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Samo se spekulise, Fed nije nista objavio, a kao i njegov menadzer nije nista cuo o tome (a kao da bi i pricao ako mu Fed ne dozvoli).


Ma kakav kraj karijere ove godine, to se prica samo zato sto igra sljaku, nema veze sa mozgom :classic_mellow:


Od ponedeljak je top 3, osvaja velike titule, zasto bi isao u penziju?

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Ja sam na upokojenom forumu pisao da ce sezona u kojoj bude igrao RG biti i njegova poslednja.
Prenebregao sam, medjutim, cinjenicu da su OI sledece godine.

Nije da ga teram u penziju. Voleo bih da jos igra.


Pa dok je zdrav i konkurentan nema razloga da ide u penziju. Naravno može kao i svakom da mu jednog dana samo bude dosta svega, ali zasad se to ne vidi.

9 minutes ago, gggggggg said:



Au što je dobar smajli, kako mi je promakao dosad? :classic_biggrin:

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Intervju za NY Times


najzanimljiviji delovi :classic_smile:



“I feel now I can play pressure free, because what is there to lose? Nothing really,” Federer said over lunch near the club. “I haven’t played on clay for three years so maybe for the first time in 15 years I can go to the French and be like, ‘Let’s just see what happens.’ And maybe that’s exactly what is going to make a beautiful result. And if it’s not, no problem. Then I have more time for the grass, and I still profited from a great buildup, and it made me strong physically, and it’s good for my game.”


Last year he decided not to change a schedule that had worked so well for him. Above all, he said, he wanted to properly celebrate the 40th birthday of his wife, Mirka.

So Federer relaxed on the Spanish island of Ibiza with about 40 friends while longtime rivals, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic, and new-age contenders like Thiem and Alexander Zverev scrapped and skidded in Madrid, Rome and elsewhere in 2018. He said he watched the final in Rome between Zverev and Nadal at a beach club.


He senses that too much time spent on grass can actually dull his grass-court game (Wimbledon, where he lost in the quarterfinals last year, remains top of mind). “When you play too much on grass I feel you start guiding the ball whereas on clay you go with full swings,” he said.


Federer joked in Miami that he had forgotten how to slide, and when he arrived at the Felsberg club at 10 a.m. with Ljubicic and his other coach, Severin Lüthi, one of his first moves was to practice sliding into the corners, first without a racket.


“Sometimes the challenge for me is not to slide just to slide,” Federer said. “I think that’s where Rafa and the top clay-courters do so well. They only slide if they really have to. Because naturally you think, oh sliding is fun, and you start having almost too much fun. You get sucked in.”



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U celoj prici mi je najbolji razlog zasto je preskocio sljaku prosle godine: da bi kako treba proslavio Mirkin 40.rodjendan [emoji23] ludovao na Ibizi, dok su ovi prasinarili [emoji1]


Auuu... na šta li će tek da liči Kei nesrećni :smiley26:

Ako ovo baš mora da nosi nadam se da će insistirati na beljoj varijanti, donekle je gledljiva :classic_unsure:


Pa zato i kažem, on obično nosi gore modele od Feda, kao onu Wizzair uniformu npr., tako da me strah da zamislim šta su tek njemu napravili :classic_ninja:

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