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Kafana pod obručima


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We starve, look at one another, short of breath
walking proudly in our winter coats,
wearing smells from laboratories,
facing a dying nation of moving paper fantasy.
Listening for the new told lies
with supreme visions of lonely tunes;
Somewhere, inside something there is a rush of
greatness, who knows what stands in front of.
Our lives, I fashion my future on films in space
silence tells me secretly, everything.

Manchester, England, England
across the Atlantic Sea
and I'm a genius, genius
I believe in God
and I believe that God believes in Claude;
That's me, that's me, that's me...

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A, Ana, Ana Nikolic DJ nego sta... Joj!

Ponekad mi se cini, da i dalje iz tocilice curi. (Pricam i dalje o bazi, trte-mrte)...

... Moram da obrisem ovo gore, jer ce ispasti da slinim za selebreti... Nope...

I saw that woman, and i fell in love.. god damn it i dalje curi...


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25 minutes ago, uncletima said:

Ja ga bas volim, a on laze, ili slabo pamti, bazu u Kacarevu i kad su krenuli kuci... Roll down the window i: "Je'l sve OK?":classic_love:


Gledam ovaj video, ladno ista cena karte sad kao i 2009. Tj, sad je manje dosta jer je tad jedan evro bio 95 dinara plus tona inflacije

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