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Everything posted by Doorn

  1. Nakon 5 godina nicega, Ajax konacno osvojio trofej 🏆. Kup Holandije.
  2. Doorn


    Ali je zato ovaj za postovanje. Cheers 🥃
  3. Zahvaljujuci Brajtonu igramo CL iduce sezone?
  4. Doorn


    750 dindzi u Lidl Srbija. Dobar je ko voli da mixa sa koka kolom ili jos bolje sa ginger ale. https://www.forbes.com/sites/felipeschrieberg/2019/02/28/fake-whisky-news-no-that-lidl-whisky-is-not-the-best-in-the-world/
  5. Doorn


    Svaka cast @Honey Badger 👍 Ja vec mjesec dana nisam trcao, a ovo je odprilike sta uradim jednom ili dva puta sedmicno. Zavisi kakve sam volje. Inace nemam neki odredjen cilj osim sto me vuce da se krecem nakon sjedenja na poslu. Imam i neki Harbour Run u oktobru u luci od 10km i sa raznim preprekama. Tako da ce kondicija dobro doci.
  6. Sta bi ovo? Nisam gledao tekmu, ali vidim dva crvena. Foyth i Son. Ovo nam je 7 poraz u zadnjih 11 utakmica. Igra nam nije za top4, ali ni konkurencija nije nista bolja.
  7. BMW 320i Suzuki Swift Sport Yamaha FZS1000 Fazer
  8. Imao sam 155 1.7 T Spark. Auto je bio 1994 godiste, a ja sam ga imao od 1996 do 1999. Bio je to moj bas onako prvi pravi auto. Moracu da potrazim slike. Imam ih negdje u nekom albumu.
  9. Doorn


    Spojite ovaj u onaj na gastronomiji
  10. Doorn


    Whisk(e)y topik je na gastronomiji. Komora neka odluci koji da ostane ili da se merge.
  11. Ovdje jos jedan glas ide Belgiji 🇧🇪
  12. Doorn


    Juce na autoputu u Srbiji se upoznam sa ovim covjekom. Biciklom ide iz Indije za Njemacku radi svog charity. https://www.freedomseat.org/
  13. Sto se mene tice SW topik posebno isto kao i filmpvi.
  14. Vucemo se ko neke babe po terenu, pojma nemamo sta da radimo i Ajax veli ajmo malo lopte. Nadam se nekom preokretu u drugom poluvremenu. COYS
  15. Moura i Janssen da nas izvuku naprijed. Bitno je da nasa odbrana ne kiksne protiv razigranih Amesterdamskih zidova.
  16. Harry Kane could be back for our Champions League semi final 2nd leg v Ajax as he looks to be making another speedy recovery. Never write our lion off... 💪🔥 COYS 💙
  17. Doorn


    Ova histerija mora da se zaustavi. Takva EU ne treba nikome.
  18. Doorn


    Nastavimo ovdje sa uisge-beatha. Whether it is whisky or whiskey has been the basis of many arguments over many years. The Scots spell it whisky and the Irish spell it whiskey, with an extra 'e'. This difference in the spelling comes from the translations of the word from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic forms. Whiskey with the extra 'e' is also used when referring to American whiskies. This 'e' was taken to the United States by the Irish immigrants in the 1700s and has been used ever since. Scotland, Ireland and America all have a rich heritage in the whisky industry. So what are the differences between the whiskies from these three nations? The distillation process It is here that one of the main differences occurs. generally, Scottish and American whiskies are distilled twice and Irish whiskey is distilled three times (there are exceptions to the rule, in all cases). Distilling three times produces a lighter and smoother spirit. The stills The size and shape of the stills used in the distillation process are different. In Ireland and much of America, pot stills are frequently used. These are short, fat, large stills with a round base that produce softer and more rounded spirits. In Scotland, distilleries use a wide variety of shapes and size of still and this gives wider diversity of characters and flavours. The use of peat In Scotland it is common to use peat to dry the malted barley so that it is ready for milling and mashing. The type of peat used and the length of time the barley is drying in the peat smoke will influence the flavour in the final spirit. This gives Scottish whisky its fullness and traditional smokiness. In Ireland and America, they use wood or other fuels in this process and this makes the spirit less smoky and lighter. Again, there are exceptions. For example, in Ireland Connemara use peat and produce a very smoky range of whiskies. The use of grains The Scots use malted barley in most whisky that is produced, however this is not the case in Ireland. They also use malted barley, but may mix other grains in with it. Traditionally Ireland has had a poorer economy than Scotland and barley is expensive to buy. Therefore, it is cheaper to use other grain to produce whiskey. This grain whiskey lends itself to blending and historically it has been used to make cheap blends. In America, the new settlers were forced to use different raw materials to produce their whiskey due to the different climate and soil conditions. This included mixing different grains together during the mashing process depending on what was available. Over time, these different recipes of grain mixtures have evolved so that now, American whiskey bears very little similarity to Scottish or Irish whiskies. The distilleries The oldest registered distillery in Ireland is Bushmills, which has been in production since 1608. In Scotland, the oldest one opened in 1772 (Littlemill, which has now closed down). Glenturret is the oldest current distillery in operation, opening in 1775. In Scotland there are currently over 80 distilleries in production but in Ireland there are only three. These three are the result of smaller distilleries joining together. The current distillers adher to the traditional recipes and techniques from each of the original distilleries. This gives the resulting whiskies their own individual characteristics. The three distilleries are Bushmills, Midleton (which produce Jameson's, Powers, Paddy, Tullamore Dew and Midleton) and Cooley (Connemara, Kilbeggan, Locke's and Tyrconnell). The first American distilleries were set up in the late 18th century in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Nowadays, only seven of these are still in operation in Kentucky, with none actually in Bourbon County These seven distilleries are Bernheim, Buffalo Trace, Four Roses, Jim Beam, Maker's Mark, Wild Turkey and Woodford Reserve and they produce many different whiskies using a unique, traditional recipe for each. The other major production area in America is in the neighbouring state of Tennessee, although only two distilleries remain in operation − George Dickel and Jack Daniels. Slainthe Mhath i samo umjereno trositi.🥃
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