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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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44 minutes ago, MeanMachine said:


Ne razumem čemu ova izjava rabina? Neshvatljivo jer se lako proveri i naravno da nacista ima. Umesto što je izjavio tu nebulozu mogao je reći da ih ims u Rusiji i da je Rusija friendly sa hamasom a pogotovo sa Iranom.


Ovako je samo omogućio da MTG i njeni fanovi imaju samo još više lozenja na teorije zavere o zlim Jevrejima...


Izjava rabina je sasvim na mestu. Niko ne salje pare nacistima u Ukrajini. Ono sto MTG prica niko ne hebe ni pet posto, a uskoro ni toliko, ako citas novije vesti.





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Putinov platni spisak u kongresu i među republikancima je poveći, ali mu je tu najveći bang for the buck i ROI. Lakše je kupiti MAGA političare nego osvojiti metar Ukrajine.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Maharaja said:

Putinov platni spisak u kongresu i među republikancima je poveći, ali mu je tu najveći bang for the buck i ROI. Lakše je kupiti MAGA političare nego osvojiti metar Ukrajine.


Kakav li je djuvech u glavama onih koji su navodno protiv Putina a za Trampa i MAGA... 

Edited by ters
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, ters said:

Kakav li je djuvech u glavama onih koji su navodno protiv Putina a za Trampa i MAGA... 

Reko bih da nema tu djuveca, samo promaja.

Inace je Johnson izgleda razdvojio glasanja za Ukrajnu, Izrael I Aziju, tako da ce svaki predstavnik moci da shodno uverenju ili uverenju glasa za pojedinacnu pomoc.


...a pokvarenjak iz kremlja toboz prizeljkuje Bidena kao predvidivijeg....dok zapravo gura i finansira Trumpa? A trumpove pristalice mrze tog finansijera...a demsi preziru sve osim svoje malenkosti ali ipak prizeljkuju siroku opstu podrsku....zaista ovo nije djuvec vec vise neki borsch....


Evo sta neki komesari misle o
Trumpovim podrzavateljima:


Every now and then, liberal elites bluntly say what they think about Americans who support former President Donald Trump. Barack Obama accused them of “cling[ing]” to their religion and guns. Hillary Clinton placed them in a “basket of deplorables” (“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic”) and advocated their “formal deprogramming.” President Joe Biden has called them a “threat” to democracy. Keith Olbermann said that Trump supporters “must be removed from our society.” :lol_2:MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claimed that Trump supporters “hate America.” David Frum simply called them “jerks.” In the New Republic, Brynn Tannehill wrote that Trump supporters “love fascism.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says that Trump Republicans “fit the definition of fascism.” Sportscaster Bob Costas branded Trump supporters as a “toxic cult.” Most recently, former NBC television host Katie Couric described Trump supporters as “anti-intellectual.”


Trump supporters are blamed for their “whiteness,” their “nationalism,” and their devotion to Jesus Christ. Amanda Tyler, described as a “religious liberty expert,” told the Center for American Progress that Christian nationalism is “the single biggest threat to religious freedom in the United States today.” University of Northern Iowa professor emeritus Steve Corbin called “white Christian nationalism” a threat to democracy. :lol_2:Trump supporters’ resistance to “woke” policies and illegal border crossings are symptoms, according to the progressive elite, of their uneducated, cult-like following of Trump. Those citizens who support an “America First” foreign policy are derided by progressive globalists as “isolationists” and xenophobes.

Trump, to be sure, is the immediate target of all of the Left’s derision of his supporters, but the ultimate targets of the progressive elite are those Americans who choose to resist the progressive agenda in all of its forms — transgender ideology, unrestrained immigration, enforced secularism, globalist geopolitics, and rule by a progressive one-party state. Tablet’s Michael Lind has called modern-day American progressives “Jacobins” whose ideology and tactics resemble the leaders of the French Revolution. Today’s progressives, Lind writes, promote the “decline of religion,” “the expansion of politically correct, mostly economically worthless higher education,” and the “accelerating disintegration of the American family” that will result in “the expansion of core Democratic voting blocs.” Lind believes that the Democrats are counting on demographic trends coupled with their progressive policies to institutionalize one-party dominance. He calls it “Democratic hegemony.”

More than 80 years ago, political philosopher James Burnham in his indispensable book The Machiavellians described the reality of the struggles for power that are the basis for all politics, regardless of the formal political system. Borrowing from Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, and Robert Michels, Burnham explained that every form of government — including democracy — has a “ruling class” and a class that is ruled. Pareto wrote that the best forms of government permit and encourage a “circulation of the elites” in which power periodically changes hands among elites, and the elite class is open for non-elites to someday join. According to Lind, today’s ruling progressive elites in America want to end the “circulation of elites” and maintain their power and privilege indefinitely.

Why, after all, should “deplorables” or people who “cling to their religion and guns” or members of a “toxic cult” or “fascists” or “white Christian nationalists” or xenophobes or anti-globalists have any say in how this country should be governed? Totalitarian rulers first publicly denigrate their political opponents, then attempt to cast them out of polite society, then expose them to public ridicule, then look to reeducate them and, failing that, persecute them. This often involves “show trials” that imprison political opponents. That sends a loud and clear message to the supporters of those political opponents: accept the state’s political agenda — or else. :wink2:

It was Abraham Lincoln who questioned whether government of the people, by the people, and for the people would endure. When a ruling elite categorizes half of its citizens as unworthy of participation in the political process, Lincoln’s question also endures.



....zanimljivo, ispalo je bar sudeci po H.Clinton da Trumpove pristalice jedino ne krasi antisemitizam (hmm)...ali sve najodvratnije ljudske, individualne i kolektivne osobine kao rasizam, fasizam, ksenofobija, homofobija, islamofobija - to demokrate nikako ne oprastaju. Ili mozda se ne oprasta samo jedno i to ono sto nisu spomenuli kao nesto odvratno. Antisemitizam pa to je kao nesto oprostivo.



p.s. nisam mogla bas iza svake reci da ostavljam komentar smajlijem samo gde je bilo neophodno.


  • Like 1
On 4/20/2024 at 7:46 AM, Mama_mia said:

...a pokvarenjak iz kremlja toboz prizeljkuje Bidena kao predvidivijeg....dok zapravo gura i finansira Trumpa? A trumpove pristalice mrze tog finansijera...a demsi preziru sve osim svoje malenkosti ali ipak prizeljkuju siroku opstu podrsku....zaista ovo nije djuvec vec vise neki borsch....


Evo sta neki komesari misle o
Trumpovim podrzavateljima:


Every now and then, liberal elites bluntly say what they think about Americans who support former President Donald Trump. Barack Obama accused them of “cling[ing]” to their religion and guns. Hillary Clinton placed them in a “basket of deplorables” (“racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic”) and advocated their “formal deprogramming.” President Joe Biden has called them a “threat” to democracy. Keith Olbermann said that Trump supporters “must be removed from our society.” :lol_2:MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claimed that Trump supporters “hate America.” David Frum simply called them “jerks.” In the New Republic, Brynn Tannehill wrote that Trump supporters “love fascism.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says that Trump Republicans “fit the definition of fascism.” Sportscaster Bob Costas branded Trump supporters as a “toxic cult.” Most recently, former NBC television host Katie Couric described Trump supporters as “anti-intellectual.”


Trump supporters are blamed for their “whiteness,” their “nationalism,” and their devotion to Jesus Christ. Amanda Tyler, described as a “religious liberty expert,” told the Center for American Progress that Christian nationalism is “the single biggest threat to religious freedom in the United States today.” University of Northern Iowa professor emeritus Steve Corbin called “white Christian nationalism” a threat to democracy. :lol_2:Trump supporters’ resistance to “woke” policies and illegal border crossings are symptoms, according to the progressive elite, of their uneducated, cult-like following of Trump. Those citizens who support an “America First” foreign policy are derided by progressive globalists as “isolationists” and xenophobes.

Trump, to be sure, is the immediate target of all of the Left’s derision of his supporters, but the ultimate targets of the progressive elite are those Americans who choose to resist the progressive agenda in all of its forms — transgender ideology, unrestrained immigration, enforced secularism, globalist geopolitics, and rule by a progressive one-party state. Tablet’s Michael Lind has called modern-day American progressives “Jacobins” whose ideology and tactics resemble the leaders of the French Revolution. Today’s progressives, Lind writes, promote the “decline of religion,” “the expansion of politically correct, mostly economically worthless higher education,” and the “accelerating disintegration of the American family” that will result in “the expansion of core Democratic voting blocs.” Lind believes that the Democrats are counting on demographic trends coupled with their progressive policies to institutionalize one-party dominance. He calls it “Democratic hegemony.”

More than 80 years ago, political philosopher James Burnham in his indispensable book The Machiavellians described the reality of the struggles for power that are the basis for all politics, regardless of the formal political system. Borrowing from Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, and Robert Michels, Burnham explained that every form of government — including democracy — has a “ruling class” and a class that is ruled. Pareto wrote that the best forms of government permit and encourage a “circulation of the elites” in which power periodically changes hands among elites, and the elite class is open for non-elites to someday join. According to Lind, today’s ruling progressive elites in America want to end the “circulation of elites” and maintain their power and privilege indefinitely.

Why, after all, should “deplorables” or people who “cling to their religion and guns” or members of a “toxic cult” or “fascists” or “white Christian nationalists” or xenophobes or anti-globalists have any say in how this country should be governed? Totalitarian rulers first publicly denigrate their political opponents, then attempt to cast them out of polite society, then expose them to public ridicule, then look to reeducate them and, failing that, persecute them. This often involves “show trials” that imprison political opponents. That sends a loud and clear message to the supporters of those political opponents: accept the state’s political agenda — or else. :wink2:

It was Abraham Lincoln who questioned whether government of the people, by the people, and for the people would endure. When a ruling elite categorizes half of its citizens as unworthy of participation in the political process, Lincoln’s question also endures.



....zanimljivo, ispalo je bar sudeci po H.Clinton da Trumpove pristalice jedino ne krasi antisemitizam (hmm)...ali sve najodvratnije ljudske, individualne i kolektivne osobine kao rasizam, fasizam, ksenofobija, homofobija, islamofobija - to demokrate nikako ne oprastaju. Ili mozda se ne oprasta samo jedno i to ono sto nisu spomenuli kao nesto odvratno. Antisemitizam pa to je kao nesto oprostivo.



p.s. nisam mogla bas iza svake reci da ostavljam komentar smajlijem samo gde je bilo neophodno.


Osim Olbermana, ko od pobrojanih je pogrijesio?

On 4/22/2024 at 8:37 AM, ters said:

Osim Olbermana, ko od pobrojanih je pogrijesio?

zar pricamo o tome ko je nesto u svom stavu pogresno rekao? Pa ne, upravo podvlacimo stavove, stavovi koji su meni idiotski nekome su bezgresni i podrzava ih.


Npr. ima stav one kravetine Ilhan Omar koja je sva ponosna na hapsenje svoje cerke koja sebe dozivljava kao hyper-woke :lol_2:, veliku antisemitkinju i pro-hamasovku. Nekome je to idiotluk, neko podrzava....Ko je od njih 0pogresio?



Gallup reports that only 38% of voters see President Biden as a "strong and decisive leader", compared to 57% who think Trump has those attributes. They hope Alvin Bragg’s* trial will eliminate that divide.  


* Alvin and the chipmunks veruju u to. Da li su pogresili?

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Mama_mia said:

zar pricamo o tome ko je nesto u svom stavu pogresno rekao? Pa ne, upravo podvlacimo stavove, stavovi koji su meni idiotski nekome su bezgresni i podrzava ih.


Npr. ima stav one kravetine Ilhan Omar koja je sva ponosna na hapsenje svoje cerke koja sebe dozivljava kao hyper-woke :lol_2:, veliku antisemitkinju i pro-hamasovku. Nekome je to idiotluk, neko podrzava....Ko je od njih 0pogresio?



Gallup reports that only 38% of voters see President Biden as a "strong and decisive leader", compared to 57% who think Trump has those attributes. They hope Alvin Bragg’s* trial will eliminate that divide.  


* Alvin and the chipmunks veruju u to. Da li su pogresili?


Biti "strong and decisive" ne znaci da donosi dobre odluke - puna je istorija tih "strong i decisive" tipova koji su vodili ljude u katastrofe... Churchill, "strong i decisive" je poslao trupe na Galipolje... Lysenko, stron i decisive, je odlucio da zakoni genetike ne vrijede, i uzrokovao glad u kojoj su umrli milioni... Milosevic, "strong i decisive" je upropastio zivote barem 15 miliona ljudi. 


A kada pricamo o stavovima - ne treba relativizovati stvari, postoje stvari koje su cinjenicne, i postoje mehanizmi kojima se te cinjenice utvrdjuju. Ne znam zbog cega je hapsena kcerka Ilhan Omar, ali ako je prekrsila zakon to je cinjenicno stanje i nema nikakve veze sa bilo cijim stavom. Ako je Trampova struja u republikanskoj partiji, i on sam, uradila sve da se Ukrajini ogranici mogucnost odbrane u posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci - to je cinjenica, a ne stav. Slabljenje odbrane Ukrajine je islo u korist samo Putinu - ne Americi, ne Evropi, ne Tunguziji - to je opet cinjenica, a ne stav...

Edited by ters
  • Like 3


Sta si tacno hteo da objanis u toj ruskoj salati od galipolja do tunguzije? Da je stav nebitan? Pa i zakon ima svoj stav a to je da ga se pridrzavas. Izgleda da, za razliku od onih koji su razumeli :lol_2: ja ne razumem sta hoces da kazes iako sam bila konkretna, ispada kao da pokusavas da razvijes filozofsku raspravu oko cinjenica.


Sto se tice, slucajno odabranog c/p - strong and decisive - gde si procitao da se kaze da to znaci donosenje dobrih odluka, pa to je obicno pitanje, sroceno by gallup i potpuno usput postavljeno kao i milioni slicnih pitanja da se vidi koji kandidat gde stoji u procentima na nekom malom uzorku.....A ono sto sam zaista u postu napisala - to sam jasno i napisala....nema potrebe da se to pretvori u Ukrajinu, cherchila, putina,milosevica itd. bog zna sta si sve nabrojao ....


...u svakom slucaju moji licni stavovi su uvek nekako u skladu sa zakonima...dok stav kravetitine kcerke i ostalih i zaprepascujucih slicnih pojava - nije. Ako vec nece da budu normalni i mislie da mogu da velicaju teroriste, u tom slucaju - pusku na rame pa u Gazu - to je jedini pravi stav ako je do pravog prohamasovskog stava. Sve ostalo je budaletisanje ali zapravo cisto zlo u skoli i na ulici....


Da li gresim? :wink2:




On 4/23/2024 at 10:15 PM, ters said:


Biti "strong and decisive" ne znaci da donosi dobre odluke - puna je istorija tih "strong i decisive" tipova koji su vodili ljude u katastrofe... Churchill, "strong i decisive" je poslao trupe na Galipolje... Lysenko, stron i decisive, je odlucio da zakoni genetike ne vrijede, i uzrokovao glad u kojoj su umrli milioni... Milosevic, "strong i decisive" je upropastio zivote barem 15 miliona ljudi. 


A kada pricamo o stavovima - ne treba relativizovati stvari, postoje stvari koje su cinjenicne, i postoje mehanizmi kojima se te cinjenice utvrdjuju. Ne znam zbog cega je hapsena kcerka Ilhan Omar, ali ako je prekrsila zakon to je cinjenicno stanje i nema nikakve veze sa bilo cijim stavom. Ako je Trampova struja u republikanskoj partiji, i on sam, uradila sve da se Ukrajini ogranici mogucnost odbrane u posljednjih nekoliko mjeseci - to je cinjenica, a ne stav. Slabljenje odbrane Ukrajine je islo u korist samo Putinu - ne Americi, ne Evropi, ne Tunguziji - to je opet cinjenica, a ne stav...

Tako argumentuju i studenti sa univerziteta Columbia uzvikujuci:


„Burn Tel Aviv to the ground, ya Hamas we love you, we support your rockets too!“, usput i jevrejskim studentima porucuju da se vrate

u Poljsku ( aludiranje valjda na Auschwitz) odakle su i dosli,

Susan Sarandon, borac za mir, ljudska prava, feministkinja kaze da je 7 oktobar laz

„All of those myths about babys in ovens and the rapes.“





  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Selina said:

Tako argumentuju i studenti sa univerziteta Columbia uzvikujuci:


„Burn Tel Aviv to the ground, ya Hamas we love you, we support your rockets too!“, usput i jevrejskim studentima porucuju da se vrate

u Poljsku ( aludiranje valjda na Auschwitz) odakle su i dosli,

Susan Sarandon, borac za mir, ljudska prava, feministkinja kaze da je 7 oktobar laz

„All of those myths about babys in ovens and the rapes.“




S.Sarandon je progresivna levicarka... za glumu ima ali za politiku nema skoro nikakvog rezona. Tako i ovo sad. Mislim da bi demsi trebalo da iskoriste Sarandonin levi naboj da je angazuju u svoje svrhe. Ipak je ona veliko i poznato ime. A mladja je i lepsa od Bidena, Jedino sto sa zvezdom uvek imas problem. Ako je Trump razmazen, mozes misliti tek gdja Susan Sarandon kakva je - ni dete joj ne bi bilo ravno kad se baci na pod i udara nogicama trazeci da se njene zelje ispostuju. A zelje - necu ni da mislim :lol_2:


...inace znam neke ljude, (to nema veze sa ovom glumicom),  koji su uporni da se pokazu u necemu cemu nisu dorasli. Npr. ima zene koje su uporne da dokazu da su lepotice a prosecne su, neki opet su uporni da se dokazu u politici ali su joj nedorasli, neki uporni da budu glumci a kada glume dodje ti da se stidis zbog toga kako glume....Retko ljudi deluju u necemu sto im najbolje pristaje i sta im najbolje lezi. I ne samo na visokom i javnom nivou vec i obicni, mali ljudi guraju se na mesto gde im toliko ocito nije mesto....Bar da to sve nije toliko ocigledno....


  • Ha-ha 1
Posted (edited)

Niko da spomene u zadnjih par dana studentariju i proteste, izgleda da se pošteno lemaju. 


Ne znam šta da mislim. Imam simpatije prema patnjama naroda u Gazi i za ovu režiranu masovnu glad, ali pretpostavljam da su studenti koji protestuju isti oni koji ućutkuju profesore i fizički im prete kada kažu nešto što im se ne sviđa. U svakom slučaju, nemaju pravo da obstruktiraju nastavu.

Edited by Darko
2 hours ago, Darko said:

Niko da spomene u zadnjih par dana studentariju i proteste, izgleda da se pošteno lemaju. 


Ne znam šta da mislim. Imam simpatije prema patnjama naroda u Gazi i za ovu režiranu masovnu glad, ali pretpostavljam da su studenti koji protestuju isti oni koji ućutkuju profesore i fizički im prete kada kažu nešto što im se ne sviđa. U svakom slučaju, nemaju pravo da obstruktiraju nastavu.

To je buduca elita iz nauke i tehnike:





On 4/26/2024 at 3:57 PM, Selina said:

„Burn Tel Aviv to the ground, ya Hamas we love you, we support your rockets too!“, usput i jevrejskim studentima porucuju da se vrate u Poljsku ( aludiranje valjda na Auschwitz) odakle su i dosli


Ima i videa, kako da se vrate u aušvic, mi smo hamas, itd.



  • Ha-ha 1
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, 033zero330 said:


Ima i videa, kako da se vrate u aušvic, mi smo hamas, itd.



A ima i budala na suprotnoj strani:




Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp



7 hours ago, 033zero330 said:

Uostalom, negde su već normalni ljudi rasterali ove, ne znam kako da ih nazovem, a da je pristojno.

Ne bih sada obeležavao svakog protestanta kao pobornika Hamasa, mada naravno da ima takvih retarda u tim redovima. Nije svako ko digne glas protiv ovoga što se dešava u Gazi supporter Hamasa, baš je gadno optužiti ljude za tako nešto, što se dešavalo i na ovom forumu nažalost.


U svakom slučaju, nemam poverenje u vođe tih protesta. Pretpostavljam da su verovatno ekstremni levičari, isti oni koji su ućutkivali profesore kada njihov naučni rad pokaže nešto što se kosi sa njihovom ideologijom.

Edited by Darko
On 5/2/2024 at 12:05 AM, Darko said:


Ne bih sada obeležavao svakog protestanta kao pobornika Hamasa, mada naravno da ima takvih retarda u tim redovima. Nije svako ko digne glas protiv ovoga što se dešava u Gazi supporter Hamasa, baš je gadno optužiti ljude za tako nešto, što se dešavalo i na ovom forumu nažalost.


U svakom slučaju, nemam poverenje u vođe tih protesta. Pretpostavljam da su verovatno ekstremni levičari, isti oni koji su ućutkivali profesore kada njihov naučni rad pokaže nešto što se kosi sa njihovom ideologijom.

Ma kakav Hamas, oni pojma nemaju ni ko je Hamas, niti Hizbolah, ne znaju bas tacno ni sta je i gde je Palestina,

ujedinjuje ih mrznja prema Jevrejima i to je ono sto je strasno, a to je kod tih levicara ideologija.

  • Like 2



Russian and US troops have been operating out of the same military base in Niger for at least several weeks, a US defense official and another source familiar with the matter told CNN, putting the two militaries in close proximity to each other at a time of heightened tensions over the war in Ukraine and as the country’s ruling junta has made clear it wants US forces to leave. 


The Russian presence at the basehas been a major point of contention between the US and Niger’s military junta, which seized power in a July 2023 coup. And it further underscores US officials’ concerns that Niger, which has served as a crucial foothold for US counterterrorism operations in the region for nearly a decade, is turning toward Russia.


The US military is now working with Nigerien officials to carry out an orderly withdrawal of troops from the country, the Pentagon has confirmed.

1 hour ago, djura.net said:

Russian and US troops have been operating out of the same military base in Niger for at least several weeks,


Jel dele kupatilo ...? 😄 

  • Ha-ha 1

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