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Everything posted by Doorn

  1. Key areas of cooperation Serbia’s cooperation with NATO is mutually beneficial and includes: Building capabilities and interoperability Serbia joined the Planning and Review Process (PARP) in 2007 to develop the capacity of its forces to participate in UN-mandated multinational operations and EU crisis management operations. PARP also serves as a planning tool to guide and measure progress in defence and military transformation efforts. Since 2012, Serbia is actively engaged in Building Integrity (BI) to strengthen integrity, transparency and accountability and reduce the risk of corruption in its defence and related security sector. The ministry of defence also offers its experience to other countries engaged in the NATO BI Self-Assessment and Peer Review Process and was actively engaged in the development of the NATO BI Reference Curriculum published in 2016. Since 2014, Serbia is engaged in the Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP), which is supporting Serbia’s efforts to develop a comprehensive and modern defence education system. Thanks to DEEP, Serbia is now a net security provider in the field of education and training, and is supporting other DEEP programmes such as the one with Armenia. Also since 2014, under the Partnership Interoperability Initiative, Serbia has participated in the Interoperability Platform, which brings Allies together with 24 selected partners. Serbia is offering expertise and training to Allies and partners at the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Training Centre in Kruševac, which was recognised as a Partnership Training and Education Centre in 2013. In December 2017, in coordination with several NATO Allies, Serbia conducted a course to train Iraqi military and civilian medical personnel as part of the NATO Defence and Related Security Capacity Building Initiative. Wider cooperation The Allies have supported a number of NATO Trust Fund projects in Serbia. These include a project to destroy 28,000 surplus small arms and light weapons, which was completed in 2003, and another for the safe destruction of 1.4 million landmines and ammunition, which was completed in 2007. A third project for the destruction of approximately 8,000 tonnes of surplus ammunition and explosives is underway. Another five-year project, completed in 2011 and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), helped almost 6,000 discharged defence personnel in Serbia start small businesses. Serbia has been actively engaged in the Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme since 2007. Today, scientists and experts from Serbia are working to address a wide range of security issues, notably in the fields of energy security, counter-terrorism, and defence against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents. Serbia actively engages with NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) to develop its national civil preparedness and disaster management capabilities, and to improve interoperability in international disaster response operations. In December 2015, Serbia requested international assistance through the EADRCC in the context of an influx of refugees. Six Allied nations provided support. Serbia hosted the SRBIJA 2018 consequence management field exercise, which brought together approximately 2,000 participants from 40 countries to practise international cooperation in an earthquake scenario. As a participating country, Serbia also took part in five other EADRCC exercises. In 2017, Serbia launched its second National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security for the period 2017-2020. Serbia is associated with the NATO/EAPC Policy and Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, which was endorsed at the NATO Brussels Summit in 2018. Moreover, together with the United States, Serbia led a series of NATO-funded expert workshops to develop a scorecard, or set of indicators, to help assess how NATO and partner countries are mainstreaming gender in military operations. Serbia and NATO aim to improve public information on NATO-Serbia cooperation. The NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade plays an important role in this process. 👍
  2. Dzon sjedi sa zmajem na zidu i bulji dok ovi ne mogu da upale jarak, a Deni ko fol ne vidi gdje je. Jel Dzon ne moze da pali i samo jase ili sta? Cini mi se da su oboje palili zombije prije toga.
  3. Doorn


    Mogli bi ovdje podijeliti nasa putovanja i prodiskutovati o nekim buducim.
  4. Doorn


    EEZ moze, ali ovo sto se sad radi sa budalama u Briselu nece opstati.
  5. Sad samo ManU da pobjedi pa da nas vikend prodje bolje nego sto je moglo nakon onog juce.
  6. Nadam se da ce komora ubaciti i pdf Putovanja.
  7. Dok crveni shvate kako to radi prodje sezona. 😁
  8. Doorn


  9. Niets is sterker dan dat ene woord, FEYENOORD
  10. Samo da Tapa proradi i ima da bude ko bombona.
  11. EU skrece u desno sto ne znaci da nije moguce uklopiti se, ali ce se isfiltrirati oni sto im je tjelo vani, a duh u Srbiju. Takvi se nikad nisu uklapali, a sad ce biti jos gore.
  12. Svaka cast za podizanje vox-a! Nadam se da ce biti moguce koristiti Tapatalk.
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