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NBA 2022/23 b2b ili problemi u raju?

Miki28 Teoljub

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Now, look at the two games Jokic has played on zero days of rest. You'll spot the proof that Jokic is only guilty of engaging in some good, old-fashioned rope-a-dope.

Because on the tail end of a back-to-back, a superstar will often elevate his play to take up the slack for his tired teammates. When his team needs a boost, a top-shelf superstar will increase his usage, volume and, incredibly, his efficiency.

Peak Dirk Nowitzki was the player who taught me this phenomenon. And this season? Jokic's been doing a Dirk.

Jokic stats in his two games on zero days rest this season are inflated to Peak-Joker levels: 41 MPG, 29.0 PTS, 13.0 REB, 11.0 AST, 68.0 FG% and most importantly, 13.5 free throw attempts per game. Meaning: this is not the passive Jokic currently languishing at sixth on the Player Rater. This is Jokic proving he's capable of activating his best and taking over anytime he chooses.

If you require further proof that Jokic has been playing possum? That's he's just fine? That he's quietly, strategically, and incrementally building back to full statistical speed? Look at Jokic's steady climb in usage rate.

Jokic's at just 27.6 for the year. But in November, he climbed to 28.7. Over his last two weeks: 30.7. Last week: 33.9. In usage terms, that's full superstar cruising altitude.



Priča o maštovitoj košarci, ali je zanimljivo videti podatke.

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8 hours ago, Miki28 said:

Duel Pelikana i Sunsa u plejofu, zabava bi bila zagarantovana👌

Picopevci iz Louisiane dobili po tamburi od second unit Sunsa. I to jos na koji način,  nakon 20+ vodstva. Kozmička pravda. Još moraju palente jest. 

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23 minutes ago, bodo said:

Picopevci iz Louisiane dobili po tamburi od second unit Sunsa. I to jos na koji način,  nakon 20+ vodstva. Kozmička pravda. Još moraju palente jest. 


booker od 58pts, cpaul, mikal bridges su bili startna 5orka i igrali 42, 35 i 37mins, nije baš second unit. fali ayton i ono krilo ali ipak.

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4 minutes ago, uini said:


booker od 58pts, cpaul, mikal bridges su bili startna 5orka i igrali 42, 35 i 37mins, nije baš second unit. fali ayton i ono krilo ali ipak.

I Payne i Washingtona. Znači bez drugog i trećeg pleja. Sa Bookerom koji je tek izašao iz povrede i CP koji je isto tako tek nedavno počeo igrati. Ne umanjujmo ovu pobedu Sunsa. Nije fer. 

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1 minute ago, bodo said:

I Payne i Washingtona. Znači bez drugog i trećeg pleja. Sa Bookerom koji je tek izašao iz povrede i CP koji je isto tako tek nedavno počeo igrati. Ne umanjujmo ovu pobedu Sunsa. Nije fer. 


sve okej ali nije second unit kada ti 3 od 4 glavna igrača igraju između 35 i 42 mins i pobedite 4 razlike.

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1 minute ago, SteveFrancis#3 said:

Oni nisu imali Ingrama i trebala nam je 60pts partija Armania da dobijemo. Ne vidim uopste nekog velikog prostora za spokoj.


Ako ne odrade neki ozbiljan trejd (i tu ne mislim na jebenog Kuzmu), FRE nam ne gine. 

Ništa onda trebali su da izgube. Zar nije dovoljno da su i tako desetkovani dobili ekipu u evidentnom usponu i pravog contendera za ono bar WC titulu. Možeš li se bar jednom veseliti pobedi a da ne uzimaš stalno u obzir bigger picture. Glupo mi je uopšte i pisati o tome. 

O kom trejdu i pričaš kad se ni vlasnik novi ne zna. Dok se to ne reši tesko da če bi i biti nekog dogovora. 

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1 minute ago, bodo said:


O kom trejdu i pričaš kad se ni vlasnik novi ne zna. Dok se to ne reši tesko da če bi i biti nekog dogovora. 


zašto bi vlasnik morao da se čeka da bi sunsi napravili trejd? 

mislim, ako je bitna ova sezona a jeste, ne čekaš da se porodi ta situacija.

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