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To je subota-nedelja, ko ima vremena bas fin odmor uz dobre utakmice u Atini, bice zanimljivo videti I na sta lice timovi Efesa I PAO.
cnn A Russian attack on the port of Izmail on the Danube River overnight destroyed 13,000 tons of grain meant for export. The grain was destined to go to Egypt and Romania, Oleksandr Kubrakov said. Private grain terminals, warehouses and cargo infrastructure were also damaged as a result of the attack by Shahed drones, Kubrakov added. The export capacity of the port was reduced by 15%, he said, accusing Russia of systematically working to stop Ukrainian agricultural exports. “In total, 270,000 tons of grain have been destroyed in a month of attacks on ports,” said Kubrakov.
Intesina mislim da ne mora da je kreditna, moze I obicna, kad se provuce aparat pita koliko rata zelis I to je to. Ide bez kamate.
Nema logike dovodjenje igraca pre nego pocnu pripreme, tek treba da se vidi gde 'skripi' ili se desi nesto nedajboze. Trenutna licitacija gde i koje igrace dovesti je zanimljiva samo navijacima I forumskim strucnjacima da prekrate vreme do pocetka sezone.
cnn Ukrainian authorities issued a mandatory evacuation order for the Kupyansk area on Thursday, after Russia’s defense ministry claimed gains in the area. In July a Ukrainian official said Russia had amassed tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of tanks in the area, as it tries to reclaim the territory that Ukraine liberated last year.
Ovako iz glave, svaki plej of u kome je nastupao. Razumem sto potezes statistiku, jer to je jedina tacka za sta se da uhvatiti. S tim da ni tih 11.7 poena ne zvuce nista preterano, imao je I Dobric u EL ove sezone skoro 10p, pa tesko da je opravdano ocekivanja. A opet, u petoj utakmici plej ofa pred 20k protivnickih navijaca je odigrao utakmicu sa 7/8 iz igr, 4/4 za 3p I bio najbolji igrac a da se nije sakrivao ni u jednom momentu.
Kao da je rec o pocetniku, a ne o igracu pred kojim tesko da je vise od dve sezone ozbiljne kosarke. Vise od decenije su svi oni koji prate kosarku imali prilike da se poliju kofama vode I otrezne od ideje da je Neda neki mamojeb koji porobljava bilo sta, posebno u reprezentaciji, pa ocekivati neki drugaciji ishod sada je prilicno onako. Pri tome sasvim ocekujem da Neda porobi neku utakmicu protiv Sudana ili na pripremama, ali kad krene basket u kost, bice kao sto je uvek i bilo.
@Kankkunentrebao si za svaki slucaju da tagujes bar trecinu foruma
cnn The United Nations condemned Russia for recent attacks on Ukrainian grain storage and port infrastructure in a statement on Saturday. “I visited the Port of Izmail today and was shocked to see the level of destruction left by the Russian strikes on grain storage facilities on August 2,” Denise Brown, a humanitarian coordinator for Ukraine, said in a statement. According to Brown, “the thousands of tonnes of grains that were damaged would have been enough to feed approximately 66 million people for a day.”
krenula je odmazda za tanker, ocigledno ih je to jako zabolelo cnn Russia fired its advanced Kinzhal missiles into Ukrainian airspace on Saturday, the Ukrainian Air Force warned on Telegram. The missiles were launched from Russia's Tambov region and were heading toward the Khmelnytskyi region in western Ukraine, according to the air force. Explosions could be heard in the area, officials in Khmelnytskyi said, but there were not immediately further details on the attack. The air force also reported a missile launch from Belarus.
Meni iz ovog 'dogovora' lici da se Francuz nece 'leba najesti' u Charlottu, nebitno da li smo u planovima jedni drugima.
Poljaci ozbiljno razmisljaju da zatvore granicu sa Belorusijom, trenutno im je ta granica mnogo veca pretnja nego benefit. Inace zanimljiv sastanak za vikend. cnn Saudi Arabia is set to host peace talks on Ukraine this weekend that will include the US as well as a number of Western and developing countries. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan will be present on behalf of the United States. A representative from the Chinese government will also be in attendance, the Chinese foreign ministry said Friday. Ukraine has said that other key developing nations, such as India and Brazil, will also attend.
Nedovic je stariji od Pantera, pokazao bi nekada negde nesto da to ima, a petu smo izgubili jer... Nedovic. Da je bio Kalinic, druga bi se pesma pevala (kalemegdan u junu).
Nije on taj tip, potonuce jos gore.
cnn Nearly half of Ukrainians held in Russian detention centers in Kherson were subjected to widespread torture including sexual violence, according to a report published Wednesday.
bbc A skyscraper in Russia's capital Moscow has been attacked by a drone for the second time in two days, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has said. Several drones were shot down overnight, he said, but "one flew into the same tower at the Moskva City complex" that was targeted on Sunday.
cnn Saudi Arabia is set to host peace talks to help bring an end to the war in Ukraine, a top official in Kyiv said. The Kingdom has, since the conflict began, attempted to thread the needle and maintain its relationships with both Ukraine and Russia, an important partner in the energy sector. Among those invited to the summit are Western and several developing countries -- but not Russia. To what extent the Kremlin would participate in any peace talks at the moment is unclear. Russian leader Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Moscow has never rejected peace negotiations with Ukraine but it is difficult to reach an agreement while Ukraine's army is on the offense. Zelensky has ruled out any peace negotiations until Russian troops withdraw from his country’s territory.
Pih, nista zagonetke, nista nevernici&atomska bacakanja, pravo u lice forumaskoj javnosti. @Savke88 samo nam nisi rekao u koliko sati je 'prezentacija' mozda imam zakazano kod zubara.
cnn Russian drones have attacked Ukrainian ports on the River Danube, destroying grain storage infrastructure, local officials say. The facilities are just across the river from Nato-member Romania. The Danube is a key export route for Kyiv since Russia pulled out of a deal allowing Ukraine to ship wheat, corn and other products via the Black Sea.
najbolji tim, kao i na OI. valjda zato sada hoce slobodno leto, da bi sledece mogli da izdrze sve sta bude trebalo.
jel ima onih olimpijskih kvalifikacionih turnira kao ranije?
SP je drugorazredno takmicenje, sigurno da Jokic i Micic imaju na umu OI kao najbitniji sportski dogadjaj na planeti, zato im je u ovim godinama bitno da dobiju slobodno leto s obziom na to da ce sledeca(e) godina(e) biti izuzetno naporne.
Naprotiv, takve jedinice bi bile veliki boost za ukrajnski moral I isti takav pritisak na ruski moral, stvar koja moze da bude kljucna u svakon ratu. Takticki spremne I potpuno opremljene, te jedinice bi bile I ozbiljan faktor u samim borbama, to se nikada ne sme podceniti. A sta sve na geostrateskom planu to moze da pogura, to je tek stvar za razmisljanje.
Nisam u toku sa ovim, to bi bas promenilo mnoge stvari, ne samo na frontu