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[USA] SJEDINJENE AMERIČKE DRŽAVE - unutrašnja politika i uticaj na svetska kretanja

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A Jewish man in California named Paul Kessler has lost his life after an 'altercation' with pro-Palestine protesters. Kessler was struck in the head by a megaphone ...


Ali mediji koji revnosno informisu o propalestinskim protestima ovu vest objave kao da se tamo neki covek slucajno povredio i umro a bas su isto slucajno bili i protesti za hamas i palestinu i tako to...


...neki komentari kazu - Da nije umro od covida? Ma kakvi He just died! Dropped dead! Randomly! Naravno ovo je sprdnja zbog namerno lose interpretirane vesti a ne zaista.

Posted (edited)

Eve i u Americi sistemski rasizam protiv komunista i dzihadista, Jevrej pritegao sa svih strana, gore nego u "najvećem otvoru na zatvorenom/zatvoru na otvorenom" (kako beše ide ono taljiganje?):



American Jews are racing to buy guns and take firearms training following the Hamas terror attack and the killing of a synagogue leader.


Ne znaju Jevreji kako su puške bespotrebne i opasne - to hoće i da opali i svašta nešta - šta će to kome? Zar nije lepše da se nađe kompromis sa džihadistima, crnikošuljašima, antifašima i ostalim budim budalašima, a da svoju bezbednost prepuste državi čija su kolena nažuljena od klečanja pred falangistima?



Jer, u Americi je zora budnih mrtvaka:




U dalekosežnoj pesmi Iščekivanje varvara, Konstantin Kavafi peva:


Koga to očekujemo ovdje na agori?

Varvari danas će doći.

Otkud u Senatu ova nepokretnost?
Zašto sjede senatori, zakone ne kroje?

Zato jer varvari danas će doći.
Al’ zakone zašto ne donose senatori?
Kad varvari stignu, sa sobom donijeće svoje...


Međutim, ovde su već stigli - ene ih sede po raznim mekim univerzitetskim departmanima, rasnim, ženskim, kvir, (post)kolonijalnim, (post)strukturalističkim i sličnim postUMNIM marksističkim "studijama", a bogami i u kabinetu, sudovima, medijima, HR departmanima, itd...


Stoga su ljudi kao što je mister de Santis ili il grande Ilon duboko u pravu kada prepoznaju budni totalitarizam kao ključnu prepreku koju treba savladati na puti opstanka i budućnosti ljudske civilizacije (kao što je rekao pre nekoliko dana kod Džoa Rogana u podkastu, ili kako ga citira Volter Ajzakson u novoj biografiji "Unless the woke-mind virus, which is fundamentally anti-science, anti-merit, and antihuman in general, is stopped, civilization will never become multiplanetary").



Takođe, preporuka za odličan esej na ovu temu:




Jedan odlomak koji mi se učinio posebno pronicljivim:


In the past few weeks, people have asked why Black Lives Matter groups support ethnic tribalism up to and including Hamas terrorists. The answer is because the pogroms are precisely the result of emotional, system-one* thinking on inequality. Remember that German Jews were scientists, financiers, and scholars. Hitler’s narrative was always a contradiction — trying to paint the Jews as inferior while also claiming they controlled everything. In reality, the Jews were not just equal but superior, on a statistical, economic level. And on a social level, the Nazis understood that. Hamas is no different.



* "sistem jedan" u smislu u kom su ga identifikovali Kaneman i Tverski, o kome se više može (i treba) naučiti u popularnoj knjizi Misliti brzo i sporo 




Inače, juče je Stiven Krauder objavio procurele odlomke iz manifesta masovne ubice (transdžender osobe) koja je u ubijala decu u prezbeterijanskoj školi u Nešvilu, kako se sada ispostavilo insirisana budnom dogmom, a čiji manifest su sa Dvora sakrili kao zmija noge, "nothing to see here folks":




Ovo, naravno, niko od lažnih vesti nije objavio, kao što je cenzurisano Fejsbuku i YT-u, međutim X faktor je promenio sve.


Edited by bohumilo
  • Ha-ha 1

The House of Representatives voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for “promoting false narratives regarding the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel,” the resolution said. Rep. Rich McCormick, R-Ga, introduced the resolution Monday, saying Tlaib “repeatedly made atrocious statements” in support of Hamas and against Israel. 

He said Tlaib “has levied unbelievable falsehoods” about the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and “falsely blamed (Israel) for bombing the Al-Ahli Arab hospital,” though “all intelligence has showed Israel was not responsible.”

The focus of McCormick’s attention, however, was on Tlaib’s recent use of the phrase “from the river to the sea,” that appeared twice in her recent controversial video posted to X on Nov. 3. 

The video begins with a clip of President Joe Biden saying, “We stand with Israel” and shifts to footage of bombs going off in Gaza. She also includes footage from protests across the country, including in Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and New York. 

Audio of crowds chanting, “from the river to the sea” transition to Tlaib addressing Biden. She says, “Mr. President, the American people are not with you on this one. We will remember in 2024.” Then the video switches to a black screen with text that reads, “Joe Biden supported the genocide of the Palestinian people."


....ovo je kazna koja kada se donese osudjenik mora da kleci u cosku i pognute glave :wink2: (posramljeno) da slusa predsedavajuceg koji cita presudu....ovo jos nije potpuno iskljucenje iz politickog zivota vec je kao neki ukor, medjutim Tlaib obecava da je niko nece ucutkati, ali ne vidim korist od idiota i dok cuti a tek jos da govori.

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Propade Amer`ka.

Trans žena Danica Roem osvaja mjesto u Senatu u konzervativnoj Virginiji

Of all places, the Democrat is elected to the Senate in the southern state. This is also because she does not get involved in the culture war.



Danica Roem felt strange in her boy's body at an early age. In the fifth grade she already suspected that she was transgender. She was just afraid of coming out. “They would have beaten me up,” she said later in an interview.

Now the entire United States has known that Danica Roem is a trans woman since 2013, when she had her gender medically changed. According to projections, the 39-year-old won a senatorial seat in the state of Virginia on Tuesday . It's a first in the southern United States. But it's not Roem's first record. Back in 2017, the local journalist and singer in a thrash metal band was the first trans person to be elected to the Virginia House of Representatives, or even to a US state parliament.

However, Roem had to endure a disgusting election campaign. She ran for her first political office in 2017 against, of all people, an avowed homophobe, in a David versus Goliath fight. Her opponent, a Republican, had already represented his district on the outskirts of the capital Washington for 13 legislative periods.

Wild drinking songs, professional local politics

He never missed an opportunity to aim below the belt. Roem had to hear that she had changed her gender because her father died by suicide when she was three years old. The grandfather, who was the father figure for her, failed as a male role model. Her opponent refused to engage in any direct debate; he consistently referred to her as a man and used male personal pronouns.

Roem refused to be intimidated. As the singer of her local band Cab Ride Home, she was known for wild parties and drinking songs with titles like "Drunk on Arrival."


As a politician, however, she acted professionally and replied coolly that she was more interested in how the problem of the constantly congested Route 28 in her constituency could be solved. She also launched a professional fundraising campaign, collecting money from all over the country, especially from the progressive camp and the LGBTQ* community. With success: her campaign coffers were three times larger than those of her opponent, and Roem knocked on almost every door in Prince William County.

The sensation succeeded. 54 percent of eligible voters cast their vote for Roem, making her the first female parliamentarian in a US state to openly live her trans identity. She won re-election twice, highlighting her fight against gridlock and health care in her campaigns. She speaks openly about her gender and sexuality, but she doesn't want to make this the focus, although she became interested in politics when conservative President George W. Bush wanted to ban same-sex marriage in the constitution.


Everyday struggle is closer to voters than the culture struggle

Roem entered the latest election campaign with citizen-oriented issues. Her challenger mainly talked about trans children in school sports, while she talked about Route 28, which - unsurprisingly - is still clogged every day.

The Republicans' fear campaign didn't work. Gender issues are quite controversial in the USA, especially when it affects school-age children. Beyond the strident rhetoric in public, many Americans deal with many culture war issues very pragmatically in everyday life. The Republicans were only able to gain limited points in the 2022 midterm elections .

This Tuesday's elections in Virginia are seen as a mood gauge ahead of next year's national elections. Recently, the Democrats and President Joe Biden have come under increasing pressure in polls. But in Virginia they were able to defend the majority in the Senate that the Republicans had seized and even take back the House of Representatives. Also thanks to Danica Roem, the first transgender senator in Virginia.



1 hour ago, Dragan said:

Propade Amer`ka.

Trans žena Danica Roem osvaja mjesto u Senatu u konzervativnoj Virginiji

Of all places, the Democrat is elected to the Senate in the southern state. This is also because she does not get involved in the culture war.


  Reveal hidden contents

Danica Roem felt strange in her boy's body at an early age. In the fifth grade she already suspected that she was transgender. She was just afraid of coming out. “They would have beaten me up,” she said later in an interview.

Now the entire United States has known that Danica Roem is a trans woman since 2013, when she had her gender medically changed. According to projections, the 39-year-old won a senatorial seat in the state of Virginia on Tuesday . It's a first in the southern United States. But it's not Roem's first record. Back in 2017, the local journalist and singer in a thrash metal band was the first trans person to be elected to the Virginia House of Representatives, or even to a US state parliament.

However, Roem had to endure a disgusting election campaign. She ran for her first political office in 2017 against, of all people, an avowed homophobe, in a David versus Goliath fight. Her opponent, a Republican, had already represented his district on the outskirts of the capital Washington for 13 legislative periods.

Wild drinking songs, professional local politics

He never missed an opportunity to aim below the belt. Roem had to hear that she had changed her gender because her father died by suicide when she was three years old. The grandfather, who was the father figure for her, failed as a male role model. Her opponent refused to engage in any direct debate; he consistently referred to her as a man and used male personal pronouns.

Roem refused to be intimidated. As the singer of her local band Cab Ride Home, she was known for wild parties and drinking songs with titles like "Drunk on Arrival."


As a politician, however, she acted professionally and replied coolly that she was more interested in how the problem of the constantly congested Route 28 in her constituency could be solved. She also launched a professional fundraising campaign, collecting money from all over the country, especially from the progressive camp and the LGBTQ* community. With success: her campaign coffers were three times larger than those of her opponent, and Roem knocked on almost every door in Prince William County.

The sensation succeeded. 54 percent of eligible voters cast their vote for Roem, making her the first female parliamentarian in a US state to openly live her trans identity. She won re-election twice, highlighting her fight against gridlock and health care in her campaigns. She speaks openly about her gender and sexuality, but she doesn't want to make this the focus, although she became interested in politics when conservative President George W. Bush wanted to ban same-sex marriage in the constitution.


Everyday struggle is closer to voters than the culture struggle

Roem entered the latest election campaign with citizen-oriented issues. Her challenger mainly talked about trans children in school sports, while she talked about Route 28, which - unsurprisingly - is still clogged every day.

The Republicans' fear campaign didn't work. Gender issues are quite controversial in the USA, especially when it affects school-age children. Beyond the strident rhetoric in public, many Americans deal with many culture war issues very pragmatically in everyday life. The Republicans were only able to gain limited points in the 2022 midterm elections .

This Tuesday's elections in Virginia are seen as a mood gauge ahead of next year's national elections. Recently, the Democrats and President Joe Biden have come under increasing pressure in polls. But in Virginia they were able to defend the majority in the Senate that the Republicans had seized and even take back the House of Representatives. Also thanks to Danica Roem, the first transgender senator in Virginia.



Iz evropske perspektive deluje kao iznenadjenje, ali Jug odavno vise nije ono sto je bio, prilicno se emancipovao kada se radi o pravima LGBTQ zajednice. Trenutno utociste konzervatizma i rasizma je Sever, tacnije trougao Montana-Vajoming-Ajdaho.

Posted (edited)

Matematika i fizika su zdravi ne samo za mozak nego i za dušu:






Nije čudno, stoga, da budni najviše jurušaju upravo na ove predmete, da su NJIH proglasili manifestacijom belogsuprematizmapatrijarhataneolokolinijalizmaikapitalizma koju najpre treba dekolonoizovati.


Dotle, jevrejski studenti na američkim univerzitetima, o godišnjici Kristalne noći, moraju kradom na zadnja vrate da se ušunjavaju u svoje studentske sobe i da izbegavaju označene dekolonizovane zone da ih budni ne propuste kroz svoj "uglavnom mirni" tretman:



Eve još malo "uglavnom mirnih" demonstracija:


Zločin Hamasa i reakcija budnih je verovatno najveća crvena pilula koju su viši slojevi američkog društva, uglavnom zaštićeni od nasilja i neposrednih pogubnih posledica woke mentalnog virusa, do sada popili. Možda ovo za budne bude ono što je ubistvo Šeron Tejt bilo za za hipi pokret (ne želim pri tome ni u kakvom smislu da  izjednačim ili da dovedem u vezu maoističku budnost sa hipi pokretom).

Edited by bohumilo
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 Level 1 Security Event




Amerika opasno ljubomorna na Francuze :wink2:  zeli da pokaze da i oni mogu da marsiraju za Izrael a ne samo za Hamas. 

Ako kazem da su i ti marsevi izmedju ostalog rat civilizacija bas kao i pravi rat koji se vodi, ne bi trebalo da se neko uvredi zbog toga. Samo uporedite razlicite marsheve i vidite gde vise pripadate.

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Pro-Israel Rally In Washington


Iranians have shared their images on social media to demonstrate their presence at the Washington gathering. Among the protesters was the wife of the exiled prince of Iran, Yasmine Pahlavi.



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Bin Ladenu IMA ko da piše, kanonizovan novi budni svetac:



(btw, ko ne zna kako se čitaju pejvolovani članci na internetu neka pretraži Ilonov profil na X-u, tamo će naći instrukcije (mislim da sam i sam jednom kačio taj Tvit))



Meni je tu najinteresantnije da se mnogi ljudi sada čude ovome, kao da godinama unazad nisu gledali (doduše možda i nisu jer tada nismo imali X faktor, pa su mnogi ljudi konstantno bili izloženo dvorskoj propagandi, to su sve bila "naša deca", "uglavnom mirni protestanti protiv sistemske opresije&represije") pred očima juriš zombija na sve zapadne, američke, liberalne, prosvetiteljske vrednosti (uz doslovno paljenje američkih zastava, urlike "smrt Americi" i "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go" - a zbilja je neočekivano da borci protiv zapadne civilizacije zazivaju komunističke upravnike logora, džihadističke teroriste i jurišaju na jevrejske prozore*)


btw, budući da je "pismo Americi" druga Bina Ladena sada sakriveno na internetu (Gardijan ga izbrisao sa svog sajta u potpuno idiotskoj reakciji na ovo ludilo) ja cu ostaviti ispod jedan odlomak prosto da se vidi da se tu ne radi ni o čemu do o uobičajenim samoupravljačkim, ispreddragstorskim snatrenjima o pošastima slobodnog tržišta (posebno tržišta kapitala koje je ultimativni haram) i seksa:




(naravno, seks i seksualnost na ovom svetu su strašni, ali kad se ode tamo, ko je bio dobar (a naročito ako je digao u vazduh hiljade nevinih ljudi), ima da bude svega...)






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Momenat antisemitizma spaja ljude i sa levih i sa desnih strana, oni dele istu ljubav, a nama se predstavljaju kao medjusobni oponenti. Lazovi.


I da ne ostavljam c/p i linkove, znate vec kako antisemitizam ume da poveze narode.

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On 11/19/2023 at 10:47 AM, Mama_mia said:

Momenat antisemitizma spaja ljude i sa levih i sa desnih strana, oni dele istu ljubav, a nama se predstavljaju kao medjusobni oponenti. Lazovi.


I da ne ostavljam c/p i linkove, znate vec kako antisemitizam ume da poveze narode.


National Socialism nikad nikom nista dobro nije doneo.

Posted (edited)

Pred prošle izbore:





Na kraju je Bajden pobedio sa 4,5 procentnih poena razlike (51,3 : 46,8), dakle ankete su precenjivale njegovu prednost.







Neki republikanac je poslednji put dobio izbore po ukupnom broju glasova davne 2004. (Buš jr. protiv Kerija, 50,7 : 48,3 tj. u elektorima 286 : 251), što će reći da Bajden mora da ima bar nekoliko procentnih poena prednosti kada se gleda ukupan rezultat da bi imao više elektora. Hilari je izgubila od Trampa iako je imala 2,1 procentni poen prednosti u ukupnom broju glasova.

Edited by erwin
Posted (edited)
On 11/22/2023 at 3:56 PM, Ozu said:






Uhapšen. Kažu da ih je maltretirao više nedelja.









Edited by erwin

Mark Fisher joined 'FOX & Friends' to discuss why he supports the former president and why he doesn't believe Democrats stand for the Black community. 


... tesko je poverovati u preobracenje iz ideoloskih razloga, da BLM podrzava trumpa..... jos ce se spojiti u WLM i zagovarati superiornost belaca 



Pro-Israel teacher hides in Queens high school as ‘radicalized’ students riot: ‘They want her fired’

Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged through the halls of a Queens high school this week for nearly two hours after they discovered a teacher had attended a pro-Israel rally — forcing the terrified educator to hide in a locked office as the teen mob tried to push its way into her classroom



Teacher Bian was Beijing’s first victim, battered to death by her pupils in the early days of Red August. Her husband, Wang, was a historian, and though he could not protest her death he documented it...The Red Guards broke in days before they killed her – ransacked the place, even pulled up the floorboards, burned books and smashed up the family’s things. They hung the place with hatred; Wang captured every slur. There are caricatures of Bian as a sweaty, fearful pig. The angry scrawls of big-character posters, attacking her as a demon and bitch, boasting of the torment forced on her already:

Behave! Or we’ll teach you how to!

At the struggle meeting you trembled like a leaf . . . doused in water, mud in your mouth . . .

Carry on running roughshod over the workers and we’ll whip your dog hide, rip out your dog heart, lop off your dog head.


She had seen it all coming. The violence did not explode. It built. It had begun with that first big-character poster and its broadcast on Mao’s orders. The next day, pupils at the girls’ school attached to Beijing Normal University scrawled their own attack on the management. The prestigious institution was packed with the children of senior leaders. Bian was vice-principal, handling discipline – a tough, even formidable figure. Though a party veteran, her position, reputation and background as the daughter of a banker marked her as a target; an acquaintance who had taken against her was quick to fan the flames. She ‘opposed the Party’s class road’. (She had rejected a leader’s daughter who didn’t meet admission criteria.) She ‘opposed Chairman Mao’. (A student asked whether they should rescue his portrait before fleeing the school in an emergency, and, though prudent enough not to answer directly, she replied that they should leave quickly.) She had, it was claimed absurdly, been involved in an attempted coup of the Beijing municipal committee.

Girls dragged her onto a stage in shackles and forced her to kneel while they kicked and struck her, beating her with iron-banded wooden rifles used for drilling. When she fell they hauled her up by her hair and began again. They trashed her flat and blanketed it with the posters: ‘Don’t dream you are free at home!’ Officials ignored Bian’s plea for help, and Wang began to understand that there was no escape: nowhere to go, no one else to beg. ‘Beating someone like me to death is just like killing a dog,’ Bian told him. One morning, she woke earlier than usual. She shook hands with Wang, as though they were strangers; then she went to work.

Practice had perfected the rituals of abuse. The girls at the school poured ink over victims and forced them to chant as they paraded: ‘I am a capitalist roader! I am a counter-revolutionary revisionist! I deserve the beatings! I am damned to death!’ They hit them each time their voices dropped or broke. They drove them into the centre of the playground. They forced them to kneel in the blistering sun, and to carry large baskets laden with earth. When Bian fell they trampled her in their heavy army boots. Someone yelled for clubs. They beat one teacher till her pelvis fractured; they hit another till his shirt was soaked in blood. They were not finished with Bian. They dragged her to clean the toilets. A staff member saw her there, stained and unsteady, trying to brace herself against the wall but sliding down to the floor.

‘You fake death! You did that already!’ a girl screamed. Her companions tried to make Bian drink from the filthy mop. They were laughing. They ordered the man from the toilets to load her onto a rubbish cart outside. She lay, covered in blood and dirt, with traces of foam at her mouth. The heat was unbearable, too intense to linger; the teenagers drifted away. A kernel of anxiety was forming, perhaps, or simply boredom. Some of them went to buy ice lollies.

The hospital was metres away, but it was hours before students and a teacher took Bian across the street. The doctor was too frightened to help a counter-revolutionary. Treatment, when it began, was too late. Wang arrived later still. Perhaps shock cauterised his grief and rage: he took in the blood, her swollen face, the puncture wounds from nailed clubs. When he realised that Bian had soiled herself, he finally lost control.

At school the next day, a fourteen-year-old pupil, Wang Youqin, listened as a student leader claimed the loudspeaker and announced Bian’s death: ‘She died. It is over.’ There was a short silence in the classroom and someone changed the subject, ‘as if Bian had been a dream and her being beaten to death was no big deal, not even worth discussing’...



karakterističan odlomak iz knjige Red Memory: The Afterlives of China's Cultural Revolution


takođe i ovo:


Dok Lešina mora da laže o tome šta Hamas želi, da ne bi i najvećoj zatiji bilo jasno da je to upravo ovo što i on želi - primirje, a ne nastavak rata, to je ono što oni eksplicitno traže, da preteknu, pa da opet naoštre zube i krenu u novi ciklus - klanje i silovanje, pa onda lelekanje na nepravdu,:




Umro Henri Kisindžer



Malo koji diplomata je u istoj meri bio i osporavan i obožavan kao Henri Kisindžer, piše „Tajms“. Slavljen je kao ultrarealista koji je menjao američku diplomatiju iz korena ako su tako zahtevali interesi zemlje, ali je i kritikovan zbog napuštanja američkih vrednosti, posebno na polju ljudskih prava.



Bajden nazvao Trampa kongresmenom, aktuelnog kineskog predsednika Sija Đinpinga imenom bivšeg lidera Denga Sjaopinga (sišao s vlasti davne 1989), a aktuelnog korejskog predsednika Juna Suk-Jula imenom njegovog prethodnika Muna Dže-Ina.




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