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1 hour ago, wwww said:

Nego, je li vec bio WIlander u Beogradu? Kako je to proslo?

Mislim da sam ga ukačila kako gostuje na nekoj TV dok sam menjala kanale, ali dosta mi ga je i na ES pa se nisam zadržavala da čujem šta ima da kaže :classic_biggrin:


Bio je Mats,imao neki "trening/druzenje" sa klincima,dao intervju srpskim medijima u kojem je bio blagonaklon prema Novaku..slatkoreciv cak. Pojasnio da nikad nije imao nista protiv njega i da ga je kritikovao po zasluzi kao sto je kritikovao i mnoge druge igrace.
Razocarao se cinjenicom da ga niko od eminentnih forumasa nije dosao pozdraviti,popiti kafu sa njim..uobicajene stvari :classic_biggrin:

Nego - jel su to tribine novog PC blize terenu ili se meni samo cini?

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Posted (edited)

Kzš direktora rimskog turnira i predsednika italijanskog TS, kako se branio kad su ga spopali pitanjima:

- nisu oni krivi što su u sredu držali ljude ceo dan na kiši a igrače po svlačionicama da čekaju. To sve određuju ATP i WTA supervizori, oni su tek u 6 rekli da se ne može igrati

- ko nije mogao da dođe u četvrtak a imao je karte za sredu dobiće pare nazad

- Federerove optužbe na teren: ko gubi ima pravo da se ljuti, a po kišnom vremenu je normalno da je teren klizav. Kad su mu spomenuli da je Đoković podržao Federera da je teren očajan to je samo preskočio;

- a možda se Federer i naljutio što je morao da igra dva meča a to u njegovim godinama nije lako, pa je razumljivo da je iznerviran

- imaju problem zato što im zbog termina Madrida nisu dali da rastegnu turnir na deset dana kao što su tražili, a tako bi se izbegle sve ove komplikacije...



Dakle nemam reči. Ovakva jedna mustra naravno da će duplirati cene karata, sad mi je jasnija i ona priča o nagrađivanju publike...


Edited by alcesta

Roger dosao na turnir, zbog njega je duplo zaradio i jos odvali posle ko gubi ima pravo da se ljuti :furious:

A nije ga samo Djokovic podrzao, po tviteru je sa silnih strana moglo da se procita kako Rim vec godinama ima ocajne terene, plus su ih Tim i Gofan isto prozvali, igraci koji su generalno mirni i retko kad se nesto bune.

I jos im Madrid za sve to kriv :frusty:


Sa izuzetkom,cini mi se,prosle godine,tokom trajanja turnira u Rimu je tradicionalno lose vreme godinama unazad.
I tereni su uvek lose pripremljeni. Igra ulogu i taj faktor vremena,ali nemarni su dosta rekao bih. 

Posted (edited)

O tome je pisao i onaj Ubaldo i o svačemu još (npr. o stanju WC-a :classic_unsure:) pa su mu zato i uzeli akreditaciju...

Možda je na loše održavanje terena uticala i ona priča koja se povlači godinama o seljenju turnira, ali to nije nikakvo opravdanje. Sve i da izgrade supermoderan kompleks ko zna na kojoj livadi, ko garantuje da bi ga održavali bolje nego ovaj?

Edited by alcesta
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Posted (edited)

Mika je bila  jedinstvena...ne može nju niko zameniti. 


edit: Gledam sad one stare fotke, stvarno ima vrhunskih sa baš duhovitim komentarima. 

Edited by Yi Sun Shin
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Posted (edited)



The Laver Cup and the ATP announced today an agreement that will make the annual men’s team event, in which Europe takes on the rest of the world, an official part of the annual ATP Tour calendar.

The agreement gives the event, now approaching its third competition in Geneva, Switzerland this September, access to ATP services, including marketing and social media, along with operational personnel such as officials and physios.

“The Laver Cup team is incredibly excited about this partnership with the ATP. It has always been our hope to build the Laver Cup in partnership with the tennis world, and certification by the ATP after only two editions is an overwhelming validation of our vision,” Tony Godsick, President and CEO of TEAM8, and Chairman of the Laver Cup, said.

“We created the Laver Cup to celebrate the greats of the game – past, present and future – and grow interest in our great sport of tennis,” Godsick added.  “Partnering with the ATP positions us to continue to achieve that mission and reach even greater audiences.”



Chris Kermode, Executive Chairman and President of the ATP said that the reception by tennis fans globally was a major factor in the ATP’s wish to form a partnership.

“The Laver Cup has struck a chord with fans worldwide in a very short time,” Kermode said.

“It’s been great to see the passionate participation of the players and the response from the fans at the sold-out events in Prague and Chicago. This event has great potential to reach new fans around the world, and all of us at the ATP are excited to include the Laver Cup as an official part of the ATP Tour calendar and have it featured alongside other tournaments on all our platforms.”

Roger Federer, a partner in TEAM8 who tasked his team with creating the Laver Cup to honor not just the great Rod Laver, but the coterie of tennis legends who paved the way for the success of the current game, said he was delighted with the news.

“As I come closer to the end of my playing career, it’s wonderful to know that the Laver Cup will be part of the tour that I’ve dedicated more than 20 years of my life to. This partnership is a wonderful example of how the tennis family can unite to promote and grow the sport we all love.”


Edited by wwww

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