look, you're really not going to do any more damage'. Pete asked if he could get injections to kill the pain, to at least try to play the matches. So that was the plan."



Between matches Sampras was holed up in his rented house in Wimbledon Village, watching the tennis in the afternoons and movies in the evening. He would only get up from the sofa to hop to the toilet.

On match days he moved better with the help of the injections; well enough to beat fellow American Justin Gimelstob, Sweden's Jonas Bjorkman and another compatriot Jan-Michael Gambill.

That set up a semi-final against Vladimir Voltchkov, a Belarusian qualifier who had to borrow extra shorts and shoes so surprising was his extended stay in south-west London. "A gift," as Sampras biographer Steve Flink describes it.



"One of my big coaching mantras is 'how well do you deal with adversity?' As an individual athlete, when you don't have team-mates to help you, you're kind of naked out there," says Annacone, who is now 57 and working with American player Taylor Fritz.

"If you're having a bad day, you're hurt or you're sick, or you've had a fight with your partner, or you've lost your passport, whatever, you've got to figure it out.

"How good are you on your bad days? That's what defines you. Pete was incredible at that. He was able to manage those scenarios.



There was a theory going around at the time, dismissed by Sampras then and by Annacone now, that they were making more out of the injury than they needed to.


mozda bi Toni i Rafa mogli malo da prostudiraju tenisku istoriju.

Edited by wwww

Kad smo već kod toga, Zimonjić je osvojio W sa slomljenom rukom. Znam da je dubl ali vredi pomenuti, nikad mi neće biti jasno kako su to izveli :classic_ohmy:

Sećam se kako je pričao da je u tom finalu Nestor bio sav isprepadan i teže mu je palo nego Zikiju s rukom utegnutom u longetu ili kako se to već zove.

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1 hour ago, alcesta said:

Kad smo već kod toga, Zimonjić je osvojio W sa slomljenom rukom. Znam da je dubl ali vredi pomenuti, nikad mi neće biti jasno kako su to izveli :classic_ohmy:

Sećam se kako je pričao da je u tom finalu Nestor bio sav isprepadan i teže mu je palo nego Zikiju s rukom utegnutom u longetu ili kako se to već zove.


Rekao je da je slomljena ruka bila cheat code I da je izbacaj za servu bio najbolji ikada.



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