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15 minutes ago, Squabbit said:

E sad ih gledam, nisam.. Taman kad se secem po SM(itrovici) svraticu..

Pffffffffffff odmah do downtown imas koreatown, bukvalno njihovo. Irvine? takodje Alhambra? takodje
meni ok kor bbq, ali nisam lud za njime..

inace jedan slatkis da preporuci, pola brownie pola cookie = brookie


Brookie 😄 ne druzim se sa slatkim ima 3-4god. ali recu zeni, ona ce vjerovatno probati da napravi djeci. Ja sam bio redovan u Kor BBQ, Kitchen Story (isto SM), to mi je bilo u komsiluku, kvalitetno meso, sve svjeze. Inace, meni USA hrana nikako nije sjela, pretjerane porcije, puno soseva, prepeceno, sve slatkasto.. Cheesecake factory je bio dobar, ali porcije nisu normalne. U jednom obroku ispucam kalirojski unos za citav dan pft.. Energetski se ne isplati nikako :)

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Vala bash. Vole da jedu pa to ti je. I vazda nesto poluslatko.. 
za cheese se slazem. Dobri, ali brate porcije su zlo...

Ja slatko ne jedem sem brookija i sladoleda.. I smeta mi hleb ovde.. odvratan je, mada ima dobar za $6.5 
:) 🙂

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The sky in a room


When you are here with me 
This room has no walls anymore 
but trees, infinite trees.

When you are here near me 
this purple ceiling 
doesn’t exist anymore…

I see the sky above us 
who remain here, abandoned 
as if, if there were nothing else, 
nothing else in the world.

A harmonica is playing: 
it seems to me like an organ 
that vibrates for you and for me 
up in the immensity of the sky

A harmonica is playing: 
it seems to me like an organ 
that vibrates for you and for me 
up in the immensity of the sky

For you… and for me 
in the sky


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