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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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5 hours ago, ras kass said:

Sto Bajdena zovu Brandon? 


Zato sto kad republikanci hoce nekog da uvrede onda smisle imena za njega i to guraju na svim skupovima kao nesto normalno. 


Hilari 'email lady' ili "crooked Hillary,' Elizabet Voren 'pocahontas,' Kamala Haris 'nasty Kamala,' Obama 'cheating Obama,' Sanders 'crazy Barnie,' Adam Schiff 'shifty schiff'... spisak je dugacak, svi koji im se ne dopadaju za nesto popiju nadimak. 


Ovo Brandon je nastalo jer su na nekom pobedniku, mislim nascar, psovali Bajdena iza pobednika koji se zvao Brandon, pa se nije razumelo sta govore i mislili su da vicu "let's go Brandon' a ustvari su vikali neku psovku + Bajden... 

7 hours ago, ras kass said:

Sto Bajdena zovu Brandon? 

Neka trka u kojoj pobedjuje tip koji se zove Brandon, intervjuisu ga, a u pozadini masa vice "f... Joe biden" veoma jasno. Novinar ili novinarka potpuno glupavo kaze nesto kao evo masa vice "let's go Brandon" sto je bilo izuzetno smesno jer je bilo jasno sta vicu. Pa su od toga napravili bumperstickers I meme, Let's go Brandon. Kratko vreme svuda je nastavljeno sa "F... Joe Biden" a onda je zamenjeno sa "let's go Brandon" sa istim znacenjem... Da bi onda skratili na samo da ga zovu Brandon. Bukvalno postalo masovno.


Biden je izuzetno ne popularan. Bilo je pokusaja da se ugusi ali neuspelo. Cak su I mediji probali ali jednom kad nesto postane viral mozes da odustanes. Bunio se I doticni vozac.


I drugi su imali nadimke,  ali nikad ovako rasireno, obicno bi to koristili politicki protivnici. A ovo je uslo u mase kao slogan. Cesto se cuje na koledz utakmicama, a mladi to lako sire. Ne znam nikog ko je pre njega dobio stickere sa "let's go Brandon" 


Propustila sam da gledam STU govor, uzivo, jbga RL. Ali ono sto sam videla u medijima je pateticno. Cak ni kriza u Ukrajini nije okrenula smer popularnosti za Bidena I Dems.  Iako su se nadali. I wth je ono Pelosi radila? 

Danas je cak Biden probao da optuzi Trampa za rusku invaziju. 

U svakom slucaju dan ranije ukidaju maske u Kongresu...otiso covid.

Na stranu sto deca u skolama kod mene jos uvek moraju da ih nose, I cim predjem u Fili moram da nabacim jednu...

Potezi u Ukrajini su vidjeni kao katastrofalni od US.


Za sada oko 30 kongresmena koji su Dems su odlucili da se ne kandiduju u novembru. To signalizira izgubljenu bitku. Ali videcemo. Mozda namignu Putinu da lansira neku nuklearku u svemir da izgleda kao da je Biden spasio svet...posto nam je vec objasnio da je inflacija posledica ukrajinske krize 😳ili pocnu ww3.


Hilarin bid da pocne kampanju je epic fail, nakon sto je izaslo da je 2016te njena kampanja spijunirala Trampa, pre izbora I nakon, u pokusaju da podmetne Russian collusion.


Biden sad umesto Build Back Better, gura Building a better America.... jel neko rekao MAGA? Zvuci kao MAGA....da li je moguce da prepisuju od Trampa? MAGA = BABA 😅

11 hours ago, Baby said:


Zato sto kad republikanci hoce nekog da uvrede onda smisle imena za njega i to guraju na svim skupovima kao nesto normalno. 


Hilari 'email lady' ili "crooked Hillary,' Elizabet Voren 'pocahontas,' Kamala Haris 'nasty Kamala,' Obama 'cheating Obama,' Sanders 'crazy Barnie,' Adam Schiff 'shifty schiff'... spisak je dugacak, svi koji im se ne dopadaju za nesto popiju nadimak. 


Ovo Brandon je nastalo jer su na nekom pobedniku, mislim nascar, psovali Bajdena iza pobednika koji se zvao Brandon, pa se nije razumelo sta govore i mislili su da vicu "let's go Brandon' a ustvari su vikali neku psovku + Bajden... 


Lying Ted, eto nadimci i za republikance od republikanaca :classic_biggrin: sve dobri i zasluzeni nadimci :smiley53:

53 minutes ago, Amigo said:


Lying Ted, eto nadimci i za republikance od republikanaca :classic_biggrin: sve dobri i zasluzeni nadimci :smiley53:


Zato rekoh, cim neko zasmeta a ne demokratama 😄 


Ted je isao od lying do beautiful 


Najnovije od Trampa, sad nisam siguran da je to tacno, ali ako je tacno, onda je prevazisao sam sebe.

Kaze da Amerikanci stave kineske zastave na avione i onda da bombarduju Rusiju, pa da zarate Kine i Rusija.

Kao da se vidi sa zemlje zastava na avionu :roflmao: a Rusi i Kinezi su glupi, pa bi medjusobno zaratili.

E ako je tacno, onda je stvarno retard, a ako je izmisljeno, onda je retard ovaj sto je to izmislio.

Sve u svemu Amerika je u opasnoj liderskoj krizi. 


At a speech in New Orleans on Saturday night, Trump mused that we could simply apply Chinese flags to our F-22s and then “bomb the s--t out of Russia,” setting off a conflict between those two countries.

“And then we say, China did it, we didn’t do it, China did it, and then they start fighting with each other and we sit back and watch,” Trump said, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post’s Josh Dawsey.


interesatno kako CNN izvestava o People's convoy koji je eto dtigao do DCja i sad blokira beltway, manje ili vise. 

Prvo kazu da kamiona ima "dozens" a onda kazu hiljade... pa koje je?


Jedno zanimljivo zapazanje, kako je rat svima unosan biznis. Eto cena goriva je otisla na $6 po galonu. Ja sam rekao kad sam doputovao ovde prvog dana, da ne zelim da cujem da je benzin skup. Posle 6DEM po litru, a plata 5DEM, rekoh ne zelim da znam. Sad me jedino nervira, sto je posle bana uvoza goriva iz Rusije, pocela kampanja, na vestima, kupovine elektricnih automobila. Objasnjavaju ljudi i pale narod kako je to resenje. Pale narod, a niko ne pominje da jos uvek, ako putujes 1000 milja, elektricnim autom, put traje 5-6 sati duze, posto moras da cekas red, a kad dodjes na red, onda cekas punjenje.

Zelene brigade u napadu.

19 minutes ago, mrd said:

Jedno zanimljivo zapazanje, kako je rat svima unosan biznis. Eto cena goriva je otisla na $6 po galonu. Ja sam rekao kad sam doputovao ovde prvog dana, da ne zelim da cujem da je benzin skup. Posle 6DEM po litru, a plata 5DEM, rekoh ne zelim da znam. Sad me jedino nervira, sto je posle bana uvoza goriva iz Rusije, pocela kampanja, na vestima, kupovine elektricnih automobila. Objasnjavaju ljudi i pale narod kako je to resenje. Pale narod, a niko ne pominje da jos uvek, ako putujes 1000 milja, elektricnim autom, put traje 5-6 sati duze, posto moras da cekas red, a kad dodjes na red, onda cekas punjenje.

Zelene brigade u napadu.


Gledala sam neki video gde su neki klinci resili da putuju Teslom od Dalasa do Cikaga. Ukucali su u mapu, Teslinu i pokazalo im je sve sa punjenjem 17 i nesto sati. Putovali su 36 sata bez cekanja reda da napune, samo punjenje. Nisam sigurna da su elektricni automobili jos uvek predvidjeni za neka dalja putovanja od lokala gde mozes da punis preko noci i ne gubis vreme. 

Na Floridi danas gas 5.2, jezivo. 

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Mislim da su Tojotini hibridi trenutno najbolje rjesenje, nema punjenja, mala potrosnja, jedino sto limuzine imaju manji gepek.


Ja sam jednu drugu stvar rekao, ali dobro.

O hibridima i električnim automobilima možemo na automobilima.


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  • 2 weeks later...

izuzetno preporucujem text, malo je duzi ali zasluzuje citanje, dosta toga se desilo u US nedavno da bi se videlo koliko mediji lazu. Zena je inace izuzetno inteligentna.


Big tech censorship isn't only bad for conservatives. It's devastating for everyone except Hunter Biden and wealthy, white progressive elites like him, writes liberal BATYA UNGAR-SARGON

Batya Ungar-Sargon is deputy opinion editor at Newsweek and author of 'Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy' 


Last week was a big one for liberal elites admitting things most Americans already know are true, but were suppressed by the mainstream media and especially Big Tech.

The New York Times – the ideological gatekeeper of the increasingly out-of-touch progressive left – reported that a laptop abandoned in a Delaware repair shop was actually Hunter Biden's.

The Times also realized another thing most Americans already know that only a small portion of Americans think COVID still poses a 'great risk' to their health. 

And the Times admitted that lockdowns, masking, vaccines and boosters have not caused 'large differences in case rates' of COVID-19.

It was refreshing to see these truths printed outright in a mainstream liberal publication.

After all, as recently as January, saying that masks were useless was enough to get you kicked off of YouTube. So was challenging the vaccine mandate or protesting lockdowns.

Of course, publishing a bombshell report about a presidential candidate's troubled son, who profited off overseas business deals could get your outlet suppressed on Twitter, Facebook and trashed in the media.

Conservatives have long decried this as a bias against them from socially liberal Silicon Valley, but it's actually much worse than that.

It's a bias in favor of those in power—in favor of elites. It's a bias against the middle and working classes.


Ostatak texta u spoileru - malo je dugacak.


Each of these examples reveals this bias in a different way. Let's start with COVID.

A largely white-collar, knowledge industry email class was easily able to start working from home—homes that saw historic bumps in value.

But rather than recognize the economic privilege of getting to stay inside making banana bread and buying Peloton bikes, the pajama class dressed this privilege up as virtue, which correlated strongly with their lingering terror around getting COVID.

It was a terror that working-class Americans—Amazon delivery drivers and grocery store stockers and truckers and police officers—could not afford; they had to continue to work throughout the worst of the pandemic, delivering food and safety to members of the liberal elite ensconced in their homes denouncing anyone who opposed the draconian lockdown measures of blue states as a 'grandma killer.'

Lockdowns reduced millions of small business owners to poverty and swelled the stocks of big box megastores' stocks, as the elites brayed for more; their boredom shopping sprees gave Amazon record profits, while middle class business owners with their savings gone and their businesses dead committed suicide.

And throughout, liberal elites somehow convinced themselves that they were the good guys, the ones who cared about the collective—as opposed to those evil individualists who refused to see their life savings go up in smoke without complaint.

The COVID divide was never about blue vs. red.

It was about elites vs. the middle and working classes.

And Big Tech took a side.

It's this class divide that was exposed in the latest release of a Morning Consult tracking poll cited in the Times last week.

When it came to views of COVID, the survey found that Americans who identify as liberal, slightly liberal, and moderate, were more similar in their views to Americans who identify as conservative, slightly conservative and very conservative than they were to those who identified as very liberal. 

Nearly 50 percent of those identifying as 'very liberal' still believe COVID presents a 'great risk' to their health—compared to just 22 percent of liberals, 18 percent of slightly liberals and 27 percent of moderates.

But here's the thing: 'Very liberal' is not a political ideology. It's a socio-economic category.

Again, this is about class.

A recent Pew Research Center study found that just 6 percent of Americans are on the progressive left, and it's the whitest of all the sub-groups of the Democratic coalition; nearly seven in 10 Americans on the progressive left are white, while just 6 percent of black Democrats and 7 percent Hispanic Democrats identify as such.

Progressives are also much more likely to have a four-year college degree than other Americans, and they are the most cautious when it comes to COVID.

And it's these over-educated, overly cautious progressives whose side Big Tech has taken when it comes to COVID—at the expense of the middle and working class, at the expense of poor black and Hispanic children, and at the expense of the truth.

Something similar was afoot in the censoring of Hunter Biden's laptop.

The laptop contained compromising photos and information about then-candidate Joe Biden's son Hunter, including emails detailing how Hunter traded on his family name and his father's political leverage to do business overseas.

The New York Post reported on the contents of the laptop in October 2020, a month before the election—and for their troubles had their Twitter account suspended for the next six weeks.

Twitter and Facebook overtly suppressed information that might have swayed voters toward Donald Trump.

Of course, a major part of this was politics; Silicon Valley's billionaire class gave exorbitantly to Joe Biden to oust Donald Trump, and its giving was not limited to cash donations.

But this, too, was also about class.

Because from the start of the pandemic, Trump had taken the side of keeping the economy running, dueling with liberal governors intent on prolonged lockdowns.

And for many Americans worried about the economy—those whose jobs didn't afford them the opportunity to work from home and see the values of their houses skyrocket—that was a decisive factor in their vote.

It was especially decisive for Hispanic voters.

'The economy and its intersection with COVID became voters' top priority,' Equis Research found in an analysis of Hispanic voters in 2020.

This intersection pushed many Hispanic voters to vote for Trump, who they gave high marks for the economic stimulus package, the rapid development of vaccines, his push to reopen the economy and his emphasis on living without fear of COVID.

When you consider that Hispanics are the second-largest group of workers in the labor force and over-represented in jobs like construction, agriculture and hospitality—jobs you can't do from your Upper East Side apartment—this makes a lot of sense.

Meanwhile, the Democrats' voter base is increasingly made up of the wealthy; Democrats represented 65 percent of taxpayers with a household income of $500,000 or more in 2020, according to IRS data, while 74 percent of taxpayers with incomes of less than $100,000 now vote Republican.

Trump's motives need not have been noble for it to be a fact that he was viewed by many working-class Americans of all races as a tribune who represented their interests when it came to COVID.

And it was their interests that were erased by Big Tech.

Then to cap it all off last week, in the spirit of liberals admitting things everyone else already knows, The New York Times editorial argued that America has a free speech problem.

'For all the tolerance and enlightenment that modern society claims, Americans are losing hold of a fundamental right as citizens of a free country: the right to speak their minds and voice their opinions in public without fear of being shamed or shunned,' wrote the Times editorial board, citing new data which found that 84 percent of Americans are afraid to voice their opinions for fear of retaliation.

In response, journalists at even more elite publications denied the findings and called for the editorial board to resign. (Is anyone surprised that other studies have found the only group in America that doesn't feel silenced are people farthest to the left?)

Many denied that cancel culture exists, or that anyone faces repercussions for their opinions, despite the ironic fact that the Times itself fired two journalists for falling afoul of just the sort Twitter mob that drives people with unpopular opinions to lose their jobs.

And finally, the inevitable: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez summarized the op-ed as 'protecting bigots from feeling embarrassed in public.'

It's the calling card of over-educated elites the world over, of whom AOC is the patron saint: Anything that infringes on the economic agenda of rich liberals is bigotry.

But a shift is afoot.

There's one thing you can tell for sure from a New York Times editorial admitting to the existence of a trend it has fulsomely participated in: The ruling class has had its fill of seeing the Democrats plunging in polls ahead of a midterm election—as a result of exactly the kind of class battles dressed up as moral ones outlined above.

Hey Big Tech – now it's your turn.


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4 hours ago, deez nuts. said:

Free market i ratovi, postoji li bolji duo?


Pored toga sto nisu duo, susta su suprotnost jedno drugom i jedno drugo iskljucuju -> sto vise free marketa, manje ratova, kao sto se istorijski jasno vidi jer danas u globalu ima mnogo manje ratova i mnogo manje u proseku ljudi strada od rata nego sto je to bilo pre 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000 godina kada uostalom nije bilo free marketa. Pljackanje i otimanje koje obicno ide uz ratove nema veze sa free marketom koje po defaultu jel te znaci FREE - slobodno od prisilne raspodele resursa i vrednosti, gde ljudi slobodno i dobrovoljno razmenjuju resurse, usluge, sta god zele, cim ima tu nekog ko puskom preti drugom da mu da njegovo, to je onda jel te pljacka, a ne free market.

  • Like 4
21 minutes ago, Veshtodel said:


Pored toga sto nisu duo, susta su suprotnost jedno drugom i jedno drugo iskljucuju -> sto vise free marketa, manje ratova, kao sto se istorijski jasno vidi jer danas u globalu ima mnogo manje ratova i mnogo manje u proseku ljudi strada od rata nego sto je to bilo pre 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000 godina kada uostalom nije bilo free marketa. Pljackanje i otimanje koje obicno ide uz ratove nema veze sa free marketom koje po defaultu jel te znaci FREE - slobodno od prisilne raspodele resursa i vrednosti, gde ljudi slobodno i dobrovoljno razmenjuju resurse, usluge, sta god zele, cim ima tu nekog ko puskom preti drugom da mu da njegovo, to je onda jel te pljacka, a ne free market.


Gdje je taj Free market?

Pored toga sto nisu duo, susta su suprotnost jedno drugom i jedno drugo iskljucuju -> sto vise free marketa, manje ratova, kao sto se istorijski jasno vidi jer danas u globalu ima mnogo manje ratova i mnogo manje u proseku ljudi strada od rata nego sto je to bilo pre 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000 godina kada uostalom nije bilo free marketa. Pljackanje i otimanje koje obicno ide uz ratove nema veze sa free marketom koje po defaultu jel te znaci FREE - slobodno od prisilne raspodele resursa i vrednosti, gde ljudi slobodno i dobrovoljno razmenjuju resurse, usluge, sta god zele, cim ima tu nekog ko puskom preti drugom da mu da njegovo, to je onda jel te pljacka, a ne free market.

Sto je vise mutne vode, to je manje proveravanja. Samo rokaj.

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