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Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2 - naučne/medicinske informacije i analize

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92

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Septoletetotal eukaliptus, 1 mg/3 mg, lozenge

cetilpiridinijum-hlorid, benzidamin


6. Sadržaj pakovanja i ostale informacije

Šta sadrži lek Septolete total eukaliptus - Aktivne supstance su cetilpiridinijum-hlorid i benzidamin-hidrohlorid. Jedna lozenga sadrži 1 mg cetilpiridinijum-hlorida, bezvodnog (u obliku cetilpiridinijum-hlorid, monohidrata ) i 3 mg benzidamin-hidrohlorida. - Pomoćne supstance su: ulje eukaliptusa, levomentol, limunska kiselina (E330), sukraloza (E955), izomalt (E953), boja Brilijant plavo FCF (E133).


edit: preteče me @erwin

Edited by shonke
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Ma neee, stavio bih neki ovakav 🤪 smajli ili tako nešto nego mi je bilo poznato od negde, ono tipa pročitao sam taj negde tako neki naziv supstance i setim se da pogledam u kutiji s lekovima, kad ono "obične" septolete!!! 

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CanSino Biologics Inc. (“CanSinoBIO”) (SSE: 688185, HKEX: 06185) announced that the National Medical Products Administration of China (“NMPA”) has granted the Company approval for its Recombinant COVID-19 Vaccine (Adenovirus Type 5 Vector) for Inhalation (trade name: Convidecia Air™) to be used as a booster dose. 

Utilizing the same adenovirus vector technological platform as the intramuscular version Convidecia™, Convidecia Air™ provides a non-invasive option that uses a nebulizer to change liquid into an aerosol for inhalation through the mouth. Convidecia Air™ is needle-free and can effectively induce comprehensive immune protection in response to SARS-CoV-2 after just one breath.

CanSinoBIO received the approval of its clinical trial application for Convidecia Air™ in March 2021. Studies published in The Lancet indicated that Convidecia Air™ can induce strong humoral, cellular and mucosal immunity to achieve triple protection and effectively contain the infection and spread of the virus. 

Currently, CanSinoBIO has achieved steady production of various innovative vaccines and established a global supply chain, with a goal to continue to make quality vaccine products more accessible by the global population.

https://www.cansinotech.com/html/1/179/180/1100.html Edited by erwin
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Proslog vikenda dok sam vozio cuo sam interesantno istrazivanje na NPR-u, pa da prenesem ovde.

Tim iz UK je radio DNK analizu zrtava kuge iz 1348me , kao i onih koji su umrli pre i posle epidemije. Dosli su do zakljucka da su oni koji su imali mutaciju nekog gena vise od 40% imali vecu sansu da prezive ili se ne zaraze, te da je ta mutacija postala dominantna u godinama posle epidemije, posto je po neki procenama preko 50% stanovnistva Evrope umrlo od te emidemije.

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  • 1 month later...

Compound derived from B.C. sea sponge could block COVID-19 virus, researchers find




Researchers at the University of British Columbia say a compound derived from sea sponges found off the B.C. coast can block coronavirus infection in human cells.

The discovery could pave the way for the development of new COVID-19 medicines made from natural sources, researchers say.

An international team led by UBC scientists analyzed a catalogue of more than 350 compounds derived from natural sources that included plants, fungi and marine sponges in an effort to find new antiviral drugs to treat coronavirus variants.

Researchers bathed human lung cells in solutions made from the compounds and then infected the cells with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. They found 26 compounds reduced viral infection in the cells.



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  • 6 months later...

Da li je baš vezano za Covid ili nije, ne znam tačno, ali čini mi se da su se baš zahvaljujući proboju kod reagovanja na Covid otključali razni fondovi za naučna istaživanja u oblasti medicine...


Treba očekivati u pristojno kratkom periodu, recimo 5-10 godina ozbiljne napretke u nauci, naravno ako preživimo:



(Članak je sa NYT, zahteva free nalog da bi se čitao, evo ga u spoileru)



Flipping a Switch and Making Cancers Self-Destruct


Researchers at Stanford devised a strange new molecule that could lead to drugs that arm genes and make cancers work against themselves.

A colored light micrograph of a section from a lymph node biopsy of a patient with diffuse large B cell lymphoma, showing abnormal, large cells spread diffusely.Credit...Steve Gschmeissner/Science Source


By Gina Kolata

July 26, 2023

Within every cancer are molecules that spur deadly, uncontrollable growth. What if scientists could hook those molecules to others that make cells self-destruct? Could the very drivers of a cancer’s survival instead activate the program for its destruction?

That idea came as an epiphany to Dr. Gerald Crabtree, a developmental biologist at Stanford, some years ago during a walk through the redwoods near his home in the Santa Cruz mountains.

“I ran home,” he said, excited by the idea and planning ways to make it work.

Now, in a paper published Wednesday in the journal Nature, Dr. Crabtree, a founder of Foghorn Therapeutics, which is developing cancer drugs, along with Nathanael S. Gray, a professor of chemical and system biology at Stanford, and their colleagues report that they have done what he imagined on that walk. While the concept is a long way from a drug that could be given to cancer patients, it could be a target for drug developers in the future.

“It’s very cool,” said Jason Gestwicki, professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco. “It turns something the cancer cell needs to stay alive into something that kills it, like changing your vitamin into a poison.”

“This is a potentially new way to turn cancer against itself,” said Dr. Louis Staudt, director of the Center for Cancer Genomics at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Staudt wrote an editorial to accompany Dr. Crabtree’s paper.

Once the treatment is further developed, he added, “I would love to try it in a clinical trial with our patients who have exhausted all other options.”

In laboratory experiments with cells from a blood cancer, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the researchers designed and built molecules that hooked together two proteins: BCL6, a mutated protein that the cancer relies on to aggressively grow and survive, and a normal cell protein that switches on any genes it gets near.

The new construction, a dumbbell shaped molecule, is unlike anything seen in nature. BCL6, at one end of the dumbbell, guides the molecule toward cell-death genes that are part of every cell’s DNA and are used to get rid of cells that are no longer needed. But when a person has diffuse large B cell lymphoma, BCL6 has turned off those cell-death genes, making the cells essentially immortal.

A computational model of the molecule TCIP1 that hooked together the BRD4 and BCL6 proteins together.Credit...Andrey Krokhotin


When the dumbbell, guided by BCL6, gets near the cell-death genes, the normal protein on the end of the dumbbell arms those death genes. Unlike other processes in the cell that can be reversed, turning on cell-death genes is irreversible.

The new approach could be an improvement over the difficult task of using drugs to block all BCL6 molecules. With the dumbbell-shaped molecules, it is sufficient to rewire just a portion of BCL6 molecules in order to kill cells.

The concept could potentially work for half of all cancers, which have known mutations that result in proteins that drive growth, Dr. Crabtree said. And because the treatment relies on the mutated proteins produced by the cancer cells, it could be extremely specific, sparing healthy cells.

Dr. Crabtree explained the two areas of discovery that made the work possible. One is the discovery of “driver genes” — several hundred genes that, when mutated, drive the spread of cancer.

The second is the discovery of death pathways in cells. Those pathways, Dr. Crabtree said, “are used to eliminate cells that have gone rogue for one reason or other” — 60 billion cells in each individual every day.

The quest was to make the pathways driving cancer cell growth communicate with silenced pathways that drive cell death, something they would not normally do.

When the hybrid molecule drifted to the cells’ DNA, it not only turned on cell-death genes but also did more. BCL6 guided the hybrid to other genes that the cancer had silenced. The hybrid turned those genes on again, creating internal chaos in the cell.

“The cell has never experienced this,” Dr. Staudt said.

“BCL6 is the organizing principle of these cancer cells,” he explained. When its function is totally disrupted, “the cell has lost its identity and says, ‘something very wrong is happening here. I’d better die.’”

But the main effect of the experimental treatment was to activate the cell-death genes, Dr. Crabtree said. “That is the therapeutic effect,” he said.

The group tested its hybrid molecule in mice, where it seemed safe. But, Dr. Staudt noted, “humans are a lot different than mice.”

The work is “exciting,” said Stuart L. Schreiber, professor of chemistry and chemical biology at Harvard and a previous collaborator with Dr. Crabtree. But he offered words of caution.

What Dr. Crabtree created “is not a drug — it still has a long way to go,” he said.


TLDR: Daleko su od pravljenja leka za ljude. Sa testiranjem koncepta se stiglo do miševa. Ako na kraju uspeju moći će ovako da ciljaju oko polovine tipova raka.

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Nije nužno Covid, ali je dobra vest u svakom slučaju... Tačnije jedna od boljih, ako ne i najbolja zadnjih godina:


Revolutionary Dual Action Antibiotic Makes Bacterial Resistance Nearly Impossible



A groundbreaking study from the University of Illinois Chicago unveils macrolones, a new type of antibiotic that targets bacteria in two ways, drastically reducing the potential for resistance and marking a significant step forward in infectious disease treatment.


A newly discovered antibiotic, which targets two different cellular mechanisms, could make it 100 million times harder for bacteria to develop resistance



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  • 4 months later...

A twice-yearly shot could help end AIDS. But will it get to everyone who needs it?




MEXICO CITY (AP) — It’s been called the closest the world has ever come to a vaccine against the AIDS virus.

The twice-yearly shot was 100% effective in preventing HIV infections in a study of women, and results published Wednesday show it worked nearly as well in men.


Drugmaker Gilead said it will allow cheap, generic versions to be sold in 120 poor countries with high HIV rates — mostly in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. But it has excluded nearly all of Latin America, where rates are far lower but increasing, sparking concern the world is missing a critical opportunity to stop the disease.


“This is so far superior to any other prevention method we have, that it’s unprecedented,” said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of UNAIDS. She credited Gilead for developing the drug, but said the world’s ability to stop AIDS hinges on its use in at-risk countries.




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