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Pa sad, ona je u pravu ako je Kirgios promašio osobu pa pokazao nju a ometao ga je neko drugi (što valjda ona i tvrdi). Ali ako je ona bila u pitanju, onda da se pokrije ušima i da ćuti. Kad platiš kartu za teniski meč ne znači da ti to daje pravo da radiš šta hoćeš, da je sreće pa da češće ima takvih izbacivanja. Sa svakog drugog Novakovog meča na slemu bi trebalo izbaciti po nekoliko idiota minimum.

A ova priča o šteti njenom i ugledu njene porodice, stvarno... valjda je to obavezno kad nekog tužiš, šta li.

Posted (edited)

danas samo cestitke :bravo:



Jannik Schneider


Big news "Bild" reports that Angelique Kerber is pregnant and will not compete at the US Open. Didnt play since Wimbledon. According to Bild she wants to comeback after pregnancy for her olympic dream 2024. Baby is expexted for spring 2023. No Zverev, no Kerber in New York


Edited by double fault
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Prvo ide priča, sram bilo Ruse i Beloruse što ne istupaju javno protiv rata, a onda kad hoće da učestvuju na dobrotvornom događaju za Ukrajinu što je valjda samo pohvalna stvar, sram ih bilo što se guraju gde su nepoželjni :ajme:


“Why does she do it and why does she go for it. Purely human, because she knows from our words how we cannot tolerate them here, how we want them not to be at any tournament, like in England. Despite this, she goes for it. She doesn't even communicate with us, but here she just takes and does. I can't understand why?”

Ja se sve vreme trudim da imam razumevanja za stavove ukrajinskih tenisera/ki koji ne mogu biti objektivni po difoltu, ali ovo je stvarno previše. 

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Jelena Rybakina just smashed the tennis bodies atp/wta because of "all the topics and decisions made" and literally fought about attention as a Wimbledon champion - said: "I dont feel like a Wimbledon champion" - because of no points, her ranking, her schedules and everything



Jannik Schneider




Andrea Petkovic just told me in a talk for


that she will retire. "I leave myself the option to play an additional tournament in Europe after the #USOpen that is closer to my family and friends - but in general thats my last tournament."




odose sve u pemziju koje sam gotivila :classic_sad:

(ovo sad od mladjarije mi ne vata oko, ali uopste)


Volim je i ja, ali ona je već godinama faktički u penziji, ne pamtim kad je odigrala nešto vredno pomena. Više je povređena nego što igra, dobro je što je najzad prelomila.

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