Drug Crni Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Pa,hoce igrati Fed? Pre neki dan citah da joj nije definitivno odlucio ni za Ozi Open.
Милица Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Pa nece, samo drzi fanove na kiseoniku.. 1 1
Boxy Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Pa,hoce igrati Fed? Pre neki dan citah da joj nije definitivno odlucio ni za Ozi Open.Nije sigurno, trenutno je u Dubaiju i tamo trenira i testira koleno, sve zavisi od tog bloka treninga.Ja nemam neka velika ocekivanja, ali videcemo...
alcesta Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 Možda će da igra ATP kup kao probu pa da vidi na osnovu toga. Mada ako se već bude maltretirao u karantinu svakako mu je praktičnije da odigra i AO, osim ako se baš pojave veći problemi.
krzna Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 ATP kup nema sanse da igra, ako se ne odluci za AO nece ni ici u Australiju
Boxy Posted December 27, 2020 Posted December 27, 2020 Nista od AOa, poprilicno ocekivana odluka kad se sve uzme u obzir
Drug Crni Posted December 27, 2020 Posted December 27, 2020 Jasno,on ce sve snage usmeriti na Vimbi. To je za njega "sve&svja" u 2021.
Boxy Posted December 27, 2020 Posted December 27, 2020 Da, to mu je primarni cilj i zeli da bude 100% fit, a AO bi sigurno mogao da odigra par kola, ali kad se zna kakva je procedura za odlazak, da ne bi bio sa porodicom mesec dana, jednostavno su procenili da je bolje da odlozi povratak.Godsick je najavio da ce se vratiti na turnire krajem februara.
Milutinov Tata Posted December 28, 2020 Posted December 28, 2020 Slicno je i ovde, mada ne bas u "zvanicnim" dokumentima, tad stoji CAN. Kad god pisu o nekome obavezno se doda mesto odakle je, tako je npr. Andresku Mississauga, Ontario, a Raonic je Tornhil, Ontario.
zoe Bg Posted December 28, 2020 Posted December 28, 2020 8 minutes ago, Boxy said: Poprilicno sam sigurna da danas nije 1.april U Spaniji jeste dan sale ili tako nesto
Boxy Posted December 28, 2020 Posted December 28, 2020 U Spaniji jeste dan sale ili tako nesto [emoji38]_2:E onda je sve logicnije [emoji16]
Boxy Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 19 hours ago, zoe Bg said: U Spaniji jeste dan sale ili tako nesto Ubedjena sam da je i ovo isto to, izvor je spanski sajt iako pise da je italijanski https://www.b92.net/sport/tenis/vesti.php?yyyy=2020&mm=12&dd=29&nav_id=1787754 izvor: https://www.industriadeltenis.com/novak-djokovic-se-alia-con-la-fifa-y-creara-una-superliga-de-tenis-con-el-modelo-de-la-champions-league-de-futbol/
wwww Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 Quote On December 28, Spain celebrates el Día de los Santos Inocentes (Holy Innocents’ Day). This is another Catholic tradition that has evolved over time and been adapted to the modern world. Today, it is celebrated as a kind of Spanish April Fool’s Day when people play pranks (bromas o inocentadas) on each other. On this day, don’t believe everything you see or hear — chances are good that somebody’s pulling your leg. https://www.katholisch.de/artikel/15985-ein-lustiger-tag-mit-traurigem-hintergrund Quote It's grotesque: on December 28th, the Church commemorates the cruel child murder by King Herod. But in the Spanish-speaking world, the Festival of the Innocent Children is a happy day. Because in Spain and Latin America there is a tradition of spreading false reports and making jokes on this day in the immediate aftermath of Christmas. Similar to Germany on April 1st, the Spaniards and Mexicans in particular check whether their fellow human beings fall for the jokes. The day of the innocent, "el Día de los Inocentes", as it is abbreviated there, shows how naive - in Spanish "inocente" - the people who have been tricked are. The name alone gives a connection between the jokes and the church festival. The real origin of the funny driving seems to be related to the so-called Saturnalia, which were celebrated in the Roman Empire in honor of the god Saturn. This pagan festival lasted for several days towards the end of December. There were banquets for the common people, gifts were given to each other and the class differences between free citizens and slaves were temporarily abolished. For example, it was customary for masters to serve their slaves. So the order of the world was lifted for a few days. This ultimately explains the tradition that the media and society "twist" reality a little on December 28th. Last year, for example, Carles Puigdemont, today the disempowered President of the Catalan regional government, announced that he would withdraw his cabinet from Barcelona. It was to be moved to Girona, in eastern Catalonia, in order to "shorten Puigdemont's commute to work". The politician lived in Girona and had been mayor there several years earlier. The American fast food chain Burger King also had fun with its customers and announced that it would Hispanicize the company name in the future. The fast-food restaurants were to be called "Burguer King" from now on, in order to guarantee correct pronunciation for the Spaniards. But not only politicians, companies and the media are joking on December 28th. The children also know how to use the day of the innocent for themselves. In some cities in Spain, they go from house to house asking for sweets. They do this by singing Christmas carols or making noise by hitting spoons and empty bottles against each other. The classic joke repertoire includes the swapping of salt and sugar and the unnoticed affixing of signs on the backs of adults. These jokes are called "Inocentadas" after the Spanish name of the tag. Another joke is lending. Among friends, you can test how well you can fall for the jokes by asking them to borrow something. If the desired thing is handed over to you, you give your gullible friend a funny saying that revolves around the fact that you can keep the borrowed thing. In earlier times cards were handed over that referred to the biblical King Herod: "The cruel and rough Herod from his grave prophesies that he is naive who gives a thing." However, there are people for whom the fun tradition of the Festival of the Innocent Children is a thorn in their side. Four years ago, for example, an online petition was started to persuade Pope Francis to put an end to the foolish goings-on. But the fun traditions are still very popular: the petition only had 25 supporters and has since been discontinued. How the Holy Father feels about the Christmas jokes is not known. As an Argentine, he will be familiar with the "Inocentadas". But as a church man it can be assumed that the really serious occasion of the church festival is more important to him. Yet nobody can accuse Francis of being honest. It is well known that the pontiff is often joking.
Milutinov Tata Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 Uhvatih na TV-u mec australijske fudbalske lige, igralo se u Sidneju, dosta publike, sede gde hoce, sasvim normalna atmosfera.
wwww Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 1 hour ago, Milutinov Tata said: Uhvatih na TV-u mec australijske fudbalske lige, igralo se u Sidneju, dosta publike, sede gde hoce, sasvim normalna atmosfera. ne samo to, pazi ovo: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-55471235 nadali su dreku oko tenisera a ovo je regularno bilo dozvoljeno. kako li su samo ovi usli u zemlju, da mi je znati, pa jos bez 14 dana strogog karantina?
Boxy Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 Al su ga kaznili Quote ATP Concludes Querrey Investigation Follows Querrey's breach of COVID-19 protocol at the 2020 St. Petersburg Open The ATP has concluded its investigation regarding Sam Querrey, initiated following a breach of COVID-19 protocol at the 2020 St. Petersburg Open. The investigation reviewed the full circumstances surrounding the incident and concluded Mr. Querrey’s conduct to be contrary to the integrity of the game under the Player Major Offense provision in the ATP Code of Conduct. As a result, the ATP has issued a fine of US$20,000. Taking into consideration Mr. Querrey’s many years of otherwise good standing with the ATP and other mitigating factors, the fine is suspended and will be lifted subject to Mr. Querrey committing no further breaches of health and safety protocols related to COVID-19 within a probationary six-month period. The player has five days to appeal the decision, should he choose to do so.
Old 666 Posted December 31, 2020 Posted December 31, 2020 (edited) Znate šta sad sledi, mislim na ovu vest iz prethodnog posta....ali mrzi me...tek sam ust'o...računajte da jesam Edited December 31, 2020 by We lose every week 2
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