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Epidemija koronavirusa (Covid-19 / SARS-Cov2) - dnevne aktuelnosti iz zemlje i sveta

Message added by Eddard

Dragi forumaši, molimo vas da u vreme ove krize ostanemo prisebni i racionalni i da pisanjem na ovoj temi ne dođemo u situaciju da naudimo nekome. Stoga:


- nemojte davati savete za uzimanje lekova i bilo kakvu terapiju, čak i ako ste zdravstveni radnik - jedini ispravni put za sve one koji eventualno osećaju simptome je da se jave svom lekaru ili na neki od telefonskih brojeva koji su za to predviđeni.

- takođe - ne uzimajte lekove napamet! Ni one proverene, ni one potencijalne - obratite se svom lekaru!

- nemojte prenositi neproverene informacije koje bi mogle nekoga da dovedu u zabludu i eventualno mu načine štetu. Znamo da je u moru informacija po pitanju ove situacije jako teško isfiltrirati one koje su lažne, pogrešne ili zlonamerne, ali potrudite se - radi se o zdravlju svih nas. Pokušajte da informacije sa kojekakvih obskurnih sajtova i sumnjivih izvora ne prenosite. Ili ih prvo proverite pre nego što ih prenesete.

- potrudite se da ne dižete paniku svojim postovima - ostanimo mirni i racionalni.

- aktivno propagiranje naučno neutemeljenih (između ostalih i antivaxxerskih) stavova i pozivanje na nevakcinisanje bazirano na njima nećemo tolerisati.


Budimo dostojanstveni u ovoj krizi, ovakve situacije su ogledalo svih nas. 

Hvala na razumevanju.


Vaš tim Vox92


194 members have voted

  1. 1. Da li ste vakcinisani protiv Coronavirus-a i kojom vakcinom?

    • Pfizer/Biontech
    • Sinopharm
    • Sputnik V
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca/Oxford
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Nisam i ne želim da se vakcinišem
    • Nisam još sigurna/an da li ću se vakcinisati
    • Preležao/la sam Covid-19, pa čekam da vidim da li i kada ću da se vakcinišem

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5 minutes ago, erwin said:


Senegal ima 5,5% potpuno vakcinisanih stanovnika, a Nigerija 1,9%.


To sam i ja danas negde citala!

I onda se bune sto bogate zemlje nece da pravilnije raspodele vakcine, a oni ni to sto imaju ne iskoriste....pa ni da podele nekim komsijama, ako su ovi zainteresovani

  • Like 1

Jel aktivan na temi @Akirojos uvek?

Ako jeste,da ga pitam nesto oko covid-propusnica (puni naziv:covid zeleni sertifikat kompatabilan sa EU)..pre neki dan mi jedan drugar rece da ga Grci ne priznaju ako je od druge doze proslo vise od 6 meseci. Meni to ne zvuci realno,ali reko' sebi - pitacu ovde..nekako smatram da ovde ljudi dele uglavnom proverene informacije. 

P.S.moze i bilo ko drugi da odgovori ako ima saznanja.

28 minutes ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Jel aktivan na temi @Akirojos uvek?

Ako jeste,da ga pitam nesto oko covid-propusnica (puni naziv:covid zeleni sertifikat kompatabilan sa EU)..pre neki dan mi jedan drugar rece da ga Grci ne priznaju ako je od druge doze proslo vise od 6 meseci. Meni to ne zvuci realno,ali reko' sebi - pitacu ovde..nekako smatram da ovde ljudi dele uglavnom proverene informacije. 

P.S.moze i bilo ko drugi da odgovori ako ima saznanja.

I ja sam čuo isto to od čoveka koji je skoro putovao u Grčku.

  • WOW 1
1 minute ago, urosg3 said:

Da, tačno tako je ušao.

Tebi hvala na odgovoru.

Ne znam kako misle tako..ne samo Grci. Jednostavno,kako vreme bude odmicalo neminovno ce opadati entuzijazam za vakcinacijom..rekao bih svuda. Epid.vlasti moraju pokazati da znaju sta rade,a nisam siguran da je uvek tako..mislim,ja sam primio trecu dozu i uskoro cu i sam na put (ne u Grcku),ali nisam siguran da ce svi vakcinisani primiti buster,a kamoli neku cetvrtu..petu..

6 minutes ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Tebi hvala na odgovoru.

Ne znam kako misle tako..ne samo Grci. Jednostavno,kako vreme bude odmicalo neminovno ce opadati entuzijazam za vakcinacijom..rekao bih svuda. Epid.vlasti moraju pokazati da znaju sta rade,a nisam siguran da je uvek tako..mislim,ja sam primio trecu dozu i uskoro cu i sam na put (ne u Grcku),ali nisam siguran da ce svi vakcinisani primiti buster,a kamoli neku cetvrtu..petu..



4. Passengers must have:
- a negative COVID-19 rapid antigen test taken at most 48 hours before arrival; or
- a negative COVID-19 PCR or RT-PCR test taken at most 72 hours before arrival; or

- a COVID-19 vaccination certificate showing that they were fully vaccinated at least 14 days before arrival; or
- a COVID-19 recovery certificate issued at least 30 days and at most 90 days after having tested positive. Recovery certificates issued before 15 July 2021 are not accepted; or


Uradi se test, pa lagano na put!

  • Like 2
16 minutes ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Tebi hvala na odgovoru.

Ne znam kako misle tako..ne samo Grci. Jednostavno,kako vreme bude odmicalo neminovno ce opadati entuzijazam za vakcinacijom..rekao bih svuda. Epid.vlasti moraju pokazati da znaju sta rade,a nisam siguran da je uvek tako..mislim,ja sam primio trecu dozu i uskoro cu i sam na put (ne u Grcku),ali nisam siguran da ce svi vakcinisani primiti buster,a kamoli neku cetvrtu..petu..

Da ne spominjem da je neetično menjati pravila igre dok utakmica traje. Nije ni čudo što su ljudi kivni na vlasti, kako kom "stručnjaku" dune tako menjaju pravila. Neozbiljno i tera vodu na vodenicu teoretičarima zavere.
Vidi ja bi se vakcinisao ako traže 500 puta, ali će uvek da me nervira što propisuju rokove, zabranjuju, sve mi je to sekuritizacija zdravstvenog problema.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Jel aktivan na temi @Akirojos uvek?

Ako jeste,da ga pitam nesto oko covid-propusnica (puni naziv:covid zeleni sertifikat kompatabilan sa EU)..pre neki dan mi jedan drugar rece da ga Grci ne priznaju ako je od druge doze proslo vise od 6 meseci. Meni to ne zvuci realno,ali reko' sebi - pitacu ovde..nekako smatram da ovde ljudi dele uglavnom proverene informacije. 

P.S.moze i bilo ko drugi da odgovori ako ima saznanja.

Nešto se sećam priče da oni koji su vakcinisani do oktobra, validnost im se skraćuje nešto tipa do kraja januara. Ali nigde da to ponovo u pisanoj verziji iskopam. Znam i nešto da sam popizdeo da nam se ubrzava letnji ulazak u Grčku ako se ovde u martu po četvrti put vakcinišemo. Međutim, to je sve nešto mutno u sećanju, a nigde da nađem ponovo taj info. Mi imamo ionako grčki boravak, pa se tretiramo malo povoljnije sa jedne strane, a sa druge planiramo da pobegnemo na mesec dana u Tursku, pa za Grčku sad ofrlje pratim samo statistiku bez nekog zadubljivanja. Mislim da možeš da se pouzdaš u dole postavljene informacije sa sajta našeg ministarstva spoljnih poslova, ažurirane juče. 


Neke opšte informacije sam našao, ali sam malo u gužvi pa sam mesto prepričavanja sve pejstovao.


Jedino što sam našao je da je validnost preležavanja skraćena sa 6 na 3 meseca, ali to važi za letove:


Greece reduces COVID-illness Certificates validity to 3 months for international, domestic flights

December 13, 2021 CORONAVIRUS, FEATURED, Tourism, Travel Leave a comment

Greece’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) issued air directives (notam) for international and domestic flights regarding the validity period of Certificates of Covid-19 illness. According to the current legislation on the COVID-illness Certificates validity in effect from December 13, the illness-certificates validity period is reduced to 3 months from 6 as it was until December 12, 2021.

Travelers must carry a certificate of COVID-19 illness issued thirty (30) days after the first positive test and its validity will last up to ninety (90 ) days, the CAA notam stipulates.

For the certificates issued from 15/7/2021 until 31/10/2021, the aviation directive provides that they remain in effect.

For international flights there is an extension period until December 17, 2021, of the preconditions to enter the country as regulated by previous notams. (See link below: international flights)

CAA NOTAM on COVID-illness Certificates

Flight passengers to all destinations within Greece must meet one of the following conditions:

1) Have completed at least fourteen (14) days of vaccination for COVID-19 and demonstrate a vaccination certificate. The European digital certificate COVID-19 (EU DIGITAL COVID-19 CERTIFICATE) is also acceptable. The vaccination certificate includes the name of the person, the type of vaccine given and the number of doses.

2) To demonstrate a disease certificate issued thirty (30) days after the first positive test and its validity lasts up to ninety (90) days after it, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.

3) Domestic flight passengers who have not been vaccinated must have been tested negative for a COVID-19 coronavirus laboratory test by PCR within the last seventy-two (72) hours prior to the scheduled flight time or within forty eight (48) hours with rapid test before the departure of their flight.

Minors from four (4) to seventeen (17) years old can make their air travel by performing a self-test (self-test) provided free of charge by the state and carried out up to twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled flight time .

The above certificates / certificates are displayed either printed by the platforms www.gov.gr and HTTPS://SELF-TESTING.GOV.GR or in digital form with simultaneous identity check of the holder.

In the case of foreigners from abroad, they can present the vaccination certificate or the certificate of illness or the negative test, in Greek, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Russian. A prerequisite is that the documents have been issued by a public authority and in accordance with the relevant legislation. If these checks have been carried out abroad and are valid at the time of boarding the aircraft, the relevant certificates are accepted under the same conditions under which they were allowed to enter Greece.

If a passenger does not wear a mask, he is not allowed on board.

At arrivals and departures inside airports, as well as during air flights, staff and passengers are required to wear a protective mask. If a passenger does not wear a mask, he is not allowed to board the plane. Travel documents are checked by airline officials and sampled by police at airports. Airlines are required to check the traveler before boarding to confirm that he has the necessary documents.


Evo, to važi izgleda za sve ne samo za letove:


Greece reduces validity of Covid-illness Certificates to 3 months

December 8, 2021 CORONAVIRUS, FEATURED Leave a comment

Greece’s Health Ministry announced late on Wednesday that Covid-illness Certificates will expire after three months and not six as it is nowadays.After the expiration, those recovered from Covid-19 will have to receive vaccination or will be considered as “unvaccinated” and will be subjects to the same restrictions.

According to the statement, the Health Ministry said the reduction of the certificate validity from 6 down to 3 months follows a recommendation by the Epidemiologists’ Committee advising the Ministry that met earlier today.

The Ministry added that a relevant Ministerial decision with details will be issued as soon as possible to be followed by a  a legislative amendment.

Earlier on Wednesday, when the Committee leaked information, media reported that all Covid-illness certificates issued until 30, October 2021 will expire on 31. January 2022. From the new year on, the certificates will expire in 3 months.

After 3 months, citizens will have one month time to proceed with their vaccination against Covid-19 and obtain the vaccination certificate, so that they can move freely.

In case they are not vaccinated, they will not be able to enter any indoor spaces of restaurants and other entertainment facilities or will need a Rapid test for retail shopping as the same rules will apply as currently for unvaccinated citizens.

According to the legislation in November, citizens can enter only with vaccination certificate or illness certificate the indoor spaces of:

catering (indoor areas)
sports stadiums

The measure is also understood as an effort to stop the issue of fake disease certificates based on fake or non-existing Rapid tests, notes healthreport.gr.

It looks as if there is a “mass production” of fake disease certificates in the country obtained by citizens for 200 euros for 6 months. The certificates are authentic only that people have never done a test confirming the disease.

Under the new rules, Covid-illness will be certified only with molecular PCR test.


Evo šta, updejtovano 14. decembra, t.j. juče, kaže naše ministarstvo spoljnih poslova:

Citizens of the Republic of Serbia may enter Greece by plane or by using one of the following land border crossings (open 24 hours)

With Bulgaria: Promahonas, Ormenio, Nimfea and Exochi;

With North Macedonia: Evzoni, Niki and Doirani;

With Albania: Kristalopigi, Kakavia,  Mavromati;

With Turkey: Kastanies and Kipi.

All passengers travelling to Greece must fill out an online Passenger Locator Form, via web site https://travel.gov.gr/ (at least 24 hours prior to arrival) and present the obtained code upon arrival.
In order to enter Greece it is necessary to present either a negative PCR test result not older than 72 hours or Rapid test not older than 48 hours (excluding minors under the age of 12), or a certificate of completed vaccination (at least 14 days have passed since receiving the second dose) issued by the competent authority (in addition to personal data the certificate must hold data about the type and dose of the vaccine), or a certificate of recovery which is issued 30 days after first positive test and is valid for next 180 days.
Travelers arriving to Greece may be subjected to random testing (Rapid test), and if the test is positive a self-isolation is mandatory for 10 days at address of choice or at one of the designated objects chosen by the Greek authorities (expenses paid by the Greek state). Vaccinated persons that test positive are subjected to a 7-day quarantine and a PCR testing on the last day of a quarantine.
Professional drivers operating in international road transport do not need to present a negative test or proof of vaccination, but may be subjected to random Rapid testing at the border.


Evo šta kaže neki EU-sajt:

As a third-country national coming from outside the EU and Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein, may I enter this country without exceptional restrictions?

Besides EU, Schengen Associated and EU++ countries (Andorra, San Marino, Vatican City, Monaco), non essential travel to Greece is allowed only to citizens and residents of the following states and entities: (*)Albania, Armenia, (*)Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrein, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Canada, (*)Chile, (*)China, (*)India, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kosovo (this designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 12144/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence), Kuwait, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand (*)North Macedonia, (*)Oman, Qatar, (*)Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan (under the category of entities and territorial authorities that are not recognised as states at least by one EU Member State), (*)Turkey, (*)United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, (*)Uruguay.

Citizens of other non-EU and non-Schengen Associated countries are not allowed to enter Greece for non-essential reasons.

Passengers can enter the country through all international airports and all ports.

Travellers can enter from the land borders through the entry gates of Promachonas, Ormenio, Evzonoi, Nymfaia, Niki, Doirani, Kristallopigi, Kipi (limit of 1500 passengers per week), Kakavia, Kastanies (limit of 1500 passengers per week), and Exohi.

Cruising and yachting is allowed. Maritime connections with Turkey are temporarily restricted.

Mandatory travel documentation
All travellers must fill in the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) before departure to Greece, providing detailed information on their point of departure, the duration of previous stays in other countries, and the address of their stay while in Greece. In case of multiple stays, they are required to provide the address for the first 24 hours at least. One PLF should be submitted per family. More information on GreeceHealthFirst and travel.gov.gr.

In addition, all travellers aged 12 and olde, regardless of the epidemiological situation of their country of departure, must provide one of the following documents:

Proof of full vaccination, issued by a certified authority.
Validity: 14 days after the second dose of vaccine. For Janssen (Johnson and Johnson), the vaccination is considered completed 14 days after the single dose has been administered.
Accepted vaccines: Comirnaty (Pfizer BioNtech), Spikevax (Moderna), Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca/Oxford), Novavax, Janssen (Johnson and Johnson), Sinovac Biotech, Gamaleya (Sputnik), Cansino Biologics, Sinopharm.

Proof of recovery from COVID-19, issued by a public authority or a certified laboratory. Validity: between 30 and 180 days after the first positive result.

Negative result to a COVID-19 test. Both molecular (PCR) tests (performed within 72 hours before arrival) and rapid antigen tests (performed within 48 hours before arrival) are accepted

All certificates must include critical information (number of doses, dates etc.) in Greek, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian. The person’s full name must match the name on the passport or any other recognised travel document.

Note: travellers selected randomly might be subject to mandatory rapid antigen tests at the entrance gates.Travellers who test positive must quarantine for 10 days. If they are fully vaccinated, quarantine lasts 7 days. In both cases, quarantine is lifted only if travellers perform a negative molecular (PCR) test on the last day of self-isolation.

Children under 12 years old are exempted from the requirements mentioned above.

Minors aged 12-17 can present any test, including a negative self-test certificate performed 24 hours before travelling by stating their self-test result on the platform self-testing.gov.gr.


(*)Additional requirements for travellers from specific countries

Residents of the Russian Federation must always provide a negative result to a molecular PCR test (valid 72 hours) or a rapid antigen test (valid 48 hours), and will be subject to additional testing upon arrival, regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated.

In addition to the requirements listed above, residents of Argentina, Chile, India, Oman and Uruguay must perform a molecular (PCR) or rapid antigen test upon arrival.

Irrespective of their nationality, travellers without a certificate of vaccination or recovery flying from Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, India, Libya, Morocco, North Macedonia, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates must perform a test upon arrival. If the test is positive, they will have to perform a molecular (PCR) test to confirm the result. Residents of Argentina, Chile, India, Oman and Uruguay must be tested upon arrival, even if they are vaccinated or have recovered (see above).


Note: travellers selected randomly might be subject to mandatory rapid testing at the entrance gates. Travellers who test positive must quarantine for 10 days. If they are fully vaccinated, quarantine lasts 7 days. In both cases, quarantine ends only if travellers perform a negative molecular (PCR) test on the last day of self-isolation.


Baš sam kopao kroz Google i tri grčka sajta na engleskom i niđe da iskopam. Moguće da se to što nosim negde u sećanju odnosi samo na preležane a da ja to na ofrlje čitanje nisam skapirao. 




Edited by Akiro
  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, Crni Bombarder said:

Tebi hvala na odgovoru.

Ne znam kako misle tako..ne samo Grci. Jednostavno,kako vreme bude odmicalo neminovno ce opadati entuzijazam za vakcinacijom..rekao bih svuda. Epid.vlasti moraju pokazati da znaju sta rade,a nisam siguran da je uvek tako..mislim,ja sam primio trecu dozu i uskoro cu i sam na put (ne u Grcku),ali nisam siguran da ce svi vakcinisani primiti buster,a kamoli neku cetvrtu..petu..

Kao što prethodno rekoh, sada manje pratim Grčku, ali nije im opao entuzijazam za vakcinisanje. Dosta sporo ali procenat vakcinisanih raste li raste. Silni testovi, sve do 650.000 u jednom danu, su rezultat toga da građani moraju stalno da se testiraju da bi uopšte učestvovali u životu, a to mora vremenom i ozbiljnim antivaxerima da dojadi. Da nije Omicrona, uspeli bi Grci do proleća da isteraju planiranih 80%. Ovako sada ostaje kristalna kugla i lutrija šta će dalje biti.



Stand Dec 13

Partly vaccinated 69.7%

Fully vaccinated 65%

Booster shot since Sept 13: 2,330,449



Edited by Akiro
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U Francuskoj od danas ne vazi covid propusnica ljudi 65+ koji nemaju trecu dozu tj booster. Mi smo bili vakcinisani po godistima, prvo su mogli da se vakcinisu samo 65+, pre tri meseca su najavili da kome je proslo vise od sest meseci posle druge moze i treba da primi booster, danas je proslo tri meseca od kad su najavili da mora booster za starije i od danas oni koji nisu primili ne mogu u kafanu, muzeje, bioskope i slicno.

Francuzi su inace bas dosta vakcinisani, preterase ga sa ovim po meni a imam utisak i po narodu koji se ionako dosta buni iako se usput vakcinise


Pa, ako je većina stanovništva vakcinisano, pretpostavka da je u delu koji nije vakcinisan dosad već većina bila zaražena i stekla prirodni imunitet koji je jači od vakcine, vakcinisanima već slabi imunitet pa se lakše zaražavaju.

1 minute ago, Tomiprunet said:


Ako virus "probija" vakcinu i prirodni imunitet, i ako u Francuskoj imamo mnogo vise vakcinisanih nego nevakcinisanih, za ocekivati je da ce i broj vakcinisanih zarazenih biti veci od nevakcinisanih zarazenih.


Koji je udeo nevakcinisanih u FRA?


Ako je mali, tesko je virusu da ih "pronadje"


Slazem se ja, ali sve to utice na ljude da budu skepticni, i da se ne vakcinisu vise.

Stalno imamo neke uslovljavanja, covid propusnice, te treca doza, buster,...

kaze prijatelj kad se bio vakcinisati trecom dozom, da nije mogao poverovati koliko su ljudi u nekoj vrsti depresivnog stanja, da ne vode racuna o sebi, zapustani, masna kosa, prljave cipele, majice, kosulje,... isto kod zena i muskaraca.

Penzije "male" a potrosacka korpa poskupila duplo, nemaju para,...

6 minutes ago, Div said:

Pa, ako je većina stanovništva vakcinisano, pretpostavka da je u delu koji nije vakcinisan dosad već većina bila zaražena i stekla prirodni imunitet koji je jači od vakcine, vakcinisanima već slabi imunitet pa se lakše zaražavaju.

Pa sad kako? zar nije bilo da su ne vakcinisani problem? kako sad ih virus ne moze pronaci, a do sada je samo njih pronalazio?a nije pronalazio vakcinisane?

Ajd onda jos po jedna, sta ce da skodi, na svakih mesec dana. 

Grcka eno ionako smanjuje covid pass na 3 meseca,

totalno ludnica. Bolje da svi podnesu ostavke, nego sto se blamiraju.


Inace preko 75% potpuno vakcinisanih u Francuskoj.

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