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2 minutes ago, alcesta said:


na pp sam poslao..


Što se tiče bena,đubre je do kraja,tu zbora nema, on je gossip novinar


Ono sa oljom je vrhunac, nije NYT objavio tu priču, niti je njemu bila namjera da pomogne djevojci, nego da naudi zverevu



Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Elias said:

Da sad gledam ovaj njihov "palmares". Federer i Nadal po cetiri puta a Djokovic nije ni postojao. Objektivno, nema sta. 🙂

Morao je prvi u ovom veku da im osvoji oba turnira u Parizu da bi se udostojili da ga konstatuju :classic_tongue:

A evo da se i Verthajmu omakne nešto pozitivno:


Edited by alcesta
Posted (edited)

Jes,ni ne čita mi se posle uvoda,,a i bio sam u pravu...

Novak se prosto nametnuo rezultatima,ali ne, ovaj ubacuje i serenu i nepopularnost...:cry:

Zato bih Voleo da osvoji još nešto,inače ovako puna kapa.najkomletniji igrač ikad,igrač koji je najviše radio na sebi ikad...isplatilo se,postigao je najbolje rezultate ikad...

Verthajm može da piskara i da radi još po nešto što se ne piše po forumu :whistling:

Edited by joshmor
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Posted (edited)







grub prevod dela intervjua:



BELGRADE - The meeting was set in Belgrade, in one of the salons of its Novak Center academy: Novak Djokovic (34), who sent his children to school in his native country, returns more and more often to Serbia. Even when it's cold and snow is still visible in the surrounding fields During this truce, He passed through Kopaonik, the station where everything started for him. He went skiing, of course. In all his contracts, he is careful to make it clear that no paragraph can prohibit him from this activity which he adores so much. In the recovery phase, he also took a little time for the French visitors. The clan were surprised by the announcement of the result of the vote of the journalists of the team, and the world number 1 is sensitive to this reward. Even though he blinks at the inquiring flashes, he plays along during the photoshoot. Then, for half an hour, he looks back on the most famous episodes of a crazy year. No questions should be asked about his participation, or not, in the Australian Open. But he was quick to step back in 2021.


"With highs that have taken you so high and lows so intense, has this been the craziest season of your career?


It's a roller coaster season for a lot of reasons. With the pandemic, everyone has had a difficult time. But, for us, forced to travel to do our job with different regulations in each country, it was very difficult to stay mentally 'healthy' to maintain the routines that allow you to give your best. I don't feel free. I was in my forties in Australia; in Paris, we didn't have more than an hour to leave the hotel, etc. There was a lot of tension in the air: And off the court too, there where you're supposed to relax. We had to think about more things than usual: where and when to put on the mask, not to forget to do the tests ... So there were even more expectations and pressure on this season.



"One thing is certain, I would have felt better prepared in New York if I hadn't played in the Olympics. But once I said that, I don't regret going there"


Did you manage it better than the others?


I won't put it that way. But I had better results than the others in the Grand Slam tournaments. In the second part of the season, with the Olympics without a medal, with the final lost in New York, there were difficult defeats. But at the same time, I learned and they will make me grow. Of course I would have been proud and happy to win all four Grand Slam titles, but there is still a powerful reason why it didn't. I prefer to see it as a sign, in particular on the fact that perhaps certain things should have been done differently.


Since you are talking about difficult defeats, we can not forget the conclusion of this US Open against Medvedev (16-4,6-4,6-4) ...


Daniil already played better than me that day. He was so clear with his game plan that he was executing wonderfully. Honestly, he didn't give me much of a chance. I had a few chances to come back at the start of the second set. But he was on his way. Fixed on his baseline, committing very few unforced errors. In fact, he was more aggressive than usual, making winning shots on each of the slightly shorter balls. His serve was unpredictable, with a lot of variation, hitting every corner. There was also an element concerning the energy in the game. Normally, when I come on the court in the big matches, I am not the favorite in the hearts of the spectators. I had prepared myself for this kind of atmosphere. And there almost the whole stadium was behind me! I felt it as soon as I got on the court. I didn't expect it at all and I was caught off guard. This different emotional feeling may have affected my playing.


Did you not like it?


 I like to be supported. I'm not a self-motivated guy in a hostile environment. It's just that I was used to it. And in a way, I didn't manage to get into the game well. I immediately lost my service and then it was very hard to make his commitments to him, he served so well. I was always behind in the score, always ... Not to mention the pressure of the moment. My whole career, I managed to manage it in the big moments, but there, I just was not able.



Novak Djokovic with his World Champion's Champion trophy in Belgrade on December 18. Six months earlier, at Roland Garros, the Serbian won in the final after being led two sets to zero by the Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas 16-7, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4) .




Novak Djokovic very moved during the awards ceremony of the US Open. A few minutes earlier, the Serbian had clearly lost in the final against Daniil Medvedev (6-4, 6-4, 6-4), missing for a match the Grand Slam in 2021.

Can you tell us about these fifteen days of extreme pressure with this prospect of a potential Grand Slam?


It might have been better if I didn't go to the Games before this US Open. I would have had more reserves in mental, physical energy. I went to Tokyo with the tank at 50%. The game was fine, but I was already walking on the reserve. In extremely difficult conditions, with incredible humidity and two matches in the middle of the day, the energy tank was dropping, dropping ... And it turned against Zverev in the semi-finals (1-6, 6-3, 6- 1) in a match that I could have won. And when I got home from the Games, I was like (huffing) I was thinking, "Oh, I need a lot of time to recover!" But I didn't have one. We had to get to New York quickly. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself. I don't usually spend too much time in my life, in my career, looking for it. Nor am I the type to dwell on the "what if?" Type, I don't like that. Our brain is thus made to always want to solve the next challenge. But one thing is certain, I would have felt better prepared in New York if I had not played in the Olympics. But once I say that, I don't regret going.


You have been the king of the Village!


I'll leave that expression to you but yes, all the attention paid to me has been amazing! I was touched of course because it came from my fellow athletes. That kind of respect is very special in this meeting that only takes place every four years. I enjoyed all my meetings, all my discussions on topics like training, mental strength, recovery. I just loved it. Loved sharing, learning ... To be honest, it gave me the energy to go far in the tournament anyway. Because I repeat, when I landed, I was almost empty. But it's true that the brain dictates behavior. And of course, these Games will remain a positive experience. Even if it would have been better with a medal and spectators on the edge of the courts. I would have been pushed even further. Yeh, even with these losses in the second half of the year, I felt the love and support of the people. It brings a lot of positivity. I am concentrating on it to take it as a wonderful "highlight" of this year 2021. Without forgetting of course that I am finishing year number 1, an important challenge for me.


Sorry, but back to New York, and these two weeks of extreme pressure ...


 I had stepped aside at a friend's residence outside of New York City, in the wilderness. I tried to get out of the madness of this town. I wanted to preserve the energy to stay focused. And I have to say it worked. A final. it's not that bad (he smiles). But I still have the feeling of not being at my best in terms of my game and my feelings on the court. Especially in the second week. I was losing sets. And I arrived in the final not feeling very well. Although I knew that I had beaten Medvedev in our last confrontation, and that I had more experience. I was not fresh. Being able to win three Grand Slam titles in such a short time, from Roland Garros to the US Open through Wimbledon, not to mention the Olympics. It was so dense, the lineup was loaded with madness! And each Grand Slam pumps you with incredible energy.


You said you would play this final as if it was the last game of your life ... So it was more than a special game, right?


 I cried (in the middle of a game) first because of this incredible support. They were tears of joy. With all this love. Then those tears of joy became tears of sadness. Of course I wasn't going to give in but I had the feeling that it was getting very, very hard to win. You see? It was a mixture of all that. All the emotions hidden inside were released with those tears. The only thing I regret is not having cried earlier in the game. Liberation came too late! Because after, I took his serve, won the next game, I'm not saying I was going to win the match, who knows? But hey, in life, I really believe that everything happens for a reason. Whether God, the universe, or whatever decides it's going to be like this on the given day.







Edited by wwww
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, alcesta said:



Edit: pogledala sam današnji program, specijalno za @jevrem69:heart: i osim ove emisije večeras, na SK HD je repriza finala Vimbldona u 15.30, a na SK 2 finale Bersija u 19.20. 

to finale W sam ionako gledao u odlozenom snimku, posto na ostrvu u Grckoj na kojem sam proveo deo letovanja, nisu imali taj kanal u ponudi ................................ da je bilo na Europsortu, ne bi bilo problema, ovako .....................

Edited by jevrem69
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, ciao said:

Koliko juce sam pomislila kako nema nista od Australije cim on ne trenira u Marbelji

On bukvalno ima jos 4-5 dana fore da otputuje tamo, ako mu naravno budu dozvolili, inace nece stici ni cestito da se aklimatizuje na uslove, plus sto ce verovatno morati i u nekakav karantin pred pocetak turnira. Razumem da je odlazak na ATP kup izbegnut, da bi se sprecila bilo kakva mogucnost da fasuje omikron, ali zaista mu nije ostalo bas previse vremena da ode tamo dole.

Edited by jevrem69
Posted (edited)

Rekli su da prvih dana januara ide drugi deo letova tj igraca za Australiju.

Moram da se zapitam da li je slucajno krenuo u Marbelju onda kada je Rafa krenuo za Australiju ? :classic_laugh:

Edited by ciao
  • Ha-ha 1

Naravno zesce mi radi nerve ova neizvesnost oko Novakovog odlaska na AO a onda pomislim koliko li tek radi Novaku jer i on je u neizvesnosti a ond apomislim a tek Rafi i Fekiju :wicked: pa mi nekako lakse :classic_laugh:

Citam oziji nesto menjaju pravila testiranja itd, bice fazon ako u roku od nekoliko dana ukinu vakcinu kao uslov ulaska u zemlju 


Ja se više i ne nadam pošto on očigledno neće da se vakciniše kad još nije tamo, a ne vidim kako mogu da ga puste pod ovim uslovima. Niti želim da se za njega pravi izuzetak, ukoliko nije medicinski opravdano. Zašto bi on mogao da igra a npr. Erber ne? Kako je to u skladu s onim za šta se PTPA zalaže?

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