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Novak Djokovic


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to, a mozda i jos neki razlozi


npr.: ne bi rekao ono sto je Srbiji zaista potrebno da cuje, te u tom slucaju bolje da se ni ne oglasava. (ima li trenutno ikakava normalna opcija u Srbiji? ne pratim bas, ali mi se ne cini da ima (osim Djilasa, ako se ne varam, samo sto ne mislim da on ima ikakvu snagu - mozda gresim))


takodje, i to sto bi rekao ne bi rekao jezgrovito, vec bi se upetljao u filozofiranje - bolje da se ni ne oglasava.


a cak i da je Srbija normalna demokratska drzava - nema on ni potrebne vestine ni znanje za bavljenje politikom (uprkos popularnom misljenju da bi bio dobar diplomata). bolje da se drzi tog sto zna (i nek se zabavlja teniskom politikom - ima i tu dovoljno posla da utrosi slobodno vreme )



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Nema prava ili kriva strana, ako se izjasni i kaze Black lives matters, onda valjda treba i da se izjasni protiv prebijanja sopstvenog naroda.

I tu ne mislim samo na Djokovica, mislim na sve sportiste, koji su cutali i pravili se mrtvi.

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Prebijanja naroda je bilo mnogo u poslednjim decenijama, posebno po BG, a dobar deo naroda van BG je to gledao po medijima i još navijao da demonstranti, koji god, dobiju šta su zaslužili. Tako da dve strane "sopstvenog naroda" i te kako postoje. Ali to stvarno nije za ovaj pdf.

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“We talked a lot and he gave me a lot of advice,” Holger said. “I don’t like to ask the pros for advice, because it can be a bit invasive, but it just happened. He said some things about my progression and my serve and what he thinks is optimal. He told me that ‘we have a lot of similarities in our game’ as well that already left me calmer (laughs). “


On his game, Novak was quite analytical with the way to accelerate that the Dane has. “He liked my game, but he said, ‘You have the same problem I have with my forearm.’ When I want to build speed, I use my whole body too much instead of getting into the balls and then accelerating after the hit instead of inside the ball. hit. He gave me very little advice that only tennis fans understand. “


Who does Holger Rune most admire?


“He also asked me who I admired,” Rune continued. “And I told him that I try to take a little bit from all the best players. For example, his return and his backhand. Federer’s baseline game. Nadal’s attitude. He told me that he thinks it’s a very good way not to. just idolize a player, because there won’t be a new Federer or Djokovic. Then it was all a little bit more about how he played, and then he gave me more advice, also about how players should play on clay, so it was really cool. “


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