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NBA 2022/23 b2b ili problemi u raju?

Miki28 Teoljub

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1 minute ago, Dracarys said:

MJ ima samo srece sto je igrao u slaboj eri, ligi siromasnom napadackog talenta. Ovo danas je turbo kosarka, nije isti sport. Imao je srece i sa zdravljem saigraca, rodjen je pod srecnom zvezdom.


Jadni Lebron🤣🤣🤣

E da trebalo je jos superstarova, allstarova i odlicnih role playera prije 12 godina da se zaustavi kaznena ekspedicija iz Texasa sa Dirk, JKidd, Jet, Chandler, Matrix, Peja. Svi u prajmu protiv samog Lebrona.

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I didn’t think he said much. It wasn’t a surprise to me. I didn’t think he said much of anything that was different from his previous stance over the last couple of years. I think people were making this out to be like this is the first time that he’s issuing an ultimatum.

The first time he really put the organization to task was two summers ago. This was when they lost in the first round to Denver missing Jamal Murray and Michael Porter Jr. That was the year Dame was really contemplating if he was going to stay or think about going elsewhere.

It was more of a serious point then than it is now. This can elevate to being a serious situation depending on how the Blazers handle this offseason with the draft coming up and free agency.

I talked to Dame a little bit before we started this pod. I told him we’re gonna talk about the comments you made with Stephen A. Give me your take on what’s going on and what you meant to say. He said ‘I want to win right now. The Blazers tell me that they want to win right now. So for right now, I’m going in trusting that we’re all on the same page and that they’re going to do things to improve this roster and to put this roster in position to be a championship contending team. If they don’t, if things fall short, then he and the team have a decision to make.’

He’s already talked to Joe Cronin and informed him he doesn’t want to go down a road to being a middle tier team in no man’s land and he doesn’t want to be on a rebuilding team. If they aren’t able to come through with their promises of putting together a competent roster, they pretty much know the next step.

That next step is a step that we haven’t seen in Dame’s time of being a professional basketball player and I think right now everything is cool because there’s promises being made but there’s a small window to come through on those promises in these next couple months. If that doesn’t happen, then that’s when I think this situation could be elevated and it will be a more worse than it was two years ago when Dame finally came out and expressed a desire to have a better team around him.




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Meni je od svih argumenata daleko najjaci ovaj da je izgubio sansu da postane GOAT 2011. nakon Dallasa. Znaci da je u nekom hipotetickom scenariju LBJ uzeo 8 narednih finala nakon tog i imao score u finalima 8/10 on bi i dalje bio iza MJa jer je 6 titula vece od 8? Il su ispadanja prije finala vrijednija od ulaska u finale? Moram priznati da logika iza te tvrdnje nema nekog pretjeraog smisla. 

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1 minute ago, uini said:


nije poenta u izgubljenom finalu. jordana su se svi plašili a lebron se plašio.



Pa ono, plasili su se i LeBrona jer u suprotnom Dray ne bi poslije izgubljenog finala 2016. s parkinga zvao KDa da im dodje. I sam je bio svjestan da bi im titule 2017. i 2018. bile maksimalno upitne da su opet igrali protiv Cavsa bez Duranta. 

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Plasio se toliko, da su zbog njega napravili jedan jako nemoguc tim. Kari i Durent sa dodatkom Tompsona i Grina.


To je najveci podvig koji jedan igrac moze uraditi, da se najbolji igraci posle prvog najboljeg ujedine i pobede najboljeg.


To MJ nije doziveo.

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Kyrie Irving i Anthony Davis su role playeri

7 minutes ago, Dracarys said:

Sam si sebe upecao  Uini, uvaljao se u svoju mrezu.


Za MJ su smatrali da mogu da ga pobede, za Brona ne. 

I opet 6/6 u finalima a kad izmes karijeru 6/15.

Sa druge strane 4/10 i 4/20. 


Lebrona pobjedjivali, urnisali, posprdali se. Deshaun Stevenson mu usao u glavu.🤣🤣




Sta dalje reci?

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1 minute ago, Miki28 said:

A supertim je kad imas 5 superstarova?


3 prave zvezde odnosno 2 superzvezde.


LAL nije jer ja generalno ne cenim AD-ija 😂


Klivlend nije jer Keva Ljuba je uzasno precenjen igrac, a donekle i Irving.


Odnosno, lazem. Ova inkarnacija LAL sa Lebronom, AD i Vestbrukom je supertim, ali bas onako grozomorna varijanta istog.


E sad, meni je Dzordan bolji od Lebrona, ali nije bas toliko bolji i mislim da generalno preterujes u bash-ovanju istog, da li iz revolta prema Lebronovim svedocima ili zbog neceg drugog, ne znam.

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