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2 hours ago, Radoye said:




Ovde sumiraju ono sto sam ranije procitao da skandal nije seksualne prirode i da je Horner pod pritiskom iz vrhova korporacije da napusti polozaj.

Novi momenti su da bi ovo mogao biti Markov puc da istisne Hornera i preuzme kontrolu nad timom...



Navodno su Horner i Newey ugovorno medjusobno vezani, šta god to značilo. A iz više izvora se saznaje da je Horner kod Austrijanaca završio. Verujem da će u petak da bude kratki kominike za štampu da su obe strane dogovorile razlaz. 


Newey je postojao i bez Hornera, obrnuto ne važi. Da li je ovo šansa za Ferrari da uhvati GOAT konstrutora, pitanje je. Pare nisu problem, toga ima k'o salate...

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Koliko sam video, teorija da je Marko iza svega je potekla od holandskih novinara, navodno bliskih Maksu. Ako nije u pitanju neka igra Marka da istera Hornera, ovo je onda verovatno nešto ozbiljno čim je kompanija odlučila da radi nezavisnu istragu umesto da to sve stiša i reši iza zatvorenih vrata. 
Ako su neki izvršni direktori Red Bula hteli da se reše Hornera, onda su to sve mogli znatno elegantnije i tiše, umesto skandala.
Ako kažu da nije sexualno uznemiravanje, šta je ovaj mogao toliko da uradi da se digne tolika prašina?

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14 hours ago, Radoye said:




Ovde sumiraju ono sto sam ranije procitao da skandal nije seksualne prirode i da je Horner pod pritiskom iz vrhova korporacije da napusti polozaj.

Novi momenti su da bi ovo mogao biti Markov puc da istisne Hornera i preuzme kontrolu nad timom...


Sve što ću reći - Welcome to Ferrari bro(s) :s_d:

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🚨 Peter Windsor: 'Newey retires if Horner is sacked by Red Bull’


In Peter Windsor's latest video, Christian Horner was understandably a significant topic of conversation. However, the former Williams team manager chose not to comment on the rumors surrounding Horner but did offer speculation on the future of Red Bull Racing.


"I think it's an interesting point to discuss and think about what would happen at Red Bull if Christian, and that's a huge if, lost his job and he was fired. I think a lot of European press are saying, well, then the management goes back to Red Bull. I wonder then about the future of the team. I certainly wonder about Adrian Newey and what he would do,"


“He's probably of an age where he would really retire. I think he would see it as finally the end of that era when he had Christian as the buffer and the really easy to get on with guy with. They are on the same wavelength. If Christian [Horner] departs, it'll obviously be bad for Christian. But I think the bigger effect will be what effect it has on Adrian's future."


"I'm not sure they would necessarily get the best from Adrian. He didn't thrive at Williams, where politics played a big role. A similar thing at McLaren with Ron Dennis. Christian [Horner] came along much easier to work with and much softer in so many ways. I think the time has probably been missed for that [move to Ferrari] to happen," 


VIA: [gpblog.com]

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The controversy is taking place against a backdrop of reports of splits and tension within Red Bull, among them claims that motorsport adviser Helmut Marko and Jos Verstappen, the father of Red Bull's three-time world champion Max, have taken against Horner.


Sta je skrivio Horner, dopustio da Ceko dvaput pobedi Maksa?

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Gazzetta Italy also suggests that Ferrari might have secured another major signing. This potentially involves Pierre Waché, Red Bull's technical director and right-hand man to Newey, whom Ferrari had previously pursued last year, albeit unsuccessfully.


Today, Waché would give serious consideration to accepting the offer. John Elkann's initiation of "Operation Hamilton" indicates his strong desire to elevate the team to the pinnacle once again, leveraging the allure of the seven-time world champion to entice engineers to relocate to Maranello.


This could open the door to pursuing Enrico Balbo, the head of Red Bull aerodynamics, another Ferrari target, and subsequently other names. 


VIA: [gazzetta.it]

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E to su vec pravi potezi. Samo ako se bude izguralo.

Ima Italijani da im se nacestitaju mile nove godine sto dovode ljude sa strane a ne Tonijevog malog koji “se razume”.

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Koliko pratim, italijanima (navijačima) je pun q njihovih nesposobnjakovica koji se rotiraju po timu već deceniju i po.

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'ajmo ovako: Američani su head of F1 --> kinta je Bog --> kinta dolazi od publiciteta i interesovanja --> Svima je pun q RB i beskrajnog pobeđivanja k'o onomad kad je drao MGP --> Ferari je najpopularniji tim ever i najlakše se prodaju drangulije sa propetim konjićem --> deder Luise ajd' napravi transfer veka --> al' ne možeš sam sočiniti ragu da valja, hm, ko je pravio te babaroge u RB?--> Kako ćemo navesti Njuia da promeni tim? --> ko jebe Hornera, ionako ga niko ne voli, dobiće nešto od FIA ko "Majki" onomad --> ...


Naravno, ovo je sve šala, ali ono što nije šala je da F1 menadžmentu treba neki tim koji bi se "klao" sa Max-om u RB "zverini". Max je pokazao da je vanserijski vozač, pravi šampion i ja mu zaista želim da mu svaka sledeća titula bude osvojena kako valja i dolikuje jer to zaslužuju i F1 a i on.



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1 hour ago, shonke said:

Koliko pratim, italijanima (navijačima) je pun q njihovih nesposobnjakovica koji se rotiraju po timu već deceniju i po.

Sent from my SM-A525F using Tapatalk

Jeste, dok ne pocnu da pobedjuju i naprave rezultat. E onda ide zalopojka. 

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Evo ima još 😁



🚨Newspaper De Telegraaf makes serious allegations against Christian Horner:


The Dutch newspaper that got the Horner affair rolling follows up - accusing the Red Bull team boss of an attempted cover-up.


In the run-up to the events so far, there were voices that Horner might no longer be the team leader at the presentation.


However, now the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, which initially broke the story on February 5th, has intensified the controversy by releasing new information. 


This latest publication provides a more detailed account of the allegations against Horner and introduces fresh accusations. It marks the first time the newspaper has delved into the allegations with greater specificity.


Among other things, that Horner is said to have tried to cover up the matter. De Telegraaf claims to have first confronted Horner with the allegations on February 2nd to give him the opportunity to respond.


Within 24 hours of this contact, Horner's lawyer's, employee is said to have received an offer of 650,000 British pounds (equivalent to 760,000 euros) to settle the matter amicably. Hush money, presumably.


The story also specifies for the first time what the allegations are specifically about. Among other things, Horner sent the employee inappropriate messages "regularly and over a significant period of time."


The employee (name known to the editors) apparently documented this news and reported it to Red Bull GmbH Compliance in Fuschl at the end of 2023. They commissioned an independent investigative lawyer to carry out an investigation. Which has been public since January 5th through a Red Bull statement on the matter.


Then, according to research by Motorsport-Total.com , Horner was offered an opportunity to get out of the matter without losing face. The plan for this was already in the drawer. Horner would resign as team boss of his own free will, and the official reason could have been health problems.


Incidentally, an account that is disputed by sources close to Horner. There was never such an offer for voluntary resignation.


But Horner, apparently convinced that he was in the right, did not accept this offer. On February 9th, he was questioned by the investigating lawyer, according to media reports, for more than eight hours.


De Telegraaf has obtained access to the dossier's contents. In its latest publication, the newspaper, now detailing the allegations for the first time, asserts this claim. Interestingly, if the allegations in the story prove false, the publisher could face legal repercussions. 


It's hard to fathom that De Telegraaf would publish the story without legal counsel, given its professional standing in the media industry. 


However, according to information from Motorsport-Total.com, Horner has initiated legal proceedings against the publication.


The parties involved have chosen not to provide further statements. Red Bull Racing has refrained from offering an official response to the published story. When contacted by Motorsport-Total.com on Friday afternoon, Jos Verstappen declined to comment on the matter. Helmut Marko, Red Bull's motorsport consultant, has turned off his cell phone. Red Bull's stance is unequivocal: there will be no comment until the investigation is concluded.


VIA: [motorsport-total]




Ford, the prospective future engine partner of RedBull, is awaiting the findings of the investigation into Christian Horner.


Mark Rushbrook, the Global Director of Ford Performance Motorsports, stated:


"As a family company that holds itself to very high standards of behavior and integrity, we expect the same from our partners."


"It appears to us and what we've been told was that Red Bull is taking the situation very seriously. And of course, they are worried about their brand, as well."


VIA: [JennaFryer, FastestPitStop]

Edited by alberto.ascari
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S obzirom da informacije cure u holandske medije ocigledno je da je izvor Ferstapenov kamp. Izgleda da je stvarno u pitanju sukob na relaciji tata Ferstapen i Dr. Marko s jedne strane vs Horner i Njui s druge.

Neka, samo nek' se biju. To je kanda jedina sansa da ne bude Maksovih 24 od 24 ove sezone...

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Tek je sada jasno da je jedan veliki bullshit. Da je bilo kakvo sexualno uznemiravanje u pitanju, Horner, pod jedan, ne bi bio toliko blesav vec bi odmah uzo kintu i otisao, pod dva ne bi uopste bilo nikakve interne istrage, vec bi policija radila vec na slucaju. Sada citam da “female employee” ce ici na sud ako Hornera ne otpuste. S obzirom na to da je citam pravni tim iza njega (navodno jedan od boljih) izgleda da je ipak natezanje neke gluposti u pitanju,  a Horner je dovoljno tvrdoglav da nece da igra njihovu igru. Sto znaci sve su to neke unutar timeske zavrzlame.


A Verstapen stariji je poznat kao veoma problematican lik, mada verovatno nije jos naleteo na nekog istog takvog. Ako Horner uspe da se izbori sa vetrenjacama, bice veselo.

Edited by Dzoni_m
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F1 issues statement on Christian Horner allegations with investigation ongoing


"We hope that the matter will be clarified at the earliest opportunity, after a fair and thorough process and we will not comment further at this time.”


F1 vrši pritisak na Red Bull da se slučaj što pre završi kako se priča ne bi otegla do početka testiranja ili početka sezone i zauzimala sve naslove. 

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