NikadProtivKaline Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 48 minutes ago, uini said: to nije tobajasov problem, već likova koji su mu platili toliko ovo je bas povrsan pogled na temu naravno da nece nijedan igrac odbiti ponudjenu veliku lovu ali naravno i da se sve meri u odnosu ulozeno-dobijeno tako funkcionise ceo svet, pa cak i nba vakuum iliti, ako radis za 1000 jura mesecno, mozes da kazes ali isao sam na posao svaki dan, uglavnom nisam zabusavao i radio sam sta mi se kaze. uradio sam ok posao a ako radis za recimo pola miliona godisnje pluns bonusi i akcije...uradio sam ok posao nije dovoljno dobro 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
didžej hel Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 nije sporno da lik dobija makar 10ak milki vise ovih dana a ne kada je potpisao ugovor. samo kazem da je vrlo dobar za nekog 3-4 igraca u sastavu. srecom, svakih cca 3 sezone, te plate budu malo realnije nego kada su potpisane. evo pogledaj spisak trenutno, tu je trecina ili cetvrtina sa solidno slabijim ucinkom u odnosu na primanja: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gggggggg Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 (edited) sad znamo sta se zapravo desilo kod heata Edited June 28, 2023 by gggggggg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holivud Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 (edited) 2 hours ago, NikadProtivKaline said: ako radis za recimo pola miliona godisnje pluns bonusi i akcije...uradio sam ok posao nije dovoljno dobro To je greška menadžmenta, loše procene imaju posledice i to ofc. košta Igrač kad potpisuje ugovor se obavezuje da će tu igrati X godina za Y novca. Ne obavezuje se da postiže 20 ppg ili da ima 15 rpg. Nije na igraču da se zaluđuje sa tim šta je dovoljno dobro za vlasnika kluba. On ima svoj ugovor i svoju lovu koju treba da dobije. To "nije dovoljno dobro" njega ič ne zanima, sad će još i da se stresira što nije zadovoljio neku kapitalističku njušku aka vlastika lol. Ako je neko uradio loš posao ili nedovoljno dobar to je menadžment koji nije dobro procenio igrača. Edited June 28, 2023 by Holivud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NikadProtivKaline Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 i taj menadzer se u svom ugovoru ne obavezuje da ce uvek doneti 100% ispravnu odluke i ono sto je najbolje po ekipu da ce svakog igraca i svaki ugovor perfektno proceniti pa mu se ipak ucinak meri na taj nacin ako dobijas masne pare, ocekuje se da isporucis, toliko je jednostavno 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 Otis'o si IrvinŽe, ostala je tuga, uvijek ce te voljeti Lejkeri iz hooda😀 272/5 masala Mada ce biti manje ali svakako Kyrie ce se naplatiti dobrano Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radalek Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 6 minutes ago, Miki28 said: Otis'o si IrvinŽe, ostala je tuga, uvijek ce te voljeti Lejkeri iz hooda😀 272/5 masala Mada ce biti manje ali svakako Kyrie ce se naplatiti dobrano Pocetak kraja Lukinog ostanka u Dalasu. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holivud Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 (edited) 41 minutes ago, NikadProtivKaline said: i taj menadzer se u svom ugovoru ne obavezuje da ce uvek doneti 100% ispravnu odluke i ono sto je najbolje po ekipu da ce svakog igraca i svaki ugovor perfektno proceniti pa mu se ipak ucinak meri na taj nacin ako dobijas masne pare, ocekuje se da isporucis, toliko je jednostavno "Očekuje se" nije isto što i ugovorna obaveza. Toliko je jasno. To može da prođe u nekoj "mi menadžeri" priči, kod ovih ljudi što zveknu par (desetina) miliona te bajke ne prolaze. Misliš da se Eden Azar potriše što godinama prima platu od 400.000 nedeljno a ima 10+ kilograma viška. Posle 4 godine se sporazumno razišao sa klubom jer ga mrzi više da se cima i na treningu. Eto i Mirotić se mnogo potresao što je F4 odigrao užasno. Toliko se potresao da eksplicitno traži svaki cent odnosno svih 22 miliona eura po slovu ugovora. To što neko "očekuje isporučivanje" je trla baba lan da joj prođe dan. Papir je papir. Edited June 28, 2023 by Holivud Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
didžej hel Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 28 minutes ago, NikadProtivKaline said: ako dobijas masne pare, ocekuje se da isporucis, toliko je jednostavno lik isporučuje, on je vrlo dobar nba igrač. međutim, ne možeš da mu zalepiš 40 milki na čelo i onda on zbog toga da isporučuje u vrednosti od 40 milki. 6 bradley beal $46,741,590 12 klay thompson $43,219,440 13 gobert $41,000,000 16 lavine $40,064,220 18 tobias harris $39,270,150 19 siakam $37,893,408 20 ben simmons $37,893,408 eto iz top 20 najvećih plata, imaš 7 koji definitivno ne doprinose blizu ugovorene love. pri čemu sam naravno preskočio duranta, curryja, kawhija, georgea, možda i za njih može da se primeni logika, bar jedno 7 milki manje ( : od 20 do 40 plate imaš opet još 6-7 igrača koji zarađuju očigledno više nego što isporučuju. daklem, od top 40, cca 14-15 ne isporučuje, možda i celih 20. to kad bi se gledalo na taj način, koliko novca uložim, toliko mora da mi se isporuči. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NikadProtivKaline Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 3 minutes ago, Holivud said: "Očekuje se" nije isto što i ugovorna obaveza. Toliko je jasno. To može da prođe u nekoj "mi menadžeri" priči, kod ovih ljudi što zveknu par (desetina) miliona te bajke ne prolaze. Misliš da se Eden Azar potriše što godinama prima platu od 400.000 nedeljno a ima 10+ kilograma viška. Posle 4 godine se sporazumno razišao sa klubom jer ga mrzi više da se cima i na treningu. Eto i Mirotić se mnogo potresao što je F4 odigrao užasno. Toliko se potresao da eksplicitno traži svaki cent odnosno svih 22 miliona eura po slovu ugovora. To što neko "očekuje isporučivanje" je trla baba lan da joj prođe dan. jasno je da se ne potresa, samo kazem da se tako meri poenta je da se svima isto meri, a ne igraci mogu da lade jaja, jer im nigde u ugovoru ne pise da moraju da isporuce xy, i sve lose je losa odluka mng jednostavno to nije jednosmerna ulica azar je resio da ladi jaja jer je sracunao da je zaradio dovoljno para i ne cima mu se za vise nekom drugom mozda nije svejedno, i zeli jos jedan veliki ugovor, a to se ne dobija tako sto ladis jaja 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 Bradley Beal no1 igrac fransize Klay Thompson no2 igrac fransize, draftovan od te ekipe, 4 titule gdje je bez problema setao od no2 do no4 opcije a kad se se zapali to vece i no1 Rudy Gobert 3xDPOY i no1 ili no2 ekipe Lavine no1 ekipe Harris no 3 ekipe Siakam no 1 ekipe, uzeli prsten sa njim kao no2 i naplatio to Ben Simmons legit ( uz Harrisa top 3 najgora ugovora lige ). Dakle imamo igrace koji su bili prebitni za fransizu, koji su no 1 ili no2 ekipa, neki i donijeli titule ( primali manje tada, donijeli titule i onda nagradjeni kasnije ) a opet nastavili da isporucuju. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holivud Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 1 minute ago, NikadProtivKaline said: jasno je da se ne potresa, samo kazem da se tako meri poenta je da se svima isto meri, a ne igraci mogu da lade jaja, jer im nigde u ugovoru ne pise da moraju da isporuce xy, i sve lose je losa odluka mng jednostavno to nije jednosmerna ulica azar je resio da ladi jaja jer je sracunao da je zaradio dovoljno para i ne cima mu se za vise nekom drugom mozda nije svejedno, i zeli jos jedan veliki ugovor, a to se ne dobija tako sto ladis jaja Slažem se, to je do igrača, u spektru šta želi od svoje karijere, da li oseća moralnu odgovornost itd. I svakako da će neko ko ima nameru da i dalje zarađuje pristupi ozbiljnije i profesionalnije, takvi nemaju Azar komoditet. Svestan sam i ja da sportisti u sve manjem procentu osećaju taj tip odgovornosti, ne držim im stranu samo kažem da im količina novca koju primaju otvara takve opcije jbg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 (edited) @Holivud Azar je svoje zavrsio. Decko 32 godine ima i umesto u orajmu da sve naplati on je zavrsio sa ozb bavljenjem fudbala. Cak ni Saudijci mu nece dati ugovor. Sto se Harrisa tice, dobio je taj ugovor kada je bio igrac koji je obecavao, na koga su racunali da ispuni ali ocigledno da nije tako da ce sada sa 31 godinom jako tesko u prajmu zabosti jak ugovor vec ce biti mnogo manji. Ovo su godine kada naplacujes prethodne godine a on je realno zabo 1 jak/prejak ugovor i to je to dok nekih 80% od onih koji dobiju tako jak 1 ugovor dobiju i taj 2 jos jaci ugovor. Da je isporucio dobio bi sledece ljeto 160-170/5 a ovako ce dobiti 80/4 od neke druge ekipe. Odlicno naravno ali uvijek je bolje 35 od 20 po sezoni. Brzo prodju te godine na jakom ugovoru, za igraca tih 4-5 godina je jako kratak period s obzirom na stil zivota, ulaganja i sve. Edited June 28, 2023 by Miki28 typo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
didžej hel Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 tobias je i tada bio upravo ovo sto je sada; za simmonsa moze da se kaze da je bilo ulaganje u plafon, kod tobiasa je prosto bila procena da im treba takav igrac pored bena i embiida. taj ugovor je odmah procenjen kao pregolem, sto i jeste ali taj covek uglavnom isporucuje ono sto zna. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 Jbg za Simmonsa je bilo rezona, decko koji odigrao sjajnih nekoliko sezona, a posebno sezonu prije potpisivanja tog ugovora. Tu sezonu je bio legit top 5 2way igrac lige, strasnu defanzivu je igrao i isporucivao u napadu. 23 godine sa ogromnim upside-om, projektovan za cak i fransiznog igraca uz Embiida. Za Harrisa je bilo jasno kada je dobio da je preplacen jer u tom trenutku u 2019 godini 180/5 dobijaju Allstar/Superstar level igraci sto doticni nikad nije ni bio. On je i projektovan u toj ekipi da bhde no3 ili no 4 a placen kao minimum no2. Lebron je dosao u Lejkerse 154/4. Zestok zajeb 76ersa koji ih kosta jer Simmonsa su se lako rijesili i zamijenili Hardenom ali ih je.. zestoko 40 miliona na sada vec 4 opciju jer Maxey je no3. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Del Piero Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gggggggg Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 lowe pricao o ovome juce, sa time da fa jos nije ni poceo a ne zavrsio, ali vrlo je moguce ako npr houston i san antonio ubodu neke korisne igrace da ce svih 15 timova na zapadu biti kompetentni i sa opravdanim optimizmom i ambicijom za bar 10. mesto. sto znaci da bi se tankovanje jos vise isplatilo ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 (edited) Los Angeles Lakers Spoiler Offseason Approach: Re-sign their own free agents and run it back Actual Cap Space: -$91.1M Practical Cap Space: -$72.8M Projected Luxury Tax Space: $47.7M Under Contract (7): FULL ROSTER Mo Bamba (non-guaranteed), Max Christie, Anthony Davis, Shaquille Harrison (non-guaranteed), LeBron James, Cole Swider (two-way), Jarred Vanderbilt Potential Free Agents (10): FULL LIST Malik Beasley (unrestricted – team option), Troy Brown Jr. (unrestricted), Wenyen Gabriel (unrestricted), Rui Hachimura (restricted), Scotty Pippen Jr. (restricted – two-way), Austin Reaves (restricted), D’Angelo Russell (unrestricted), Dennis Schroder (unrestricted), Tristan Thompson (unrestricted), Lonnie Walker IV (unrestricted) Dead Cap (0): None Projected Signing Exceptions: Taxpayer MLE ($5,000,000) Notable Trade Exceptions: None First Round Draft Picks: Jalen Hood-Schifino Analysis: The Los Angeles Lakers were really two different teams last season. The first team was the under-.500 not-good bunch at the trade deadline. Then, over the final third of the season, the Lakers went 19-8 before making a run to the Western Conference Finals. It’s that second group that Los Angeles will look to recreate next season. The Lakers could choose to go the cap space route this summer, by tearing the roster down and leaving only LeBron James, Anthony Davis and a few others in purple and gold. But it seems like Rob Pelinka and his staff are going to stay over the cap and more or less run back the good version of the team from the back part of last season. That’s not a bad line of reasoning for Los Angeles. The moves leading up to and at the trade deadline brought roster balance to the Lakers, while also adding some shooting and versatility. Instead of having 10 guards, several of which are questionable shooters, LA had some size and could play different styles. And, the Lakers can’t realistically create full max cap space anyway. They’d be staring at James, Davis, Near-Max Free Agent X and a whole bunch of guys on minimum deals. We saw what they looked like in the first part of last season. James and Davis are back for sure. The team will fully guarantee Jarred Vanderbilt’s contract. And the Lakers have let it be known they intend to keep restricted free agents Austin Reaves and Rui Hachimura too. Let’s start with the restricted guys for upcoming decisions. Reaves is the tricky one. LA can only offer Reaves a contract that tops out at about $60 million. That’s not enough for one of last season’s best breakout players. Reaves can shoot, pass and handle the ball. He’s also a deft scorer inside, with a knack for drawing fouls. And he’s solid defensive. With cap space teams looming, and Reaves and easy fit for all of them, he’s likely to get an offer sheet that approaches the max that he can get around $100 million. From there, it’s up the Lakers to match or not. $25 million AAV for Reaves sounds steep, but it’s really not. That’ll be about 16% or so of the salary cap in 2024-25. That’s perfectly fine for a guy who is starter-level, and easy to plug into any lineup. The tricky part for the Lakers, if they match, is the way the cap hits will land on their books, due to Reaves being an Arenas free agent. Los Angeles would have Reaves for the equivalent of the Non-Taxpayer MLE for the first season, with a minor raise for the second year. Then in Year 3, the deal would jump to north $30 million, with a minor raise for Year 4. That’s sitting in near-max territory in those final two seasons. By that point, the current contracts for both James and Davis will have expired. So, the Lakers books could be mostly clear, but it’s still a factor for down the line. Hachimura’s situation is far more straight forward. He’s a regular restricted free agent, which means the Lakers can match any deal for him, but the cap hits will be handled the normal way. And, of course, LA can work out a new deal with Hachimura before he even gets to the point of negotiation an offer sheet with another team. After the restricted guys, the Lakers still have eight other players to look at new deals for. The primary player of this group is D’Angelo Russell. He’s eligible for a deal starting as high as $40.8 million, but he’s not going to get that much. A deal around $30 million probably is in play though. Again, that might seem steep, but it’s around what Russell made a year ago. He’s not likely to take a very big discount. And a contract starting around $30 million is a really nice piece of salary-matching in a future trade, given Russell is a solid scorer and playmaker. Dennis Schroder’s situation is a little easier. Either he comes back to the Lakers on a minimum deal, or he’ll head elsewhere. LA can’t really offer him meaningfully more than the minimum, without dipping into an exception. Given he may not see an offer above the minimum elsewhere, Schroder could come back on a wink-wink deal, knowing the Lakers will take care of him with Early Bird rights in 2024. Lonnie Walker IV and Troy Brown Jr. might be an either-or decision, especially if the team picks up their option for Malik Beasley. It gets to be a bit of overkill with all three, plus draftee Jalen Hood-Schifino in that mix. Walker looked like his time in LA would be short, but then he re-emerged and had some playoff moments. The Lakers could give him a minor raise and start a new deal at about $7.8 million. Again: not bad money for what Walker brings, and that salary is a nice trade asset down the line. Brown was a regular rotation guy, and started 45 games. He’s fine defensively, and he actually shot better with the Lakers than he had anywhere else. He’s the wing version of Schroder, in that Los Angeles can’t offer him meaningfully more than the minimum. Beasley’s team option is for $16.5 million for next season. There was a time when that looked like a solid value for what Beasley brings to the floor. But over the last couple of seasons, he’s become strictly a volume three-point shooter. When he’s hitting around 40%, that’s fine. When he dips down around 35%, that’s not as fine. Still, repeat after me, it’s fine and Beasley is tradable salary later. Mo Bamba, Wenyen Gabriel, Shaq Harrison and Tristan Thompson are probably all in 50-50 territory to be back. Gabriel could return on a minimum deal, and he’s good as a deeper option in the frontcourt. If Thompson wants to play, he’s probably in the same boat. But, given his veteran status, he may not sign anywhere until we’re deeper into the season. Or Thompson could just retire. Bamba and Harrison are on non-guaranteed deals, but in different spots. Harrison will likely stick through camp, and then we’ll see. Bamba’s $10.3 million deal becomes fully guaranteed before free agency opens. Having him back at that salary will push the Lakers into being a tax team, and potentially have them dancing around the super tax. Bamba will probably get waived, but could be brought back at a smaller salary. Pending how they handle their free agents, the Lakers could be in position to use the Non-Taxpayer MLE of $12.4 million this summer, but it’s more likely LA will have the $5 million Taxpayer MLE. That’s not bad, but it’ll be a significantly different level of player. Or Los Angeles could use an exception, or part of it, to give a salary bump to one of their minimum salary players. The Los Angeles Lakers figured a lot out post-trade deadline. They were a pretty good team by the time the playoffs rolled around, evidenced by their run to the West Finals. This season is about running that back with some long-term deals, while also maintaining flexibility for the eventual post-LeBron James years. Run it back, run it back!!! Edited June 28, 2023 by Miki28 typo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radalek Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 (edited) Edited June 28, 2023 by Radalek 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SuperTraktorko Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 12 minutes ago, Radalek said: Ko je lud da Kiviju da maks ugovor... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
freethrow Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 Biće opet trokut na Zapadu, pa ko na koga naleti. GSW dobija Denver, Denver dobija Lakerse, Lakersi dobijaju GSW, svi rešavaju Finiks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miki28 Teoljub Posted June 28, 2023 Author Share Posted June 28, 2023 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ludi za Poli Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 @Miki28 izgleda da Blazersi nece dati QO Reddishu sto bi znacilo da ce biti UFA. Ne bi bio los za neki minimalac, sumnjam da ce mu neko ozbiljniji ugovor dati. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
didžej hel Posted June 28, 2023 Share Posted June 28, 2023 33 minutes ago, freethrow said: Biće opet trokut na Zapadu, pa ko na koga naleti. GSW dobija Denver, Denver dobija Lakerse, Lakersi dobijaju GSW, svi rešavaju Finiks. dubsi i lejkersi su peceni, verovatno i clippersi, samo zbog povreda a ne starosti. ovo je sada nuggets vs suns, eventualno luka ceka iza ugla, kao elektropionir. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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