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Kosovo, priznati ili ne?


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Иначе никад нико нигде није путовао нити се лепо облачио. Срам га било још поред 3 детета. Одакле му каже времена за спорт ако ради, цццц

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1 minute ago, 1989 said:

Иначе никад нико нигде није путовао нити се лепо облачио. Срам га било још поред 3 детета. Одакле му каже времена за спорт ако ради, цццц


Nego, sta kaže "generalstab", hoćete ili ustati protiv onog ko vam je izdao palog druga ili su vam ipak draži njegovi evri i privilegije, i zaštitu koju vam daje u obavljanju kriminalnih radnji.



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Gervalla: The association is dead
Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gervalla, has said that the Association of Municipalities with a Serb majority is dead.

She said in an interview with Albania’s Top Channel broadcaster that there are already completely different priorities related to the European Union and the United States of America, after Sunday’s attack. According to Gervalla, security is the main priority of discussions with internationals.

“To tell you the truth, after Sunday, every conversation about the Association seems superfluous to me, because after Sunday they have no meaning. The association is dead to us and the internationals. To coordinate the work of the municipalities in the north of Kosovo is another difference. There are four principles: not to violate sovereignty, the Constitution, not to harm, and to be coordinators,” Gervalla said. 

“The association of 2013 is against the constitution of Kosovo and cannot be done. Escobar has very clearly defined that there can be no Association as it could be a second Serbian republic. It was very important for us that the violation of the Constitution is not part of the agreement we accepted in Brussels”, she added.

“It didn’t happen because Serbia was clear that it was not ready and that it lacked full readiness. We distinguish the EU from the USA because the USA has been more pragmatic in understanding the reality of our country and the Balkans. Every effort of ours to bring energy and results to the process, in the end, you see that we are the only party that demands the implementation of the agreement in Brussels. This dialogue does not lead anywhere, it is a dead end”, she said.

“For me, it is very important that after what happened on Sunday, there are completely different priorities in our relationship with internationals: security. There is no more serious offense than open aggression against the one who claims to have you at the table. Serbia is behind the attack and there were weapons for hundreds of troops,” Gervalla said.


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14 minutes ago, Fat Zadd said:


Nego, sta kaže "generalstab", hoćete ili ustati protiv onog ko vam je izdao palog druga ili su vam ipak draži njegovi evri i privilegije, i zaštitu koju vam daje u obavljanju kriminalnih radnji.



На шта је спало ово друштво да човек зна за криминалне радње али неће да их пријави надлежнима. 

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“Today it is clear to everyone that at least the current format of Brussels, where two men come from here and two men go in and out there, has nothing to offer peace in this new situation. I believe this is at least clear”, said [Albanian Prime Minister Edi] Rama. He suggested that the format of the dialogue be elevated to that of a conference where the so-called Franco-German plan, backed by the EU, is put on the table, and both French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Scholz are present.


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Da pokusam ponovo


24 minutes ago, 1989 said:

Иначе никад нико нигде није путовао нити се лепо облачио. Срам га било још поред 3 детета. Одакле му каже времена за спорт ако ради, цццц


21 minutes ago, Fat Zadd said:


Nego, sta kaže "generalstab", hoćete ili ustati protiv onog ko vam je izdao palog druga ili su vam ipak draži njegovi evri i privilegije, i zaštitu koju vam daje u obavljanju kriminalnih radnji.




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At least eight member states of the EU are in favour of the European bloc to introduce punitive measures against Serbia, as they believe that there is sufficient evidence to link Serbian state involvement in the “terrorist attack” by the Serb armed group against Kosovo police Sunday (September 24), according to EU diplomatic sources in Brussels.

Sources who requested anonymity, told dtt-net.com that at the Tuesday (September 26) meeting of representatives of 27 member states in Brussels, chaired by the officials of the EU’s external service (EEAS), diplomats of Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Czech Republic and Poland have said that the EU should consider “measures against Serbia” because of Belgrade authorities involvement in the attack at which 1 Kosovan policeman was killed and another wounded in Zvecan municipality…


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5 minutes ago, Leonard said:

Pusti prazne price kad i ptice na grani znaju da je cela sipka na severu krimogena i pod Vucicevom zastitom.

Добро ајде ако ти тако кажеш. Само не знам зашто се помиње север кад није тема. Причамо о томе да је некоме сумњиво што човек има времена за путовања гардеробу и спорт јер по правилу не би требало да га има због посла. Ево рецимо ја сам сигуран да већина вас са форума радите, неки имате и децу и наравно да никад нисте отишли на путовање нити имате времена да се бавите спортом. Ако грешим ти ме исправи.

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6 minutes ago, Perkos2 said:

na šipkama na severu ne može da stane više od 10-15 ljudi tako da to i nije tako strašan broj kriminalaca  

To im je od miloste... Jer je i onima okolo san da se popnu na istu, ali ne mogu da stignu na red. Jbg, nekada se dostojanstveno kada dodje vreme odlazilo u penziju, a danas se pozicija brani zivotom, verovatno zbog ogromne ljubavi prema Zvezdi.


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19 minutes ago, Leonard said:

To im je od miloste... Jer je i onima okolo san da se popnu na istu, ali ne mogu da stignu na red. Jbg, nekada se dostojanstveno kada dodje vreme odlazilo u penziju, a danas se pozicija brani zivotom, verovatno zbog ogromne ljubavi prema Zvezdi.


kao da je nešto drugačije u drugim profesijama u Srbiji

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Advokat Goran Petronijević kao punomoćnik Milana Radoičića obratiće se medijima danas i tom prilikom će pročitati obraćanje javnosti Radoičića. Konferencija će se održati u 14 sati u pres sali Medija centra.






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Na Tviteru ne može da se živi od njih: 17 botova SNS i Aleksandra Vučića! A ima ih još! (...)

3. David Babić (@DavidDBabic)



Još jedan SNS nalog:




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