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Everything posted by Angelia

  1. Bas me interesuje kako ce za ovo da optuze Trampa, inace ono sto ne kaze ovde je da du se organizovano zaletali kolima u izloge da bi ih razbili. Ali evo konacno smo otkrili da pljackanje i lomljenje nije "mirni protesti" Aftermath of looting in downtown Chicago: 13 cops injured, 2 people shot, more than 100 arrests, Mag Mile trashed Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores, confronting police and at one point exchanging gunfire with officers, authorities said. More than 100 people were arrested as of 9 a.m., according to Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown. Thirteen officers were injured during the unrest, including a sergeant who was hit by a bottle. A civilian and private security guard were shot and wounded. “What occurred in our downtown and surrounding communities was abject criminal behavior, pure and simple,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said. “And there cannot be any excuse for it. Period.” It took police officers roughly four hours to get the downtown back under control, leading to finger pointing across the political spectrum and calls for the Illinois National Guard to once again help quell unrest in the country’s third-largest city. .... City officials said the seeds for the violent crime spree were sown on social media Sunday afternoon following an officer involved shooting in the Englewood neighborhood. Officers shot and wounded a 20-year-old man Sunday after he fired shots at them while being chased, authorities said. The man was taken to University of Chicago Medical Center and is expected to survive, Brown said. The Civilian Office Police Accountability, the city agency that investigates all officer-involved shootings, released a statement confirming Brown’s assertion that the wounded male is an adult. Some social media accounts that authorities say fueled the unrest referred to him as a 15-year-old boy. More than an hour after the shooting, police and witnesses said a crowd of about 30 people faced off against officers holding a police line near 56th and Aberdeen streets. During a scuffle, one officer was hit with pepper spray and a second officer suffered a minor shoulder injury. Two people were arrested and a police car window was shattered by a brick, police added. ...... The looting and vandalism began shortly after, with people streaming in and out of high-end stores. Some could be seen throwing merchandise into rental trucks and other large vehicles before driving away. “This was not an organized protest,” Brown said. “Rather this was an incident of pure criminality. This was an act of violence against our police officers and against our city.” The looting began shortly after midnight as people darted through broken store windows and doors along Michigan Avenue carrying shopping bags full of merchandise. Cars dropped off more people as the crowd grew.
  2. Moguce da te nisam najbolje razumela, jbga nije bas jasno ko pravi suverenisticke drzave za tajkunske pare, i ko treba da zivi u SR. Ali je jasno, sta si htela da kazes. Ne mislim ja da su oni koji se slazu sa tom pricom, "neinformisani", nego vise defanzivni. A prosvecivati vala necu nikoga. Pssst:ovo je vec pasivno agresivni mod, nema vracanja
  3. Znala sam ja da su velike sile krive za raspad Jugoslavije - majku im njihovu ko nas zavadi, za pranje novca 😂
  4. Angelia

    Bliski Istok

    Pa ne mozemo, to samo oni mogu, u tome je i poenta. Ako je Mosad umesao prste, zasto ne dozvole medjunarodnu istragu? A to da Hezbolah kontrolise luku, svi znaju. Ovako ce oni da rade istragu, pa ce stalno da namiguju o "stranoj intervenciji" naravno na Mosad, da bi oprali Hezbolah. Nisu bas svi tako srecni sto Hezbolah vuce konce.
  5. Bold - to je Trampova zelja Izmedju ostalog poteglo se i pitanje zasto su svi kandidati: zena+POC, pa su kao ubacili Warren, koja nema sanse ja mislim. U principu to je problem.
  6. Angelia

    Bliski Istok

    Recenica u boldu je dokaz da se radi o Hezbolahu, jer da je bio neko sa strane (kao sto su probali da insinuiraju) oni bi odmah trazili medjunarodnu istragu, ovako mogu da krive nekog iz mase (a znamo koga ce, onog ko je prvi rekao "nisam ja" ) Mislim da masis procenu zasto svi pricaju o Hezbolahu, to je zato sto oni kontrolisu luku, znaci ako je javasluk onda je njihov javasluk.
  7. Zato je i odlozio objavljivanje, posto su skontali da ce da izazove sukob.
  8. Mene samo interesuje zasto je to bitno? Hoce li Dveri i Palma promeniti tok izbora u USA? Ili cete ako Tramp ne dobije biti srecni sto su se oni kladili na pogresnog kandidata Mislim WTH? Jel imaju oni i pozeljnog kandidata u Kanadi ili Australiji?
  9. Zaboravila sam, kod vas je bio neki predlog da se ilegalcima plati da se samo-izoluju ako su pozitivni.
  10. Samo u NYC, nemoj neko da me pogresno razume, ja sam generalno za legalizaciju prostitucije, to bi sprecilo iskoriscavanje (kako to smesno zvuci) i barem neku zastitu za one koji nemaju nista vise da prodaju osim tela, a verovatno i trafficking maloletnika, ali.... The City Council will pay more than $4 million in services for sex workers this year — despite slashing $5 billion from its recently passed 2021 budget. The funds will pay vendors for housing, medical care, job training, legal services, and street outreach to prostitutes. While COVID strains have forced the city to cut up to ten figures from agencies, non-profits providing services to sex workers say they’re more in need than ever. “Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an influx of sex workers who are reaching out asking for assistance with paying rent, utilities and food,” said Sean Coleman, executive director of the Bronx LGBTQ Center Destination Tomorrow, whose $460,000 contract with the city was renewed in the 2020-2021 budget. Ukidaju sredstva policiji, koja je neophodna za bezbednost, ali placamo za brigu o sex workers. Nesto mi tu ne stima, da li podrzavamo prostituciju, a ukidamo podrsku zakonu i redu?
  11. Kada sam ja na ovom forumu pocela da signaliziram da nesto nije u redu, sa ovom far-left kulturom (ok na prethodnom forumu) to je bilo jos u vreme Obame, jednostavno mi nije bilo jasno zasto se tako nesto dozvoljava, napad na sve slobode, pod plastom anti-fasizma (istovremeno anti-semitizam cveta, i suzbijanje slobode govora). Iskreno ne znam ko je ova glumica ciju pricu sam postovala, mislim da se secam uloge u Deadpool, ali me prica dotakla. Ona je bukvalno dobila pretnje ubistvom zato sto nece da kaze ACAB, All Cops Are Bastards. Da li je twitter sankcionisao te postove? Naravno da ne. Ali sankcionise Trampa kad kaze "ako nastave nasilje odgovoricemo silom", parafraziram. Obama je u svoje vreme reagovao po fazonu "to su nasa deca", a ja sam bila u fazonu...mmmmm ne moje dete. I ljudi se pretvaraju kao da se ovo ne desava? Gde su oni sto su prognozirali kako ce KKK i neonacisti da mi dodju pred kucu? A ono krst zapalili marxisti i komunjare. Sajantolozi su mala beba za ovo.
  12. SJW se ponasaju kao kult: MMA champion and actress Gina Carano has had a tumultuous few days on twitter due to controversy over her recent tweets as the hashtag #Ginacaranoisoverparty began trending on August 5. The 38-year-old Haywire and The Mandalorian star has been called "racist" and a "bootlicker" and it seemingly began when she posted the famous black and white photo showing a collective Nazi Salute, where one man isn't saluting. She later posted an article about the photo, writing: "Heartbreaking and powerful story of a man who changed his ways for the woman he loved.. love changes the world, one person at a time." On August 4, Carano tweeted: "In my experience, screaming at someone that they are a racist when they are indeed NOT a racist & any post and/or research you do will show you those exact facts. Then I'm sorry, these people are not 'educators'... they are cowards and bullies." This came after she posted the black and white photo which seemed to spur on a slew of tweets targeting the actress. One Twitter user, defending Carano wrote: "Gina Carano is being bullied & harassed by SJW trolls. They're calling her a 'racist bootlicker' & demanding she 'Say ACAB/BLM' to prove she's not racist. Gina is having none of it, calling them cowards for trying to bully her off social media." Click veoma poucno.
  13. Ah genijalac nakon 2.5 meseca: PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Violent clashes this week between protesters and police in Portland, Oregon, have ratcheted up tensions in the city days after an agreement between state and federal officials appeared to bring calm. More demonstrations were rallying Thursday night, hours after the city's mayor decried the unrest that has roiled Portland since George Floyd was killed. “You are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said Thursday in a hastily called news conference alongside Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell. Wheeler also warned that the city anticipated more “attacks on public buildings” in the immediate future. ....... I naravno opet je nekako Tramp kriv: “Don’t think for a moment that if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are,” the mayor had said. “If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up.” The Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front, which advertised the Wednesday rally on social media, used Twitter to announce “Round 2” of the same demonstration on Thursday night with the slogan “No cops. No prisons. Total abolition.” .... “I don’t want people to get confused to think that this was something related to Black Lives Matter,” Passadore said of the precinct rally. “I’ve been the incident commander for 24 nights of the 70-plus events, and I’ve seen amazing protesting going on in the city of Portland where people gather together.” Mislim da imena organizacija govore dosta
  14. Samo sam htela da te podsetim na prethodne slucajeve, da ne prolazimo kroz isto, pa onda pobegnes ili me stavljas na zamisljenu IL.
  15. Objasnila u postu zasto mislim da je ruzno. Nemoj opet da ti trazim da dokazes ovaj bold pa da moras da jedes svoje reci. I pazi dobro da ne navodis ljude koji su napravili sranje a imaju doktorsku dijagnozu, da bi opravdala svoje podmetanje.
  16. Ja sam ozbiljno razmisljala da glasam za njega Cisto da vidim reakciju svih ovih koji podrzavaju Bidena ako bi dobio. zezam se naravno. i tebi isto ime: "Ocigledno ti ime David Dorn, ne znaci nista takodje." PS: Na stranu sto mislim da je jako ruzno da se ralativizuje ogromna steta napravljenu od te podivljale mafije, kako ekonomsku stetu, povredjene ljude, koji su zavrsili u bolnicama, povredjene policajce koji ce imati trajne posledice, ako nisu poginuli, tako i one koji su sve izgubili u politickom nasilju. Da ne pominjemo zivot Cist i jasan terorizam, pa neko moze mrzeti Trampa do besvesti. Cak i da Biden dobije, Dems ce ove huligane obrisati u par dana dok si rekao pixla, zato sto su opasni i po njih. Kao sto su Republikanci obrisali extremne desnicare. Ali pisacemo o tome za godinu ili pet. Pitam se da li ce se neki stideti sta su opravdavali....
  17. zloupotreba pozicije u politicke svrhe. Vadice je NRA cackalicom za zube.
  18. Znaci nista text. Ok. Pa znam i ja pasivnu agresiju Znaci nisi informisan, a raspravljas o temi.
  19. Vidi ja stvarno nemam pojma o cemu ti pricas ali eto dodaj taj clanak, posto izgleda da sam ga propustila. Ja kad pogledam vesti ne vidim to objasnjenje, upravo suprotno, da je na dva maloletnika pucano direktno iz protesta. I to nije jedini slucaj. Kakve veze ima sto su kao bili BLM....pa tako je i onaj fotograf ubijen, jbga ali on je beo. Pa recimo: The Facebook page of a young mom who was shot dead after she said: 'All lives matter' to a group of Black Lives Matter supporters in Indiana has been flooded with hateful messages from trolls. Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24, was killed early on the morning of July 5 while out on a walk with her fiancé, Jose Ramirez, and two friends in Indianapolis. Ramirez said someone in their group used a 'slang version of the N-word' before they were confronted by strangers passing by and an argument broke out. .... 'I can't feel bad for a racist who used a racial slur. Now you'll have plenty of time to think about your horrible actions,' one woman wrote. Another man added: 'Black lives matter. The rest of you are next.' That comment was followed by a man who wrote: 'Can't feel bad for you when you used a racial slur and acted a f**king fool' and a woman who shared a sarcastic crying emoji with the words: 'Oh I'm sorry, did someone get what they f**king deserved?' After a friend commented that they hoped cops find the people who killed Whitaker, one man wrote: 'She should not of been racist and ran her mouth she's shot dead that's what she got BLM [sic].' ..... Ali nema veze - bitno je da ti mislis da se postoji razlika izmedju rezultata teroriste. Ocigledno ti ime David Dorn, ne znaci nista takodje.
  20. Izgleda da ne ide po planu rasformiranje policije, ipak neki ljudi imaju razuma: Minneapolis voters won’t get to decide the fate of the city’s Police Department this year. In a 10-5 vote, the Minneapolis Charter Commission decided Wednesday to block a controversial policing proposal from the November ballot by invoking its right to take more time to review it. Seattle obecava sledece godine.
  21. Jbga meni svaki terorista isti, manje ili vise opasan, ali terorista. Tebi ocigledno vise smetaju ako su iz Missisipija. Fini neki ljudi u Portlandu, samo blokirali izlaze iz zgrade i probali da je zapale sa ljudima unutra. Ali zato nisu rasisti, hteli su da zapale sve bez obzira na boju koze
  22. Nije on mislio tako, nego hoce da kaze da je absurdno pricati o borbi protiv rasizma kad nanosis stetu bas tim POC. To je cak bio i komentar od one iz Black Panthers po pitanju kubanaca. Vidi sto se tice Portlanda i ja to malo gledam izdaleka, iako nam je blize. Zvanicnicima nisu vezane ruke, oni su izabrali da dopuste to, barem lokalcima, i to opravdavaju borbom protiv Trampa. U pocetku je dosta ljudi bilo ispravno sokirano videom ubistva, ali kad je krenulo paljenje i pljackanje polako je pocelo da se misljenje menja, po fazonu ok sad je dosta. Twitter stvarno nije merilo javnog misljenja, to je samo internet rulja koja se osetila mocno....pogledaj malo vise moj post na temu istrazivanja Gallupa o stavu prema policiji. Vecini je jasno da ce ovo sve da nestane 4tog novembra. Medjutim, mnogo ljudi je sad ljuto sto se ovo dozvoljava, bez ili sa Trampom, to nije opravdanje. Portland i Seattle stvarno nisu merilo atmosfere u US, oni su vec godinama otisli extremno levo. 5og novembra imas dve opcije - ili ce policija da izadje i pohapsi budale, i ocisti sve i rastera, ili ce budale da same odu kuci u mamin i tatin podrum, da zaviju po joint.
  23. Sef policije u Portlandu: As a Black man and a public servant, I have a unique perspective. I agree with a local pastor, E.D. Mondainé, who stated these “spectacles” are drowning out the voices that need to be heard to make positive change. This violence is doing nothing to further the Black Lives Matter movement. On one night, for example, individuals screwed the doors of our North Precinct station shut, barricaded other entrances and lit the station on fire with people inside. Nearby businesses, owned by people of color, were damaged and looted. On other nights, there were multiple attempts to breach the Justice Center. Other law enforcement facilities were targeted, including the union building, which was broken into and had fires set within. Violence and destruction have also been directed at the federal courthouse, which sits next to the Justice Center. The president sent additional federal agents to Portland, and our city became national news. ..... During these events, our agency has responded to assaults, stabbings, shootings, people with guns and the stockpiling of explosives. Shooting off commercial-grade fireworks and mortars is not peaceful protest. We are fortunate that no one has been killed. .... https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/03/opinion/portland-protests-police-chief.html
  24. Ako imas smart phone, koristis google, FB, Waze, WhatsApp...ili bilo koju slicnu aplikaciju, vec si pristala na dobrovoljno pracenje. Citala sam neki clanak da ako imas Instagram on cak moze da koristi tvoju kameru kad aplikacija nije ukljucena. Zasto sam prvo navela google, zato sto ga najcesce koristimo i pamti odakle recimo guglujes neku destinaciju. Ja u nekom trenutku trazim instrukcije do neke adrese i poruka na googlu je "to je 20 minuta od tvoje kuce" - to je bitno zato sto ja nikad nisam na googlu registrovala home address recimo ja dobijam amber alert i weather alert u mom kraju (ako sam negde drugde za taj kraj), iako se nikad nisam registrovala za iste.
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