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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Nama osim mehanicara koji ne mogu zameniti gume za 10 sec ne trebaju ni ljudi na pit wallu. Zaposle dvojicu da prate telemetriju sa live prenosa i super 😆 


  • 1 month later...

Ferrari has announced its CEO Louis Carey Camilleri has stepped down from the company and its board of directors with immediate effect. His resignation is due to "personal reasons", Ferrari confirmed. Its executive chairman John Elkann will act as interim CEO and begin a process to choose a replacement for the 65-year-old. Camilleri took over in charge of Ferrari in July 2018, when his predecessor Sergio Marchionne stepped down suddenly due to ill health, shortly before his death



Opa. Krece nova tura “kome ce nogice da vire iz dupeta sefa” igre u Ferrariju.

Sad krece borba za avanzovanje i pljuvacinu. Sto ce implicirati, gledacemo ragu jos min 5 godina

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Malo preteraše sa ovim opraštanjima. Nije baš da Seb i Carlos idu u penziju. Uostalom, biće ljuti rivali sledeće godine svojim ex ekipama.

Uz to pravo je čudo da Vetel nije napustio Ferari pre kraja godine posle TELEFONSKOG otkaza i one trke gde ni jednu reč nije rekao na timski radio (mislim da beše Silverston). Sve ovo liči na PR bullsh*t.

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