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Posted (edited)

Genije nisu na injury reportu tako da mogu samo kurac da dobiju.

Dok su Pg i Kawhi odmah stavljeni na injury report i odmah dobili out.

Kao sto ceo Washington nije dobio aut vec ljudi koji su bili na injury report.

Memfis je problem posto sem Jonasa nisu imenovali nikoga

Edited by LayupFromTheMidget
Posted (edited)

Genije na zadnjem injury reportu nema nikog jer jos uvek nisu poslali izMemfisa ( pise da treba tek da posalju, a to onda potire tvoju genijalnu teoriju da samo Valancijunas treba da bude), al genijalci iz espna treba da znaju da se ne igra mec u sredu sa Cikagom. Bezveze ti je teorija kojim branis kloshare is espn-a, koliko ti placaju:default_coffee:


Takodje ni Sakramento nije nista poslao a Bjelica u 00:00 dobio out.

Edited by Zvezdinho
Just now, Zvezdinho said:

Genije na zadnjem injury reportu nema nikog jer jos uvek nisu poslali izMemfisa ( pise da treba tek da posalju, a to onda potire tvoju genijalnu teoriju da samo Valancijunas treba da bude), al genijalci iz espna treba da znaju da se ne igra mec u sredu sa Cikagom. Bezveze ti je teorija kojim branis kloshare is espn-a, koliko ti placaju:default_coffee:

Genije ni na Jahu nemaju out.

Jonas je na startu imenovan ali ne dobacujes

Just now, LayupFromTheMidget said:

Genije ni na Jahu nemaju out.

Jonas je na startu imenovan ali ne dobacujes


Znaci i ako je ocigledno da nece da igraju 5 meca minimum tebi je normalno da nemaju  out status.Neverovatno.

26 minutes ago, Zvezdinho said:


Znaci i ako je ocigledno da nece da igraju 5 meca minimum tebi je normalno da nemaju  out status.Neverovatno.

Neverovatno da ne kapiras da nece ceo tim da dobije out. Samo oni koji su razlog otkazivanja ce dobiti out kao sto je bilo za Wizardse. Memfis sem Jonasa nikog nije hteo da Imenuje i zato niko nije dobio.


Pa ako su vec takva pravila, zasto su onda i davali O svim igracima Memfisa? Znalo se odmah da je samo Jonas u protokolu.



Postenije je da ako tim ne igra, da igrac ima O.

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, LayupFromTheMidget said:

Da ti nije malo mnogo? Ali cekamo vesti i duzinu povrede

Ma sprdam se, ne bih radio trejd za povredjenog igraca jer imam Nurkica, a ako nije duze odsustvo onda je Sabonis > Tarner. 


Ali stvarno gledam da ga trejdujem jer sam se prekrcao sa stocks. 😄 Doduse nije nesto na ceni mogu ti reci. 😄

Edited by Itachi Uchiha
  • Like 1
21 minutes ago, John Dies at the End said:



Sta pisu za LonZa na Atlethicu,  trazi mi 3 $ da procitam ? 😄


ja se nadam da je ovo za rouza teška buvetina, non-fantazi related


evo ti txt, nisam čit'o



After the four-team blockbuster deal involving James Harden, Victor Oladipo, Caris LeVert and Jarrett Allen, the NBA trade market absorbed the ferocity of that trade and it reset around all 30 franchises. Amid the coronavirus pandemic causing game postponements, there have been health and safety concerns for teams taking the main focus beyond the usual trade conversations.

Still, the trade market is beginning to pick up pace with two key dates approaching:

Feb. 2: the last day a player can be traded and still be aggregated in a multi-player transaction at the March 25 trade deadline.

Feb. 6: most players who signed free-agent contracts in the offseason can begin to be traded.

A team that is expected to be prominent in the trade market picture, rival teams expect: The New Orleans Pelicans. The franchise is off to an uneven 5-10 start to the season. New Orleans has been receiving calls about the availability of Lonzo Ball and JJ Redick and has shown an openness to discussing trades around both with interested teams, sources tell The Athletic. A move would create a clearer pathway for young guards Nickeil Alexander-Walker and Kira Lewis in the Pelicans’ rotation.

For the Pelicans, the future core is centered around Brandon Ingram and Zion Williamson, and although there have been hurdles along the way the franchise has remained committed to continuing to develop an identity around both cornerstones. When the Pelicans hired Stan Van Gundy as the new head coach, Ingram and Williamson expressed strong desires to have the veteran coach come in and set the tone for accountability. It stings through defeat sometimes, but the Pelicans have so far been pleased with Van Gundy’s job early this season, sources said.

Ball, the fourth-year guard, will enter restricted free agency this offseason. Redick is a veteran player whom contending teams would surely pursue. For now, there isn’t a move imminent for the Pelicans and the franchise has been sifting through other teams placing calls on the two veteran productive guards.

Atlanta Hawks

Rival teams are monitoring Hawks’ pending restricted free agent John Collins, sources said. Collins, who rejected an extension offer from Atlanta in December, will be among the top big men available in free agency.

Detroit Pistons

New York and the Clippers are among interested teams in Pistons guard Derrick Rose, sources said. Knicks coach Tom Thibodeau has a long history with Rose, coaching the former league MVP in Chicago and Minnesota.

Golden State Warriors

The Warriors and Pelicans discussed a potential deal involving Kelly Oubre Jr., sources said. There isn’t traction as of yet. Like many conversations around this time, it is a scenario.


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Posted (edited)

Nemoj da mi prizivas povredu Beglija. Mislim da Hasan nece dobijati vise minute i da ce biti trejdovan uskoro u neki tim. Mislim da ce to biti Bruklin. Stvarno je teska odluka, da li ga cekati ili baciti, jer vec sutra moze biti trejdovan.

Edited by Drakaris

Gde postoji i jedna vest, ali i jedna da ce da bude trejdovan bilo gde.Ima vest da zele Dzavela. Za Hasu nista ne pisu.



Draki, pa ti uopste nemas los tim , i ako si uzeo Ejtona kao 6 pika, ljudi te nisu ozbiljno shvatili zbog ove Begli price i skora al ti imas mnogo dobar tim. Kol Entoni, pa Furnije, pa Tobi Heris sto mi je doneo titulu onomad kad sam ga uzeo kad ga niko ziv nije znao, pa Simons, pa Oladipo, pa i Barns. Ti si bre jak ko zemlja kako imas ovako los skor ???


Pa kad sam ja pisao kako nemam srece nikako, ljudi ne citaju. Imam ok ekipu koja nije za ispadanje. Uvek protivnik ima najbolju mogucu nedelju, sem Zorexa kome je nedostajao CJ. Evo sada Konkvistadori cepaju na max broj obrtata protiv mene, sinoc preko 150 poena, 50 skokova i 24 trojke. Jos sam prinudjen zbog gluposti ESPN-a da igram sa 11 igraca ove nedelje, plus po odlozena utakmica Beglija i Barnsa.  Zatim teske povrede 2. i 6. pik. Sva fantazi nesreca se svalila u moje dvoriste.

8 minutes ago, Zvezdinho said:

Gde postoji i jedna vest, ali i jedna da ce da bude trejdovan bilo gde.Ima vest da zele Dzavela. Za Hasu nista ne pisu.


Hasan ima vrlo povoljan  ugovor na minimalcu, bice trejdovan 100%. 

Posted (edited)


Mog'o si jos jedan skok da uvatis 😴


#inthemeantime The Knicks took the approach of daring O’Neale to shoot, which is understandable given how difficult it is to defend Donovan Mitchell. The strategy failed, as O’Neale put forth his best offensive performance of his career. The 20 points scored matched his total in the prior three games combined.


Edited by John Dies at the End
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