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3 minutes ago, John Terry said:

The only thing that mattered, he said, was his determination that the ball was struck “angrily’’


I ta jedna stvar zbog koje je defaultovan se nije dogodila.

Jednostavno se vidi i na njegovom licu i po načinu kako je udario loptu, sa željom da je vrati skupljačima...


Pogodio je ženu, trebalo je da bude kažnjen, ali novčano i posle meča, ne defaultom.

Just now, momohyoideus said:

Dobro, znaci skupljac loptica ne radi svoj posao dobro, pa je kazna za to udarac u glavu? Valjda se to prijavi sudiji, skupljac se zameni i nastavi mec?


Pa kad se pozivas na definiciju onda je red da je i citiras.




Kakva kazna, kakva zamena? :classic_wacko:


A guglaj sto se tice definicije

8 minutes ago, Boxy said:


Pa skupljac loptica mora uvek da pazi :twak:


Nemam ja sta ti nalazim definiciju, valjda znas sta je slajs...

e pa sad...

ako ces ovako da arguentujes onda isto mozes da kazes:

"linijski sudija mora uvek da pazi"



Kakav pogled!



1 minute ago, momohyoideus said:

Naravno da necu da guglam, ti si potegla to. Ja sam uredno ostavio citat za moje tvrdnje.


Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. If players like to attack the net and volley, they slice a lot.


The slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. Slice shots never travel with a lot of pace. Slice shots that are hit from lack of confidence or in a desperate attempt to just get the ball back tend to float, and they travel through the air slowly. Your opponent can do almost anything he wants with them, especially from a position up at the net.

2 minutes ago, Boxy said:


Slice, or backspin, causes the tennis ball to spin back toward the source of impact (you). When a slice shot bounces, the ball stays low, forcing your opponent to really stretch to get to the ball. If players like to attack the net and volley, they slice a lot.


The slice can be a useful weapon, but it does have some disadvantages. Slice shots never travel with a lot of pace. Slice shots that are hit from lack of confidence or in a desperate attempt to just get the ball back tend to float, and they travel through the air slowly. Your opponent can do almost anything he wants with them, especially from a position up at the net.

Odlicno, znaci opasnost po ovoj definiciji nije definisana. 

Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, fancy said:

Pogodio je ženu, trebalo je da bude kažnjen, ali novčano i posle meča, ne defaultom.


Tako je. I ne bi ni bio izbacen da ova nije otisla u BOLNICU!!! Za ovo.


EDIT: Ne znam kako smo uspeli da upletemo Federera u sve ovo. Niti je Federer ikada zasluzio default, niti je Novak. Ovo je sve zbog nekoga ko je hteo da bude bitan previse.

Edited by John Terry
Odlicno, znaci opasnost po ovoj definiciji nije definisana. 

Nadji mi primer gde i besu igraci lansiraju lopticu slajsom i ja cu se sloziti da je tamo Federer trebao da bude diskvalifikovan.
Posted (edited)




Novak Djokovic’s temper had been an accident waiting to happen in recent years

Matthew Syed

Monday September 07 2020, 12.01am BST, The Times


There are few sportsmen I admire more than Novak Djokovic. For his mettle, for his consistency, for his capacity to face down audiences that are often overwhelmingly on the side of his opponent. Particularly when he is up against Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal, his two most illustrious rivals, the Serb is one of the most resilient athletes to have drawn breath.

But even his most one-eyed fans must acknowledge that his temper has been an accident waiting to happen in recent years. Not just the occasional tantrum on court, but the petulance that he has shown in press conferences when challenged about it.

In 2016, he launched a ball into the crowd at the ATP World Tour Finals during a match against Dominic Thiem and could have caused injury had it made impact. Neil McLeman, a tennis writer from the Mirror, questioned him on this, saying that the ball “could” have hit a spectator. Djokovic was dismissive; “Could,” he said, putting emphasis on the conditional aspect of that word. “And it could have snowed in Torino today, but it didn’t.”

In other words, while I acted in a way that might have caused harm, I am morally in the clear because, in fact, no spectator was hurt.

The problem with hitting balls while on court, though, is that eventually your number will come in — something that happened with dramatic effect yesterday. Djokovic didn’t intend to hit the line judge, and most certainly not in the throat, so it was, in that sense, a freakish accident.

I can understand why so many of his fans are distraught that an opportunity to clock up another grand slam has disappeared. But the concept of intent is worth probing here. A driver who gets into his car having drunk alcohol doesn’t intend to hit a fellow road user. He is criminally liable, however, because becoming drunk and entering a car is a voluntary choice, with implications that have been rightly spelt out in the criminal law. Specific intent is not relevant in the determination of moral responsibility.

The same point can be made of Djokovic. If you hit balls in anger (and we should not forget that the Serb launched one into the hoardings yesterday, which could have ricocheted anywhere), you will — in time — make contact with a fan, an umpire or an opponent. Indeed, the tennis authorities introduced strict rules on this type of conduct precisely because they knew that it was a statistical certainty that if too many players continued to lash out it would end in tears.


Carreno Busta and Djokovic shake hands after the Serbian’s disqualification


For the avoidance of doubt, I am not comparing Djokovic’s conduct to drink driving. My point is merely that the tennis authorities are entitled to introduce rules that it feels are in the long-term interest of the game and players cannot be surprised when these rules are enforced, even in circumstances that robbed fans of a great match and a fine player.

This is a bitter setback for a fine champion, one that will hurt him deeply. Like all great athletes, Djokovic wishes to take his place in the pantheon and knows that this was a chance to close the gap on Federer and Nadal, three and two slams ahead of him respectively.

Some were saying that his reputation has been irredeemably tarnished by what happened last night, but this seems exaggerated. Tim Henman was once banned for a similar violation, cleaned up his act, and transcended the incident. With a strongly worded apology to the line judge and a sincere intent to change his ways, Djokovic can do the same. Indeed, if I were to offer him advice, I would urge him to draw upon the criticism, for it is not the first time he has been in the line of fire, whether in the tennis world or beyond. He is strong enough in character to put this behind him and return a more mature competitor.

I, for one, hope he does so.


Edited by Plavi Golub
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Boxy said:


Nadji mi primer gde i besu igraci lansiraju lopticu slajsom i ja cu se sloziti da je tamo Federer trebao da bude diskvalifikovan.

Nije u besu, nego opasno. Dve razlicite stvari. Ne rade se opasne stvari samo iz besa. Ja nigde nisam napisao da je RF tamo trebao da bude diskvalifikovan, pa ne znam s kim ces se sloziti.

Edited by momohyoideus
4 minutes ago, alcesta said:

Je li ovo Tviter varijanta onoga "da izađemo malo napolje" :classic_laugh:

Šta je to Muratoglu muljao sa statistikom, nisam ispratila?

pretpostavljam da govori o onoj "statistici" da je prosecna starost teniskih fanova 61 godinu (ili nesto slicno).


Inace, komentar u vezi BJK je potpuno na mestu. Pre 2 godine su nadali dreku i verbalno lincovali Ramosa ni krivog ni duznog, tada nije bilo reci o "pravila su pravila" vec se potezao argument "zenakraljicamajka", da je trebalo da ima osecaj za trenutak/velicinu...,  uz "#24" i stres oko toga kao dodatni argument.

  • Like 1
Nije u besu, nego opasno. Dve razlicite stvari. Ne rade se opasne stvari samo iz besa. Ja nigde nisam napisao da je RF tamo trebao da bude diskvalifikovan, pa ne znam s kim ces se sloziti.
Pa ako je spora loptica jer je slajs, kako moze biti opasna?
Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, zoe Bg said:

Bravo @wwww sto si ovo okacila, prijatno me iznenadio Fraser, ta odbrana Serene je blam na koje ljude uvek treba podsecati, posebno ako su licemerni. 


28 minutes ago, wwww said:

pretpostavljam da govori o onoj "statistici" da je prosecna starost teniskih fanova 61 godinu (ili nesto slicno).


Inace, komentar u vezi BJK je potpuno na mestu. Pre 2 godine su nadali dreku i verbalno lincovali Ramosa ni krivog ni duznog, tada nije bilo reci o "pravila su pravila" vec se potezao argument "zenakraljicamajka", da je trebalo da ima osecaj za trenutak/velicinu...,  uz "#24" i stres oko toga kao dodatni argument.

Nemam reakcija pa samo da dodam :thumbsup: za oba posta. Posebno su mi simptomatične ovakve "feministkinje" koje odriču muškarcima pravo da kritikuju žene jer su, zaboga, muškarci. Vrlo progresivno, nema šta :frusty:

Jao šta propušta Pospisil :frusty:

Edited by alcesta
  • Like 2
14 minutes ago, alcesta said:


Nemam reakcija pa samo da dodam :thumbsup: za oba posta. Posebno su mi simptomatične ovakve "feministkinje" koje odriču muškarcima pravo da kritikuju žene jer su, zaboga, muškarci. Vrlo progresivno, nema šta :frusty:

Jao šta propušta Pospisil :frusty:



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