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On valjda ima taj dugi covid, ne moze da se oporavi , on je kontinuirano pozitivan koliko ja razumem nije da se oporavi pa zakaci ponovo, ustvari kad se prisetim nije ni to nego je on stradao od same vakcine ako se dobro secam, on od vakcine ne moze da se oporavi

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U pravu ste za Chardy, on je tesko podneo vakcinu. Ne znam  ko je Umber? ima Pierre-Hugues Herbert on je javno izjasnio da nece da se vakcinise i zbog toga ne ide u Australiju. Proguglah malo za Benoit Paire pa se i prisetih : on se vakcinisao dva dana pred turnir u Rimu pa je trazio da u Rimu pocne turnir sto kasnije moze medjutim su ga stavili da igra odmah u ponedeljak ujutro i odigrao je vrlo lose, stigao u Rim vece pred mec i rekao je da ga je ruka jos uvek bolela od vakcine. Onda se zalio da par meseci ne moze da se oporavi od vakcine. Koliko se secam na USO je bio testiran pozitivan i nije igrao nego je bio u karantinu. Pre par meseci je davao izjave u stilu - mene bas briga za nevakcinisane tenisere, sto ima vise nevakcinisanih to je bolje za nas vakcinisane jer cemo imati vece sanse da se bolje plasiramo na AO, medjutim i pored vakcine je fasovao znaci drugi put po meni, izgleda da su mu GS ovi fatalni.

Jel se zna sta je sa Rubljov i Karatsev, oni su vakcinisani ali ne znam kojom vakcinom, jel su testirani pozitivni ili su mozda vakcinisani Sputnjikom pa im nije priznat ?

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Meni je u glavi da je i Humber imao nekih problema sa vakcinom, ali mozda sam nesto pobrkala...medjutim, sve mi se cini da su 2 francuska igraca imala problema, odmah posle OI


A dailymail je danas preneo vest da ce od 15.januara biti obavezna vakcinacija za sportiste 



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U pravu ste za Chardy, on je tesko podneo vakcinu. Ne znam  ko je Umber? ima Pierre-Hugues Herbert on je javno izjasnio da nece da se vakcinise i zbog toga ne ide u Australiju. Proguglah malo za Benoit Paire pa se i prisetih : on se vakcinisao dva dana pred turnir u Rimu pa je trazio da u Rimu pocne turnir sto kasnije moze medjutim su ga stavili da igra odmah u ponedeljak ujutro i odigrao je vrlo lose, stigao u Rim vece pred mec i rekao je da ga je ruka jos uvek bolela od vakcine. Onda se zalio da par meseci ne moze da se oporavi od vakcine. Koliko se secam na USO je bio testiran pozitivan i nije igrao nego je bio u karantinu. Pre par meseci je davao izjave u stilu - mene bas briga za nevakcinisane tenisere, sto ima vise nevakcinisanih to je bolje za nas vakcinisane jer cemo imati vece sanse da se bolje plasiramo na AO, medjutim i pored vakcine je fasovao znaci drugi put po meni, izgleda da su mu GS ovi fatalni.
Jel se zna sta je sa Rubljov i Karatsev, oni su vakcinisani ali ne znam kojom vakcinom, jel su testirani pozitivni ili su mozda vakcinisani Sputnjikom pa im nije priznat ?

Sta ti je karma. Izjavi da je bolje za njega ako vise bude nevakcinisanih pa ce tako imati vece sanse. Kad ono... tako isto i Australia zapela da mogu samo vakcinisani kad ono mnogi odustaju, pozitivni na covid.
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U pravu je Boxy, proguglah i pise da Ugo Humbert ima probleme kao i Chardy kao posledica druge vakcine pre dosta meseci a da nije u stanju da igra.


Ovo drugo sto je citirano da daily mail prenosi da su francuzi uveli mandatory ako dobro razumem (ne mogu da otvorim link) nista s tim u vezi nisam videla na francuskim vestima 

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Ovo pise


New coronavirus restrictions in France could cause problems for non-French teams competing in the country in 2022 - including the England rugby team and Chelsea. 

France president Emmanuel Macron announced that full, double-vaccinations will be mandatory for professional sports people in the country from January 15 under new Covid rules.

A spokeswoman for the French sports ministry said a decision would be made 'within days' on how the new rules will affect non-French teams competing in the country.

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Za mene gluposti su to sve.

Zato sto u linku pise da je dupla vakcinacija obavezna za igrace. Sta kad istekne druga doza? koja je sada sa 6 meseci smanjena na 3 meseca. ... Kao da je vest sa pocetka ove godine a ne da se odnosi na 2022

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evo sad videh, to je projekat predlozen za glasanje i odnosi se samo na kosarkase




Odnosi se samo za meceve u sali, zatvorenom prostoru, i treba parlament da glasa i odobri, to je predlog za sada

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Nadal je 20.12. objavio da je pozitivan, a 31.12. je vec bio u Australiji (znaci najkasnije 30.12. je leteo za Australiju). Kako je on tako brzo izasao iz izolacije, pogotovu u doba omicrona?





One year on, Australia sets more flexible Covid-19 rules for players

Tennis Majors has seen the document sent to players which outlines the latest Covid-19 protocols, particularly in the event of a positive Covid-19 test or contact case



Positive on December 26, back on court on January 2; the case of Canadian Denis Shapovalov at the ATP Cup perfectly illustrates the Australian authorities’ changing approach to Covid-19, one year after the drama of the strict two-week quarantine imposed on Australian Open participants upon arrival in Melbourne if they had the misfortune to travel with someone who tested positive upon arrival.


Australia is going through by far its largest wave of infection since the start of the pandemic, with more than 30,000 cases daily and an exponential upward curve. But two things have changed since the Australian Open in February 2021; the abandonment of the zero Covid strategy since September, combined with the successful roll-out of the vaccination, which has also created lasting suspense around the presence of Novak Djokovic at the 2022 Australian Open. (Jan 17-30).



The compulsory vaccination (unless specifically exempted by two panels of medical experts) to enter Australia – and in particular the state of Victoria, where Melbourne is located – has led to more flexible protocols for players and members of their staff when they arrive in Australia. This is according to analysis of the document: “The New Testing, Tracing and Isolation Protocols”, sent to them on December 31.


Divided into three columns according to city and state of arrival – Melbourne (Victoria), Sydney (New South Wales), Adelaide (South Australia) – it imposes a fairly pragmatic regime on players based on test results and not on preventative measures with mandatory isolation time.




In concrete terms, each player is tested on arrival and isolates while awaiting the result. Only a negative test result allows the player to move freely. Another test must take place between the fifth and seventh day on site. After this test, if it is negative, the person is free to go wherever he or she wants, unless something new happens (symptoms, contact cases), a kind of magic formula, as Casper Ruud pointed out in an exchange on Twitter.



Daily tests are “strongly encouraged” before going to the sites but not mandatory.


What is also striking about the document is the flexible definition of “contact case”. The document distinguishes between “household contacts” and “non-household contacts”, i.e. people who share the same home as the accredited person, and other people. Only contact status with a house-mate results in seven days of isolation with testing on the first and sixth day.


In contrast, contact status with another person only results in a five-day testing requirement. In Adelaide, the situation is different because it distinguishes between ‘event-critical’ and ‘non-critical’ contacts. In the former case, the player is subjected to a bubble with daily testing for six days but no isolation. Being a contact case does not therefore lead to exclusion from the competition.





The last notion that illustrates the flexibility of the practices in 2022 is the notion of “until you are medically cleared”, i.e. “except in case of medical green light”. In concrete terms, it means that there is no longer a minimum duration of isolation in the event of a positive PCR test. This isolation will last seven days “unless medically cleared” due to a negative test and absence of symptoms. This is what allowed Shapovalov to return so quickly.

Masks are generally required on site and in transport except when sitting, eating, exercising or facing a camera. Sydney imposes the mask if a distance of one and a half metres is not possible between two people.

It should be noted that players who may test positive at the end of the week in Adelaide will have a few cold sweats in the run-up to the Australian Open, as the state of South Australia provides for 10 days’ isolation rather than seven, unless the player is “medically cleared” of course.





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A znači li to "medically cleared" samo da nisu opasnost po druge, ili uključuje neki temeljniji pregled igrača pre nego što mu se dozvoli da igra? Meni to izgleda baš opasno kad ima toliko slučajeva raznoraznih oštećenja čak i kod asimptomatičnih. Ili opet nikog nije briga za zdravlje igrača?

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to znaci da igraci mogu da dobiju dozvolu da igraju ako su raspolozeni (ako nece da budu izbaceni iz zreba)...

toliko o Australiji koja brine o zdravlju kako svojih gradjana (jer su se toliiiiko zrtvovali prethodne 2 godine, pa da ih tamo neki stranci, pa jos teniseri, ne zaraze) tako i igraca...


dobar je i ovaj deo o dobrovoljnom testiranju... :classic_rolleyes:  a da ne pricam sto ce igraci moci slobodno da se seckaju svuda, i to u doba omicrona...

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11 hours ago, wwww said:

to znaci da igraci mogu da dobiju dozvolu da igraju ako su raspolozeni (ako nece da budu izbaceni iz zreba)...

toliko o Australiji koja brine o zdravlju kako svojih gradjana (jer su se toliiiiko zrtvovali prethodne 2 godine, pa da ih tamo neki stranci, pa jos teniseri, ne zaraze) tako i igraca...


dobar je i ovaj deo o dobrovoljnom testiranju... :classic_rolleyes:  a da ne pricam sto ce igraci moci slobodno da se seckaju svuda, i to u doba omicrona...


Samo da se upišem da Oziji, po meni, skoro jedini na svetu imaju neki plan po kome brinu o zdravlju svojih građana. Ja to vidim kao: izolacija dok se ne pojave vakcine u dovoljnom broju, pa vakcinacija (da naglasim, masovna, ne može da bude drugačija protiv zarazne bolesti), pa onda nema više izolacije. Ne vidim šta to nelogično oni sad rade time što jbckju Noksu jer je budalica (pa se nije vakcinisao, ili jeste ali je još veća budalica pa se inati ili šta već).

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