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7 hours ago, Drago said:

Da li je ovo prvi put u istoriji da F1 otvoreno menja pravila da bi udovoljila interesima jednog tima?



5 hours ago, Maharaja said:

LOL, pa decenijama se svašta radilo da se udovolji Ferariju.


Tacno, u Bernijevo i Mozlijevo doba nije bilo retko da se pravila promene u pola sezone ako to tako odgovara "kome treba".  U to vreme je skovana i ona zajebancija da FIA znaci Ferrari International Assistance. Sad bar menjaju godinu dana unapred.


Mada znao je Mozli da utera i Ferariju kad bi ovi suvise poleteli, Bronova titula 2009. je posledica toga. F1 je politika a ne sport. I bas zbog toga sam siguran da ce se naci nacina da se Ferari priblizi vrhu i pored zamrzavanja razvoja motora. Mercedes ce biti zauzdan, Honda / Red Bul i Reno su tu negde blizu, malo se pogura Ferari da uhvati prikljucak i to je to...

Posted (edited)

Akcenat u mom postu je da se OTVORENO povlađuje jednom timu. Do sada su se bar trudili da izmisle neki glup izgovor zašto se menja pravilo. Znam da se pomagalo Ferariju kao npr. 2003. sa promenom pravila za gume u sred sezone ili zabranom mass dampera 2006 u toku sezone. Zato mislim da su sada dotakli dno. Gde je FIA bila da spašava Marusiju, Kejtrem ili Hispaniju koje su doveli sa lažnim obećanjima pa onda pustili niz vodu? 

Ispade da je Red Bul veći od F1.

Edited by Drago
Posted (edited)

Kakav su izgovor dali kad su zabranili upotrebu berilijuma u motorima 1999? Kontrola troskova? A ustvari su podigli troskove s tom zabranom:




Svakom je bilo apsolutno jasno o cemu se tu radilo - OTVORENOM povladjivanju jednom timu za koji mnogi i dandanas misle da je veci od F1 i kome su Maks i Berni upisali u komercijalni ugovor F1 pravo veta na sva pravila i odluke FIA koja mu se ne svidjaju. Da se ne zajebavamo, ne gledamo danas nista sto nije vec dosad vidjeno.

S tim sto Red Bul danas ima dva tima i ako bi oni danas pokupili pinkle i otisli iz F1 mi bismo ostali sa 16 bolida na gridu, zato sto je F1 maksimalno zatvorena za nove timove sistemom fransiza napravljenim tako da je biti 11. tim ravno finansijskom samoubistvu cak i za najvece i najbogatije proizvodjace na svetu. Ja nemam ni najmanje simpatija prema Horneru, Marku i Matesicu, nije slucajno da nijedan od preostalih proizvodjaca motora nece da saradjuje s njima i sami su najkrivlji sto su se nasli u ovakvoj situaciji. Ali trenutno F1 ne moze da dozvoli da izgubi dva tima.

Edited by Radoye
  • Like 1
On 2/13/2021 at 2:42 AM, Radoye said:

Ali trenutno F1 ne moze da dozvoli da izgubi dva tima.


Problem je krenuo kada je timovima dozvoljeno da odlučuju o bilo čemu. 

Prvo su izlobirali da se koriste motori koje niko osim 3 konstruktora (i Honde) ne želi da proizvodi, mada se Ferari tu najviše opirao. Sada su dodatno otežali ulazak novih proizvođača i timova jer svako nov mora da plati onu bolesnu sumu svim postojećim timovima. Ovo zamrzavanje razvoja "pogona budućnosti" je tek sramota i protivreči svemu što su rekli kada su ukinuli atmosferce.


Radije bih gledao više nezavisnih malih timova kao Marusiju, Kejtrem, HRT ili nekada davno Minardi, Džordan i Erouz makar se trkali na začelju nego ovu F1 koja se polako pretvara u pokojni DTM u kome je ostao jedan jedini proizvođač.

3 hours ago, Drago said:

Radije bih gledao više nezavisnih malih timova kao Marusiju, Kejtrem, HRT ili nekada davno Minardi, Džordan i Erouz makar se trkali na začelju nego ovu F1 koja se polako pretvara u pokojni DTM u kome je ostao jedan jedini proizvođač.


Sto kaze Paja Vuisic u Ko to tamo peva, "i tata bi sine!" 😄


Nazalost situacija je takva kakva je i dok se to ne promeni F1 ne moze sebi da dozvoli gubitak dva stabilna dobro finansirana tima. 16 bolida na gridu je premalo, a ako bi se od preostalih timova trazilo po 3 bolida na trci da se nadomesti broj to bi finansijski ruiniralo jos minimum 2-3 tima. I onda bismo zavrsili upravo tamo gde je DTM.

Sve je ovo posledica odluka jos iz Bernijevog vremena, mi vec preko 25 godina nismo videli kompletno popunjen grid (poslednja trka sa popunjenim gridom - VN Monaka 1995). Nista ovo nije od juce.


Mi nismo daleko od tog scenarija jer već imamo 6 Mercedovih, 6 Ferarijevih, 4 Red Bulovih, 2 Reno (Alpina) i 2 Meklarenova automobila. Ako Meklaren ne obezbedi nekako fabrički status u skorijoj budućnosti utopiće se u Mercedesov tabor koji će onda imati 8 automobila. Znači, od zvanično 10 timova mi praktično imamo 5, sa težnjom da to postane 4. 

Videćemo šta će nam doneti nova pravila o motorima i najavljeno ograničenje budžeta.







Planning for the summer

Posted on February 19, 2021 by Joe Saward



It is interesting to note that in the last few days the word has leaked out that construction work will begin on the Monaco street circuit at the start of next week. The work involved is considerable with vast amounts of steel barriers and wreckage fencing, in addition to grandstands, the pit buildings and the race control building. It costs a lot of money to do.


The fact that Monaco has decided to go ahead suggests that the government is willing to risk losing the money if there is a third wave of COVID infections. The construction work normally takes seven weeks, while the Grand Prix itself is not scheduled until May 23, which is three months away, but the work is starting early so that the track can go ahead with a planned historic GP on April 25 and with a Formula E race on May 8. Most of the people required to do the constuction work will come from Monaco, France or Italy. Officially Monaco has had only 1,835 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began, with just 22 deaths, but this is only amongst the 39,000 actual residents. There are around 48,000 people who travel in and out of the Principality every day to work. This number may have reduced with the French lockdowns and remote working, but a few hundred construction workers will not make much difference. Hopefully, this will mean that the race can go ahead, although as Monaco is completely surrounded by France, there is also a risk that new French rules might disrupt the event.


France has also decided that despite the continuing pandemic events will be allowed this summer, although attendance will be capped at 5,000 people and all those spectating must be seated. The rules apply to both indoor and outdoor activities. At the moment France has a curfew between 6pm and 6am and all restaurants, bars, museums, theatres and concert halls are still closed and all gatherings are limited to 1,000 people. The Ministry of Culture says that if the health crisis gets worse again, the cap on crowds and other safety rules might need to be changed. The government says that it has a €30 million fund to compensate events which are forced to cancel or change their plans.


It remains to be seen where this leaves the French GP, which is scheduled for June 27 at Paul Ricard, but if there is a cap of 5,000 spectators the funding is going to need to be looked at again to see if the event can be viable.




Meni je to katastrofa odluka, kao rezervni golman u fudbalu. Tu si, u jak si klubu, putujes na utakmice, a znas da su tvoje sanse da udjes u igru u promilima. Bolje da je otisao u neku drugu seriju nego da sedi u cosku i ceka poziv, ajd kao ove godine zbok korone i dobio sansu, ali te sanse ce biti sve manje i manje, a na ovaj nacin ce se tesko izboriti za stalno mesto u bolidu F1, doduse sumnjam da ce ikada vise dobiti ponudu za neki F1 tim. 

Ako si profi vozac, onda gledaj da to i radis, u suprotnom mozes biti tv komentator


Isto i Pjetro Fitipaldi, imao je ponudu da vozi Indikar ovale uz Grozana ali on odabrao da bude rezerva u Hasu. Mozda se nada da ce Mazepin napraviti neko sranje i dobiti otkaz, sta li...


A to je tek glupa odluka. Hulka vec stizu godine, pa i ne gubi mnogo, ko zna sta mu je u glavi, mozda da radi za neki tim u buducnosti. Ali Pjetro bi trebao pokazivati sta zna na stazi, a ne ispred kamera snimajuci se kako vozi neki ferrari po fioranu jednom u 100 godina

A to je tek glupa odluka. Hulka vec stizu godine, pa i ne gubi mnogo, ko zna sta mu je u glavi, mozda da radi za neki tim u buducnosti. Ali Pjetro bi trebao pokazivati sta zna na stazi, a ne ispred kamera snimajuci se kako vozi neki ferrari po fioranu jednom u 100 godina
Ja nešto mislim da će da odveze više trka nego Rus ove sezone.

Odesláno z mého BBF100-1 pomocí Tapatalk


Fora je što Hulk voli F1, mogao je on ladno u neki GT ili WEC ili FE. Ali čovek voli F1 i očajnički hoće da "bude u dodiru". Njegova odluka, sluša srce i poštujem tu odluku.






The big news today in Formula 1 is not the Ferrari launch, nor the fact that Fernando Alonso will not be at the Alpine team launch, but rather the low-key announcment in the United States about the Q4 and full year results for the Formula 1 group. This was not expected to be very good but they were actually slightly better than expected, with Q4 revenues of $ 485 million, compared to $523 million in 2019. However the bad news was that the full year figures were $1.145 billion in 2020 compared to $2.022 billion in 2019. It was thought that the full year figure might be as low as $1 billion, so $1.1 billion is not as bad as some thought might happen but it is still bad.


Why does it matter? Because the annual revenues of the 10 teams are based on percentages calculated from the annual revenue figure, which means that the prize fund will be 42.75 percent down on last year. That is a big hit for all the teams and the reason why there is an engine freeze, a lower budget cap and frozen chassis this year. In fact, according to the SEC filings on Friday, the team payments dropped from $1.01 billion to $711 million, which means a reduction of only 30 percent, which is rather less than anticipated. It is safe to speculate that some of the team payments made were in the form of loans early in the year, when everything was closed down and teams were in danger of getting into trouble because of their cash-flow, and these payments would have had to be paid back later in the year. The SEC filings include the fact that “team payments in 2020 included one-time fees paid to teams upon signing the 2021 Concorde Agreeement”. So the actual payment figure was higher than it would normally be. The teams knew a hit was coming and took the necessary steps. However, it does mean that some of them have taken on debt, while others have sold equity in order to balance their books.


In the overall scheme of things this is not too bad. It is better to know the numbers than waiting to hear what they are, which means that teams can crunch out their budgets for the year and decide how much to spend on developing the 2021 cars and what to spend on 2022. It remains to be seen what the figures will be like in 2021 – that depends on the number of races – but it is clear that no-one wants the same sort of thing again in the future.




I zvanicno, VN Portugala ce biti treca trka sezone, na programu 2. maja na Portimau a vozice se bez prisustva publike kao i VN Azerbejdzana na programu 6. juna.

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